标题 | 简短的介绍长城导游词 |
范文 | 简短的介绍长城导游词(精选18篇) 简短的介绍长城导游词 篇1欢迎大家来到长城,我是你们的导游,我叫蔡,大家可以叫我蔡导。 长城有10300多里,大家抬头看一下,这就是长城。在远处看,就像一条长龙在崇山峻岭之间蜿蜒盘旋。它高大坚固,是用巨大的条石和城砖筑成的。大家想一想,这些垛子有多高?是的,有两米多高。那么,谁知道t望口和射口是用来干什么的?对了,t望口是用来看长城外的东西,射口是用来射击用,对,这个问题非常简单。 下面,我给大家出一个谜语:一个房子真奇怪,打仗的时候放出烟。大家猜猜是什么,提醒一下,是在长城上的东西。对了,是城台。大家看看这数不清的条石,一块就有三千斤重,那时候没有火车、汽车,也没有起重机,可见用多少劳动人民的血汗和智慧才凝结成这前不见头,后见性的万里长城。 中国有一句话,大家想一想是什么?是:不爬长城,不是好汉。 好了,说了这么多,大家一定想细细游赏一下长城,我的导游任务也完成了。下面,大家可以自由游赏,请注意爱护公物,注意安全,可以照像留纪念,再过两小时,请大家在这里集合。 简短的介绍长城导游词 篇2各位亲爱的旅客们: 大家好。我是北京导游社的导游吴。请大家随我到长城细细游玩。 长城平均高度约7.5米,墙的下宽约6.5米,顶上宽约5.8米。可容五马并骑,或士兵十人并行。城墙上每隔 30~40 米或100~200米,于险要处筑一堡垒式堡台。堡台建筑于山脊的高处、城墙的转角处或险要之地。说到长城,我会想起传说孟江姜女哭倒长城。 秦始皇修筑长城时,征用大量的百姓男丁。 孟姜女的丈夫就是被征去建长城的一个。 一去很多年,孟姜女的丈夫一直没有回来,孟姜女离开家乡去寻找丈夫。结果发现丈夫已经劳累过度而死。由于悲痛欲绝,在修筑一半的长城边哭了三天三夜,哭倒了长城。 在长城,我提醒大家:不要乱扔垃圾、不随地吐谈、不在墙上乱涂粘遗产乱画不要口香糖吐到长城的任何一处地方。 时间过得可真快,长城已经游玩过了,希望下次我还能介绍长城。 简短的介绍长城导游词 篇3亲爱的各位游客们: 大家好! 欢迎来到欢乐旅行社,我是金,很高兴能担任本团的导游。我们今天将要领略长城的壮丽风光,希望各位在本导游的带领下能玩的开心愉快。 长城到了,大家下车排好对,我前去买票。 进入长城大门,我们可以看到一座座屯兵的堡垒,这堡垒隔三十米就有一个,在古代,打仗的时候,城台之间可以互相呼应。城墙外沿有两米多高的成排的垛子,垛子上有方形的t望口和射击口,供眺望和射击用。单看这数不清的条石,一块就有二三十斤重啊。大伙可以想一想当年修筑长城的劳动人民,当时没有车,没有机器,就靠着一双手搬运。可想而知,劳动人民是多么的辛苦。这又长又高的长城,是上千万人的血液凝结而成的,我们要保护好这美丽的长城,不要让长城壮观的景色消失。 好,我先介绍到这,下面大家自由活动,爬长城去吧,体验一下不到长城非好汉的无畏。 简短的介绍长城导游词 篇4各位旅客,大家好!我是你们的导游何宜臻,大家能够叫我小何。然后这次很荣幸能和大家游览长城。 远远望去,长城像一条巨大无比的长龙。近看,长城一眼望不到头。站在长城上看,一座座烽火台屹立在长城上,像一个永远不会倒的不倒翁。 长城还是古代一项重要的防御工程,从燕国开始修建长城,长城此刻已经有20__多年历史了! 关于长城还有一个感人的传说。在修建长城的时候,除了60岁以上的老人不用去修建长城,其它的青年都得去修建长城。苏州书生范喜良,为了逃避官府的追捕,不得不四处躲藏。有一次,他逃到了孟家花园,无意中碰到了孟姜女。孟姜女是一个聪明美丽的姑娘,然后她和父母便一起把范喜良藏了起来。两位老人很喜欢范喜良,就把孟姜女许配给他作了妻子。但是,人有旦夕祸福,天有不测风云,新婚不到三天,范喜良声就被官兵捉走了。之后,孟姜女千里迢迢地来到长城找丈夫。谁知,民工告诉她,范喜良已经死了。她便在长城脚下痛哭,不知哭了多久,只听“轰隆”一声,长城倒了几公里。 旅客们,请不要随地扔垃圾,和在城砖上乱涂乱刻。我们7点在城门集合。 简短的介绍长城导游词 篇5各位朋友们: 大家好!我是星光旅游公司的导游李。 今天由我带领大家游览长城。万里长城在八达岭这一段保存最为完好,也是最坚固的一段。曾经有许多国家首脑和人到这里参观,从而成了旅游胜地。 长城全部由条石和城砖筑成,从山海关到嘉峪关,有一万三千多里。 长城每隔一米就有一个供射箭用的射口。每隔三百米就有一个正方形的城台,必要时可以相互呼应,还有一个作用就是:如果有敌军突袭,可以在城台顶上点火,以表示有敌军或请求支援。 另外,大家在游玩时请注意安全,带孩子的游客请看住自己的孩子,否则出意外的话,我们旅游公司不负任何责任。 本次旅行(导游)到此结束,谢谢各位游客的支持。 简短的介绍长城导游词 篇6亲爱的游客朋友们: 大家好! 我是你们的导游,你们也可以叫我小泽,你们眼前的就是万里长城。我感到非常荣幸!那么我们就开始长城之旅吧! 那我来为你们介绍一下万里长城,万里,万里长城是有垛子、了望台、射口、堡垒。了望口是观察敌人的情况的,射口是射击用的,堡垒是保护好人的因为堡垒很坚固。 站在长城上,踏着脚下的方砖,扶着墙上的条石很自然的想起古代修筑长城的劳动人们来。当看这数不清的条石,一块有两千斤重,那时候没有火车,汽车,没有期中机,就靠着无数的肩膀和手,一布一步的抬上这峭的山岭。多少劳动人们的血汗和智慧,才凝结这前不见头、后不见尾的万长城。 这样气魄雄伟地工程,在世界历史上是一个伟大的奇迹。 简短的介绍长城导游词 篇7Hello,欢迎来到我们的旅游集团,我是你们忠诚的导游,我姓陈,大家可以叫我陈导,很荣幸能为大家服务。 游客们,我现在来到了一条“长龙”的面前,它就是---长城。它从东头的山海关到西头的嘉峪关,全长一万三千多里呢!