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标题 沈阳的英语导游词范文


沈阳的英语导游词范文 篇1

  Dear friends,

  A friend coming from afar afar, Welcome to the Fuling visited。 Fuling is Nuerhachi Yehenalas and the Queens bedroom mound because the Yangcheng in the eastern outskirts of Shenyang, it is also called Dongling, with the new object appears。 Shenyang Zhao Ling, were jointly called the early Qing Dynasty Tomb outside the customs 3。

  Fuling, built in Tianzhu Mountain, the Tianzhu Mountain is adjacent to the Changbai Mountain, formerly head Shizuitang Hill, Dongmou Hill, Fuling history of the construction of roughly into three stages : during the days of clever grassroots, discovering this period, the repairs Kangxi period conversion。

  Dear friends, now show us, is situated in the green mountains, There the majestic ancient architecture group is Fuling。 Fuling covers 194,800 square meters, a national nature reserve, the entire cemetery from low to high mountain cleverlybuilt—City, Ideas Jus built on hills subversion。

  Fuling according to the natural pattern can be divided into three parts, namely Three People in Her Life outside,Shinto, Fangcheng Po District 3, from the north of the monument is the first part of 1800—1834。 Fuling halt the erection of a six, four of the mound, two in the east, near Modernization, Hung on both sides are in front of the abandoned—lasting with the Han, Mongolian three reads officials who then abandoned。Abandoned after the monument before the mausoleum both sides of the square stands a pair of stone lions, the ChineseTable 1 right, a stone arched。 Stone House is also called the abandoned arched color of Victor Modeled Wood Stone built, the third floor of 4, Wang Square on the hipErlonghuzhu and other decorations。Is the center engraved with the text and pictorial various Ruixiang, North Korea Foreign language, Han Meng with three words the words between people now halted。 If breach of the law will Treatment of the whole Church,with its simple,elegant and exquisite。

  From 1800—1834 to Beilou is for the second part of the mausoleum, which is Shinto, the mausoleum is the tomb of the main entrance, Distinguished both sides are colorful sleeve wall, surrounded rectangular red packets center of the whole mausoleum wall circles as one。 Sanying is noteworthy for the single—mast curled imitative wood frame structure, paved with glazed tiles on the roof, ridge,re—ridge, kiss,heavy hint of golden good。Three arches, painted oil pendants, played up on Kinmen nails and Face, the first shop, three arches, a center called the Door of the Gods is the section for the so—called gods access to the gateway, do not come here on weekdays only in the big festival for lifting wish version, silk and other system officials access offerings, others are not permitted to operate on。 East : Monarch door access to the emperor Jiling, West Robinson Gate is the worship minister go door before。 Royal is a reunion with God doors of the 300—meter—long chosen until the Stone Arch Bridge。 Shinto and the same God doors very strict use, in addition to carrying offerings officials passable, others are strictly prohibited firms go offenders punishable by law。 Shinto right settings, and the Qing Dynasty tomb with a special, Lang Shinto gate between the imperial favor with the construction of a building must be cut off so that his name look up to a constant, Great Qing Dynasty implies a line everything。 To this end。 Some money on the mound in Shinto repair Longfengshan door, Zhao Ling Shenyang Sandelin monument built immortals, Fuling not only built immortals Sandelin milestone, but according to geographic conditions have also revised 108 check。 play a double role will be lost, This is different from other Fuling—ling it.

  Shinto into both sides of axial symmetry, Arrange with a stone—look four pairs of stone and poetry。 Stone Pillar column Hou one of the sitting, according to legend, Hou is the dragons nine sons, because of Good Hope, it allowed Shou—ling。 Stone poetry were lions, tigers, horses and camels。 It is said that Shima was Nurhachu imitation is the limousine excellent health —— a typical Mongolian Horse carvings。Shinto is to end with two god Bridge connecting the mountain ingeniously built Fuling days tread commonly known as the 108—tread, For Fuling excellent, Dole God sent the stairs to board。 Fuling days of the Ming REMAINED tread uniquearchitectural styles, so why should repair the stairs 108? With a view of the constellation, according to legend, the sky Tiangangxing 36, 72 to expelling sha。Star, The Water Margin revolt 108 hopefuls will theseconstellation is descending 108 check to symbolize FMA will Tian—gang hit in the foot to ensure Fuling peaceful。Also demonstrate the supremacy of the imperial power。

沈阳的英语导游词范文 篇2

  Shenyang is the capital of liaoning province in China, northeast China'seconomic, cultural, transportation and trade center. City nine districts, threecounties: peace, shen and, cable, huanggu, vega 5 boroughs; Dongling, yu hong,Su Gutun, XinChengZi four suburbs; Xinmin, a county-level city and LiaoZhong,dunes, library 3 counties. The city's total area of about 1.3 square kilometers,including urban area of 3495 square kilometers. Shenyang multi-ethnicsettlements, in addition to the han nationality, and full, Korean, hui, xibe,Mongolian and so on more than 30 minority living here. The city's totalpopulation of 6.8 million people, including 4.791 million people in the city.Shenyang area is given priority to with plains, mountains, hills in thesoutheast, liao, hun river and xiushui river flows through the territory. Hereis temperate sub-humid continental climate, affected by the monsoon, rainfallconcentration, the temperature difference is bigger, the four seasons. A famoushistorical and cultural city of shenyang. Because is located in the ancient shenwater (hun river tributaries) north of the name. Early culture gave birth to thefield in shenyang area of liaohe basin, is one of the cradles of the Chinesenation.

