标题 | 英语辞职信模板 |
范文 | 英语辞职信模板十篇 英语辞职信模板 篇1ear mr. ben(the name of your boss) please accept this letter as formal notification that i am leaving my position with company on august 7. i have allowed 30 days prior to my departure for assisting in the transition process. although i have enjoyed my job, i have received an offer for another company that i feel is better suited6 to my career objectives. thank you for your kind attention and would appreciate if you could let me have a reference letter before i leave. i regret having to resign from my position. i wish you and the best of luck and future success. if i can be of any assistance during this transition, please let me know. sincerely, (your full name) 英语辞职信模板 篇2dear_________, i am writing to inform you about my decision of resignation. i have enjoyed working with you and the staff in our c.comompany in the past few years. however, i find it is inappropriate for me to take the position as ____________(接职务,如an editor)for the following reasons. first and foremost, _____________________. (第一个原因) besides, _____________________.(第二个原因) most importantly, _____________________.(第三个原因) thank you for your caring in these several years’ working. i am deeply sorry for any inconvenience my leaving may cause. yours sincerely, li ming 英语辞职信模板 篇3dear richard, after careful consideration and soul-searching, i have decided resign my position as internal auditor at icc company. i assure you it was not an easy - decision to make. perhaps you have heard me mention on occasion that i would like to run my own accounting business. ever since i graduated from #### university, this has been my long-range goal. i am thinking of applying to a graduate business school to earn an mba in accounting and eventually to sit for the cpa exam. i suggested an effective date of january 30. if , however , you would like more time to find a replacement, i am writing to extend that by two weeks . on the other hand,of you feel that an earlier department would be more convenient to you, i will certainly understand. i cherish the experience i have received at icc company . i’m confident that it will be very usual to me in my future career. sincerely yours tony 英语辞职信模板 篇4dear boss !i feel sorry to say i have to quit this job from you because i have to prepare for the graduate school entrance exam. i really feel sorry that i can't share with you some difficulties about the future plans of this company. it is not without a heavy heart that i think leaving the necessary job and great boss that i have been privileged to encounter during my thses days here. in the meantime, i’d like to express my deep thanks to you.wish our company has a continued success. 英语辞职信模板 篇5Dear Mr. Please accept my resignation as associate chemist at the GERT Institute. I plan to leave my job here on September 30, 19–, taking a few days of annual leave just prior to that effective date. As you know, my primary interest has been in the oil and gas industry. Therefore, I’ve accepted a position with Fury Refining, Inc., that should put me back in touch with my “first love.” Although I’m eager to accept the challenges in this new position, I regret leaving the institute. You and the organization as a whole have treated me very well over the past three years. I won’t forget the friendship and professional growth I’ve experienced as an employee here. Best wishes to all of you for years of expansion here. Applicant: Date: 英语辞职信模板 篇6Directions: Two months ago you got a job as an editor for the magazine design and fashion .but now you find that the work is not what you expected. You decide to quit. Write a letter to your boss, Mr. Wang,Telling him your decision, stating your reason(s), and making an apology. Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter; use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address. Dear Mr. Wang, I am writing this letter to apologize that I will quit the position as an editor of your magazine for the reason of myself. Two months ago, I was accepted by the design and fashions as a member of it. I was deeply impressed by the kindness, diligence of all staff members around me. But during the span of working here, I have come to realize that the job probably is not suitable for me want a more peaceful life, such as a teacher. And you know that I am not an outgoing girl. I find that I am not able Yours sincerely. Li Ming 英语辞职信模板 篇7亲爱的(上司名字)∶ 您好! 