游客们,你们听了是不是目瞪口呆了?走到长城上你会更大吃一惊,想去吗?那就Let,s go! 亲爱的游客们,现在我们来到了“龙”的背上,这条“龙”是用巨大的条石和城砖筑成的,它的背十分平整,像很宽的马路,五六匹马可以并行。你们看,城墙外沿有两米多高的成排的垛子,垛子上有方形的瞭望口和射口,是瞭望和射击用的。游客们,国家之间打仗时,我们就站在“龙”的背上,“砰砰、啪啪”把敌人扫得落花流水。白旗投降,那可是爽极了。 简短的介绍长城导游词 篇8Hello, tourists. I'm your guide. My name is Lin Tian. You can call me XiaoLin. We came to the Great Wall known as "World Heritage". The Great Wall is made up of many stones. One stone weighs two or threejin. The sunken crenels on the wall are used for lookout. The openings under thecrenels are called shooting ports. The place we are standing now is calledChengtai. There are also lookout ports and shooting ports, under which weaponsand grain can be put. The Great Wall is like a long, wide road. Five or sixhorses can run in parallel. It is said that a long time ago, there was a woman who was called MengJiangnu. Her husband was caught by the officers and soldiers to build the GreatWall. So Meng Jiangnu searched for her husband thousands of miles and finallyfound the Great Wall. When she asked, she knew that her husband had died longago. Meng Jiangnu was helpless and let go crying in front of her husband'sgrave. Finally, she cried down the Great Wall. Let's play by ourselves, but pay attention to safety, protect culturalrelics, and gather at the foot of the Great Wall in an hour. 关于介绍长城的导游词英语作文4 Dear tourists Hello, I'm your guide today: Liu Kunyang, you can call me Liu Dao. TodayI'm going to show you around this place, As we all know, that is the great wall like a dragon. The Great Wall is a key cultural relic in China. It was listed in the worldheritage list in December 1987, which is also the pride of the Chinesepeople. Looking at the Great Wall from a distance, it is like a long dragon windingbetween the mountains. From Shanhaiguan in the west to Jiayuguan in the East, itis 21196.18 kilometers long. Let me tell you a legend about the Great Wall: the name of this legend isMeng Jiangnu crying Great Wall. Once upon a time, there was a girl named MengJiangnu in the state of Qin. Her husband was fan Xiliang. On the day they gotmarried, she broke into several yamen servants and grabbed her husband fanXiliang. It turned out that the first emperor of Qin was sending a large numberof farmers across the country to build the Great Wall. A year later, fan Xilianghad no news. Jiang Nu couldn't eat and sleep. In a hurry, she made cotton padded clothesand traveled