  According to textual research of nahuy sites, as early as 7200 years agothe neolithic age, there are humans thrive here. Ducal during the warring statesperiod, here belong to the liaodong county territory, from 229 BC to set up thehou city, shenyang city history nearly 2300; The western han dynasty years, setup high in the show, liaoyang county, equality; Liao era Shen Zhou Settings; Theyuan dynasty to shenyang road; The Ming dynasty set up in shenyang. Shenyang,known as "once birthplace, two generations of emperors," said. Established in1625, the qing MAO nuerhachi latter move capital, renamed shengjing. In 1636,huang taiji in the change of name as "qing", establish the qing dynasty. In1644, the qing shanhaiguan east Beijing, is capital in shengjing. The palace islocated at the beginning of the qing dynasty, shenyang imperial palace, isChina's one of only two complete palace buildings. Set the Mukden mansion in1657. After the victory of the anti-japanese according to shenyang. On November2, 1948, shenyang liberation. After the founding of new China, as a heavyindustry base in shenyang, to form a relatively complete system of nationalindustry in our country, to enhance the economic strength, national defensestrength made great historic contribution.

  Here has created the new China's first 200000 kv transformer, the first2500 tons of tower crane, took off the first jet fighters, successfullydeveloped the first step in the underwater robot... . Such countless brilliantachievement, in the development history of the republic. In recent years,shenyang, deepen reform, expand open, the more remarkable achievements. Atpresent, shenyang sustainable, rapid and healthy economic development, urbancomprehensive strength enhanced obviously. Agricultural implements from shortageto self-sufficiency, two historic leaps to the well-off; The high-techindustrial output value of industry has accounted for 20% of the total cost ofthe industry in the city, second only to shenzhen, are among the best in thecountry; The third industry has formed a commodity flow, technology flow, cashflow, information flow and flow of the "five flows" surges, macro industrialstructure is realized by the "231" to "321" historic transformation.

  Breakthrough infrastructure construction, urban landscape changedramatically, people's living standards improve. Shenyang day now create wealthvalue is equal to the value of wealth created in the first years of the foundingof the sum, and create 1978 national wealth value now just half a month. Theworld bank selected 41 of the world's most competitive cities, shenyang andBeijing, Shanghai become among Chinese cities together. Since the reform andopening, and the third industry in shenyang overall scale, rapid growth, thetotal industry growing, inner structure has changed dramatically. Informationservice industry, tourism, real estate industry, science and technology serviceindustry emerging tertiary industry to flourish, such as economic benefits,social benefits continue to improve. The added value of the tertiary industryhas become a accounts for half of the gross domestic product (GDP), the taxrevenue of the whole city, the number of employees accounted for the whole cityworker half in half, with good economic benefit and social benefit are allleading industry. Tourism is becoming a emerging industry in shenyang.

  Shenyang has the natural and cultural landscape and social touristresources of more than 200 items. Nahuy site, "a palace two ling", xibe familytemple, four tower temple at the beginning of the qing dynasty, zhang ShuaiFusites located in the city; Huishan mountain scenic area, the green forest park,GuaiPo, meteorite, natural landscapes, such as the small west lake around town.The xinkai and south canal from afar to form the unique round-the-city water. Inaddition, shenyang is giving full play to the advantages of the central city,cases have good traffic conditions and the surrounding environment, constructedby shenyang as the center, radiation, including fushun, liaoning province,anshan, benxi, dandong, jinzhou, huludao city, the tourist resources of network.In 1998, successfully held in shenyang shenyang international folk customstourism festival 98, and entered the first batch of "China excellent tourismcity", in 20__, successfully held the world tourism day 9.27 main activities,173000 received overseas tourists, tourist foreign exchange income of $100.14million. Shenyang, once had a bright and long historical and cultural city, alsohad the Chinese industrial town of glory and pride. Today, the banner of reformand opening up for forward shenyang added more gorgeous color, the fineforeground of the modern metropolis encourage 680 people Wan Shenyang strenuousenterprising, towards the world, create future!

