标题 | 天津独乐寺的导游词 |
范文 | 天津独乐寺的导游词(通用8篇) 天津独乐寺的导游词 篇1各位老师大家好!首先我代表我们四通旅行社的全体人员对大家的到来表示热烈的欢迎,同时也感谢大家对我们旅行社的支持和信任。我叫雕刻时光,是四通旅行社的导游员,大家叫我小刘好了。坐在前方驾驶位置上的是我们的随队司机张师傅。张师傅的驾驶经验非常丰富,相信大家在乘车的途中一定会感到既舒适又安全的。今天能担任本团的导游工作,认识这么多的教师朋友,我觉感到很荣幸,如果大家在旅途中有什么困难和要求,请您及时地提出,我将竭尽全力地为您服务。也希望大家能积极地支持和配合我的工作。在这里我预祝大家旅途愉快,能够高兴而来,满意而归。 今天我们要游览的是津门十景之一,的独乐寺。独乐寺俗称大佛寺,是我国古代大型木结构高层建筑的一颗明珠,1961年,国务院公布独乐寺为第一批全国重点文物保护单位。它位于蓟县城内,坐北朝南,是由山门、观音阁和东西配殿组成的一套完整建筑群,布局简洁,主题突出,宏伟庄重。关于独乐寺初建的年代已经无从考证了,但我国著名建筑学家梁思成先生认为,独乐寺的创立,最迟也应该在唐初,观音阁上悬挂的李白所书唐制的“观音之阁”的匾额可作为佐证。现存独乐寺的主要建筑,是辽圣宗统和二年重建的。关于独乐寺,它有五个“之最”,刚刚我已经说过了一个了,其余四个,我将会在讲解过程中告诉大家,请大家仔细听,回来的路上就请您来说说这五个“之最”。 好了,我们已经来到了景点的停车场了,请大家记住我们的车是白色的大金龙,车牌是津A2345,车子停在停车场的左边,我们下午4点在寺门口集合,请靠窗的游客把窗子锁紧,贵重的物品请随身带好,好,请大家开始下车。 我们现在看到的这座红门叫做山门,它高约10米,面阔3间,进深2间,中间为穿堂道,,请大家向上看,在山门正中有一匾额,上书“独乐寺”三个字,字径半尺,刚劲浑厚,为明代武英殿大学士、太子太师严嵩手书。为什么叫独乐寺呢?因为佛家清心寡欲,恪守戒律,独以普渡众生为乐,才命名为独乐寺。好,就请大家随我走入独乐寺吧,进入山门,首先我们大家看到的这两尊高大的护卫金刚力士,就是民间俗称的“哼哈二将”他们均高4。5米,居高临下,虎视眈眈,面目狰狞可畏。 我们继续往里走,现在,我们来到的是天王殿,这里东西两侧是彩绘的四天王像,两两分立。分东南西北,各护一方。东侧北端为东方持国天王,绿脸,怒目,着棕色胄甲,手持琵琶,两脚各踩一鬼。东侧南端为南方增长天王,,脸蓝色,双目圆睁,着棕色胄甲,手持宝剑,两脚各踩一鬼。西侧南端是西方广目天王,脸红色,怒目,左手紧握一龙,右手捏如意宝珠,脚踏两鬼。西侧北断是北方多闻天王,白脸,面目和善,左手持红盖黄伞,右手握灰色银鼠,左脚下鬼作人身兽面,站立;右脚下鬼作兽形,蹲于地。象这样,南间有哼哈二将,北间有四大天王的设置是少见的。 请大家往前走,现在我们看到的就是观音阁了。好,请大家转身,看一下山门的屋顶,它为我国最早,等级最高贵的庑殿顶山门,由一条正脊四条垂脊组成,正脊两端两条翅转向内,犹如雉鸟飞翔的在建筑中叫做“鸱吻”生动逼真,气势宏伟。庑殿顶和鸱吻也就是独乐寺的第二和第三个之最。 天津独乐寺的导游词 篇2各位游客: 大家好,我们要游览的景点是独乐寺。 独乐寺位于蓟县城武定街北侧,它始建于天宝十一年,辽代重建。 关于独乐寺的得名,这里有三种说法:第一种说法是独乐寺的主体建筑是十一面观世音的内部,就是一棵参天而立的独梨树;第二种说法是,安禄山起兵反唐,这里是誓师地,他"盖思独乐不与民同乐",故名独乐寺;还有一种说法是:"佛家清心寡欲,独以普渡众生为乐",故名独乐寺。 整个独乐寺由三部分组成:东路是清朝皇帝辟建的行宫,西路是僧房,中路是山门,观音之阁,卧佛殿组成。整体建筑布局简洁,主题突出,宏伟庄严。 独乐寺有五个之最:观音阁是我国仅存的古老的木结构高层楼阁;观音像是我国仅存的最大泥塑之一;山门为现存最早,等级最高的庑殿顶山门;山门正脊上有最早的鸱吻; 独乐寺为第一批全国重点保护单位。 现在,现场解说到此结束,下面的时间,大家可以自己游览。 祝愿大家快乐! 天津独乐寺 天津独乐寺的导游词 篇3独乐寺位于蓟县城武定北侧,它始建于天宝十一年,辽代重建。关于独乐寺的得名,这里有三种说法,第一种说法是独乐寺的主体建筑是十一面观世音的内部,就是一颗参天而立的独梨树;第二种说法是,安禄山起兵反唐,这里是誓师地,他“盖思独乐而不与民同乐”,故名独乐寺:还有一种说法是,“佛家清心寡欲,独以普渡众生为乐”故名独乐寺。整个独乐寺有三部分组成,东路是清朝皇帝辟建的行宫,西路是僧房,中路由山门,观音之阁,八角亭,卧佛殿,三佛殿组成。整体建筑布局简洁,主题突出,宏伟庄严。独乐寺有五个之最:观音阁是我国仅存的最古老的木结构高层楼阁;观音像是我国仅存的最大古代泥塑之一;山门为现存最早,等级最高的庑殿顶山门;山门正脊上有最早的鸱吻;独乐寺为第一批全国重点文物保护单位。 现在,我们到站了。 现在我们大家看到的这个建筑就是山门,他高10米,面阔三间,进深两间,中间坐穿堂,两侧是稍间。在山门的檐下有一块匾,上书“独乐寺”三个字,为明代大学士严嵩手笔,据说他在北方只留下六个字,另外三个字就是北京的“六必居”三个字。 在山门的前两稍间有两尊辽代的金刚力士站像,也就是我们俗称的哼哈二将,从他们的嘴形和手形可看出,左边这尊闭口,握手为“哼”将,右边张口,伸手为“哈”将,他们都是4。5米高,肌肉隆起,威武雄壮,紧守着山门,他们站在此地已经是一千多年的历史了。我们看这两根中柱的中间,相传以前有一扇大门,由于年代久远,这门及应不存了,但这里是山门和观音之阁的分界线,站在门槛这一边看观音之阁,只能看到局部,跨过门槛一步,大阁全貌就尽收眼底了。大家不妨试一下,这是魏晋时期,普遍采用的画框式结构。山门北稍间的两侧是清光绪年间绘制的四大天王像。先看东侧:南方增长天王,手持宝剑;东方持国天王,手持琵琶。西侧的两尊:北方多闻天亡,手持雨伞;西方广目天王,手握银蛇。四大天王手中所持之物组成一个成语“风调雨顺”,表达了我国老百姓的愿望。 我们去看一看主体建筑。我们面前的就是独乐寺的主体建筑“观音之阁”,它通高23米,从外观上看分为上下两层,实际上是三层,在它正中间有一个暗层,整个大阁最突出的特点是没有一根钉子,都是榫卯结构的,我们看这一朵朵的就是斗拱,方形木块为斗,长条拱木为拱,整个大阁共用了152朵斗拱。大阁的房顶为九脊歇山式,檐下有一块匾额“观音之阁“,它是李白的真迹,这块匾额已经收入全国名匾大全了,下面这块匾额是“具足圆成”它是咸丰的手笔,意思是说里面的观音已经修行圆满,具备成佛条件了。 