本人已决定辞去现时(职位名称)的职位,并由x月x日(最后一个工作天的第二天)起开始正式生效。 在此,感谢(公司名称)给予本人学习的机会,并取得宝贵的工作经验。希望本人的离职不会为你带来很大的不便。 本人希望在离职之前,能够取得离职通知书。 这段时间,我认真回顾了这几个月来的工作情况,觉得来xx幼儿园工作是我的幸运,我一直非常珍惜这份工作,这几个月来感谢园长对我的关心和教导,同事们对我的帮助让我感激不尽。在幼儿园工作的几个月中,我学到很多东西,无论是从专业技能还是做人方面都有了很大的提高,感谢园长对我的关心和信任,对于我此刻的离开我只能表示深深的歉意。非常感激幼儿园给予了我这样的工作和锻炼机会。而我在这时候却因个人原因无法为幼儿园分忧,实在是深感歉意。所以我决定辞职,请您支持。 刚接手新班时,我一开始真的无所适从,小班小朋友都不听我的话,爱哭闹,我根本无从下手。多亏了园长的辛勤教导,让我从中学到了很多知识、很多道理。这些都是外面学不到的。有时,我也会做错事,也会受到园长的批评。但是,我从心里感谢你,是你教育了我很多东西,很多道理。 祝工作愉快! 此致 敬礼! 申请人: xx年xx月xx日 英语辞职信模板 篇8Dear, After months of reviewing the outlook for the company in the wake of this economic downturn, I see no other alternative than to resign my position as chief financial officer with HHH (company). Needless to say, after 12 years of service, this decision was not an easy one. Please make my resignation effective January 31, which is the end of my scheduled vacation. I will turn over all company books and settle my accounts prior to that date. information about possible summer employment opportunities with HAL.I am interested in a position that will allow me to combine the talents I have developed in both computer programming and electrical engineering. However, as you can see from the attached resume, I have extensive experience in many related fields, and I always enjoy new challenges. I look back on the experience gained and the friends made with much regard. My association with HHH has been a valued part of my life. Good luck to you in the years to come. Sincerely, I have concluded that I can no longer function effectively when the policies followed by the headquarters fail to provide the support I need as a regional manager. 英语辞职信模板 篇9尊敬的各位领导: 很抱歉在这个时候向学校提出辞职,因为我的辞职给学校带来的不便,我在此向学校领导说一声对不起! 我叫___,男,__岁,云南省曲靖市__人,20__年7月毕业于大理学院艺术学院,音乐学专业,于20__年8月考上大理州洱源县特岗教师,并分配到__任教。 自20__年考上特岗来到洱源这个美丽的地方,我就爱上了这里的风土人情,爱上了这里的山青水秀,爱上了这里的每一个角落。 来到__让我感到很温暖,领导很和蔼,同事很热情,和谐的人际关系和氛围使我感到很轻松,也让我很快的融入到了这个大家庭。在大家的帮助下,使我这样一个刚从学校象牙塔走出来的人,勇敢的面对生活中和工作中出现的各种困难,也让父母不在身边的我,感到了家的温暖,在此由衷的感谢大家。 虽然只有短短一年的光阴,但这却是我进入社会以后的一个重要台阶,有了大家的帮助,让我对这个社会有了一个更加美好的诠释,它并不是像人们说的那样黑暗与不公,我深切的感受到了自己的进步,在此我再一次感谢这一年里陪伴在我身边的每一个人,是你们让我爱上了社会这个大舞台,使我的价值观和人生观变得更加高尚和完善。但是由于我的工作经验、人生阅历以及个人能力等方面不足的原因,还是不能把工作做得很好,因此也给学校的同事和领导增添了许多的麻烦,在此,希望各位能够谅解。 我很庆幸自己能到__来任教,虽然有时也会为一些工作的小事而烦恼,但每当我看到孩子们那一张张可爱的笑脸,听见他们那充满童真的声音喊“老师好”的时候,他们的纯真、可爱就深深地感染了我,我的忧愁和烦恼,顿时也烟霄云散了。我爱我的学生们,恨不得把自己所有知道的、好的东西都传授给他们,希望他们能走出农村,到更大更远的地方,去了解那些更加美好的东西。 我一直以为我会继续留在这里任教,会为洱源的教育事业鞠躬尽瘁,然而随着时间的流逝,年过六旬的父母,头发渐渐的白了,加之来到这里后因水土不服而经常生病的缘故,原本支持我在远方的父母也渐渐的唠叨了起来。古人云:“父母在,不远游”,如今父母对远方的我总是放心不下。哪个儿女不是父母的心头肉啊!因为子女不在身边,父母没有了依靠,心里就没有了归属感呀! 作为儿女,我又何尝放得下父母啊!为了年迈的父母,我只能怀着沉痛、不舍的心情向领导递上我的辞职申请,请求辞去特岗教师职务并解除特岗教师聘用合同。 教师辞职报告的延伸阅读——辞职的格式规范 (一)标题 在申请书第一行正中写上申请书的名称。一般辞职申请书由事由和文种名共同构成,即以“辞职申请书”为标题。标题要醒目,字体稍大。 (二)称呼 要求在标题下一行顶格处写出接受辞职申请的单位组织或领导人的名称或姓名称呼,并在称呼后加冒号。 (三)正文 正文是申请书的主要部分,正文内容一般包括三部分。 首先要提出申请辞职的内容,开门见山让人一看便知。 其次申述提出申请的具体理由。该项内容要求将自己有关辞职的具体情况逐一列举出来,但要留意内容的单一性和完整性,条分缕析使人一看便知。 最后要提出自己提出辞职申请的决心和个人的具体要求,希看领导解决的题目等。 (四)结尾 结尾要求写上表示敬意的话。如“此致——敬礼”等。 (五)题名 辞职申请的题名要求写上辞职人的姓名及提出辞职申请的具体日期。 英语辞职信模板 篇10Dear , I am offering my resignation as operations manager of the plant, effective May 15. As of now, I’m not quite sure where I’ll be looking for employment and am toying with the idea of turning one of my life-long hobbies into a profit-making enterprise. Frankly, Vernon, I was deeply disappointed the vacancy of general manager was filled by someone from outside the company. Through years of excellent performance appraisals, I was led to believe I was in line for that position. Under the circumstances, I think you’ll understand my decision to resign. I do appreciate the management training I’ve been given here; it has indeed prepared me well for almost any general business career I decide to pursue. My best wishes for the company’s continued growth. Sincerely, Li Ming |
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