沈阳的英语导游词范文 篇3

  Shenyang, billed as the "Oriental ruhr"; Liaoning province provincialcapital, [1] the center of the biggest cities in the northeast area, the area isthe third largest city in China, one of the seven big regional central city inChina, one of the top ten cities in China, one of the 15 [2] a deputy provincialcities in China, is the most important equipment manufacturing base in China.Shenyang with political, military, financial and diplomatic institutions, hasshenyang military region, the people's bank of China shenyang branch, civilaviation administration of the northeast, the northeast electric supervisorwill, shenyang railway administration, the northeast power grid co., LTD., thenational audit office, a resident office in shenyang, resident foreign medianews agencies in shenyang, shenyang bureau of land and resources, postal areacenter office in shenyang, shenyang land search and rescue center, Chineseacademy of sciences, shenyang branch institutions directly under the centralgovernment, and the United States, Russia, Korea, Japan, South Korea, the Frenchconsulate general in shenyang, the six countries and the UK visa center.

  Central liaoning province, shenyang is located in the south of northeastChina, is given priority to with plains, mountains, hills in the southeast,liao, hun river and xiushui river passing through. Belong to the temperate zonemonsoon climate, annual average temperature of 6.2 9.7 ℃, a complete recordsince 1951, shenyang extreme maximum temperature 38.3 ℃, July 18, 1952), extrememinimum temperature of 32.9 ℃ (January 15, 20__); Shenyang also observed before39.3 ℃ high temperature (1920), and 33.1 ℃ low temperature (1950). Annualrainfall of 600-800 mm, from 1951 to 20__, the city an average annual rainfall716.2 mm, frost-free period 155-180 days all the year round. Affected by themonsoon, rainfall concentrated in the summer, the temperature difference isbigger, the four seasons. Determination for a long time, nearly six months, lesssnow, for the biggest snowfall on March 4, 20__, 47.0 mm of blizzard; Summertime is shorter, more rain, August 21, 1973, has been under heavy storm of 215.5mm. The spring and autumn period and the two season temperature changes rapidly,short duration: spring windy, sunny autumn.

沈阳的英语导游词范文 篇4

  Shenyang is located in the east of the songliao plain, the central part ofliaoning province, liaohe tributary - hun river out of the mountain pass north,important geographical environment, the capital of liaoning province in thehome, also is the province's political, economic, cultural and transportationcenter, the famous heavy industry city in China. Shenyang has 20__ years ofhistory, is China's famous historical and cultural city, is the capital city ofliaoning province. Is located in the hun river (called shen water) in the north,the ancient Chinese used to call the water to the north of shenyang, shenyang'sname. Within the territory of a total population of 6.71 million people.Multi-ethnic residential areas, in addition to the han, manchu, Korean, hui,xibe, Mongolian and other 32 ethnic minorities. Shenyang area consists of nine,1 county, three county.

  Shenyang is given priority to with plain, flat.

  Such a city with a long history of civilization, shenyang's history can betraced back to the warring states period (about 2 to 3 O0 years ago) of yan; Itis also the birthplace of the qing empire. Create late qing MAO (nuerhachi),once its capital in this, and then move to Beijing. In spite of this, shenyanghas been called "Mukden", and more than all previous dynasties emperors used toshelter and play. For this reason, shenyang also left many buildings andcultural relics related to the qing dynasty, which is known as the shenyangimperial palace is the most.

  Shenyang colorful tourist attraction, in the places of interest. Such as,shenyang imperial palace, the royal mausoleum (fu ling, zhaoling), hui mountainscenic area, liaoning radio and television tower, GuaiPo, "9 · September 18th"(" 9 · September 18th "incident museums, zhang ShuaiFu), pages commercialpedestrian street, hun river park, the Summer Palace, xinmin, nahuy site,shenyang botanical garden, the canal west lake scenic area (ring canal watersystem), the dunes is judged to be in shenyang, shenyang wolong lake meteorite15 major tourist attraction.

  Shenyang is the early stage of the founding of the national keyconstruction of one of the is given priority to with the equipment manufacturingindustry of the national heavy industry base. After decades of development,shenyang has reached 142 industrial categories, now 3033 industrial enterprisesabove designated size, gross area more than 2240 one hundred million yuan. Inrecent years, shenyang municipal party committee, municipal government to therevitalization of the old industrial base of shenyang as the main line, adhereto the reform and opening up and the industrialization city plan, theacceleration of strategic adjustment of state-owned economy, foreign and privateeconomy growing rapidly; Urban development and industrial layout optimization ofexpanding the space; Automobile and parts and equipment manufacturing,electronic information and chemical medicine industry begun to take shape, hasbecome an important support of the city's rapid economic development; Scienceand technology ability and the enterprise research and development ability, theformation of a batch of competitive products and enterprises; Speeding up urbaninfrastructure construction, soft environment construction has been furtherimproved. The rapid development of economy and society in shenyang, the rapidlyincreasing living standards, the shenyang entered a new period of fastdevelopment of economy and society. In the meantime, shenyang successively wonthe "national environmental protection model city", "national forest city"title, for two consecutive years to enter the national top ten city, and ranksamong the top ten most competitive domestic cities.

