标题 | 哈尔滨景点导游词作文2023 |
范文 | 哈尔滨景点导游词作文2023(通用6篇) 哈尔滨景点导游词作文2023 篇1各位朋友: 大家好!有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。我很高兴迎接各位来自天南海北的朋友,热烈大家来哈观光旅游。我是你们的导游员,我叫x,希望我的导游能为您提供优质的服务。从机场到各位下榻的酒店有30分钟左右的车程,借此机会我向大家简要的介绍一下哈尔滨的基本情况。 哈尔滨坐落于中国东北部,美丽的松花江穿城而过,带来了无尽的秀美和丰饶,哈尔滨地处东北亚中心位置,被誉为欧亚大陆桥的明珠,是欧亚大陆桥和空中走廊的重要枢纽。哈尔滨气属于中温带大陆性季风性气候,冬长夏短,有“冰城”和“丁香城”之称。 哈尔滨是黑龙江省省会,20__年国务院品准哈尔滨市对部分行政区域划分进行调整,形成了8区10县的新格局,调整后哈尔滨的总面积啊为5.3万平方千米,是全国省辖市中面积最大的'城市,是全省政治、经济、文化、科技和交通中心。 哈尔滨市历史悠久,这里是金、清两代王朝的的发祥地,公元1115年,完颜阿古打建立金朝,国号大金,定都会宁。公元1616年,努尔哈赤称汉,建立“后金”政权。1636年改国号为清,族名为满族,1644年入关。此后,哈尔滨地区属清王朝阿勒楚喀(阿城)副都统管辖,恢复了古地名,汉语俗称“哈拉滨”,后称“哈尔滨”。19世纪末中东铁路的修建和全线通车,哈尔滨开埠通商。迅速发展为近代城市。20世纪初,当时市政由沙俄控管。1931年“9.18”事变之后哈尔滨沦为日本帝国主义统治。1946年4月28日哈尔滨解放,是全国解放最早的城市,曾经是共和国首都的候选城市之一。 哈尔滨旅游事业日益兴旺,春天有“国际经贸洽谈会”,夏天有“哈尔滨之夏音乐会”,秋天有“天鹅艺术节”,冬天有“冰雪节”和“冰灯游园会”一年四季,不论什么时候来哈尔滨观光旅游都会使你快乐和满意。 哈尔滨是国家级历史文化名城,城市风格独特,是多元文化城,有建筑博物馆之称,不在这里不仅可领略中国传统的古典建筑,更可饱览异域风情建筑。哈尔滨的异域风情建筑之多,艺术风格多,整体之和谐,实属罕见。他是哈尔滨历史文化的沉积,也是人类文明的宝贵遗产。 俗话说:要游好,先吃饱。下面我就为大家简要的介绍下哈尔滨的饮食特色。先说哈尔滨的三大盖:“大面包像锅盖,喝啤酒像灌溉,欧式红肠才叫盖!”分别指种1.5千克的俄式面包,个大味美;喝啤酒时,极为豪爽,不论男女都能喝几瓶;最后一盖是指肉联厂的俄式风味红肠人人爱吃。第二个特点是哈尔滨人都爱吃饺子,人们常说:站着不如倒着,好吃不如饺子,“送行饺子接风面,走遍天下事好办”。第三个特点就是越冷越吃凉。冰点、冰棍冰糖葫芦都是哈尔滨人不畏严寒的写照。 好了,不知不觉中各位下榻的酒店就在眼前了,请大家带好自己的物品,随我下车进酒店休息。 哈尔滨景点导游词作文2023 篇2现在我为大家介绍一下位于太阳岛风景区的哈尔滨极地馆。哈尔滨极地馆是由大连圣亚旅游集团投资两亿元兴建而成。它是世界个风、雷、雨、电交织的极地馆,拥有世界座穿越两极的海底列车,是世界座实现室内环球旅行的极地馆。在这里,我们不仅可以近距离观赏北极熊和南极企鹅,有机会与极地白鲸亲密接触,更可以在的极地白鲸全视角展示窗中看到两只白鲸宝宝的优美舞姿,在这里还可以观看到世界首例全景立体的精彩绝伦的海狮表演。还等什么,快同我一起加入这个神秘乐园,亲历一次神奇、欢乐、梦幻般的环球旅程吧! [欢迎词] 迎着清晨这一屡灿烂的阳光,沐浴着这清凉的春风,我们今天的海洋之旅就要在这明媚的春光中拉开序幕。大家好,欢迎您加入我们的极地之旅。我是您此行的导游,我叫__,大家叫我__就可以了,中国有句俗话说的好:有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相识。今天我们有缘相聚在哈尔滨极地馆,这真是一种奇妙而美好的缘分,那么就让我们将这美好的缘分进行到底,在本次的旅行中,如果您有什么问题可以尽量向我提出,我会尽我所知为您解答,因为您的满意是我们永恒的追求,您的快乐是我们的快乐。 [总体介绍] 想必您一进来就已经感觉到极地馆的欢乐气息了吧,在这里您一定会大开眼界的,不过您不要着急,我们要慢慢地享受海洋带来的乐趣,首先我向您介绍一下哈尔滨极地馆概况:极地馆景区共一万多平方米,总投资2亿元人民币,集极地景观、极地动物展示、体验于一体的世界的专业极地馆。共有大兴安岭、渔人码头、“太阳岛号”游船、鲸鱼弯、南极企鹅岛、北极动物家园、北极村、海底车站、海底列车、冰海巨鲨、海狮王国等观光区域和精彩互动项目组成,其中贝壳型仿生建筑和全视角白鲸展示窗的规模为国内之。下面我就在欢乐的节拍中开始我们的极地之旅吧! 1.大兴安岭 大兴安岭展区,是运用高科技的声、光、电展示技术与技巧,为游人逼真刻画的一幅大兴安岭的原始风貌图。旋转的采风车,红透的旧壁炉,欢快的老水车,还有猎人小屋里悬挂的鹿头、猎枪、弓和弩,森林猎人的本色生活就这样一一呈现在游人面前。 2.渔人码头 它是仿造美国旧金山渔人码头的原貌精心建造的。展现在游人面前的是一幅椰树、蓝天、海岸、沙滩交相呼应的浪漫景色。在这里同样也生活着数十种、近百尾珍稀鱼类. 3.“太阳岛号”游船 “太阳岛号”木质游船是按照古帆船的真实比例精细打造的.它是目前国内主题乐园中构思为奇特,装饰为精美的室内游船景区。 4.鲸鱼湾 鲸鱼湾是南极鲸鱼洄游的必经地和聚集地。1911年,挪威探险家阿蒙森就是由此登陆,成为世界上个征服南极的人。 5.南极企鹅岛 现在我们要参观的就是来自于南极企鹅了,他们是世界批群体登陆中国的南极企鹅家族。南极企鹅岛里面放养了17只企鹅,其中白眉企鹅15只,王企鹅2只。这支南极“企鹅军团”途经新西兰—日本—大连,后到达哈尔滨的。其中一只雌性王企鹅还不到1岁的,是中国只人工繁育成功的南极王企鹅宝宝。好了各位游客到这里极地馆的参观就告一段落了,大家也许还感到意犹未尽,下面的时间里大家可以拿起手中的相机和我们这些海洋明星们合影留念了,请大家抓紧时间。 6.北极动物家园 下一站就是北极动物家园,两只身材庞大的北极熊。这两个“大家伙”来自俄罗斯,雄性,年龄都在3岁左右,每只体重都400公斤左右。自从他们来到哈尔滨极地馆后,胃口特别好,每顿能吃12公斤的食物,鱼类当然少不了,还有牛肉、西红柿、胡萝卜、西瓜等。北极熊是北极的代表。考试大收集整理 看完了北极熊,我们再来看一下可爱的海豹吧。这里有三只海豹,看可爱吧,斑海豹体粗圆呈纺锤形,体重20~30千克。斑海豹食物以鱼类为主,也食甲壳类及头足类。主要产于渤海、黄海,东海也有发现,个别远达南海。属于国家一级保护动物。如果您有兴趣可以给它拍张照,还可以在专设区域喂食斑海豹。 哈尔滨景点导游词作文2023 篇3(防洪纪念塔的'历史信息) Here we are at the Flood Control Monument. This monument was built with aEuropean style in conformity with the architecture along the Central Street. Itwas erected in 1958 in memory of the people of Harbin fighting the flood in1957. The monument is 22.5 meters in height. Its foundation was made of rock,implying the river dike is as strong as rock. The sculpture in the middle andthe top shows that the people of all walks of life building the dyke. At thefoot of the monument, there are two fountain ponds. One represents the waterlevel of 119.72 meters