我们从这个位置回头看一下山门,整个山门是由12根粗大的柱子支挺的,柱头全部向内倾斜。它是我国古建筑的一个特点,称为侧角,使建筑物更加稳定,在山门的正脊上有两个饰物,尾巴向内翘起,似鸟非鸟,似鱼非鱼,叫做鸱吻。传说为龙生九子之一,能喷浪成雨,取喷水震火之用。 现在我们走进大阁里边来看一下。在我们面前的就是十一面观音像,它通高16米,站在莲花台上,通过暗层,直达阁顶。观音有33种变化形式。十一面观音为其中一种,这种体裁在别处是绝对看不到的,因为就全国来讲,只有这里供奉的是十一面观音,它在世界上也仅存13尊。我们看整个观音略向前倾,给人以亲切感。它的两个飘带从手腕处一直垂到莲花台之上,实际上是起了支撑点的作用了。我们说这个观音是泥塑的,并不是说它完全是用泥堆起来的,它的内部有仿人体骨架的木结构,外面雕刻的是泥。十一面观音两旁的是善财,龙女两位胁持菩萨,他们腰部微扭,头顶五佛冠,显得生动活波,给人以真实感,这三尊塑像加上前面的哼哈二将,独乐寺共有5尊辽代的塑像,专家评价独乐寺的早期塑像就是“少而精,艺术价值高”。 在里边来看,每个柱头上都有一个斗拱,整个大阁152朵斗拱,24种形式,分布在大阁各个部位,它好似人的关节一样,这是观音之阁历经1000多年的风风雨雨,28次地震,依然安然无恙的原因之一。 整个大阁是以三大艺术于一堂的,它就是古建筑,塑像,通栏布满墙面的彩色壁画。这组壁画绘制于元代,1972年才发现出来的,原来一直保护在一层泥土里面,它的发现有很高的历史价值,科研价值和艺术价值。它已经被临摹收入国库了,壁画以佛教十六罗汉和二天王为主题,间以佛教有关的神话故事,世俗题材组成一组组各有独立,又彼此相连的巨幅画卷。 天津独乐寺的导游词 篇4大家好,欢迎大家来到这里,下面我和大家介绍一下! 独乐寺,俗称大佛寺,位于天津蓟县城内西大街。传说安禄山起兵叛唐,在此誓师,因他想做皇帝,“思独乐而不与民同乐”而得寺名。古寺建于唐贞观十年,辽统和二年(公元984年)重建,是中国仅存的三大辽代寺院之一,为国务院1961年首批公布的全国重点文物保护单位。也是津门十景之一。独乐寺现已列为申报世界历史文化遗产预备清单名录。 独乐寺属全国重点文物保护单位,是我国现存最著名的古建筑之一,位于天津市蓟县县城内。 独乐寺相传始建于唐,辽统和二年(984)重建。 蓟县县城不大,从长途车站下车,步行就到了武定侯街,也许是由于独乐寺外的铁门紧闭,无法从马路上体会山门的震撼,从侧门进入寺内,山门的气势就让人感到不同一般,山门高约10米,正中匾额楷书“独乐寺”,这是明朝严嵩题字,显得刚劲浑厚。 同去懂建筑的朋友介绍,独乐寺山门的屋顶五条脊,四面坡。檐角如翼似飞,使建筑物庄重而高昂,表现出了中国建筑特有的艺术效果。 走过山门就看到了观音阁,阁上的匾额“观音之阁”是唐朝著名的诗人李白在52岁北游幽州时所题写的,观音阁中间的观音像高16米,头上还有10个小头像,所以还被称为11面观音。 观音阁后的八角小亭名“韦驮亭”塑像韦驮身着铠甲,双手合十,以往看到的韦驮像一般都在天王殿或大雄宝殿里,而单独给韦驮设亭的寺院在中国还是十分罕见的。 由于观音阁与山门同在一个中轴线的原因,当你站在山门正中,从山门的画框里,能把观音阁高耸的雄姿全纳入镜头,这种把高层建筑放在山门之内的布局,是南北朝及以后建立寺院的传统手法。 修建于唐朝的独乐寺,已经有1000多年的历史,从史载多年的战乱地震到1976年的唐山大地震以至如今,独乐寺依旧安然无恙。梁思成先生说,“在蓟民心中,实为无尚圣地”。 观音阁的西北,有28块乾隆皇帝的书法碑帖,都是乾隆的书法真迹,如今看上去已经字迹斑驳,不过,在这样一个小小的县城里却能看到如此的珍宝,主要原因就是,清朝的东陵在遵化,皇帝去遵化祭祖,蓟县成为一个重要的中转休息站。 谈到蓟县独乐寺,就不能不继续说到梁思成先生,梁先生曾亲自撰写《中国营造学社汇刊》(第三卷第二期)“独乐寺专号”,在解释观音阁上咸丰皇帝手书“具足圆成”时,梁先生认为,“具足”是佛家语,“圆成”不是佛语,应为“具足圆通”。 1966年,中国的政治形势已经发生变化,梁先生依旧冒着风险,抵达蓟县,提出要为观音阁“装避雷针、安门窗,为防止鸟类落在观音头像上,要为观音头像上罩铁丝网”,于是,文化部当年就拨款9000元人民币,由河北省古建队施工安装完毕,使独乐寺受到了妥善保护。 天津独乐寺的导游词 篇5独乐寺位于蓟县城武定北侧,它始建于天宝十一年,辽代重建。关于独乐寺的得名,这里有三种说法,第一种说法是独乐寺的主体建筑是十一面观世音的内部,就是一颗参天而立的独梨树;第二种说法是,安禄山起兵反唐,这里是誓师地,他“盖思独乐而不与民同乐”,故名独乐寺:还有一种说法是,“佛家清心寡欲,独以普渡众生为乐”故名独乐寺。整个独乐寺有三部分组成,东路是清朝皇帝辟建的行宫,西路是僧房,中路由山门,观音之阁,八角亭,卧佛殿,三佛殿组成。整体建筑布局简洁,主题突出,宏伟庄严。独乐寺有五个之最:观音阁是我国仅存的最古老的木结构高层楼阁;观音像是我国仅存的最大古代泥塑之一;山门为现存最早,等级最高的庑殿顶山门;山门正脊上有最早的鸱吻;独乐寺为第一批全国重点文物保护单位。 Alone le temple located in jixian city WuDing north side, it was YuTianBao eleven years, liao reconstruction. About alone le temple of named, here are three kinds of views, the first scenario is the main architecture of the music alone temple is ten side, it is a combination of internal star stands alone; pear tree towering The second argument is that war against tang troops stationed, here is pledging to "cover thought alone, he Shared with people without music," friend name alone le temple: another theory "buddhist less-desired, alone to self-salvation for le" friend name alone le temple. The