标题 | 广交会邀请函模板 |
范文 | 广交会邀请函模板十篇 广交会邀请函模板 篇1We hereby sincerely invite you and your company representatives to visit our booth at The Continental Exhibition Center from April 15th to 20th 20xx. We’re one of the manufacturers specialized in sanitaryware, concluding one & two piece toilet, wash basin, cabinet basin, pedestal basin, bidet, urinal, counter basin , decorated ceramics and so on. Our new models offer superb design and their new features give them distinct advantages over similar products from other manufacturers. It would be a great pleasure to meet you at the exhibition.We expect to establish long-term business relations with your company in future. Exhibition Center : The Continental Exhibition Center Booth Number : G-K105 G-K-106 Date : Apr 15th to 20th 20xx Best Regards Mr.Su Jia Jian General Manager [回复2]:The Continental Centre is a magnificent trade fair venue in Pazhou. You can reach us easily by any of the following 4 ways: By Metro (Subway) ---Take Metro Line 2 toward Pazhou and get off at Pazhou Station (next to Xingang Dong), Exit D. (The fastest way when coming from Liuhua area) By hotel shuttle bus--- All hotel buses will drive to Canton Fair Pazhou Complex via the Continental Centre. So simply ask the driver for a stop. (Esp. recommendable for buyers who stay in CACFair VFM hotels and partner hotels) By CACFair shuttle bus---Take CACFair free shuttle bus when coming from Canton Fair Pazhou Complex or Eastern Railway Station. By taxi--- Simply ask taxi driver to take you to the Continental by showing CACFair address in Chinese as below. CACFair address in Chinese: [回复3]:看来广交会来了,还真是很多人要这发邀请函,我公司的格式如下: Dear , We treasure every opportunity to meet with you, our valued customer. From 28 April - 1 May 20xx, we will be exhibiting at the "Hong Kong Gifts & Premium Fair 20xx". We cordially invite you to visit our booth. Our booth number is 3D11 in Hall 3. You may click here to find our location. With Compliments (COMPANY NAME) 基本上就是这个格式了,当然你完全可以把它弄得漂亮些。 广交会邀请函模板 篇2Dear Sirs/Madam: We hereby sincerely invite you and your company representatives to visit our booth at The Continental Exhibition Center from April 15th to 20th 20xx. 广交会英文邀请函范文 We’re one of the manufacturers specialized in sanitaryware, concluding one & two piece toilet, wash basin, cabinet basin, pedestal basin, bidet, urinal, counter basin , decorated ceramics and so on. Our new models offer superb design and their new features give them distinct advantages over similar products from other manufacturers. It would be a great pleasure to meet you at the exhibition.We expect to establish long-term business relations with your company in future. Exhibition Center : The Continental Exhibition Center Booth Number : G-K105 G-K-106 Date : Apr 15th to 20th 20xx Best Regards Mr.Su Jia Jian General Manager [回复2]:The Continental Centre is a magnificent trade fair venue in Pazhou. You can reach us easily by any of the following 4 ways: By Metro (Subway) ---Take Metro Line 2 toward Pazhou and get off at Pazhou Station (next to Xingang Dong), Exit D. (The fastest way when coming from Liuhua area) By hotel shuttle bus--- All hotel buses will drive to Canton Fair Pazhou