标题 | 穿着礼仪 |
范文 | 穿着礼仪(精选3篇) 穿着礼仪 篇11.遇到新鞋不易穿时不要勉强 2.应使用鞋拔,拖鞋时不要踩着后跟,以免出现堆跟现象 3.皮鞋不能受潮,雨浸,水刷,暴晒及火烤,应尽快以干布擦净并用纸撑起,放通风干燥处晾干。 4 真皮底勿踩水、碎石及硬物,建议打上橡胶底,以延长寿命。 5 穿着时定期查看掌面(鞋跟着地面的添加层),发现有深度磨损应及时更换。 6 由于人的脚汗作用,真皮鞋里会出现脱色,属于正常现象。 7 钻石、金属饰扣为手工镶嵌,穿着或至于潮湿处会出现氧化脱落或掉色,属于正常现象。 8 鞋子不宜连续穿着超过两天,以便让皮革有喘息的机会。 穿着礼仪 篇2基本女鞋穿着总结 夹脚凉拖连续穿着时间不宜过长,最好穿一天休息一天。要注意前掌夹趾材料的选择,尽量选择比较柔软、不刺激皮肤的材料。 超高高跟鞋穿着超高高跟鞋,应该在鞋的内部添加一些缓解压力的内垫,比如硅胶垫片,能够缓解前脚掌的压力。 尖头皮鞋处在生长发育期的青少年,脚在不断地发育、长大,不适合穿窄小的尖头鞋子 超薄平底鞋建议鞋跟将鞋高度控制在3~5cm左右 松糕鞋选择松糕鞋尽量选鞋底面积较大较平的,这样可以增加稳定性,能够预防跌倒,同时鞋的高度最好不要超过5cm。 穿着礼仪 篇3Fashion is the style and custom prevalent at a given time, and is most commonly used to describe the popular clothing style. For the purpose of beauty, people like to chase fashion, we can find the company promote different styles in different season. On my opinion, the pursuit of fashion has positive significance, while we should not over the limitation. On the one hand, fashion promotes the development of economy. When the company promotes the new style, people will be longing for the products, so they are willing to spend money on them. This also gives the company motivation to develop the new products. On the other hand, the pursuit of the fashion should be controlled in the certain limitation. Some people pursue the fashion just for the purpose of showing off, so they buy the newly products as more as possible. It is known to all that the newly style is very expensive, not everyone can afford them. Some even borrow money to buy the products. These are unwise consumption. Chasing the fashion is acceptable, everyone wants to look beautiful, but we should spend money at the certain level. |
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