标题 | 电话礼仪 |
范文 | 电话礼仪(精选15篇) 电话礼仪 篇1扮演人员表: 公司—— 客户—— 对话内容: 公司:您好!阳淳电子,请问您找哪位? 客户:请问杨总在吗? 公司:请问您是哪里? 客户:我是京珠公司的凌工。 公司:麻烦您稍等,我帮您转接,看他在不在。 客户:谢谢您! 公司:凌工,很抱歉!杨总出去还没回来呢!请问您有什么事需要我转告吗? 客户:麻烦您帮我转告杨总,„„ (做好记录) 公司:好的。 客户:谢谢您! 公司:不用客气!再见! 客户:再见!(等客户挂了电话再放下话筒 电话礼仪 篇21.如果你想暗示对方结束通话:你可以重复这一点。 2.先挂电话的人:状态较高的人先挂起。如果长者先挂,当他们寻求帮助时,他们会被要求先挂。 3,不要用手机传递重要信息,重要信息较好采访。 4.不要在医院或机场使用手机,以免影响机场和医院的电子设备。 5.当您致电时,请注意,在某些地方,不允许使用手机。例如,禁止加油站,餐馆,酒吧,剧院,电影院和火车行李站使用移动电话。 6.不使用手机时,请锁定手机按钮以防止意外拨打特殊电话号码,如119,110,120。 7,不是所有人,不要借用别人的手机。 8,手机音调的音调较好是上升,让你快乐,温柔,礼貌,没有特别的东西较好较好省略,直接打个招呼。 9.在公共场合,移动电话处于振动状态,您不应该公开呼叫。不要通过电话拍摄他人。 10.如果是固定电话,请放下电话,否则声音肯定会抹去你面前的好照片。 11.如果你按免提,你必须告诉对方。 12,手机较好放在公文包里。 电话礼仪 篇3扮演人员表: 电话销售人员—— 客 户—— 对话内容: 电话销售人员:您好,公司,请问有什么可以帮助您? 客 户:我想咨询一下你们的产品! 电话销售人员:请问怎样称呼您? 客 户:我姓刘。 电话销售人员:刘先生您好,请问您要咨询哪一类产品? 客 户:是关于电话销售系统方面的产品。 电话销售人员:请问您是想了解单机版的,还是多机版的? 客 户:单机版。 电话销售人员:好的,单机版的现在正在搞促销,价格是500元。您需要马上装吗? 客 户:怎么装呢? 电话销售人员:刘先生,请别着急,程序非常简单,我们会有专业人员给您指导的。要不然,我十分钟之后叫他给您回一个电话好吗? 客 户:好的。 电话销售人员:非常感谢您的来电,同时也非常感谢您对我工作的支持。谢谢! 电话礼仪 篇4公司组织我社员工进行了电话营销培训,本人在联合对自己多年的工作生涯进行电话营销培训总结,记得在央视曾看到过这样一个广告片,其中有句广告语异常深刻——少年强,则中国强。倘若可以做一下翻版,我认为是否也可以叫——营销强,则中国强。 最近,公司组织我社员工进行了电话营销培训,本人在联合对自己多年的工作生涯进行电话营销培训总结,记得在央视曾看到过这样一个广告片,其中有句广告语异常深刻——少年强,则中国强。倘若可以做一下翻版,我认为是否也可以叫——营销强,则中国强。作为一个半路出家的中国营销人,我和其他营销人一样,对营销知识充满着渴望,从理路到实战,从书籍到杂志,从理论专家到实战家,我们在浩瀚的文字海洋中接受着营销真理的洗礼。 电话营销已经越来越成为一种低成本高回报的营销手段,众多知名企业与公司纷纷组建自己的电话营销团队,希望电话营销为公司带来更多的客户,创造更高的价值。但在电话营销中如何将公司的营销目标拆分,并贯通到营销代表的实际工作中却并不容易,在这里将自己的一些电话营销培训心得与大家分享。 其实在很多时候,80%的销售人员栽在了“不需要”这三个字上,我也没有那么幸运,听到最多的便是“不需要”。客户为什么挂掉电话?在电话模拟中,客户的扮演者说:“我并不忙,但不愿和他说话,不愿和他讨论这个问题”。为什么呢? 电话营销培训首先,我们是否了解这个准客户?只有了解他,才能跟他交流下去,不会去问一些弱智的问题。我们是否足够的表示重视客户?第三,在建立融洽的信任关系之前,我的问题是否唐突?咨询没有放在那儿的产品,当你以一种销售人员的身份和姿态面对客户时,他不愿了解你推销的任何东西,所以张煊博说,第一个电话是以筛选客户、建立关系为目的的。如果做的足够好,客户愿意交谈下去,第二个问题又出现了,你能否清晰流畅地介绍你的服务或产品?你对你的产品真正了解吗?你对你的产品热爱吗?能否站在客户的立场和感受上介绍它? 当一个客户表现出了对的我产品或服务有兴趣时,怎样进一步引导客户?引导的问题我是否想好了?这就是挖掘客户需求的过程。 1、客户的身份。有无决策权,是主动寻求还是被动接受?这不仅是自己的需求,也是对客户尊重的体现。 2、客户接听我电话的目的。接听我的电话想从中了解到什么?仅是对新事物的好奇抑或工作的需要?这是筛选客户的重要考察点。 3、准客户目前在这方面是一个什么样的状况?他更需要什么样的产品或服务? 4、准客户认为自己最需要什么? 5、结合3、4介绍推出自己的产品或服务 6、客户的反应。以决定下一步应采取的措施。我觉的这里面有很多问题值得注意。 ①作为销售人员,我的问题准备好了吗(6个)?客户可能提出的疑问,我已准备好了最好的应答吗? ②我的思路是否清晰,会不会聊了很久了,还让客户云里雾里抓不着重点 ③同理心的表达,适时的赞美客户 ④措辞和语言的感染力 ⑤从客户的介绍和应答中分析客户的性格种类,迅速的调整应对方案。 ⑥明确电话销售流程。 最后,依然是心态。经理在每次会议上都会讲到,但我是否真正的做到了销售人员应有的热情、乐观和持之以恒? 通过电话营销培训,在以后的工作里,我应处理好的事情有: 1、经常总结 2、明确销售流程 3、整理出按销售沟通层次列出的给客户的提问和客户可能提问的应答 4、语言感染力的练习 5、对咨询的深入了解 6、熟练客户分类,掌握应对方法。 电话礼仪 篇5The telephone is an amazingly useful machine, and very easy to use, but believe it or not, people don't always use them effectively. Because we're busy and focused on ourselves, we often use our phones in a manner that's helpful for us, but not necessarily for everyone else. Hopefully you know a few of the basics, such as keeping your phone volume low, or on vibrate, resisting the urge to use them during meetings or training sessions, and of course, refraining