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标题 古文化街为主题的导游词


古文化街为主题的导游词 篇1





  不知不觉我们来到了第一站,通庆里。这里是两堵高墙夹着的里巷,建于  走出通庆里,请跟我这边请。我们来看一看距今已经有620年历史的玉皇阁。玉皇阁的始建时间一说是唐代,一说是明洪武元年。但两种说法都无从考证。有史料记载的,距今最远的年代是明宣德二年。现在大家看到的是明宣德二年的建筑。其实原来玉皇阁是一个建筑群,但由于年深日久,战乱频频,这些建筑已经不复存在了。保留下来的只有原来的清虚阁一座殿堂。整个阁楼分为上下两层,为重檐歇山顶建筑。殿内一层供奉玉皇大帝铜像,二层有四条记载其修缮过程和年代的“千秋带”被完整的保留下来,同时还有保存完好的明代彩绘。这些才会现在依然清晰可见,颜色鲜艳。







古文化街为主题的导游词 篇2














古文化街为主题的导游词 篇3

  Hello, everyone. Welcome to my beautiful hometown Tianjin. I'm your guidetoday. My name is Chen. You can call me Xiao Chen. This is the driver's doorman.On behalf of Tianjin Jinlong travel agency, I would like to welcome you all.It's a great honor to be here with you. I also hope we can have a good timetogether today. Today we are going to visit Tianjin ancient culture street.

  When it comes to Tianjin, if you want to taste tianjin flavor, folk flavorand cultural flavor here, the best place to go is the ancient culture street, a5A tourist attraction in Tianjin. Located in gongnangong North Street, NankaiDistrict, it is the gathering place of Tianjin water transport culture, folkculture and Haihe culture. As early as 1420__, before the establishment ofTianjin, this place gradually developed and flourished. Today, we can enjoy thenewly renovated folk Hutong tongqingli, the 620__ year old Taoist Holy LandYuhuangge, Tianyan square, Tianhou Palace Square, Tianhou Palace Square, Tianhoupalace built in 1320__, and the folk custom museum showing Tianjin's 100 yearold folk customs. Now we have reached our destination. Please get out of the carcarefully.

  First of all, here we see a very beautiful ancient archway. There are fourwords on it: Gushang art garden. The word "Gushang" is the old name of Tianjin.The word "Yiyuan" means the birthplace of culture. In other words, this is theearliest birthplace of Tianjin culture. There are two words on the back of thisarchway. Let's have a look here. Here you can see two words, jin'ao. The meaningof gold is precious, while Ao comes from the allusion of carp leaping over thedragon's gate. It is said that the carp crossing the dragon's gate will bereborn and become the Ao, which is the embodiment of the dragon. It is said thatJinao is located in Haihe River in Tianjin. That is to say, we will be protectedby jin'ao after passing by. After seeing the archway, we still have some coppermoney under our feet. What's the point of these copper coins? There are twelvecopper coins in all. It marks the heyday of China from Tang Dynasty to QingDynasty. The farthest one is Kaiyuan Tongbao. It represents the age of Kaiyuan,and the big ones under our feet represent the age of unification, and QianlongTongbao symbolizes the age of Qing Dynasty. This means that after we walkthrough this street, we will have a lot of good intentions to bless you. Thereis also the hope that our motherland will become prosperous and strong from nowon.

  Enter the ancient culture street, I believe you must be attracted by itsantique. Among them, the most eye-catching one is the brilliant colors andmeticulous painting by painters. These are all hand drawn by famous craftsmen.There are more than 800 such paintings in the whole street, including more than300 plots. The west side is painted with four ancient Chinese Masterpieces,while the east side is painted with legends from the Han Dynasty to the QingDynasty.

  Unconsciously, we came to the first stop, tongqingli. Here is the lanebetween two high walls. It was built in 1920__, that is, in the second year ofthe Republic of China. It is a typical Jinwei building and the largest complexof Chinese and Western architecture in Tianjin. Here we walk into the gate andsee four murals on the wall. They show the market culture of Tianjin. The two onthe right are civilized weddings, witty words, and the two on the left aredragon boat and stilts. On this side of the Hutong, you can see two largemurals. One is the picture of Lu River in Tianjin on this side, which shows theprosperous sea scene of Tianjin at Sancha estuary. On the other side, there is amural, which is the young willow painting of that year - huangdamen. Itdescribes the customs of Tianjin people to celebrate the lunar new year. So far,we still have such a doggerel: 23, tanggua sticky, 24, sweep the house, 25,paste the window, 26, stew big meat, 27, kill rooster, 28, BA mianfa, 29, pasteDiaoyou, make a night on New Year's Eve.