whole alone le temple has three parts, road is the qing emperors monarch palace, built in the west is monk room, by the middle of the entrance, guanyin restaurant, BaJiaoTing, lie shrive, three shrive composition. The whole building layout is concise, subject is outstanding, the majestic. There are five alone le temple of most: GuanYinGe is China's only to save the oldest timberwork high-rise castles, Kuan Yin like China the biggest only to save one of ancient clay sculpture, For the earliest extant entrance, the highest level of Wu house top entrance, Entrance is ridge has the earliest ChiWen; Alone le temple to the first national key units of cultural relics protection. 现在,我们到站了。 Now we arrived. 现在我们大家看到的这个建筑就是山门,他高10米,面阔三间,进深两间,中间坐穿堂,两侧是稍间。在山门的檐下有一块匾,上书“独乐寺”三个字,为明代大学士严嵩手笔,据说他在北方只留下六个字,另外三个字就是北京的“六必居”三个字。 Now, let's see the building entrance, he is 10 m tall, surface broadly three rooms, descend two rooms, sitting among ChuanTang, both sides are a little room. At the entrance YanXia a plaque proclaiming, "alone le temple" three words, YanSong descriptions for Ming university, he is said to be in the northern leave only six words, another three word is Beijing's "six will dwell" three word. 在山门的前两稍间有两尊辽代的金刚力士站像,也就是我们俗称的哼哈二将,从他们的嘴形和手形可看出,左边这尊闭口,握手为“哼”将,右边张口,伸手为“哈”将,他们都是4.5米高,肌肉隆起,威武雄壮,紧守着山门,他们站在此地已经是一千多年的历史了。我们看这两根中柱的中间,相传以前有一扇大门,由于年代久远,这门及应不存了,但这里是山门和观音之阁的分界线,站在门槛这一边看观音之阁,只能看到局部,跨过门槛一步,大阁全貌就尽收眼底了。大家不妨试一下,这是魏晋时期,普遍采用的画框式结构。山门北稍间的两侧是清光绪年间绘制的四大天王像。先看东侧:南方增长天王,手持宝剑;东方持国天王,手持琵琶。西侧的两尊:北方多闻天亡,手持雨伞;西方广目天王,手握银蛇。四大天王手中所持之物组成一个成语“风调雨顺”,表达了我国老百姓的愿望。 In the first two slightly have between two honour the king kong lux stood like liao, namely we commonly known as the HengHa will be two, from their ZuiXing and can be seen on the left hand form, this statue silent, the handshake for "hum" will, on the right hand to mouth, "ha" will, they are all 4.5 meters high, muscle uplift, power and grandeur, clinging to the entrance, they stand here is more than a thousand years of history. We see the two root in the middle, said to the column before there was a gate, because is ages ago, this door and shall not be saved, but here is inside the cabinet and guanyin boundaries, the standing in this side watching the threshold restaurant, only see avalokitesvara local, across the threshold step, big ge panorama is panorama. You might as well try, it is widely used in wei-jin period, the frame type structure. Entrance slightly between the north is flanked by guangxu period of four major Kings like drawing. First look at the east: the south, holding the sword; growth lalitasana Oriental lalitasana, holding the pipa hold kingdom. West two honour: north WenTian wu, holding an umbrella more, Western wide eyes lalitasana, hand measures. Four major Kings hand held by the content composition an idiom "good", expressed our common people's wishes. 