thousands of miles to build the Great Wall. But when Meng Jiangnugot there, she realized that her husband had already died. So she burst outcrying, crying for three days and three nights. Her cry was earth shaking, andthe great wall collapsed 800 miles long. Later, Meng Jiangnu jumped into therough sea and killed herself. Tourist friends, what a moving story it is! TheGreat Wall has condensed the blood and sweat of millions of working people! Dear tourist friends, do you know that the stone we step on now weighs twoor three kilograms. At that time, there were no trains, cars or cranes. Do youknow how these stones were brought up? That is, they were carried up the steepmountains step by step by countless shoulders and hands. Dear tourists, theGreat Wall is very beautiful. I can't say enough about it. Next, please enjoy itcarefully. OK, now disband! Gather here in an hour! 简短的介绍长城导游词 篇9大家好! 我是导游小王,今天我要带你们去参观最宏伟的古建筑——长城,小连学艺不精,如果有不足之处请多多指教。 好!游客们,我们现在经过了一段路程,终于抵达了气魄雄伟的长城,这是我国古代劳动人民智慧与汗水的结晶。这一块块巨大的砖瓦,重达五六百斤,真令人难以想象,以前交通那么不方便,人们怎么能把这一块块砖石扛上去呢?好,我现在要带领大家攀登这来之不易的长城,来吧,让我们收拾好行李,出发,Let'sgo! 现在我们来到了长城比较高的地方,看,那边的长城盘旋在崇山峻岭上,都望不到尽头,告诉你们吧!长城总长一万两千多里,从山海关一直延伸到嘉峪关,怎么样,长吧?好了,休息好了的游客请继续出发,前面那里说不定藏有百元钞票喔,让我们到那里去看一看。哇!那里有个城堡,大家猜猜城堡是用来干嘛的?让我来告诉你们吧,是用来防御敌人的,假如有敌兵侵入,就在城堡上点燃狼粪,浪粪燃烧后会产生非常浓的烟,驻扎部队看到,就会跑过去与敌军拼杀。但还是有些不文明的人在这长城的砖瓦上乱涂乱画,非常没礼貌。请大家轻轻地来,轻轻地走,不带走一片绿叶,不留下一个纸片。 好。我们现在要回去了,祝你们旅途愉快,再见。 简短的介绍长城导游词 篇10各位旅客: 大家好! 我是导游王,今天我们去长城,从北京出发,不过一百多里就来到了长城的脚下 这一段长城修筑在八达岭上,快看,它高大坚固,是用巨大的条石和城砖筑成的,而且城墙顶上铺着方砖,平整的很。路非常宽,五六匹战马都可以一起经过。墙上那两米多高的垛子,上面有很多正方形的瞭望口和射口,瞭望口用来观察,射口用来射击。没三百多米有个城台。是屯兵的堡垒。 今天的旅行结束了,万里长城就讲到这里,再见! 简短的介绍长城导游词 篇11亲爱的游客: 你们好! 昨天,我们参观了美丽的颐和园,今天我们要参观壮观的万里长城 你们快来看呀!从东头的山海关到西头的嘉峪关,足有一万三千多里从北京出发,不过一百多里就来到了长城脚下这一段长城修筑在八达岭上,高大坚固城墙顶上铺着方砖,十分平整,像很宽的马路,五六匹马可以并行城墙外沿有两米多高的成排垛子,城墙顶上,每隔三百米就有一座方行的城台,是屯兵的堡垒打仗的时候,城台之间可以互相呼应 站在长城上,踏着脚下的方砖,扶着墙上的条石,游客们,你们千万不要忘记古代修筑长城的劳动人民来单看这数不清的条石,一块就有两三千斤重,要知道,那时没有火车、汽车、更没有起重机,就靠着无数的肩膀,无数的手,一步一步地抬上这陡峭的山岭多少劳动人民的血汗和智慧,才凝结成这前不见头、后不见尾的万里长城 游客们,千里迢迢而来,就是要一睹长城庐山真面目,我们继续加油吧!
x年xx月xx日 简短的介绍长城导游词 篇12各位游客: 大家好! 我很荣幸成为你们的导游,在我们脚下的这是明长城中最具代表性的一段长城——八达岭长城,就让我们一起参观万里长城的美丽风景吧!但是大家在参观长城时一定要注意,不要乱扔垃圾,刻字。 长城蜿蜒盘旋于中国北方土地,从东头的山海关到西头的嘉峪关,横跨13个省,有13000多里,长城可真长啊! 大家知道在城墙外那两米多高的成排的建筑物是什么吗?那就是垛子,是用来防身的,打仗时,敌人放箭、放炮,人可以站在垛子后,垛子上分别是瞭望口和射口,供瞭望和射击用。在城墙顶上,每隔300多米就有一个方形的`城台,是屯兵的堡垒,打仗的时候城台之间可以相互呼应。 这墙壁是用一块块条石筑成的,你们可别小瞧这些数不清的条石,一块就有两三千斤重。一个成年人最大承重量也不过才有一百五十斤,可想而知要多少劳动人民的血汗和智慧筑成这前不见头,后不见尾的万里长城。 