  Out of tongqingli, please follow me. This way, please. Let's take a look atthe Jade Emperor Pavilion, which has a history of 620__ years. Yuhuangge wasfirst built in the Tang Dynasty and the first year of Hongwu in the MingDynasty. But there is no way to verify the two statements. According tohistorical records, the farthest date is the second year of Xuande in MingDynasty. Now you can see the building in the second year of Xuande in MingDynasty. In fact, Yuhuangge was originally a complex of buildings, but due tothe age and frequent wars, these buildings no longer exist. Only the originalQingxu Pavilion remains. The whole loft is divided into upper and lower floors,with double eaves. On the first floor of the hall, there is a bronze statue ofthe Jade Emperor. On the second floor, there are four pieces of "Qianqiu belt"recording the repair process and age. At the same time, there are well preservedcolored paintings of the Ming Dynasty. These are still visible and colorful.

  After seeing Yuhuangge, we will go to Tianyan square. Tianyan square isnamed for its proximity to the living place of Mr. Yan Fu, a famous modernChinese translator. It is here that the world-famous Tianyan Lun istranslated.

  All right, let's move on. Now we come to the Tin Hau Palace Square. He gothis name from Tian Hou palace. The queen of heaven and Mazu are the same personhere. There is a custom of believing in Mazu along the coast of Fujian andZhejiang, but the worship of Mazu by Tianjin people is little known. In fact,the Mazu temple in Tianjin is one of the three largest Mazu temples in theworld. It is as famous as the Mazu temple in Meizhou, Fujian and Chaotian Palacein Beigang, Chinese Taiwan. As the Haihe River connected to the Bohai Sea, thesanchahekou wharf was a big Wharf at that time, so every ship that went to seaboarded from here. Therefore, Mazu temple was built here. People who travel faraway worship Mazu and pray for Mazu's protection before sailing out to sea. Itmust be strange that in ancient China, temples, palaces, Yamen and so on usuallyface south from the north, while this queen's palace faces east from the West.Because we have to face the Haihe River, which leads to the Bohai Sea. To facethe Haihe River is to face the sea, so that the believers can worship Mazu onthe Haihe River when they are not convenient to get off the ship. Later, thesquare evolved into the place for Mazu's birthday and Emperor's meeting everyyear. The two high flagpoles initially served as lighthouses, and the high redlights could guide ships on the Haihe River. Later, on Mazu's birthday and thefirst emperor's meeting, 24 red lanterns were hung on each of the two banners,which meant that people who went to sea could return safely as soon as possible.The original purpose of the opposite theater building was to thank Mazu for herprotection. It is also the earliest theater performance venue in Tianjin. Afterthe recent renovation, he restored the function and effect of the stage. Everynew year's celebration, famous actors and artists would come here toperform.

  Now let's walk into the queen of heaven palace to learn about the contentand situation. After entering the mountain gate, we can see the drum tower onour left and the bell tower on our hand, which means that the bell and drum aresinging together and the world is peaceful. And in front of you see the "threeTianjin blessing Lord", for its front hall. It is dedicated to Wang Lingguan,the spirit protector of the sea god. Among them, there are four great vajras:Jiashan, Jiale, Qianliyan and shunfenger. After seeing this, let's go into themain hall and have a look at the situation there. Tianhou palace was built inthe third year of Taiping in Yuan Dynasty. It is the best preserved building ofYuan Dynasty in our city so far. Now we are in her main hall. In the process ofprotecting the country and Baoning, Mazu, the sea god, was worshipped. Mazu,formerly known as Lin Mo, is a native of Meizhou Island in Fujian Province. Shewas born miraculous, can take water, can cross the sea by seat, and rescued someships at sea. At the age of 27, he emerged and ascended to heaven. Later, he waspraised as the God of the sea by the local people. We can take a brief look atit.

  The gentle wind blows. Wandering in the meantime, the heart is happy. Infact, shopping in cultural street is not for shopping. Even this refreshingfeeling will make people relaxed and happy. Here, in addition to the antiquebuildings imitating the Qing Dynasty and Ming Dynasty, there are also his shopsand hutongs. When it comes to shops, we can see that there are many traditionalhandicrafts in Tianjin, such as Yangliu youth painting and clay figurine ZhangCaisu. In addition, there are countless jade shops, antique shops, stone andjade shops and clothing shops in the whole street, so that tourists can get whatthey need and enjoy the pleasure of returning home with a full load.

  Before we knew it, we had come to the end of the street. You can see thatthere is also a corresponding archway with two words on it: Sunny snow. It comesfrom the verses of the Ming Dynasty poet Li Dongyang Zhigu Bajing. Yongmen clearsnow into jin'ao. The meaning of "snow has joy" is exactly the scene of earlyclear after snow and full of tourists. That is to say, in the clear sky,visitors with a pure heart are here to worship Mazu and jade emperor. Pray fortheir future life, the more smoothly they will cross the border. On the back ofQingxue there are four words: hometown of Jinmen. Jinmen is the meaning ofTianjin, and hometown is the old place. In other words, this is the earliestbirthplace of Tianjin.

  Today, we have passed the 680 meter long ancient culture street to show youthe authentic folk customs and national characteristics of Tianjin. This is theend of our journey. In the course of these days, I have built a deep friendshipwith you unconsciously. Thank you very much for your support for Xiao Chen'swork. I hope you will have the opportunity to visit Tianjin again. Here, I wishyou a good journey and a happy family. thank you.





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