我们去看一看主体建筑。我们面前的就是独乐寺的主体建筑“观音之阁”,它通高23米,从外观上看分为上下两层,实际上是三层,在它正中间有一个暗层,整个大阁最突出的特点是没有一根钉子,都是榫卯结构的,我们看这一朵朵的就是斗拱,方形木块为斗,长条拱木为拱,整个大阁共用了152朵斗拱。大阁的房顶为九脊歇山式,檐下有一块匾额“观音之阁“,它是李白的真迹,这块匾额已经收入全国名匾大全了,下面这块匾额是“具足圆成”它是咸丰的手笔,意思是说里面的观音已经修行圆满,具备成佛条件了。 We went to see the main architecture. In front of us is the main architecture of the music alone temple the pavilion "view sound", it connects tall 23 metres, from appearance on look into fluctuation two layer, is actually three layers, in its middle have a dark layer, the whole big pavilion, the most outstanding characteristic is not a nail, are SunMao structure, we see this one is for wood, quadrate Romanesque capitals which should GongMu measures, strip for arch, the whole big ge share now 152 flower Romanesque capitals which should. Big ge roof for nine mountain ridge jehiel, YanXia have a plaque type of "ge" view sound, it's li bai's authentic, this plaque, have income national name plaque daqo, below this plaque is "a full five pureland sutras" it is written, xianfeng mean inside the goddess of mercy has practice perfection, have become Buddha conditions. 我们从这个位置回头看一下山门,整个山门是由12根粗大的柱子支挺的,柱头全部向内倾斜。它是我国古建筑的一个特点,称为侧角,使建筑物更加稳定,在山门的正脊上有两个饰物,尾巴向内翘起,似鸟非鸟,似鱼非鱼,叫做鸱吻。传说为龙生九子之一,能喷浪成雨,取喷水震火之用。 We'll check it from this location, got the whole entrance is consisted of 12 root massive columns branch stand of, the stigma all inward tilt. It is our country ancient building a characteristic, called lateral Angle, make the building more stable, the entrance is in two ridge decorations, tail inward tilted and like birds, like fish than the birds, fish called ChiWen. Legend as one of the nine dragon born son, can spray waves into rain, take water-jet earthquake fire with. 现在我们走进大阁里边来看一下。在我们面前的就是十一面观音像,它通高16米,站在莲花台上,通过暗层,直达阁顶。观音有33种变化形式。十一面观音为其中一种,这种体裁在别处是绝对看不到的,因为就全国来讲,只有这里供奉的是十一面观音,它在世界上也仅存13尊。我们看整个观音略向前倾,给人以亲切感。它的两个飘带从手腕处一直垂到莲花台之上,实际上是起了支撑点的作用了。我们说这个观音是泥塑的,并不是说它完全是用泥堆起来的,它的内部有仿人体骨架的木结构,外面雕刻的是泥。十一面观音两旁的是善财,龙女两位胁持菩萨,他们腰部微扭,头顶五佛冠,显得生动活波,给人以真实感,这三尊塑像加上前面的哼哈二将,独乐寺共有5尊辽代的塑像,专家评价独乐寺的早期塑像就是“少而精,艺术价值高”。 Now we walk in the cabinet inside check. In front of us are ten side kuan Yin, it connects tall 16 meters, standing on the lotus stage, through the dark layer, direct ge crest. Kuan Yin has 33 change form. Ten to one side guanyin, this genre elsewhere is absolutely cannot see, because national terms, only where is ten side guanyin, it in the world only to save and honour. We see the entire guanyin slightly lean forward, give a person with tenderness. Its two ribbon from wrist hung to lotus Chinese Taiwan, is actually played above supporting role. We said this guanyin is clay sculpture, and it's not to say it is completely with mud