in 1932, the other represent the water level of 120.30meters in 1957. In 1932, when the city was invaded by the Japanese, theauthorities did little to build the bank. In contrast, in 1957, Harbin peopleworked along the bank day and night for over a month to strength the bank. Inthe end, the flood gave its way and the city was safe and sound. So, thefountains imply that the people of Harbin have tamed the flood to benefit thepeople. At the back, 20 columns forming a semi-circle embody Harbin people inthe 20th century creating miracles. The Monument Square is also a place for holding political, cultural andsports activities because it is a symbol of Harbin. It manifests that theheroic, hardworking and intelligent Harbin people will strive forward for a moreprosperous future. The Flood Control Monument is a symbol of Harbin. It manifests that theheroic, hardworking and intelligent Harbin people will strive forward for a moreprosperous future. (介绍斯大林公园) The river divides the city into the north and the south part and formed tworiverside parks on each side. On the south portion of the river, Ninth-stationPark, Stalin Park and Daowai Park, all connected to the other, formed thelongest park along a river in China. On the north side of the river is the SunIsland. The Flood Control Monument is just in the middle of the Stalin Park. Stalin Park wasoriginally called the Riverside Park, and was constructed in 1953. It measures1750 meters from the Songhua Railway Bridge to Jiuzhan Park. (江畔公园与铁路江上俱乐部) As we walk along the bank, we can meet some attractive architecture likeThe Riverside Restaurant followed the classical Russian style with a woodenstructure. It has been used as an outdoor scene for many movies. Anotherbeautiful building is the Railway Workers′Club. It was first constructed in 1912with the name “Yacht Club”. As its main building has the shape of a boat and itis located on the dyke close to the water, it looks like a ship about to set offon its maiden voyage. (江心岛) Dear friends, you can see a big island with sand beaches in the middle ofthe river. In summer, people can have picnic there. In winter, there are a lotof sports activities enjoyed by Harbin people such as ice sailing, whippingtops. You can also see the Winter Swimming there! (结束语) While taking a river cruise, you will surely be attracted by the beautifulflowers, and swaying willow trees. The banks of Songhua River and the islandfound in the middle are ideal natural tourist attractions and sun bathing areas.I hope that the Stalin Park will leave you a deep impression and you will allvisit it again. 哈尔滨景点导游词作文2023 篇4Harbin is the capital and largest city of Heilongjiang Province inNortheast China, as well as the tenth most populated city in the People'sRepublic of China. According to the 20__ China census data, the city's urbanarea has 5,878,939 inhabitants, while the total population of the sub-provincialcity is up to 10,635,971. Harbin serves as a key political, economic,scientific, cultural and communications hub in Northeast China. Harbin, which is originally a Manchu word meaning "a place for dryingfishing nets", grew from a small rural settlement on theSonghua River to becomeone of the largest cities in Northeast China. Founded by Russia in 1898 with thecoming of the Trans-Manchurian Railway, today known as the Chinese EasternRailway, the city first prospered as a region inhabited by an overwhelmingmajority of the Jewish immigrants. It is known for its bitterly cold winters andis often called the "Ice City." Harbin is notable for its beautiful icesculptures in winter and its Russian legacy, and it still plays an importantpart in Sino-Russian trade today. In the 1920s, the city was considered China'sfashion capital since new designs from Paris and Moscow reached there firstbefore arriving in Shanghai. In 20__, Harbin was declared a UNESCO "City ofMusic". 