今天的八达岭长城之旅就在这告一段落了,希望大家在这里留下美好的回忆,再见! 简短的介绍长城导游词 篇13时间过得可真快,长城已经游玩过了,希望下次我还能为大家介绍长城。 “各位游客,欢迎乘坐本班开往长城的班车,我是你们的导游:林信凯!请大家向右看,我们已经到了著名景点:长城。它从东头的山海关到西头的嘉峪关,总长一万三千多里。现在我们看到的这段长城就是八达岭长城。” “我们将从八达岭长城的起点山海关出发!那里地势险要,自古以来都为交通要冲。它建于明朝洪武十四年,相当于是公元十四年,由于当时萧显给城楼题词为“天下第一关”五个雄浑的大字而得此名。” “各位游客,欢迎乘坐本班开往长城的班车,我是你们的导游:林信凯!请大家向右看,我们已经到了著名景点:长城。它从东头的山海关到西头的嘉峪关,总长一万三千多里。现在我们看到的这段长城就是八达岭长城。” “我们将从八达岭长城的起点山海关出发!那里地势险要,自古以来都为交通要冲。它建于明朝洪武十四年,相当于是公元十四年,由于当时萧显给城楼题词为“天下第一关”五个雄浑的大字而得此名。” “现在,我们站的这块方形的城台,就是古时候屯兵的堡垒:在打仗时敌人入侵的时候可以点燃烽火台,在每隔三百米的另一个烽火台上的战友看到火焰,自然知道有敌人入侵,自己这边也要受到攻击了,于是马上点火。就这样一个接着一个点燃,消息马上传到了明朝皇帝的耳中,他就会立刻派兵去抵抗!” “请大家摸一摸墙上的条石,踏一踏脚下的'方砖,你就会很自然的想起古代人民所付出的血汗。公元一三八一年,那时没有起重机、火车、挖土机,全是靠百姓们无数的手一步步将石块抬上这陡峭的山岭。多少劳动人民的血汗和智慧,才凝结成着前不见头、后不见尾的八达岭长城啊!” “这样雄伟的建筑,在世界历史上是个奇迹!请大家细细游赏!” 简短的介绍长城导游词 篇14嗨,游客们, 介绍长城的导游词。我是你们的导游,我姓刘,大家可以叫我刘导。我将带领大家去浏览气魄雄伟的长城。Let’s go! 朋友们,这就是长城,它是在公元前五世纪到前三世纪修建的。那时各国诸候为了互相防御和抵抗北方游牧民族的南下侵扰,在各自领地上修筑了防御用的城墙。秦始皇统一中国后,用三万多人力,十多年时间,把原来秦、赵、魏、燕、齐等国所筑的城墙加以修缮并且连接来。 现在我们通常说的万里长城是指明朝修建的西起甘肃省的嘉峪关,东到濒临渤海湾的河北山海关,中间主要关口有:山海关,嘉峪关,玉门关、居庸关、紫荆关,偏关,雁门关,平型关,娘子关,横亘七个盛市,全长六千七百多公里。万里长城工程坚固,气势雄伟,蜿蜓起伏,势若游龙,是中国最有价值的历史文物和旅游胜地。 呀,时间不早了,大家该吃午饭了。走,吃北京鸭去。因为俗话说:“不到长城非好汉,不吃烤鸭真遗憾。”在大家吃饭的同时,我给大家讲一个故事,故事是这样的:“传说在秦朝,有一个叫孟姜女的姑娘, 知书达理,伶俐非凡。她嫁给了苏州的范喜良。那年,秦始皇召集百万民夫修筑长城,范喜良也被抓去了。半年多过去了,已经是冬天了。孟姜女决心千里迢迢为丈夫送寒衣,到那里才知道丈夫已经死了,她便哭了起来,哭倒了好多里长城。无数具白骨暴露在长城脚下,孟姜女想:“即使见不到活的丈夫,也要把丈夫的尸骨带回去。”于是,她便用滴血认亲的方法找到了丈夫的尸骨。她正要起程回去,秦始皇又来了。他十分关心这个浩大的工程,听说有一个民妇前来寻夫,把长城哭倒了四十里,就决心处罚这个民女,但他见到孟姜女的美貌就起了邪念。孟姜女看秦始皇这么好色,对他更恨之入骨了。但又一想,不能和他硬拼,便强装笑脸对秦始皇说:“陛下如此看重小女子,小女子也愿意待奉陛下。不过要依我三件事才行。”“可以。”秦始皇说。“一、要在长城外边的大海上造一座长桥。二、要在我丈夫填城的地方修一座十里长,十里宽的大坟。三、你要亲自率领文武百官披麻戴孝。”秦始皇为了得到美女,都答应了。不久,这三件事都办好了。秦始皇要孟姜女回宫,但孟姜女却要陪她到长桥上浏览一番,秦始皇一听自然高兴,便与孟姜女上了长桥。走着走着,孟姜女忽然快步跑上前去,投江自尽了。 好了,故事讲完了。现在大家去长城上玩吧。但大家要注意以下几点: 1、 不要乱扔垃圾。 2、 不要在长城上乱刻乱画。 3、 注意安全。 4、 注意时间,只有两个小时。 时间过得真快,和大家说拜拜的时间到了。记住,我们的公司叫天马行空旅游公司,有空常来我们这里坐坐,别忘了请我给您做导游啊!Bye__ bye! 更多关于长城导游词范文推荐阅读★★★★★: 简短的介绍长城导游词 篇15大家好,我是徐导游,今天我将带你们参观万里长城。 大家往这边看,长城像一条长龙一样在八达岭上弯曲盘旋,它长一万三千多里,从东头的山海关到西头的嘉峪关。长城上有许多方形的口子,大的是瞭望口,小的射口。瞭望口是用来瞭望的,射口是用来射击的。长城上每隔三百米就有一个士兵的堡垒。堡垒在古时候是用来给士兵休息或呼叫用的。 看到长城,很多人就不禁想象着古代的劳动人民是怎么把这两三千斤重的条石运到这里,并筑成了这雄伟的万里长城的。长城这一伟大的建筑是我们人的骄傲。因为那时我们没有汽车、卡车,没有起重机。抬起这一块块巨石的是人们的双手。长城是古代劳动人民血汗和智慧的结晶,是中华民族的骄傲和象征。 好了,现在大家原地休息一下,天气预报说今天会下雪,我们再过一个小时就要往回走了。现在我讲个故事吧,是关于两个日本人登长城的故事。以前有两个日本人在雪天去登长城,当他们走到一半的时候,雪越下越大,这两个日本人在长城上被困了三天三夜。最后还是卫星把他们找到的。把他们救出来送到医院后,医生发现他们的手脚都冻烂了。所以为了大家的安全,我们要尽早下山了。 好了,接下来是今天行程中最后一个景点——烽火台。烽火台是古代用来报警的。 很高兴和大家一起渡过了快乐的一天,旅游可以增长见识、拓宽眼界,读万卷书不如行万里路。