标题 | 幼儿园大班清明节祭英烈活动总结 |
范文 | 幼儿园大班清明节祭英烈活动总结(精选6篇) 幼儿园大班清明节祭英烈活动总结 篇14月1日午时,如__市安定幼儿园组织部分幼儿及家长来到红十四军纪念馆,开展“缅怀革命先烈,继承先烈遗志”扫墓活动。 活动中,孩子们首先参观了烈士的遗物、聆听了他们的英勇事迹,最终在教师的带领下排着整齐的队伍,面带严肃而崇敬的表情,向革命烈士纪念碑默哀致敬,为他们献上花篮和亲手制作的小白花。 此次活动,给幼小的孩子们上了一堂生动的革命传统教育课,让他们理解了一次革命的洗礼;加深了对清明传统节日的理解,懂得了今日的幸福生活是革命先烈们用鲜血和生命换来的,要继承他们的遗志,珍爱自我的生命,珍惜今日的幸福生活,从小做一个尊敬父母长辈,懂得感恩的人。 幼儿园大班清明节祭英烈活动总结 篇2为缅怀革命先烈,弘扬爱国主义精神,4月3日上午,__县__镇中心幼儿园全体教职员工怀着无比崇敬的心境,来到__烈士陵园祭奠先烈英灵,理解心灵洗礼。 整个活动简朴、庄严、有序。大家怀着景仰之心在烈士碑前默哀、瞻仰,并向烈士敬献花圈,表达全园师幼对先烈的无限哀悼。教师们向烈士进行了宣誓。 本次活动使教师们在缅怀先烈中陶冶了情操,提升了精神境界,进一步提高教师们的人文素养和人文精神。 幼儿园大班清明节祭英烈活动总结 篇3For large classes of children, only one semester left in the kindergarten life as a teacher, we should make full use of this period of time, providing diverse learning environment for children's education, pay attention to the development of multiple intelligences, positive for the primary school to lay a good foundation, as parents should be based on the actual situation of children targeted in order to cultivate children in large classes can smoothly enter primary school learning. Only in the form of good dialogue and communication in the home can we effectively carry out the following research work. The following are the main contents of the summary: Analysis of the situation in this class: The children in the kindergarten: after three years of life and learning, children attend classes, will become primary, pride, sense of responsibility and sense of honor are strong, the progress is particularly fast, three teachers were observed, large classes of children active thinking, strong ability to accept, cheerful, lively, independent and full of personality. From the overall perspective, interpersonal skills and independent problem-solving, two aspects of outstanding progress. But several children there are still some problems in the conventional aspects (such as eating, talking can not concentrate in class, love talk, in the habit of listening to the need to strengthen etc.). Secondly, the children's learning, autonomy and decision-making ability should be further developed. Children in some large classes need to be individually trained in their movement development and practical ability, and the intelligence of self reflection needs to be consolidated. Mathematical logic, intelligence, reasoning, computing ability need to be developed. Although there are some problems, but the entire large class style positive, hat, love, especially in the school carried out with the big activities, for the younger brothers and sisters made a good example. 1、 cultivate children's mutual learning, autonomy and decision-making ability, establish a common discussion groups. 2、 to create a class atmosphere full of love, so that children have a sense of security, training children's sense of responsibility, and form a preliminary awareness of primary school. 3、continue to seriously study the new "Outline", establish a correct view of education, unity of educational thought, and into educational behavior. 4、 to help parents to have the correct view of children, education view, knowledge view, clear focus of early childhood education is to cultivate personality and ability, so that parents agree familiar with the aim of education, goal and course form us, and support the participation of kindergarten educational activities, to form a good "home dialogue interaction network". 