标题 | 英文道歉信怎么写 |
范文 | 英文道歉信怎么写(精选5篇) 英文道歉信怎么写 篇1Dear my husband, While you're reading this letter, maybe I'm doing my math or English homework--- if not, chemistry. I'm very sorry for what I had done if I really hurt your feelings. I sincerely beg for your forgiveness. I remember when I met you for the first time, I lost my heart to you. I knew that you are the right person that I would get married to. And I could tell that you knew it too when you looked at me--- It was like the wind in the spring flowing across my face. It felt so good. I remember when we got married, I drew our marriage certificate. Although the certificate was simple and, maybe a little ugly, it contains all my love for you and it weighs one thousand pounds. I'll remember it all my life. I remember when I put my arms around your waist for the first time, it was all as if we were the only human-beings in the world, no one else--- just no one else. I remember that we shared our sweets, we sat together to discuss how to solve a math problem, we talked and laughed. We loved each other so much. I remember. There are so many things for us to remember and value, my dear. You are the best ong that I've decided to devote all my love and life to. The doves flying in the sky, the fish playing in the water, the leaves singing on the top of yhe oak can all help prove my strong love for you! Winter having gone so far, I still miss the snow which was like our beautiful love. Oh. I can never forget the days we have spent together. And there is also the most wonderful future for us to look forward to. So, please, my dear. I don't know why you have suggested that we get divorced, but I know that I must have done something really wrong and that I must apologize. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me, and give me another chance!!! Yours, Olivia 英文道歉信怎么写 篇2Dear John, I am eagerly looking forward to your visit to our city. After all these years of writing to each other, I can not wait to see you. However, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to meet you at the airport on time. The reason is that your flight will arrive early in the morning, and the earliest I can reach the airport will be about an hour after you land. Will you please wait for me in the arrival lounge? You can have breakfast while you wait. By the way, as we have never met I must tell you home to identify me: I am of 165cm tall and have a long hair. In addition, I will wear a white skirt and carry a China Daily at hand. Hope we can meet soon. Sincerely yours, Alice 英文道歉信怎么写 篇3亲爱的各位邻居 你们好! 我们是X酒店,目前正在进行装修中,工期为半年。(X年5月9日至X年6月底) 在装修这段时间内,可能会给您的生活,学习以及休息等带来一些困扰和影响,毕竟锤声,钻声等是在所难免的,如果我们家中带来了较大的震动和噪声,还敬请您和您的家人能海涵。 在装修期间,我们也会监督施工人员务必遵守物业规定的施工时间(上午8:00-12:00 下午14:00-18:00 ,六日尽量做轻工)进行施工。确保周末的施工不做有大噪音的工作,以此减少对诸位邻居休息日的影响。 希望大家多多谅解。谢谢!
xx年x月x日 英文道歉信怎么写 篇4尊敬的某某某: 20__年5月20日晚6时许,某某区域二期突然停电,给本区域生活带来极大的影响,经过物业紧急抢修直至凌晨将供电全部恢复,为此向所有来访的客人表示诚挚的道歉。物业服务中心将继续深入查找突然断电的原因,保障酒店供电正常。 如有问题,可再联系.欢迎下次再次光临,我将竭诚为您服务. 顺祝商祺!并再次表示歉意! 道歉人:某某某 时间:20__年05月20日 英文道歉信怎么写 篇5尊敬的物流集团公司新老客户: 大家好! 首先我忠心的感谢你们一直以来的信任与厚爱!九年一晃而过,十载历历在目,物流却到了如此地步,真是“悲欣交集”,这句也是我在今年九月二十五日公司九年会议中的心情表述: 从无到有,满腔热情,却是“名满天下”,给太多的人、尤其是客户带来了货款不能及时回收和面临损失的烦恼,本是一个鱼水情,现在却要客户对我们的信任出现严重危机,企业却面临严峻考验,尤其是在这样的一个局面,我只有选择承担一切后果,并真诚面对,想尽一切办法解决资金问题。 我们十年的努力能够有56万的客户群体,业务覆盖陕西,甘肃,青海三省,我们有六百多人的团队不离不弃。虽然行业竞争日益激烈,尤其恶性竞争,同质化服务严重,准入门槛太低,我们也一直走在创新的路上,一直围绕着客户的利益最大化,保持着利他才能利己的心态,我们的付出也得到了很多的回报,身边有那么多支持我们和帮助我们的人,我们深感欣慰。 这便是“悲欣交集”,可是九月二十五日当晚就发生了群体性挤兑事件,一天不少一天不多刚刚是九年公司开业纪念日。事情的发生虽然突然和有人恶意炒作,但是也是必然,我无怨无悔。 感谢大家的理解以及所有人的帮助和支持,尤其感谢长期合作客户的信任以及理解,感谢警方警官社会各界人士的大力支持,感谢同学会、商会、朋友,所有人,感谢你们。你们让我对人生充满信心、对事业充满希望,对身边的每一个人是满满的感恩。我只有默默地承受一切,用一生来弥补过失,换取信任,赢得更大的挑战与胜利。 物流“9.25”事件发生突然,也是必然,首先责任在我,我不怨天尤人,积极面对、坦诚相待,用实际行动证明一切。请大家给我时间和信心,也希望大家一如既往地支持和理解,我们将用我们的一切行动和服务打造一个新的物流,重新来过,从零开始,从头再来,我相信我们有能力有信心,更有责任和义务还清债务,为更多的客户提供全方位的物流服务,我们必将以更优的服务质量,安全快捷,货款兑付24小时内。 做到行业树立形象,内部强化管理,把企业做成公众可以相信和嘱托的企业,为陕西本土物流品牌和陕西人争光,给曾经帮助和关爱物流的每一个人一个完美的答案,我们有您将永远铭记历史的过去,永远要警钟长鸣,创新发展做一个长久的企业,为更多的人和企业做好服务。 再次向大家表示深深的歉意,我在这里给大家鞠躬了! 希望能博得一点点谅解并给予我们支持和力量。在下来的时间里我的每一天都在工作上,直到还清债务,我会在最短的时间内见到每一个欠款的客户, 请大家给我机会,向您当面致歉,请教学习,为了我们做的更好是最好的面对,感恩不尽! 此致 敬礼!
20xx年XX月XX日 |
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