如果大家下次大家再来北京旅游,记得找我当导游啊! 简短的介绍长城导游词 篇16大家好欢迎来到世界遗产长城,我是钟鑫雨大家可以叫我小钟。长城是世界的遗产,它无比的长,像一条长龙盘旋在山腰,长城是古代劳动建筑的,只要想到有很多人死在这里,心情就无比的沉重。 那是没有举重机等一切有用的工具,机器,只靠无数双手无数肩膀,不怕严寒酷暑,付出多少的鲜血才凝结成这前不见头后不见尾的万里长城。所以请游客们保护好我们的万里长城。小朋友们请紧跟着大家走,以免走丢,也不要在洁白的墙砖上乱涂乱画,这是对古代劳动的不尊重。 长城有很多的景点,说也说不完看也看不够。现在请大家尽情的去欣赏长城的美景吧!也请大家在游玩的`时候不要乱丢果皮纸屑等一切垃圾,否则我们美丽的长城就变成垃圾厂了,如果乱丢果皮,别人踩到就会滑倒,为了游客们的安全问题,请不要到危险的地方去玩耍拍照。长城的美景等待着你们,快去参观吧!下午三点在这里集合,祝大家玩的愉快!!!! 简短的介绍长城导游词 篇17Hello everyone, welcome to the Great Wall with me. My name is Yue. You cancall me tour guide Yue. Here, I hope you will pay attention to your safety,protect your finance, do not scribble, do not litter, on the road, please do notmake a loud noise. Dear passengers, we have come to the foot of the Great Wall. Do you thinkthe Great Wall is like a long dragon winding between the mountains? I tell you,it has more than 13000 miles. If you want to have a look, go up and have a goodlook. Dear tourists, we have now ascended the great wall of Badaling. It is madeof huge bricks and stones. It is tall, solid and magnificent. It's also verywide. Five or six horses can run in parallel. If you don't believe it, you canstretch out your hands and stand more than a dozen people. There are rows ofcrenels on the outer edge of the city wall. There are square lookouts andshooting ports on the crenels. In ancient times, they were used to shoot andwatch the enemy's movements. Every three hundred meters there is a cityplatform, which used to be a fortress for soldiers. There are many stories about the Great Wall, such as Meng Jiangnu cryingover the Great Wall. It is said that a long time ago, there was a Meng familyvillage in Songjiang Prefecture, Jiangsu Province, where an old man was good atplanting gourds. This year, the gourds he planted grew very prosperous, and oneof them stretched out to his neighbor Jiang's yard. Meng and Jiang were veryfriendly, so they made an appointment with each other in autumn and married halfof the gourd family. In autumn, it turned out to be a big gourd. Meng and Jiangwere very happy. They picked the gourd and prepared to share it. Suddenly,hearing the cries of children coming from the gourd, old man Meng was verystrange, so he cut the gourd with a knife. Ah! There was a little girl sittingin the gourd with a red face and a round mouth, which was very popular. The old Jiang's mother-in-law saw that she was very fond of it. She pickedit up and