Complex via the Continental Centre. So simply ask the driver for a stop. (Esp. recommendable for buyers who stay in CACFair VFM hotels and partner hotels) By CACFair shuttle bus---Take CACFair free shuttle bus when coming from Canton Fair Pazhou Complex or Eastern Railway Station. By taxi--- Simply ask taxi driver to take you to the Continental by showing CACFair address in Chinese as below. CACFair address in Chinese: [回复3]:看来广交会来了,还真是很多人要这发邀请函,我公司的格式如下: Dear , We treasure every opportunity to meet with you, our valued customer. From 28 April - 1 May 20xx, we will be exhibiting at the "Hong Kong Gifts & Premium Fair 20xx". We cordially invite you to visit our booth. Our booth number is 3D11 in Hall 3. You may click here to find our location. With Compliments (COMPANY NAME) 基本上就是这个格式了,当然你完全可以把它弄得漂亮些。 广交会邀请函模板 篇3LTD INVITATION Dear, This is from , We met at last Canton Fair and we also sent you sample. We hereby sincerely invite you and your company representatives to visit our booth at The Canton Fair Center from April 23rd to April 27th 20xx. We will display our latest at the Fair, and I am sure there must be some kinds attracting your attention. Enclosed our booth information as below: Exhibition Center: Pazhou A area, Hall 1, 2nd floor Booth Number: Date: 23rd-27th, April.,20xx We are looking forward to your coming! Thanks with Best Regards, 广交会邀请函模板 篇4Dear friend, We hereby sincerely invite you and your company representatives to visit our booth at 117th Canton Fair Center in Guangzhou. We’re specialized in . Our products are both in high quality and reasonable price. Exhibition Center: Pazhou A area, Hall 1, 2nd floor Booth Number: Date: 23rd-27th, April.,20xx In addition, we enjoy lowest anti-dumping tax in Europe market, our No. is B688. It would be a great pleasure to meet you at the exhibition. We expect to establish long-term business relations with your company in future. Thanks with best regards 广交会邀请函模板 篇5On behalf of our company ,We hereby sincerely invite you and your company representatives to visit our booth at The Continental Exhibition Center from October15th to 20th 20xx. We’re one of the lending manufacturers specialized in Video & Audio Products, and our company always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit. It is our hope to promote mutual advantage by joint efforts. You may here find a new Continent.Because we'll launch some new products,its with novel design and special functions,such models have had accepted by most our domestic customers.But not selling to foreign country so far,will you miss the boat? Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated. Exhibition Center : The Continental Exhibition Center Booth Number : 3.2,H20 Date : Oct 15th to 20th 20xx Best Regards Mr.Timmy Sales Manager 广交会邀请函模板 篇6LETTER OF INVITATION Dear Sirs/Madam: We hereby sincerely invite you and your company representatives to visit our booth at The Continental Exhibition Center from April 15th to 20th 20xx. We’re one of the manufacturers specialized in sanitaryware, concluding one & two piece toilet, wash basin, cabinet basin, pedestal basin, bidet, urinal, counter basin , decorated ceramics and