from personal texting while at work. For personal texting, it's best to give yourself one or two times per day. You'll step away from your work, say, outside, or in a cafeteria, and then engage your personal texts. Those are obviously important, but what I really want you to think about is how you interact and respect the person with whom you're speaking. And that begins before you even pick up the phone. When you hear the ring, grab a pad of paper and pen, so you can be ready to take needed notes without causing a delay while you look around your desk. Before saying "hello," I want you to smile, and choose to be positive. How you feel will be sensed by the person on the other end of the phone, so smile and make a positive impression. Finally, during the call, remember to never interrupt the person. Interrupting tends to be viewed by everyone as a sign of disrespect. If you're very busy and facing a huge deadline, you can shape the call when it's your turn to speak, for example, by telling them you need to get back to them, but then, do suggest a specific time. Of course, if you're honestly not able to talk, you probably shouldn't have answered the call, unless it's your boss, or a person you're expecting an important call from. 电话礼仪 篇6一、及时接听 接电话时,电话铃一响,无其他特别要紧的事情,都应主动接电话,电话礼仪培训心得。一般电话铃响3下,必须接电话。拿起话筒后,应立即说“您好!”然后通报自己的单位名称,根据情况还可报上姓名,如“这里是组织部办公室,我是小冯”。电话铃响了较长时间后才接电话,应首先向对方致歉:“您好,对不起,让您久等了。”如果接到拨错的电话,应当客气地告诉对方打错了,不要使对方尴尬。 二、声音亲切 拿起电话听筒的时候,一定要面带笑容。不要以为笑容只能表现在脸上,它也会藏在声音里。你在微笑,电话就会传递你的微笑;你是快乐的,电话也会传递你的快乐。亲切、温情的声音,会让对方对你产生良好的印象。如果绷着脸,声音会变得冷冰冰。即使你看不到和你通话的人,你也要像他们就在你的面前一样对待他们。他们一直在注意着你的声音,包括语调和心情,你需要把你全部的注意力投入到电话中 三、文明应答 对方打来电话,一般会自己主动介绍。如果没有介绍或者你没有听清楚,就应该主动问:“请问您是哪位?我能为您做什么?您找哪位?”当对方说明要找的人后,应说“请稍等”,然后找受话人。如果受话人虽在,但有事无法分身,可礼貌地向对方解释并提出建议,以免浪费对方时间,如“王先生现在正忙,您过5分钟再来电话吧?”如果对方要找的人不在,可以礼貌地解释并提出建议,如“王先生不在(不在的原因),我能帮您什么忙吗?” 四、认真倾听 在接电话的过程中,应避免打断对方的讲话,可视情况用“嗯”、“是的”、“对”、“知道了”等作答。没有听清听懂,致歉后再请求对方重复。对重要的内容应记录,并请求对方重复确保无误。在电话交谈结束时,应谦恭地问一下对方:“请问您还有什么事情吗?”当确认对方已经讲完之后,方可结束通话。挂电话时,切忌没有致结束语就挂机或室机动作突然、用力过大,使对方产生误解。 五、接听细节 从拿起听筒到放听筒,整个过程都有礼益范,不可疏漏任何一个环节。接听电话时,应注意嘴和话筒保持4厘米左右的距离;要把耳朵贴近话筒,仔细倾听对方的讲话。讲话时,声音不宜过大或过小,吐词清晰,保证对方能听明白,绝不能叼着香烟、嚼着口香糖。要多用“您好”、“请”、“谢谢”、“对不起”、“不客气”等文明用语,而不能用失礼的“喂”来称呼对方;当对方要找的人不在时,接电话人也不要主动打听对方的来意。 六、做好记录 电话接听记录是办公室工作的重要文档资料,是领导安排工作、调度工作、上情下达、检查督促、界定责任的重要依据。办公室工作人员要养成这样一种习惯:用左手接听电话,右手拿好纸笔,随时记录有用信息。如会议通知就要准确记录会议名称、开会时间、地点、座位号及会议要求,并及时将情况报告相关领导及参会人员。 七、规范的问候语 在工作场合,接听电话时,首先应问候,然后自报家门。对外接待应报出单位名称,若接内线电话应报出部门名称。自报家门是让对方知道有没有打错电话,万一打错电话就可以少费口舌。规范的电话体现的不仅是对对方的尊重,而且也反映出本单位。 电话礼仪 篇7在接电话时切忌使用“说!”“讲!”。 说讲是一种命令式的方式,即难让人接受,又不礼貌。 有的人在接听电话时,一接起电话马上说:“说”或“讲”, 或者多加一两个字“听到,说!” 这种行为在公司、企业内部也许还可以理解,由于某种原因工作繁忙,时间紧张,没有太多的时间应对电话,希望对方直截了当,别浪费时间。 但这种硬邦邦的电话接听方式显得过于粗鲁无礼,有一种盛气凌人的气势,好像是摆架子。 给人的感觉是“有什么话快说,老子没空和你在电话里啰嗦! 有的人对这样的电话应答方式也懒得再“说”,干脆一声不吭将电话挂了。 本来还想联系一些业务或者提供一些信息,一听他这口气就不舒服,说了等于白说,这种人懒得理他。 我们每个人都希望别人以礼相待,有谁愿意同不懂得礼貌的人打交道呢?所以,我们在接听电话时,一定要注意应有的礼貌。 