the heaped, its inside human body skeleton are imitated timberwork, outside carved is mud. Ten side kuan Yin is the good fortune, both sides of the dragon female two nov.19 bodhisattva, their waist micro twist, head the five-buddha crown, appear lively, give a person with reality, these three statue adds the previous HengHa will be two, alone le temple there were five honour liao statue of expert evaluation alone le temple early statue is "fewer but better, artistic value high". 在里边来看,每个柱头上都有一个斗拱,整个大阁152朵斗拱,24种形式,分布在大阁各个部位,它好似人的关节一样,这是观音之阁历经1000多年的风风雨雨,28次地震,依然安然无恙的原因之一。 Inside to see, each inter-specific has a large cabinet, whole Romanesque capitals which should 152 flower Romanesque capitals which should, 24 types, distribution in the big ge each place, it seems people joints are the same, and that is the pavilion over 1000 years guanyin the ups and downs, and 28 earthquakes, still safe and sound reasons. 整个大阁是以三大艺术于一堂的,它就是古建筑,塑像,通栏布满墙面的彩色壁画。这组壁画绘制于元代,1972年才发现出来的,原来一直保护在一层泥土里面,它的发现有很高的历史价值,科研价值和艺术价值。它已经被临摹收入国库了,壁画以佛教十六罗汉和二天王为主题,间以佛教有关的神话故事,世俗题材组成一组组各有独立,又彼此相连的巨幅画卷。 The whole big ge is in one of three art, it is an ancient architectural TongLan figurine, full of metope color murals. This group of mural drawing in the yuan dynasty, 1972, it is found out in a layer of mud have been protection, it found inside have high historical value and scientific value and artistic value. It has been copying income Treasury, mural by buddhist 16 arhat and two Kings as the theme, with Buddhism between relevant myth, secular subjects composed of groups each have independent and each connected non-imperial scenes. 现场解说到此结束,下面的时间,大家可以自己游览。 On-site interpretation to the end, the following time, everybody can oneself tour. 天津独乐寺的导游词 篇6Temple City in Jixian Wuding north, which was built in 1922 Tianbao, Liao Dynasty reconstruction.The name of the Temple, a three versions here. The first argument is Temple's main building is 10 Avalokitesvara the internal side is a towering heels of independence pear; The second argument is that the An Lushan started the war against Tang, here is the swearing-in ceremony, he "Ghaith Dule not with the people happy" After the Temple : Another argument is that, "the Buddhist concept of equilibrium, with only the Buddha of music" After the Temple. Temple is the entire three-part, East Road was built in the Qing dynasty emperor center, the West is Cengfang, routing entrance, Guanyin Pavilion, Bajiaoting, the percentage of Buddhist temple hall, composed of three Buddhist temple hall. The overall layout of simple construction, a prominent theme, the grand solemn. Temple is the most 5 : Guanyinge is the oldest surviving wooden structure senior castles; Guanyin in China like the only one of the largest ancient clay