so on. Our new models offer superb design and their new features give them distinct advantages over similar products from other manufacturers. It would be a great pleasure to meet you at the exhibition.We expect to establish long-term business relations with your company in future. Exhibition Center : The Continental Exhibition Center Booth Number : G-K105 G-K-106 Date : Apr 15th to 20th 20xx Best Regards Mr.Su Jia Jian General Manager 广交会邀请函模板 篇7您好: 第XX届秋季广交会于10月开幕,本公司为便于广大企业参展,缓解其展位的供求矛盾,特精心组织协调了部分展位以供选择。 全部设在琶洲展馆 第一期:20xx年10月15至19日 大型机械,小型机械,自行车,摩托车,汽车配件,化工产品,五金,工具,车辆,工程机械,家用电器,电子消费品,电子电气产品,计算机及通讯产品,照明产品,建筑及装饰材料,卫浴设备,进口展区 第二期:20xx年10月23至27日 餐厨用具,日用陶瓷,工艺陶瓷,家居装饰品,玻璃工艺品,家具,编织及藤铁工艺品,园林产品,土特产品,铁石制品,家居用品,个人护理用具,浴室用品,钟表眼镜,玩具,礼品及赠品,节日用品 第三期:20xx年10月31日至11月4日 男女装,童装,内衣,运动服及休闲服,裘革皮羽绒及制品,服装服饰与配件,家用纺织品,纺织原料面料,地毯及挂毯,食品,医药及保健品,医疗器械、耗材、敷料,体育及旅游休闲用品,办公文具,鞋,箱包 有需要展位的朋友请速来电索取详细相关图纸及价格。诚谢!! 第一范文网有限公司 联系人: 先生 手 机: 电 话: Q Q: E-mail: 网 址: 广交会邀请函模板 篇8Dear Sirs/Madam: On behalf of our company ,We hereby sincerely invite you and your company representatives to visit our booth at The Continental Exhibition Center from October15th to 20th 20xx. We're one of the lending manufacturers specialized in Video & Audio Products, and our company always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit. It is our hope to promote mutual advantage by joint efforts. You may here find a new use we'll launch some new products,its with novel design and special functions,such models have had accepted by most our domestic not selling to foreign country so far,will you miss the boat? Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated. Exhibition Center : The Continental Exhibition Center Booth Number : 3.2,H20 Date : Oct 15th to 20th 20xx Best Regards Sales Manager 广交会邀请函模板 篇9To:展览会负责人台鉴: From: 进出口商品交易会(广交会) ●目前历史最长、层次最高、规模最大、成交效果最好的国际贸易盛会。 ●参展商品、到会外商最多(外商来自世界240多个国家和地区) ●面对面与外商洽谈、直观展示自己的产品是国内商品出口的最佳途径。 ●上届超过历届广交会最高成交记录,成交额达到300亿美元。 X届广交会各展区的展位时间、敬请留意! 第一期:年4月15-19日; 第二期:年4月23-27日; 第三期:年5月01-05日, 现广交会展位的调剂、联合参展工作已开始筹备,如果您有多余展位,或者展位不够用,同时希望产品能早日走出国门,或者您不满意现有的外贸订单,想扩大产品出口额,就请您填好以下回执、我公司将登记备案,传达最新消息。我们将以良好的服务为基础,以诚信为本、信誉第一来奠定和促进我们之间长久合作关系。欢迎各地大中小企业咨询、提前预定摊位。 我公司成立于年,专业申请调剂广交会摊位已有10余年20余届之久,与上千家外贸公司及外经贸保持良好的合作关系,为国内众多企业解决了每一届摊位难求及展位剩余的问题!109届将一如继往为贵公司服务,如有需要预定摊位,敬请来电或来函!我司将协助贵公司调配到最合适的摊位。 广交会邀请函模板 篇10至企业相关负责人: 您好! 20xx年秋季广交会:亚洲第一大展---中国第一大展!展出面积跃居世界第一!相信你不会错过! 20xx年秋季广交会时间展览:20xx年x月1x日— x月x日 20xx春季广交会展会定位:全部针对外贸、出口!国外采购商超2x万人次!出口成交额为3x3亿美元 第一期 20xx年x月1x日-19日 展品类别:大型机械及设备、小型机械、自行车、摩托车、汽车配件、化工、五金、工具、车辆、工程机械家用电器、电子消费品、电子电气产品、计算机及通讯产品、照明产品、建筑及装饰材料、卫浴设备、进口展区 第二期 20xx年x月23日-27日 展品类别:餐厨用具、日用陶瓷、工艺陶瓷、家居装饰品、玻璃工艺品、家具、编织及藤铁工艺品、园林产品、铁石制品、家居用品、个人护理用具、浴室用品、钟表眼镜、玩具、礼品及赠品、节日用品、土特产品 第三期 20xx年x月1日—x月x日 展品类别:男女装、童装、内衣、运动服及休闲服、裘革皮羽绒及制品、服装饰物与配件、家用纺织品、纺织原料面料、地毯及挂毯、食品、医药及保健品、医疗器械、耗材、敷料、体育及旅游休闲用品、办公文具、鞋、箱包、进口展 联营时间20xx年12月x日—20xx年1月x号截止 我们的宗旨:让你安全、安心、顺顺利利参展! 我公司成立于20xx年,地处中国的商贸中心城市—广州!是经国家主管机构批准的具有合格办展资格专业展览公司。一直以来以“促进国内外企业交流合作,沟通企业产销桥梁”为宗旨,每年自行策划承办及代理数拾大型国内、国际性专业展览会。 经过公司全体同仁的共同努力,已在展览行业建立了良好的客户资源和信誉。以专业的组织管理和全方位的服务,在展商中享有很高知名度,获得了广泛好评。公司拥有一支专业、精干、综合素质强的员工队伍。 我们本着真心、真诚、热忱的原则,为各参展企业及观众提供全方位、高质量的服务。我公司全体工作人员期待与您的合作! 公司经营理念:诚信立足,以人为本! |
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