  In the rapid development of economic globalization today, facing the fullimplementation of the revitalization of northeast old industrial base ofimportant strategic opportunities, shenyang municipal government, the shenyangconstruction project in 20__ to the national equipment manufacturing, trade andlogistics and financial center in northeast China, become an important growthpole of liaoning province and even the comprehensive revitalization of northeastChina. Shenyang with its excellent geographical location, solid industrialfoundation and technological strength, perfect market system and developedtraffic network will become one of the most attractive investment area inChina.

沈阳的英语导游词范文 篇5

  hello, everyone! please allow me to express a warm welcome on behalf ofshenyang citizens. i'm with great pleasure to be your tourist guide and from nowon i will show you around shenyang imperial palace, where the founder of qingdynasty nuerhachi and his son huangtaiji lived.

  shenyang imperial palace, fuling tomb and zhaoling tomb made in the earlyperiod of qing dynasty are the three famous historical sites in shenyang.shenyang imperial palace with a history of over 360 years started in 1625 andwas roughly accomplished in 1636 during the reign of nuerhachi and huangtaiji.after them four emperors of qing dynasty had come back from beijing to thispalace for 10 times and enlarged its area and added its buildings. they wereemperor kangxi, qianlong, jiaqing and daoguang. therefore, until 1783 the palacewas finally finished. shenyang imperial palace is one of the two royal palaceswell kept in china. the other one is forbidden city in beijing. shenyangimperial palace was entitled "historic culture relics preserved buildings" in1961 by the state council. this palace is an emperor museum combining thearchitectural styles of the minorities of man, han and mongolia. this palacecovers an area of 60,000 square meters, comprising over 20 courtyards, 300houses and 70 buildings. the whole construction is divided into three sections:the east, middle and west.

  first let's pay a visit to the buildings in the buildings in the middlesection. the layout of middle section is similar to a chinese compound withthree courtyards. the first courtyard is the office area. it starts from thegrand qing gate on the south and ends at holy administration hall. from phoenixtower to purity and tranquility hall is the residential area. they all lay outon the same line. the main entrance to the palace is the grand qing gate, alsocalled meridian gate because the emperor considered himself as the son of heavenand the palace should be the center of universe .the grand qing gate was builtin 1632 and is was the place where the civilian officials and military ministersto present themselves before the emperor daily .the special feature of the gateis the tile color. they are all yellow tiles but engraved with green borders.yellow symbolizes the ground and the royal right while green represents sea andmountains. the combination of them means controlling the vast areas on theearth. the building to the east of grand qing gate is called ancestor temple(taimiao) with yellow tile roof, where nuerhachi's descendants offeredsacrifices to their ancestors for blessings. so ancestor temple is the mostimportant. please follow me into the gate. this path in the middle links thegate to holy administration hall with flying dragon pavilion (feilongge) andflying phoenix pavilion (xiangfengge) on each side. the hall of holyadministration is the main building in the middle part of the palace and it wasthe center of the military, administrative affairs in early qing dynasty and hadwitnessed many national ceremonies. flying dragon and flying phoenix pavilionswere for storing music instruments. holy administration hall was emperorhuangtaiji's office. in front of the hall are rigui and jiangliang, which wereused as measure instruments and supposed to be the symbol of unity. in accidentconstruction, office area is usually in the front part and residential area isin the rear.

  since we have visited the place where the emperors worked and now we'll paya visit to the place where empress

  and concubines lived. here is the phoenix tower. it served as an entranceto the rear chambers and also the entertainment area of huangtaiji and hisconcubines, and some gatherings or banquets were held occasionally. the towerwas built on a terrace 3.8 meters tall. it was the tallest building in shenyangat that time .it is amazing watching sunrise in the morning on the tower andphoenix sunrise is one of the famous eight fascinating scenes in shenyang. lookupward, we will see a board hanging up on phoenix tower ,on which emperorqianlong inscribed "ziqidonglai", which meant the qing dynasty in beijingimmigrated from shengjing, the old name for shenyang to the east .there are24staircases leading to phoenix tower representing 24 seasonal divisions pointsin chinese lunar calendar.

  in shenyang imperial palace chambers are higher than halls, which iscontrary to the architectural style in forbidden city in beijing. walkingthrough the tower are the rear chambers. the one on the north in the middle wascalled purity and tranquility hall, which was prepared for emperor and empress.the other four lying on both sides were for concubines .purity and tranquilityhall has five rooms and the first from the east was where huangraiji passed awayhere at the age of 52 without any disease. his throne passed to his ninth son,fulin. in early qing dynasty, the construction style was summed up like this:bag-like house, zigzag bed and chimney sitting on the ground. the main buildingshere were different from other buildings with a door was opened in the wall ofthe east room and the other rooms were connected together like a bag. the zigzagbeds, made of mud and brick and with fire and smoke tunnels were called "kang"in chinese. in order to get heat and keep room warm in winter, tunnels was madeunder the ground of purity and tranquility hall to put fire and smoke notice the pole standing on the ground for smoke through.