sculpture; entrance to the oldest, the highest level veranda art entrance; Traction on securing the earliest tin kiss; Temple for the first batch of key national cultural protection. Now, we arrival of the. Now we see the entrance of the building is, he was 10 meters, three bays, deep into two, intermediate ride hallway, and both are slightly between. At the entrance of a plaque beneath it reads, "Temple" in order to the Ming Dynasty scholar artistry, and expresses He was said to the north, leaving only the words, and word is, "Liubiju" words. At the entrance of the former two slightly between two Liao Dynasty Indra as Guinness stations, we called two of the Henghe, From their mouths and hands-shape can be seen, and to the left, closed this respect, shook hands, "Hmm", the appetite right hand "Kazakhstan", They are 4.5 meters in height, muscle uplift, powerful and magnificent, keeping tight entrance, They stood here is 1,000 years of history.We look at the two middle columns in the middle, is said to have a door before, the age, the discipline and should not be deposited, But here is the entrance and Guanyin Hitchcock line, the threshold from watching Guanyin Pavilion, see only partial, eventual step, the House on a panoramic view of the whole picture. We may try something, which is the Wei and Jin Dynasties, commonly used in the frame structure. North entrance slightly between the two sides is clear dynasty, drawing the four kings like. Let us look at the east side : the pro-growth South, carrying swords; Oriental country's kings and holding pipa. The west side of the two : the north killed more news days, holding umbrellas; Head pro-Western Canton, with a Horse. Four kings held by the hands of a composition phrase "weather", the expression of our people's aspirations. We take a look in the main building.Before us is the Temple of the main architectural "Guanyin Pavilion," which links 23 meters high. From the exterior view is divided into upper and lower levels, in fact, a three-tier structure, it is in the middle of a dark layer, The entire cabinet of the most prominent features is not a nail, are tenon joint structure, we view this is the hip after another. square pieces of wood for one, long wooden arch to arch, the entire cabinet shared a 152 brackets. Tai Kok to the roof ridge curled-9, a sign beneath a "Goddess of Mercy's Corner", it is Li's original artworks, This sign has been distinguished from the national revenue volumes, following this sign is "inflicting 行" It is the ancient, and expresses This means that the inside has been practiced successfully Kuanyin, with the conditions of the Buddha. From this position we look at the back entrance, the entire entrance by 12 large pillars supporting Ting, Stigma all inward