标题 | 欢送会邀请函 |
范文 | 欢送会邀请函十篇 欢送会邀请函 篇1亲爱的嘉宾: 又是一年芍药花开的时节,又到了告别的时刻。四年的大学时光,终于到了说再见的一刻。一丝不舍,几许眷恋,融成一首无言的骊 歌。 大学 学院 “ 于 月 临晚会现场。 ” 届毕业生欢送晚会将日晚7时在举行。师生情、同窗谊,我们热情地邀请您莅学院团委学生会 欢送会邀请函 篇2尊敬的各位老师、同学: ____________学院__________________学院“青春纪念册——________届毕业生欢送会”将于_______年______月______日(周五)晚18:30在____________学院______校区大礼堂举行。 我们诚挚邀请您的参加,与我们共度一个难忘而又感动的夜晚!热切期盼您的出席! 共青团____________学院__________________学院委员会 ____________学院__________________学院学生会 日期: 欢送会邀请函 篇3尊敬的各位老师、同学: -xx学院--x学院“青春纪念册——20xx届毕业生欢送会”将于20xx年6月xx日(周五)晚18:30在-xx学院xx校区大礼堂举行。 我们诚挚邀请您的参加,与我们共度一个难忘而又感动的夜晚!热切期盼您的出席! 共青团-xx学院--x学院委员会 -xx学院--x学院学生会 欢送会邀请函 篇4In order to celebrate the recent retirement of four teachers ( Wang Kuijian, Zhang Ruilin, Hou Chunlian and Luo Xuyi ), the college will hold a farewell party for retired colleagues in the spring of 20xx on Friday, April 3 in the Science and Technology Building. Welcome teachers to come Time: Friday, April 3, from 14: 30 p.m. to 16: 00 p.m. Venue: Museum Hall, 15th floor, Science and Technology Building Note: The farewell party is held in the form of a cocktail party, with no fixed seats, free to move around and communicate, and free to attend and leave the party. 欢送会邀请函 篇5亲爱的x届毕业生: 四年的光阴匆匆而过,转眼你们x年度欢送毕业生晚会邀请函为今天的成熟与从容。但是,毕业并不意味着结束,而是一个新的开始;今天的离别,是为了来日更好地相逢。母校不会忘记你们,师大将时刻准备以热情的臂膀欢迎你们回来看看;而丽娃河畔的朦胧浪漫,樱桃河边的生机勃勃,也会永远成为你们心中最美的风景。 为了表达我们最真挚的祝福,为了在这离别的日子里给大家留下最美好的回忆,校团委、校学生会将于xx月xx日(周x)18:30在xx校区图书馆前广场举行“"——,”x年度欢送毕业生晚会,诚邀各位同学前来参加。届时,各位将会欣赏到来自校学生艺术团、各院系的精彩表演。衷心希望本次晚会能为所有x届毕业生的四年大学生活画上一个圆满的句号!让我们一起为师大骄傲,为青春歌唱! 此致 敬礼!
日期:20xx年xx月xx日 欢送会邀请函 篇6Dear - Graduates: Four years passed quickly, while your invitation letter to send off the graduates party in - year is today's maturity and calm. However, graduation does not mean an end, but a new beginning. Today's departure is for better meeting in the future. The alma mater will not forget you. Normal University will always be ready to welcome you back with warm arms. The hazy romance on the side of the Li Wa River and the vitality of the Cherry River will always be the most beautiful scenery in your heart. In order to express our most sincere wishes and leave the best memories for everyone on this day of departure, the Youth League Committee and the Student Union will hold a " -" - - , , " - annual farewell party in front of the campus library at 18: 30 on . At that time, you will enjoy the wonderful performances from students' art troupes and departments. I sincerely hope that this evening will bring a satisfactory end to the four-year college life of all - graduates. Let's be proud of normal university and sing for youth. Communist Youth League - University Committee - University Student Union 欢送会邀请函 篇7
办公室组织的成员欢送会 20xx年5月22日 下午15:30----19:00 金沙洲公园