said, "give me the child!" but old Meng had no children and had tofight with them for a while. In the end, we had to ask the elders of the villageto cut off. The elder said, "your two families have agreed to raise half of thegourd family, so the children in the gourd should be raised by your twofamilies." So the little girl became the apple of the eye of the two families.Because the old man had no children, she lived in the Meng family and was namedMeng Jiangnu. Meng Jiangnu grows up day by day. She is clever, smart and beautiful. Sheweaves cloth and sings songs to compete with Huang Ying. Meng old man loves heras a treasure. On this day, Meng Jiangnu finished sewing and went to the backgarden to relax. In the garden, the lotus is in full bloom, and the water is asblue as blue. Suddenly, a pair of big butterflies fall on the lotus leaves bythe side of the pool, which attracts her attention. She walks over and pourswith a fan. She doesn't want to use too much force, and the fan falls into thewater. Meng Jiangnu was very angry, so she rolled up her sleeves and searchedfor something. Suddenly she heard something behind her. She looked back and sawthat it was a young man standing under a tree, full of dust and tired. Meng Jiangnu rushed to find her parents. Meng Laohan was very angry withthe young man for entering the back garden privately. She asked, "who are youand how dare you enter my back garden privately?" the young man pleaded guiltyand told the story. It turned out that the young man's name was Wan Xiliang. Hewas born in Suzhou. He had studied since childhood and was full of articles. Thefirst emperor of Qin Dynasty did not want to build the great wall and catch thestrong men everywhere. The three men drew one and the five men drew two. Thepeople were full of complaints. Wan Xiliang quickly disguised himself andescaped. Just now, I went to the garden to have a rest because I was hungry andthirsty. I didn't want to disturb Meng Jiangnu. I told her that I was guiltyagain and again. Meng Jiangnu saw that Wan Xi's conscience was well written andpolite, and that she was honest and honest. Old man Meng sympathizes with Wan Xiliang, so he stays with him. MengJiangnu expresses her heart to her father. Old man Meng agrees with him verymuch, so he comes to the front hall and says to Wan Xiliang, "you are in exilenow, and there is no fixed place. I want to recruit you as my