哈尔滨景点导游词作文2023 篇5Harbin is the capital of Heilongjiang Province, with a population of 5.3million and covering an area of 18,000 square kilometers. Located in easternSongnen plain, it\'s a rolling land with low hills, and shallow valleys andcrossed by the Songhua River. It has a semi-humid temperate climate with anannual average temperature of 3.5 degree Celsius, rainfall of 530 millimetersand a frost-free period of 140 days. Its mineral resources are coal, quartzite,marble, copper, lead and zinc etc. Harbin is one of China\'s key industrialbases, with machine building industry as its main stay. Foodstuff, petroleum,chemicals and textiles are its important prop-ups. The output value of itspharmaceutical industry ranks first in China. The main agricultural products arewheat, soybean, beet, flax, tobacco, poultry, etc. It\'s among China\'s majorbeet growing areas. Harbin is the commercial center of Heilongjiang Province aswell as the communication hub in the northern part of North-East China, with awell-developed railway and highway network. It has regular air links with over30 cities at home and abroad. The Songhua River is an important waterway forshipping. 哈尔滨景点导游词作文2023 篇6Harbin is a sub-provincial city and the capital of Heilongjiang Province inNortheast China. It lies on the southern bank of the Songhua River. (Harbin isoriginally a Manchu word meaning 'a place for drying fishing nets.') Harbin today is still very much influenced by its Russian past.(A city onceunder Russian rule, it is now a center of trade with that country.) Called theOriental St. Petersburg, Harbin is one of China's most beautiful cities. Thecity is well-known for its unique, Russian and European-influencedarchitecture. Zhong Yang Street (also known as Kitaiskaia St.), (one of the main businessstreets in Harbin,) is a perfect remnant of the bustling international businessactivities at the turn of the 20th century. The 1.4-km long street is averitable museum of European architectural styles, including Baroque andByzantine fa?ades, Jewish architectural wonders, little Russian bakeries, Frenchfashion houses, American snack food outlets, and Japanese restaurants. TheRussian Orthodox church: St. Sophia Cathedral is also located in this centraldistrict of Daoli. (St. Sophia took nine years to build and was completed in1932.) It has now been made into a museum as a showcase of the multi-culturalarchitecture of Harbin. Harbin is also known as 'Ice City' for its long and cold winter. The annual Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival has beenheld since 1985. It starts from January 5th and lasts one month. (There are icelantern park touring activities held in many parks in the city. Winteractivities in the festival include Yabuli Alpine Skiing, winter-swimming inSonghua River, and the ice-lantern exhibition in Zhaolin Garden. Snow carvingand ice and snow recreations are world famous.) |
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