备注:办公室一名成员将出国留学,所以办公室举办了此次欢送会,欢迎各位部长参加此次欢送会,我们的活动流程如下:放风筝比赛---玩游戏----合影---唱相亲相爱一家人---回校(全程无需费用)。 欢送会邀请函 篇8Ladies and gentlemen, As time flies and the years pass by, 20xxgraduate students have ushered in their graduation season. Invitation letter for graduation farewell party. month day is the graduation ceremony, and then? Should there be some activities? When the phoenix blossoms again, let's sit together, chat together and leave together. I hereby call on all of you to attend the farewell party for graduate students. The farewell party is divided into two periods in two places: First stage Time: 19: 00 - 21: 00 p.m. on month, location: student service center concept salon, characters: graduates Subject: Graduation Feelings Content: Gather and talk, share the mood, sing and graduate, and laugh about life Second stage Time: 21: 30 p.m. on month, from to the whole campus, people: graduates Subject: Blessing the Future Content: Put kongming lamps on and wish elder martial brother and elder martial sister a bright future Walk around the campus and shout at the floor, shout out whatever you want to say to jiaotong university and what you hold in your heart and have no chance to say ~ We send out invitations here: We sincerely invite all graduate students who graduated this year to commemorate the unforgettable graduation night together and to take a full blessing on the road tomorrow. Invite all the students in school or who have graduated to attend the graduation farewell party together to pray for the brothers and sisters who have graduated to see me off! At the same time, graduates are also welcome to invite friends and classmates around them to attend the event, and please remember that if there are graduates who have missed the event around you, you must tell ta and pull ta over, because you are the leading players! If you want to come, please send an email to @ Gmail. com to sign up: 1. If you are a graduate, please indicate and attach your name, contact information, department and work destination ( optional ); 2. If you are a student at school, please indicate and attach your name, contact information, and grade of the department. 3. If you have already worked, please indicate and attach your name, contact information, and work industry ( optional ). May we have a good night together on day Happy graduation! Best Wishes!
20xx-- 欢送会邀请函 篇9亲爱的老同学: 你好! 你是否记得?1971年的阳春三月,我们带着幼稚、满怀憧憬,汇集于宜章二中高4班,从此度过了难忘的两年同窗生活,结下了不解的同学情缘……。你是否还记得?1972年的那个年末,寒冬腊月,我们恋恋不舍,挥泪而别…… 弹指一挥间,我们已分别了整整41个春秋!当年风华正茂的少男少女,如今已是鬓角飘霜。 亲爱的老同学,分别后的41年,虽然我们各奔东西,远离天涯,然而,那份割舍不断的同窗情义,始终萦绕脑海。41年的日日夜夜,41年的风风雨雨,41年的坎坎坷坷,我们曾咀嚼过人生百味,品尝过成功的喜悦,经历过风雨沧桑…… 随着时空的延续和扩展,我们愈是更感友谊的珍贵,倍感日益俱增的彼此思念。令人振奋的是:在同学们的共同努力下,同学聚会的多年夙愿,即将成为现实。20xx年8月28日,让我们铭记、期待这盼望已久的日子。这一天,我们将欢聚一堂,共同分享那我们曾经的“家”的温暖,“居”的快乐,情的共鸣,爱的真挚! 世事烦琐,永无尽头。亲爱的老同学,来吧!让我们暂时抛开繁忙的俗事,相聚在美丽温馨的梅田御仙酒店,听听那一句句熟悉而又陌生的声音,看看那一张张曾经俊美现在却又苍老的脸庞,叙旧情,话衷肠,谈感慨。 亲爱的老同学,我们已入花甲之年,犹如风烛残月。人们常说:“最美夕阳红”,然而我们却“叹是已黄昏。”还望老同学珍惜现在,活好当前,过好未来。同学聚会,终生难遇,机不可失、时不再来,期盼“8〃28”,期盼着你的光临,期盼着我们相聚“御仙”,推杯送盏,对酒当歌,重温旧情,倾诉衷肠! 宜章二中高4班同学聚会筹备小组 联系人:欧祖庭 手机: 欢送会邀请函 篇10
办公室组织的成员 欢送会 20xx年5月22日 下午15:30----19: 00 金沙洲公园
备注:办公室一名 成员将出国留学,所以办公室举办了此次欢送会,欢迎各位部 长参加此次欢送会, 我们的活动流程如下:放风筝比赛---玩游戏----合影---唱相亲相爱一家人---回校(全程无 需费用)。 |
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