son-in-law. Whatdo you think?" Wan Xiliang leaves his seat and says, "I'm a fugitive. I'm afraidI'll implicate the young lady in the future. ”But Meng Jiangnu has decided notto marry Xi Liang, and WAN Xiliang finally agrees. Old man Meng was so happythat he couldn't close his mouth. He quickly negotiated with the Jiang family tochoose an auspicious day to marry them. Waiting for revenge. There is a scoundrel in mengjiazhuang. He likes to flirt with others andhas nothing to do. He has come to the door many times to ask for marriage. Butold man Meng refuses. He has a grudge. Now he hears about Wan Xiliang's affair,so he secretly goes to the government to tell the secret and takes the officersand soldiers to arrest people. At this time, the Meng family was still in thedark. They had just been married for three days, and they were still immersed injoy. Suddenly, the door was smashed open. A group of officers and soldiersrushed in and tied up Wan Xiliang's rope and were about to take him away. MengJiangnu rushed up and was pushed away by the officers and soldiers. She watchedher husband be taken away by the officers and soldiers. Since then, Meng Jiangnuhas been thinking about her husband day and night, not tea, not rice. In the twinkling of an eye, winter is coming, and heavy snow is coming.Jiang NV wants her husband to build the Great Wall. It's freezing and cold. Shehas no clothes to keep out the cold, so she rushes to sew cotton padded clothesday and night, and sings her own little song: "the moon is very bright. MengJiangnv's husband builds the Great Wall. Even if he goes all the way, it's astrong feeling to send his clothes." Overnight, Meng Jiangnu made cotton paddedclothes and set foot on the journey. All the way through the mountains andrivers, sleeping in the open, I don't know hunger and thirst, I don't knowfatigue, day and night constantly forward, this day finally came to the foot ofthe Great Wall. But there are tens of thousands of people under the Great Wall. Where can Ifind them? She asks everyone. The kind-hearted people tell her that Wan Xiliangdied of fatigue and was buried in the Great Wall to build a wall. Hearing this,Meng Jiangnu felt like a knife in her heart. She asked the kind-hearted migrantworkers to lead her to the great wall where Wan Xiliang was buried. Sitting atthe foot of the city, Meng Jiangnu was filled with grief and indignation: shewanted to