标题 | 受伤同学慰问信 |
范文 | 受伤同学慰问信(精选5篇) 受伤同学慰问信 篇1陈逸龙同学: 现在你的手臂好些了吗?我们代表全班同学,来正骨医院来看望你。在此,也转达他们对你的思念和关心。 当得知你的手臂受伤了,而且还要做手术时,全班同学的心情都很难过,大家都为你担心。同学们都想到医院看望你,可是名额有限,就由选派的代表送上每个同学精心准备的贺卡,上面可是写满了大家对你的祝福和想念哟! 逸龙,你安心养病,尽快好起来,我们都盼望着你早点回到三年一班这个大家庭呢!我们都期待着那个生龙活虎的陈逸龙早点回到同学们中间,一起学习,一起欢笑! 你落下的课程,不用害怕,老师和同学们都会帮助你的;遇到什么困难,也不用担心,老师和同学们都会和你一起解决。
xx年x月x日 受伤同学慰问信 篇2X同学: 现在你的手臂好些了吗?我们代表全班同学,来正骨医院来看望你。 在此,也转达他们对你的思念和关心。 当得知你的手臂受伤了,而且还要做手术时,全班同学的心情都很难过,大家都为你担心。 同学们都想到医院看望你,可是名额有限,就由选派的代表送上每个同学精心准备的贺卡,上面可是写满了大家对你的祝福和想念哟! 逸龙,你安心养病,尽快好起来,我们都盼望着你早点回到三年一班这个大家庭呢!我们都期待着那个生龙活虎的早点回到同学们中间,一起学习,一起欢笑! 你落下的课程,不用害怕,老师和同学们都会帮助你的;遇到什么困难,也不用担心,老师和同学们都会和你一起解决。 祝: 早日康复 三年一班全体同学 猜你感兴趣 受伤同学慰问信 篇3: 您好! 闻悉贵体欠安已入院治疗,公司上下都深为关切。知治疗所需费用较年夜,公司一方面向股份公司陈述并申请给以津贴,在公司经营状况十分艰难的情形下,股份公司特批帮困津贴金5000元以示慰问;另一方面泛博员工恳望贵体早日康复,在公司两个月工资未发的困境下仍积极捐献1425元以表心意,虽杯水难解车薪,但拳拳之心、感念之意尽表。 我们望您能安心治疗,深盼您能早日康复。 谨以此信表达公司全体员工对您的慰问之情! 此致 敬礼
年月日 受伤同学慰问信 篇4Dear Same: I am deeply grieved to hear that that the accident you got in , and I am sorry about your hurted leg, and now you should go into the hospital and take a few days. At the same time,I want to send you my best wishes for your quick return to good health., and that you will soon be out and about again. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, John 受伤同学慰问信 篇5Dear Mary, Are you better now? We are very concern about you. When we heard you hurt in a car accident, we were sad and some of the girls were full of tears. But luckily you were not badly hurt. We will go and see you after school and please don"t be nervous and worry about you study. We will help you with your lessons. You"d better follow the doctors advice so that you will be better soon. Yours Dear Same: I am deeply grieved to hear that that the accident you got in , and I am sorry about your hurted leg, and now you should go into the hospital and take a few days. At the same time,I want to send you my best wishes for your quick return to good health., and that you will soon be out and about again. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, John |
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