tilt.It is an ancient architectural features, known as Angle, building a more stable, in the correction of securing a two ornaments, inward protruding tail, the bird-like birds, fish - like fish called tin kiss. Lung Health legends of nine children, the waves can be sprayed into a storm from the fire sprinkler Lan purposes. We now you enter you look at the inside. In front of us was 10 while on the tree, it links 16 meters high, from the Lotus platform, dark layer, direct your roof. Guanyin with 33 variations.10 side to one of Guanyin, which Genre elsewhere is absolutely can not see, because on the national speaking, Only here worship the Goddess of Mercy is 10 side, it is also in the world only 13. We look at the entire Guanyin slightly lean forward, and gives a sense. Its two pennant from the wrist always vertical to the top of the Lotus Chinese Taiwan, in fact, played a role in the resistance. We said that the Goddess of Mercy is the latest discovery, it is not entirely with soil pile up, Its internal fake human skeleton structure of the wood, sculpture outside the dumper.10 along the side of Guanyin is Zenzai, that she Bodhisattva two outs, waist-twisting, head five Dover champion, is lively waves, give realistic, three with a statue in front of the Henghe two, a total of five Temple of the Liao Dynasty statue Temple expert evaluation is a statue of an early "option, high artistic value." In between, each have a stigma on the hip, the entire House 152 brackets, 24 forms, distribution in various parts Court, it appears the joints, This is Guanyin you through 1,000 years of storms, and 28 earthquake, still one of the reasons unharmed. The entire House is three to one art, it is the ancient architecture, sculpture, through columns filled with color wall murals. These murals drawn in the Yuan Dynasty, in 1972 it was discovered that the original had been to protect the soil inside, It found a high historical value, research value and artistic value. It has been felt treasury income, the Buddhist murals in 16 of them and two kings theme Buddhism among the legends, secular themes have formed groups of independent and connected with each other huge picture. Commentary This is the end of the scene, the following time, we can own tour. 天津独乐寺的导游词 篇7大家好,欢迎大家来到这里,下面我和大家介绍一下! 独乐寺,俗称大佛寺,位于天津蓟县城内西大街。传说安禄山起兵叛唐,在此誓师,因他想做皇帝,“思独乐而不与民同乐”而得寺名。古寺建于唐贞观十年,辽统和二年(公元984年)重建,是中国仅存的三大辽代寺院之一,为国务院1961年首批公布的全国重点文物保护单位。也是津门十景之一。独乐寺现已列为申报世界历史文化遗产预备清单名录。 独乐寺属全国重点文物保护单位,是我国现存最著名的古建筑之一,位于天津市蓟县县城内。 独乐寺相传始建于唐,辽统和二年(984)重建。 蓟县县城不大,从长途车站下车,步行就到了武定侯街,也许是由于独乐寺外的铁门紧闭,无法从马路上体会山门的震撼,从侧门进入寺内,山门的气势就让人感到不同一般,山门高约10米,正中匾额楷书“独乐寺”,这是明朝严嵩题字,显得刚劲浑厚。 同去懂建筑的朋友介绍,独乐寺山门的屋顶五条脊,四面坡。檐角如翼似飞,使建筑物庄重而高昂,表现出了中国建筑特有的艺术效果。 走过山门就看到了观音阁,阁上的匾额“观音之阁”是唐朝著名的诗人李白在52岁北游幽州时所题写的,观音阁中间的观音像高16米,头上还有10个小头像,所以还被称为11面观音。 