电话礼仪 篇8Telephone manners While today's phones are capable of countless special functions, remember that basic etiquette still applies. Being aware of who is with you and where you are when receiving a call is important, as well as having an awareness of your volume and tone of voice. If you don't want anyone to hear your conversation, chances are they don't want to hear it either! Cell phones are great—they keep us in touch with friends and family and can be life savers in an emergency. But they can also be annoying if not used thoughtfully. Remember, it doesn’t have to be on all the time and you don’t always have to answer it immediately. Learn to use your phone’s features like silent ring, vibrate and voicemail to handle the times when your phone would be bothering others if it rang and you answered it. 1.Be in control of your phone, don't let it control you! 2.Speak softly. 3.Be courteous to those you are with; turn off your phone if it will be interrupting a conversation or activity. 4.Watch your language, especially when others can overhear you. 5.Avoid talking about personal problems in a public place. 6.If it must be on and it could bother others, use the silent ring mode and move away to talk. 7.Don’t make calls in a library, theater, church, or from your table in a restaurant. 8.Don’t text during class or a meeting at your job. 9.Private info can be forwarded, so don’t text it. 10.NEVER drive and use your phone at the same time. 电话礼仪 篇9礼仪体现细节,细节决定成败。为提高集团公司办公室员工综合素质,提升对外形象,增强公司的市场竞争力。10月24日,西双版纳石化集团公司办公室组织部门员工进行了一次全方位的实用电话接打礼仪培训。 电话被公认为便利的通讯工具,在日常工作中,使用电话的语言很关键,它直接影响着一个公司的声誉;在日常生活中,我们通过电话也能粗略判断对方的人品、性格。 因而,掌握正确的、礼貌待人的打电话方法是非常必要的。 本次培训,通过案例分析、经验技巧交流、电话接打礼仪专业知识学习等方式进行,不仅着眼于外在礼仪的培训,更注重内在品质与修养的提升和完善。通过接打电话礼仪学会了如何尊重别人,学会了换位思考,学会了怎样建立良好的人际关系,特别是让客户从内心深处真切地感受到公司的形象。 电话礼仪 篇10Personal privacy, is not willing to open, no stranger to inquire about the secret, personal or private things. In international social life, people generally pay respect individual privacy, and respect the privacy, as if a person in interpersonal skills have upbringing, respect and understanding can be an important sign of object interaction. In international social life, how many, the personal income has been foreigners as their faces, is taboo others directly or indirectly. Remove wages, those who reflect personal economic conditions, such as tax amount, problems and bank deposit, the stock returns and housing area, car models, resorts, apparel brands, entertainment, etc, and personal income because, do not fit. In general, the actual age abroad as "core", and "confidential for old" words taboo. The love of friends and relatives, junior, marriage and family life. In some countries, with straight talk about this problem, is likely to be regarded as boring, even to think is "sexual harassment". When chatting, generally dislike others for their own