  now notice the pole standing right in the middle of the courtyard. this redpole is called suolun pole, or holy pole. its round tin container near the topwas filled with food for feeding crows. it was said that nuerhachi was saved bycrows. crows are considered sacred in manchurian culture though in chineseculture crows are regarded as birds bringing bad luck. emperor huangtaiji hadfour concubines. among the four concubines chen was loved best by huangtaiji andconcubine zhuang was the wisest and the mother of the next emperor, fulin.therefore, she had a special status among the concubines. the only chimney wasbuilt on the rear of purity and tranquility hall from the ground with 11 layers,representing the 11 emperors from emperor huangtaiji to the last emperor puyi.this chimney was the highest one at that time. in chinese, the sound of chimney"tong" is the same as that of unity. to the north further is rear courtyardcalled yuhua garden. after visiting the middle section of the palace, we come tothe eastern section. its representative building is the great administrationhall, flanked by ten princes pavilions. this part was built in 1625, and theywere the earliest building in shenyang imperial palace. great administrationhall is the place ceremonies and handled state affairs. great administrationhall was built with eight sides representing the style of military tent and alsoeight banner military system.

  now please look at the ten pavilions, five on each side, which were theoffices of the commanders at that time. here i will give you an introduction tothe military system of early manchurian period. nuerhachi divided his troops infour parts and each part was identified by the color of its banner .there serethen four kinds of banner: red, blue, white and yellow banner. as the troopsexpanded quickly, another four parts were added and therefore another four kindsof banner were needed .by then there were altogether eight kinds of banner. thisarmy was therefore well known for eight banner army.

  the last part of shenyang imperial palace is the western section, builtfrom 1782 to 1783 and during emperor qianlong's reign. its main construction isbook source pavilion (wensuge) with theater platform and gooddescendant-benefiting hall (jiayintang) in front, prosperity administrationstudy (yangxizhai) and nine halls behind. book source pavilion (wensuge) wasspecially designed for storing the encyclopedia compiled at that time, si kuquan shu. this encyclopedia collected most of the books in chinese history .itscomplication started in 1773.this set of history books is composed of sevensections, more than 36,000 volumes. it took educated persons over 10 years tofinish is. when finished, the whole encyclopedia was duplicated in sevenpavilions across china. the other six copies were either damaged during wars orlost. this set is the only one well kept. but the real copy is no longer hereand now is restored in the palace museum in beijing and gansu province library.we can see that book source pavilion covered with black tiles. in chinesephilosophy, black refers water. the pavilion was built for storing books and itsbiggest threat was fire. so black tiles hinting water covering it on the top asa way of protection. good property admiration study was for emperor readingwhile descendant-benefiting hall and the theater platform consisting of acourtyard for emperor ,his empress and concubines watching plays. shenyangimperial palace is one of the cultural relics in china and it is the symbol ofthis city. it is a good combination of different nationalities as well as atourist attraction.

  and now we have to end our visiting, i hope you all enjoy it and thank youfor your cooperation, goodbye.

沈阳的英语导游词范文 篇6

  Taian fant happy world in Tai’an City tai shan district north hall road, east new district belongs to the fourth generation of large high-tech science theme park, by the fear

  Dragon crisis, over limit, mysterious valley, serial, mount Vesuvius, conch bay, the future police, 17 theme of the project area, such as the light of life contains the theme, attractions, recreation and landscape projects for more than 300, with a total investment of 2 billion yuan, covers an area of 500000 square meters, can receive visitors in 4 million. Park on the morning of May 20xx, the scale of construction, the project capacity, or the content of science and technology, is "only in China, the international first-class". Taian group, not only for the general public entertainment to create a new platform, more meaningful is they have lighted the future ideas, sketch a more rich and colorful happy world.

  Taian party happy world is currently the highest content of science and technology in the world, the most advanced technology, combined with perfect, the most realistic scene of the fourth generation of high-tech theme park, the project covers modern science and technology, the future of science and technology, science fiction, myths, legends, comprehensive performance in many aspects, such as a variety of theme park of fashion. Each project contains cartoon color, tourists became protagonist, oneself to experience, to feel, to appreciate, let visitors find another oneself in the fantasy world. The project will be integrated use of sound, light, electricity, digital technology, automatic control, artificial intelligence and other high-tech means, to show visitors, including mount taishan culture, Chinese culture in five thousand, tourists can be in the mix, real or imagined, the dynamic interaction of experience in the project, a cozy feeling of modern science and technology and the historical culture unique charm. All these projects by shenzhen huaqiang group to master the software and hardware technology completely independent intellectual property rights, the international first-class level, is the true sense of the Chinese own cultural theme park.