find her husband to give her cold clothes. She had gone through allkinds of difficulties and dangers. In the end, she couldn't even find herhusband's corpse. How could she not make her heart break. The more I think aboutit, the more I feel sad. I cry to the Great Wall day and night. I don't drink oreat. It's like crying blood cuckoos and looking at the moon. The cry moved theworld, the white clouds stopped for it, and the birds kept silent. I cried for three days and three nights. Suddenly, I heard the roar of themountain. The earth was shaking and the rocks were flying. The great wallcollapsed 800 Li, revealing Wan Xiliang's corpse. The Great Wall fell 800 Li,which alerted the officers and soldiers, who reported it to the first emperor ofQin. The first emperor of Qin was so angry that he ordered Meng Jiangnu to bearrested. When Meng Jiangnu was arrested, the first emperor of Qin saw herbeauty and wanted to take her as the empress of the palace. Meng Jiangnu said,"if you want me to be your mother, you have to do three things first: first,build a long bridge, ten miles long and ten miles wide; second, build a gravemound on a ten mile square mountain; third, live long and wear mourning to myhusband's grave." Qin Shihuang thought about it and agreed. In a few days, allthe tombs and mounds of the long bridge had been built. Wearing hemp clothes,the first emperor of Qin set out in line to cross the long bridge on the greatwall and come to the grave to pay a memorial ceremony. After the sacrifice, QinShihuang asked Meng Jiangnu to follow him back to the palace. Meng Jiangnusneered and said, "you are fatuous and cruel. You have done harm to all thepeople in the world. Now you have killed my husband. How can I be your mother?Don't be paranoid!" then she took her husband's remains and jumped into therough sea. For a moment, the tide rolling, empty hit the shore, as if for MengJiangnu lament. Well, passengers, this is the end of our tour today. I hope you have theopportunity to visit other natural landscapes in China. Goodbye. 简短的介绍长城导游词 篇18各位旅客: 大家好,我是你们的小导游,我叫,接下来将有我为大家讲解长城的壮观,下面,大家跟我走进长城吧。 众所周知,长城很大,也很宽,并且它修筑的非常高大坚固,是用巨大的条石和城砖筑成的,十分平整,还很宽,五六匹马可以并行,有成排的垛子,上面有方形的瞭望口和射口,供瞭望和射击用,看,前面有一个堡垒,打仗的时候,城台之间可以互相呼应。 我们脚踩的这些方砖,是劳动人民一块一块搬上来的。但看这数不清的条石,一块二三斤重,那时候没有起重机,就靠着劳动人民的手,一步一步抬上的山岭,才凝结成这前不见头后不见尾的万里长城,真是雄伟壮观啊! 下面请大家自由参观,要记住,不要随地乱扔垃圾哦! |
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