观音阁后的八角小亭名“韦驮亭”塑像韦驮身着铠甲,双手合十,以往看到的韦驮像一般都在天王殿或大雄宝殿里,而单独给韦驮设亭的寺院在中国还是十分罕见的。 由于观音阁与山门同在一个中轴线的原因,当你站在山门正中,从山门的画框里,能把观音阁高耸的雄姿全纳入镜头,这种把高层建筑放在山门之内的布局,是南北朝及以后建立寺院的传统手法。 修建于唐朝的独乐寺,已经有1000多年的历史,从史载多年的战乱地震到1976年的唐山大地震以至如今,独乐寺依旧安然无恙。梁思成先生说,“在蓟民心中,实为无尚圣地”。 观音阁的西北,有28块乾隆皇帝的书法碑帖,都是乾隆的书法真迹,如今看上去已经字迹斑驳,不过,在这样一个小小的县城里却能看到如此的珍宝,主要原因就是,清朝的东陵在遵化,皇帝去遵化祭祖,蓟县成为一个重要的中转休息站。 谈到蓟县独乐寺,就不能不继续说到梁思成先生,梁先生曾亲自撰写《中国营造学社汇刊》(第三卷第二期)“独乐寺专号”,在解释观音阁上咸丰皇帝手书“具足圆成”时,梁先生认为,“具足”是佛家语,“圆成”不是佛语,应为“具足圆通”。 1966年,中国的政治形势已经发生变化,梁先生依旧冒着风险,抵达蓟县,提出要为观音阁“装避雷针、安门窗,为防止鸟类落在观音头像上,要为观音头像上罩铁丝网”,于是,文化部当年就拨款9000元人民币,由河北省古建队施工安装完毕,使独乐寺受到了妥善保护。 天津独乐寺的导游词 篇8今天,我为您介绍的“独乐寺”啊,是中国仅存的三大辽代寺院之一,俗称“大佛寺”。虽然这座寺庙被称作“千年名刹”,但是它的历史却是少有记载,最早也只能追溯到当年安禄山起兵叛唐时,就是在这个地方誓师。因为他想做皇帝,后人就由“思独乐而不与民同乐”得此寺名。 作为来蓟县必到的景点,“独乐寺”里面其实并不大,完整的走一圈也只要三十分钟。但是就这么点的地方却拥有好几个全国之最:最早的木结构楼阁,最高的泥塑立像等,还有我们“独乐寺”的“镇寺之宝”——我国最大的彩色观音泥塑像。甚至,“独乐寺”里面几块小小的牌匾也都是历史名人所写,据说最受欢迎的“观音之阁”,牌匾上的四个字就是出自“诗仙”李白之手,绝对是“浓缩的精华”啊! 随着社会的发展,“独乐寺”周边的环境也已经变得相当不错。步行街和商业街的气氛已经让蓟县成为了一个旅游贸易中心。而处在蓟县市中心的“独乐寺”,在门口的复古的步行街的映衬下,气质更加卓尔不群,那种古意是任何高超技术无法模仿和复现的。希望“独乐寺”及其周围,“静中有动,动中有静”的独特气质,能带给您全新的体验。 伽蓝殿 与闹市区步行街紧紧挨在一起的就是独乐寺的“伽蓝殿”了!提到“伽蓝菩萨”,您可能不太熟悉,但是“黑脸关公”您一定听过,其实啊,咱们的这位菩萨就是关公转世!据说,关公曾经是忠义两全,视死如归的将军。最后为奸人所害,因为执着深切,死后没有得到解脱。有幸得到禅师点拨,体悟心性。最后发愿拥护佛法,成为护发和尚,也就是我们今天看到的“伽蓝菩萨”了! 独乐寺里的伽蓝菩萨,身穿圆领宽大绿袍,胸前还加挂一盔甲。除了腹部和膝盖处有飞龙纹外,还有布满袍子的云纹,展现出了富丽堂皇之气!您可以咱们这位“关公大老爷”合照呢 行宫 亲爱的游客,走了许久是不是有些累呢?接下来,就带您去感受一下古代皇帝在游玩途中小憩的地方! 独乐寺行宫建于乾隆年间,又称“乾隆行宫”,是清代皇帝去东陵途中休息的地方,也是天津地区唯一存留的行宫。乾隆之后的皇帝都来过独乐寺行宫,并留下了大量赞美这里的诗篇。行宫内现在还增设了展览区域,只要您来到这里,就可以欣赏到首清帝即兴之作和与行宫有关的帝后嫔妃画像幅!听到这里,您是不是觉得此行赚到了呢,我觉得很值呢! 观音阁 来到“独乐寺”,最不能错过的就是咱们的“观音阁”了,传说中的“镇寺之宝”就是它!梁思成先生就曾出过一本书,《蓟县独乐寺观音阁山门考》,专门介绍独乐寺的“观音阁”。它的结构巧妙程度,令现代的建筑师们都叹为观止!当年的唐山大地震不仅没让这里有丝毫晃动,反而让它更加坚固。绝对是功能与艺术的完美结合! “观音阁”里面供奉的高达.米的辽代十一面观音像,是我国现存最高大的彩色泥塑站像。如果您想将观音像看个遍,花元买张票,就可以登上去!千万不要错过哦! 韦驮亭 这么有名寺庙怎么能少了神话传说,接下来,就为您介绍一下关于“韦驮寺”的故事!韦驮本来是古印度婆罗门教天部神,在佛祖涅盘的时候,鬼怪盗取了一双佛牙,韦驮急追取回,后来便成为佛教中的护卫天神。据说韦驮的不同姿势对于行脚僧而言有着不同的意义,寺内的韦驮像双手合掌,就表示寺庙里欢迎,路过和尚尽可大摇大摆进去,白吃白住;要是握杵(chǔ)拄地,表示寺庙不欢迎挂单和尚。咱们“独乐寺”里的韦驮像,身着盔甲,表情肃穆,怀抱金刚杵地,看来路过的和尚是不能进去的呀 乾隆御笔碑刻 亲爱的游客朋友,您现在来到的是“乾隆御笔碑刻”。随着一些宫廷大剧的不断走红,我们似乎都已经把乾隆皇帝的后宫妃子们认得“门儿清”了!被这么多妃子喜欢着的人当然有其独特魅力!咱们的乾隆皇帝可是“十全老人”,不仅是一位政治巨人,而且是一位杰出诗人。他曾多次游历蓟州,关于蓟州的诗作就高达上千首,独乐寺的“乾隆御笔碑刻”就是证据之一。这些碑刻的书法作品,行云流水;笔锋或粗犷苍劲、或圆润秀丽;览之,既有视觉欣赏的享受,又能从中感悟道理!充分显示着昔日帝王的文史底蕴。您不妨无品读一番,绝对会感慨万千 报恩院 “双烛烧残观法界,万缘放下见真心”,这是“报恩院”门前所展示的对联,向世人们深刻地展示了人生真谛。可是,当年“报恩寺”的提字却是“闹”了不少事! 据说,当年咸丰皇帝驾临这里,当家的大和尚想沾个荣耀,就请皇帝提个名。咸丰皇帝也未客气,当即就写下“报恩院”三个字,写完之后才发现“院”字少了一横。皇帝知道写错了,又不好承认,最后只好开金口说“人啊,要之人图报,佛家就说要报四重恩,太多了,这恩一生都报不完,所以,完字的笔画不能写全”。完美的解释,直到今日都引人津津乐道!快去瞧一瞧吧! 大雄宝殿 您现在来到的就是大名鼎鼎的“大雄宝殿”。这座宝殿啊,有一个非常厉害的头衔!据说,是中国古代佛教寺庙遗留下的所有大雄宝殿中,最古老,最大的。此外,这里的“大雄宝殿”与别处相比还有一点不同,里面供奉的不是一尊佛像而是三尊,代表中、东、西三方不同世界的佛。中间一尊是我们这个世界的释迦牟尼佛,左边是东方净琉璃世界的药师琉璃光佛,右边是西方极乐世界的阿弥陀佛。这三位大佛有个特别“厉害”的组合名字,叫做“横三世佛”。您可千万不要错过! |
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