  Mount tai reception of visitors each year more than 400, but as a result of Tai’an City currently is a large scenic spots, mount tai the vast majority of tourists are arrived at taian visit mount tai, the day after the day from taian. Taian, happy world is completed, and taishan scenic spots formation echo, make a lot of tourists in taian stay for the night, extend the taian tourism industry chain, greatly promotes the development of taian's tourism and cultural industries! The amount of investment, operation speed, in the history of taian tourism development unprecedented, to expand taian tourism service industry overall strength? Will play a huge role, can effectively solve the taishan, taian tourism service product problem of single and "stay", greatly enhance taian tourism attraction and competitiveness of service industry will become taian, shandong and even the whole east China tourism culture industry development new luminescent spot.

  Taian party happy world project is in the current world financial crisis deepens, the construction under the serious situation of the domestic economic slowdown, in shenzhen, a model on the cooperation in tourism development in shandong engineering, inverse city expansion is shenzhen enterprises "going out" of the development of a big, and become bigger and stronger in shandong travel as a key project. Is in shandong province in recent years, shenzhen city, guangdong province and one of the major cultural industry projects of economic cooperation, huaqiang cultural technology industry an important part of the global strategy. The project invested by shenzhen huaqiang group 50%, Tai’an City tai shan district investment 25%, local enterprises in taian chigo company investment 25%. Party fun world of all kinds of entertainment projects are known for its breathtaking, stimulation, fashion, science and technology! Back to dinosaur century, experience, explore film and television special effects, the trip feel science magic! This is a feast to the joy of the pomp, this is a full of magic dream park, this is a fantasy adventure kingdom of science and technology. Exciting, stimulating, adventure, screaming, dream, magic, joy, stylistic, party, fun world, joy no limit! It is a science and technology and fantasy theme park, with high and new science and technology to build a theme park for tourists to new experience: novel participation way, adventure. History and future, reality and illusion of overlap, it is a dream park. We have our own independent intellectual property rights, from design to manufacturing, from software to hardware, from management to operate entirely in the hands of our Chinese own.

  Taian party, entirely by a Chinese research and development, design, construction of high-tech park. Creative in the park, the respect such as design, software, film and television has full of the intellectual property rights, successfully realize the localization of science and technology projects, and promote China's high-tech industrial upgrading cultural theme park. Mount tai group, happy world together the taishan, together to build international tourism of taian city, mount tai long history culture with wings of modern high-tech, taishan henceforth no longer lonely!

  Taian special international first-class fly high simulation experience project "fly across a limit", large dynamic space flight experience project "interstellar flight", Asia's first big more water curtain three-dimensional interactive adventure project "Solomon's seal", China's first large-scale volcanic through adventure project "Vesuvius" theme, the nation's largest Maya big adventure "mysterious valley" project, the largest dinosaur disaster experience programs in Asia "dinosaur crisis"...

沈阳的英语导游词范文 篇7

  Shenyang fant happy world located in the northern new district of shenyang shen shengjing street, covers an area of about 600000 square meters, the investment of 2 billion yuan, meticulously by shenzhen huaqiang group is the largest in the northeast of the fourth generation of theme park. Party, happy world with science fiction and interactive experience as the biggest characteristic, USES the international first-class technology and the concept of meticulously, equivalent to that of the most advanced western theme park, known as "the Oriental fantasy land", "Asian science magic".

  Shenyang fant happy world by over limit, interstellar flight, dinosaur crisis, film and television special effects studio, light of my life, conch bay, the exposition, serial, du than adventure, du than talk, bolide, mysterious valley, mount Vesuvius, joy and a dozen major theme of the project area, covering themes, attractions, recreation and landscape projects for more than 300, including many of the world's leading large amusement projects, most of the projects for young and old. Flying here has the international first-class high experience project "fly across a limit", large dynamic space flight experience project "interstellar flight," the original "Vesuvius" large volcanic exploration projects, currently the world's most advanced large dinosaurs resurrection disaster experience project "dinosaur crisis", let a person can't figure out the traditional Chinese myth magic deduce project "serial", colorful, dreamlike project "conch bay", the magic of cartoon interactive projects "du than talk show"...

  This is a feast to the joy of the pomp! This is a full of magic dreamland! This is a kingdom of future science fiction adventure! Wonderful world of dreams, waiting for your confidential...

  To joy, go to the party! Welcome to join the party's dream of fantasy!

沈阳的英语导游词范文 篇8

  Taian fant happy world in Tai’an City tai shan district north hall road, east new district belongs to the fourth generation of large high-tech science theme park, by the fear

  Dragon crisis, over limit, mysterious valley, serial, mount Vesuvius, conch bay, the future police, 17 theme of the project area, such as the light of life contains the theme, attractions, recreation and landscape projects for more than 300, with a total investment of 2 billion yuan, covers an area of 500000 square meters, can receive visitors in 4 million. Park on the morning of May 20__, the scale of construction, the project capacity, or the content of science and technology, is "only in China, the international first-class". Taian group, not only for the general public entertainment to create a new platform, more meaningful is they have lighted the future ideas, sketch a more rich and colorful happy world.