health concern. Foreigners are put his own private residence as a private domain. They do not like the telephone number, residential address personal private information disclosure as pure ". We ask for others, such as "is where people", "what school", "what did before, that is normal. Yet these contents as foreigners ", "commercial secrets of the object against ask communication freely, without ever find each other" hukou ". In international social life of faith and politics. In other foreign ask: "what are you doing recently?", "why haven't seen you for this kind of" foreigners, but very taboo problem to others who seek this kind of problem, not ever curiosity, failing to respect other people, is "ulterior motives. We mentioned above, these problems are personal privacy issues. To respect the privacy of foreign friends, he must avoid involving these problems. 1, looking for similar habits. Everyone has his own personality, hobbies, and interact in a way similar habits, relatively speaking, people everywhere, the problem is how to search to find you. First to watch each other's characteristics, age, social background and career life view, if both parties can pay attention to similar to the common language, and resonance. 2 and grasp the discretion of itself. If a person is more outstanding, specialty to win the appreciation of others, and be happy with your nature, but if, instead of perfection, make the person has a kind of feeling that if the upper occasional exposes some personal shortcomings, but that will attract people close to you. 3, pay attention to the instrument and temperament. Of course, treat people hospitable and natural than apathy introverted people are attractive. But the first meeting, this is nonsense doesn't give a person a kind of sedate feeling. 电话礼仪 篇1120xx年12月7日上午,浙江维康礼仪系列培训在公司会议室展开,本期培训的主讲由人力资源部刘秀慧担任,为大家带来了一场精彩的培训。 培训分别为大家介绍了三类具有代表性的商务礼仪案例。在案例中涉及到会见礼仪、介绍礼仪、电话礼仪等商务事件中出现的一些常见的、颇具代表性的问题。在案例解读后,培训分析了在每个事件细节中存在的失礼之处,其中包括,在商务拜访中,应先与对方预约,然后再登门拜访,在就坐后,不应该翘二郎腿等行为,在他人办公室不应随便用他人办公室的电话聊天;介绍他人,应注意长幼顺序,确保对长者的尊重,适时运用“优先知情权”法则进行介绍;转接电话时,未经要接电话者同意不要轻易将手机号码告诉对方,讲究口德不要乱传闲话等。 本期培训主要为大家讲解了会见礼仪中前往客户公司应注重的细节,介绍长者时的方法以及转接电话时的一些重要事项,帮助大家了解了行为礼仪中需要注意的重点和要点,取得了良好的效果。 电话礼仪 篇12交往礼仪 (五)电话礼仪 接听电话的礼仪 接电话的人一般应该在听到响起第二次铃声时,拿起话筒,不要让对方久等才接电话。 接起电话首先问候“您好!我诗司的。”不要只说“喂”或者“你好”,使得人家还得问一次“你是**公司吗?” 一、交往礼仪 (五)电话礼仪 代接电话的礼仪 如果代别人接电话,一定要以礼相待,代接电话时,不可以一句“不在”,就把人打发掉了。 尊重隐私,不要询问对方与所找人的关系,不要拿着话筒高声呼叫“,你的找你!”闹得尽人皆知,影响同事工作。别人通话时,不要在一旁插嘴。 对方同意转告,一定要记忆准确,做好笔录;对方讲完后,应该重复一遍,以验证内容是否正确无误。还要记录对方的姓名和联系电话。 代接电话后,一定要及时传到,以免误事。 电话礼仪 篇13礼仪体现细节,细节决定成败。为提高集团公司办公室员工综合素质,提升对外形象,增强公司的市场竞争力。10月24日,西双版纳石化集团公司办公室组织部门员工进行了一次全方位的实用电话接打礼仪培训。 电话被公认为便利的通讯工具,在日常工作中,使用电话的语言很关键,它直接影响着一个公司的声誉;在日常生活中,我们通过电话也能粗略判断对方的人品、性格。 因而,掌握正确的、礼貌待人的打电话方法是非常必要的。 本次培训,通过案例分析、经验技巧交流、电话接打礼仪专业知识学习等方式进行,不仅着眼于外在礼仪的培训,更注重内在品质与修养的提升和完善。通过接打电话礼仪学会了如何尊重别人,学会了换位思考,学会了怎样建立良好的人际关系,特别是让客户从内心深处真切地感受到公司的形象。 