标题 | 世界地球日英语演讲稿 |
范文 | 世界地球日英语演讲稿(精选3篇) 世界地球日英语演讲稿 篇1On Earth Day, 175 world leaders met at the United Nations to sign the Paris Agreement, a historic pact to curb the carbon emissions behind climate change. Several speakers kicked off the ceremony by describing what's at stake, culminating with an urgent, cogent plea from new Academy Award-winner Leonardo DiCaprio. "Yes, we have achieved the Paris Agreement. More countries have come together to sign this agreement today than for any other cause in the history of humankind, and that is reason for hope," DiCaprio said, praising the first international treaty that commits both developed and developing nations to cut greenhouse gas emissions. "But unfortunately the evidence shows us that it will not be enough. Our planet cannot be saved unless we leave fossil fuels in the ground where they belong." "You know that climate change is happening faster than even the most pessimistic of scientists warned us decades ago. It has become a runaway freight train bringing with it an impending disaster for all living things," DiCaprio said. "Think about the shame each of us will carry when our children and grandchildren look back and realize we had the means of stopping this devastation, but simply lacked the political will." "We can congratulate each other today, but it will mean absolutely nothing if you return to your countries and fail to push beyond the promises of this historic agreement. Now is the time for bold, unprecedented action. My friends, look at the delegates around you. It's time to ask yourselves which side of history you will be on." 世界地球日英语演讲稿 篇2Good morning, everyone ! April 22nd will be the 41st “Earth Day ”.This year’s theme is to live with low carbon. Earth Day originated from America. On April 22nd ,1970,US Democratic Senator ?Gaylord Nelson ,and a student from Harvard University-Dennis Hayes,organized an activity named “Earth Day”. Many people in the USA joined them. The purpose was to callon all the people to keep our environment clean and protect our earth . The earth is our common home ,but some of our activities cause serious damages to the earth .Now ,forests,lakes,wetlands are disappearing at an alarming rate;Coal,oil,gas and other non-renewable energy sources face depletion due to over-exploitation;Emissions of greenhouse gases cause global warming;ice caps in the Arctic and the Antarctic are melting down and sea-level rises which threaten human survival and development . 世界地球日英语演讲稿 篇3同学们: 大家好,今天,我很荣幸能站这儿演讲。我演讲的题目是《保护环境,从我做起》。 我们这个繁荣昌盛的时代,人们的生活越来越好,却不再那么爱护我们的地球母亲了:大街上,到处是废纸、垃圾;小河里的也不是清澈见底的了;空气也不再那么清新…… 你们知道吗?原来6359万多公顷可利用的草地面积,目前退化为3867万公顷。素衣水草丰美著称的全国牧区呼伦贝尔草原和锡林郭勒草原,退化面积分别达到23%和41%。看着这些触目惊心的数字,我的心都在颤抖,我们人类到底做了多少伤害地球母亲的事啊! 当你看到头顶的天空不再湛蓝无比,脚下的大地不再绿草如茵,湖水不再清澈如镜,你有没有想过为保护环境做出一点贡献呢? 我的妹妹就很爱护环境。一次,阿姨给她和弟弟一人买了一支雪糕。弟弟“呲”得一声把雪糕包装袋拆开,随随手扔在了小店门口的台阶旁。而妹妹却迈着小小的步伐,一摇一摆地走到远处的垃圾桶扔掉。弟弟笑她说:你真傻,这儿这么多人扔,你还非要多走路。”妹妹却把头昂的老高:“我得保护环境!”她这么小就懂得保护环境,这是多么高尚的品质啊!在这点上我很惭愧。 同学们,为了我们能在更好的环境中成长,请一起保护环境吧。也许只是弯一弯腰,伸一伸手,人类保护环境的工程就多一份希望成功。记住,保护环境,功在当代,利在千秋! |
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