  Taian party happy world is currently the highest content of science and technology in the world, the most advanced technology, combined with perfect, the most realistic scene of the fourth generation of high-tech theme park, the project covers modern science and technology, the future of science and technology, science fiction, myths, legends, comprehensive performance in many aspects, such as a variety of theme park of fashion. Each project contains cartoon color, tourists became protagonist, oneself to experience, to feel, to appreciate, let visitors find another oneself in the fantasy world. The project will be integrated use of sound, light, electricity, digital technology, automatic control, artificial intelligence and other high-tech means, to show visitors, including mount taishan culture, Chinese culture in five thousand, tourists can be in the mix, real or imagined, the dynamic interaction of experience in the project, a cozy feeling of modern science and technology and the historical culture unique charm. All these projects by shenzhen huaqiang group to master the software and hardware technology completely independent intellectual property rights, the international first-class level, is the true sense of the Chinese own cultural theme park.

  Mount tai reception of visitors each year more than 400, but as a result of Tai’an City currently is a large scenic spots, mount tai the vast majority of tourists are arrived at taian visit mount tai, the day after the day from taian. Taian, happy world is completed, and taishan scenic spots formation echo, make a lot of tourists in taian stay for the night, extend the taian tourism industry chain, greatly promotes the development of taian's tourism and cultural industries! The amount of investment, operation speed, in the history of taian tourism development unprecedented, to expand taian tourism service industry overall strength? Will play a huge role, can effectively solve the taishan, taian tourism service product problem of single and "stay", greatly enhance taian tourism attraction and competitiveness of service industry will become taian, shandong and even the whole east China tourism culture industry development new luminescent spot.

  Taian party happy world project is in the current world financial crisis deepens, the construction under the serious situation of the domestic economic slowdown, in shenzhen, a model on the cooperation in tourism development in shandong engineering, inverse city expansion is shenzhen enterprises "going out" of the development of a big, and become bigger and stronger in shandong travel as a key project. Is in shandong province in recent years, shenzhen city, guangdong province and one of the major cultural industry projects of economic cooperation, huaqiang cultural technology industry an important part of the global strategy. The project invested by shenzhen huaqiang group 50%, Tai’an City tai shan district investment 25%, local enterprises in taian chigo company investment 25%. Party fun world of all kinds of entertainment projects are known for its breathtaking, stimulation, fashion, science and technology! Back to dinosaur century, experience, explore film and television special effects, the trip feel science magic! This is a feast to the joy of the pomp, this is a full of magic dream park, this is a fantasy adventure kingdom of science and technology. Exciting, stimulating, adventure, screaming, dream, magic, joy, stylistic, party, fun world, joy no limit! It is a science and technology and fantasy theme park, with high and new science and technology to build a theme park for tourists to new experience: novel participation way, adventure. History and future, reality and illusion of overlap, it is a dream park. We have our own independent intellectual property rights, from design to manufacturing, from software to hardware, from management to operate entirely in the hands of our Chinese own.

  Taian party, entirely by a Chinese research and development, design, construction of high-tech park. Creative in the park, the respect such as design, software, film and television has full of the intellectual property rights, successfully realize the localization of science and technology projects, and promote China's high-tech industrial upgrading cultural theme park. Mount tai group, happy world together the taishan, together to build international tourism of taian city, mount tai long history culture with wings of modern high-tech, taishan henceforth no longer lonely!

  Taian special international first-class fly high simulation experience project "fly across a limit", large dynamic space flight experience project "interstellar flight", Asia's first big more water curtain three-dimensional interactive adventure project "Solomon's seal", China's first large-scale volcanic through adventure project "Vesuvius" theme, the nation's largest Maya big adventure "mysterious valley" project, the largest dinosaur disaster experience programs in Asia "dinosaur crisis"...


  Shenyang fant happy world is huaqiang culture and technology industrial base is located in shenyang shen moral pilot zone in the north new district. Key construction of three large huaqiang core industrial district culture, seven cultural industry professional science and technology demonstration bases, an exhibition center, and flying facilities such as a theatre, theme hotels and shopping mall. Core to distinguish the two phase of construction, a cartoon, fantasy kingdom period mainly project owner experience displays, fang huan le world science experience exhibits, digital film base, digital animation base and theme hotel facilities; Second phase of the main project owner, film and television paradise, film and television shooting base, cultural base for derivatives, games, and the education software, etc.