电话礼仪 篇14The telephone is an amazingly useful machine, and very easy to use, but believe it or not, people don't always use them effectively. Because we're busy and focused on ourselves, we often use our phones in a manner that's helpful for us, but not necessarily for everyone else. Hopefully you know a few of the basics, such as keeping your phone volume low, or on vibrate, resisting the urge to use them during meetings or training sessions, and of course, refraining from personal texting while at work. For personal texting, it's best to give yourself one or two times per day. You'll step away from your work, say, outside, or in a cafeteria, and then engage your personal texts. Those are obviously important, but what I really want you to think about is how you interact and respect the person with whom you're speaking. And that begins before you even pick up the phone. When you hear the ring, grab a pad of paper and pen, so you can be ready to take needed notes without causing a delay while you look around your desk. Before saying "hello," I want you to smile, and choose to be positive. How you feel will be sensed by the person on the other end of the phone, so smile and make a positive impression. Right after you say "hello," be sure you've turned away from your computer towards the area of your office least likely to be distracting. No multitasking of any kind allowed—in fact, just looking at your pad of paper and pen is a really good idea, because it encourages cognitive focus. Next, if the call isn't for you, but is for someone else in the department or company, don't say wrong number; don't say they did anything wrong at all. Instead, help them. Connect them to the person, or at least share relevant contact information. Finally, during the call, remember to never interrupt the person. Interrupting tends to be viewed by everyone as a sign of disrespect. If you're very busy and facing a huge deadline, you can shape the call when it's your turn to speak, for example, by telling them you need to get back to them, but then, do suggest a specific time. Of course, if you're honestly not able to talk, you probably shouldn't have answered the call, unless it's your boss, or a person you're expecting an important call from. The telephone is your friend, but if you don't use it correctly, it won't necessarily make you look friendly. Remember the tips above, and you'll connect successfully by building only positive impressions. 电话礼仪 篇151.接听时间:当听到电话响铃时,请不要太晚接听,铃声是三声联机;不要让别人拿起电话。电话响了大约3秒钟。如果你长时间没有接听电话,或者等待对方不礼貌,另一方在等待时会非常焦虑,你的单位会给他留下不好的印象。 2,拿起电话:先告诉对方他不找,然后问对方是谁。 3.如果有局外人与您交谈,您也应该拿起电话。当你接听电话时,你必须解释谁在那里,建议对方不能说深层次的问题,然后建议让对方选择时间给他打电话。 4,对方拨错电话:遇到错误的电话:先提示对方拨错,然后可以重复自己的号码。 5,记录:始终牢记5W1H技能,所谓5W1H指1当2时谁3谁在哪里4什么5为什么6为什么6如何进行。这些信息在工作中非常重要。拨打电话和接听电话同样重要。电话记录既简单又完整,具体取决于5WIH技能。 |
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