  Shenyang party fun world into a phase of the project, including interstellar flight, space travel, Vesuvius rides, and other 16 large monomer are independent research and development of high-tech projects, and entertainment experience type of game. Visitors can experience the enjoyment of 4 d cinema and all kinds of recreational projects, also can take a bus into the "qin shi huang mausoleum", once touched organs, wake up the guard, will experience a thrilling journey. Stay after the completion of the entire project, is expected to reach 5 million years the event, which will become the nation's biggest "the Chinese version of Disney". The project will fill the blank of the north China indoor tourism and also over the northern winter in addition to the snow and ice project, there is no history of other tourism projects.

  Party, joy the world more than 60 square meters, the fourth generation is an international first-class high-tech theme park. It will cover sixteen theme entertainment projects, respectively is: the universe exposition, dinosaur crisis, du than adventure, du than talk, mount Vesuvius, conch bay, interstellar flight, flying over the limit, the light of life, children's kingdom, bolide, cartoon, film and television special effects studio, mysterious valley castles, serial, big pendulum.

  Party, happy world with science combined with interactive entertainment for the biggest characteristic, can with comparable to the Disney and universal studios theme park, is known as the "Oriental science magic". Fant happy world contain theme, attractions, recreation and landscape projects for more than 300, including many of the world's leading large projects, the vast number of projects for young and old.

  Shenyang fant happy world positioning for the fourth generation of theme park. The fourth generation of the theme park is distinguished from the first generation to as relying on natural resources; The second generation is characterized by urban entertainment; The third generation is all sorts of simulation, a miniature type of theme park. The characteristics of the fourth generation of theme park is a high technology content, interactive, subject project community three characteristics. Using high-tech imaging technology, combining Chinese and western culture into the theme background, creating large interactive entertainment mode, is the international mainstream theme park model.

  By shenzhen huaqiang group co., LTD., with a total investment of 2 billion yuan to build shenyang huaqiang culture and technology industrial base, LTD held the ground breaking ceremony on May 25, 20__, issue of project - shenyang fant happy world theme park will officially opened in July 20__. At the appointed time, shenyang and liaoning urban residents will be able to experience the international first-class the wonders of the fourth generation of theme park.

沈阳的英语导游词范文 篇9

  Shenyang fant happy world is huaqiang culture and technology industrial base is located in shenyang shen moral pilot zone in the north new district. Key construction of three large huaqiang core industrial district culture, seven cultural industry professional science and technology demonstration bases, an exhibition center, and flying facilities such as a theatre, theme hotels and shopping mall. Core to distinguish the two phase of construction, a cartoon, fantasy kingdom period mainly project owner experience displays, fang huan le world science experience exhibits, digital film base, digital animation base and theme hotel facilities; Second phase of the main project owner, film and television paradise, film and television shooting base, cultural base for derivatives, games, and the education software, etc.

  Shenyang party fun world into a phase of the project, including interstellar flight, space travel, Vesuvius rides, and other 16 large monomer are independent research and development of high-tech projects, and entertainment experience type of game. Visitors can experience the enjoyment of 4 d cinema and all kinds of recreational projects, also can take a bus into the "qin shi huang mausoleum", once touched organs, wake up the guard, will experience a thrilling journey. Stay after the completion of the entire project, is expected to reach 5 million years the event, which will become the nation's biggest "the Chinese version of Disney". The project will fill the blank of the north China indoor tourism and also over the northern winter in addition to the snow and ice project, there is no history of other tourism projects.

  Party, joy the world more than 60 square meters, the fourth generation is an international first-class high-tech theme park. It will cover sixteen theme entertainment projects, respectively is: the universe exposition, dinosaur crisis, du than adventure, du than talk, mount Vesuvius, conch bay, interstellar flight, flying over the limit, the light of life, children's kingdom, bolide, cartoon, film and television special effects studio, mysterious valley castles, serial, big pendulum.

  Party, happy world with science combined with interactive entertainment for the biggest characteristic, can with comparable to the Disney and universal studios theme park, is known as the "Oriental science magic". Fant happy world contain theme, attractions, recreation and landscape projects for more than 300, including many of the world's leading large projects, the vast number of projects for young and old.

  Shenyang fant happy world positioning for the fourth generation of theme park. The fourth generation of the theme park is distinguished from the first generation to as relying on natural resources; The second generation is characterized by urban entertainment; The third generation is all sorts of simulation, a miniature type of theme park. The characteristics of the fourth generation of theme park is a high technology content, interactive, subject project community three characteristics. Using high-tech imaging technology, combining Chinese and western culture into the theme background, creating large interactive entertainment mode, is the international mainstream theme park model.

  By shenzhen huaqiang group co., LTD., with a total investment of 2 billion yuan to build shenyang huaqiang culture and technology industrial base, LTD held the ground breaking ceremony on May 25, 20xx, issue of project - shenyang fant happy world theme park will officially opened in July 20xx. At the appointed time, shenyang and liaoning urban residents will be able to experience the international first-class the wonders of the fourth generation of theme park.





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