幼儿园大班清明节祭英烈活动总结 篇4Enrich the outdoor sports activities in kindergarten, further explore the form of outdoor sports activities, improve the overall quality of children, and promote the healthy development of children's physical and mental. I park in the early spring of April and May made a series of morning sports activities for young children. First of all, the activities of kindergarten leaders attach great importance to. All teams and groups can actively and seriously organize activities. First, seize early and end. From the beginning of March, the team put into teacher preparation, each class has a special teacher responsible for such activities; two is the team of teachers can combine the class of children age characteristics of the development of outdoor activities plan. Secondly, my garden activities in various forms, will usually children love to play games, music activities, and folk sports activities as a major direction. Let children understand, easy to learn. For example, small class activities mainly train children's coordination ability, "snake jump", "bowling", "jumping blocks" and so on Class activities mainly the creation of a child to explore space, with a variety of materials can play "play" ring ring, roll ring, jump ring, etc.. Children's imagination and creativity have been enriched and developed. Class activities of traditional folk games "eagle catches chicken" "egg yellow" "pocket" "hopscotch" kick, kids playing patience, run in the game play, shouting, enjoy the release of their happiness. Unconsciously, they are undergoing physical training and regular education. One of the most prominent features of these activities is that the children are the main body, and the activities are geared to each child, so that every child can feel the joy of participating in collective activities. Thirdly, the content of our garden activities is original and beneficial All the activities of the class teachers to give full play to their imagination and creativity, all kinds of waste materials can be made by the side of children's instruments, such as beverage bottles, cans, and kindergarten with a plurality of existing equipment will be refitted and activities has become another new equipment. In the children's free exercise and instrument exercise music choice, teachers are creative, some melodies exciting, some cheerful and beautiful, and some light jumping. In the formation of the queue formation, but also fully reflects the characteristics of young children. The children walked in triangles, circles, serpents, and so on. In short, this activity fully demonstrates the importance and unique charm of our outdoor sports activities, enhances the awareness of teachers and children's outdoor sports activities, and improves the quality of outdoor sports activities in this park. 幼儿园大班清明节祭英烈活动总结 篇5九月是个收获的季节,第**个教师节伴随着温馨的祝福洋溢在每个双幼人的心中。双楼幼儿园全体老师齐聚一堂,开展了丰富多彩的庆祝活动。 社会宣传显力度 教师节前夕邀请政风行风监督员、家长代表来园参观我园校风校貌和宣传手册。园长向他们汇报一年来我们学校的发展情况、所取得的成绩和我们的老师的工作情况、所取得的进步,并听取群众对学校的意见建议。对他们历年来给予学校的支持表示感谢。这次活动时间虽然短,但收到了良好的效果。我们的工作,老师的进步,都得到了社会的肯定的支持。政风行风监督员们对教师节的到来表示祝贺,并提出了一些合理化的建议和意见。 节日气氛浓满园 教师节期间,校园内进行了氛围布置,挂上了横幅、围墙上插了彩旗,一派节日气氛。9月9日上午,全体教职员工参加镇庆祝大会,享受一顿精神大餐。9月10日周一升旗仪式上,园长向全校教职员工表示节日的问候,祝节日愉快。教师节前,各班更换了家园联系栏,增加了颂扬教师的内容。 师德承诺显真情 “为人师表,廉洁从教,不体罚或变相体罚学生,不违规补课,不从事有偿家教,不以教谋私,不强行向学生推销教辅资料及其他商品。”。双幼人用整齐、响亮的声音齐声吟诵《海安县教育系统政风行风建设公开承诺书》,作出对家长、孩子们的庄严承诺,彰显一份份为师之真情。充满激情、充满力量的话语,更道出了作为一名幼教工作者的骄傲和尊严。 爱心帮困献爱心 开展了“168”爱生“行动,教职工们帮扶一名困难幼儿,让更孩子的脸上展开灿烂的笑容。我们将持之以恒的把这项工作作为义不容辞的责任,让那些孩子享受更多的关爱。 教师节里有我的一份祝福 积极参加镇举办的教师节庆祝活动,暑期我们组织教师、部分家长和幼儿排练镇参演节目。教师们不顾炎热,认真组织,牺牲休息时间,没有怨言。由于组织到位、考虑周全,排练的两个节目均被镇审核通过。庆祝活动时我园的节目得到全镇老师的阵阵掌声,同时也得到镇领导的肯定,这是对我们的回报。 我园的教师节庆祝活动丰富多彩、成效显著,使每位教师振奋了精神,鼓足了干劲。双幼这支爱岗敬业、精心育人、精诚团结的教工队伍,在营造的人文的、和谐的育人环境中,满怀信心与斗志地面对新的学年,双幼的保教工作一定会再上一个新台阶。 幼儿园大班清明节祭英烈活动总结 篇6本次活动由于设计提前,使得准备的时间比较充分,同时准备实施过程中又进行了不断的修改与优化,使得活动开展得比较顺利,活动效果明显。本次活动的设计目标,主要有以下几点: 1、使幼儿知道9月10日是教师节,知道教师工作的意义,知道教师对自己的关心、帮助和爱,激发幼儿尊敬老师、关心老师的情感,懂得为老师做力所能及的事。 2、培养幼儿从小爱自己身边的人开始,引导幼儿有意识的感知教师对自己的关爱。 3、通过活动使幼儿学会感恩,并大胆尝试用行动表达自己对教师的爱意。 围绕目标教师在活动的第一部分设计了三个环节。第一个环节,介绍教师节的来历然后第二个环节引导幼儿为教师制作节日贺卡,在这一环节中当幼儿知道教师节已经来到时,都会用语言表达,祝愿老师节日快乐,这与活动之前的家长得教育有很大关系,可是老师提出除了用小嘴巴还可以用动作表示时,有一个组的幼儿在常靓田田的带领下,主动上前一把抱住了老师,当老师在既意外又满意的情况下汇报给他们一个拥抱时,孩子们脸上洋溢着幸福与自信。接下来的一组幼儿于是也模仿了他们,这时教师及时提示除了拥抱还有什么动作也会让老师觉得很开心呢?于是下一组幼儿不用拥抱这个动作而是在个别幼儿的带领下为老师敲背的敲背敲腿的敲腿,一张张笑脸溢满笑容,最后在教师引导下还知道可以用自己的巧手亲手制作一张小卡片送给老师。 在这一环节中我们发现其实孩子对老师的感情也在寻找机会表现出来,而且中班的孩子已经具有了表达自己情感的经验,掌握了一些表达自己情感的方式方法,教师只要稍加引导,就能带动全体幼儿,体验到关心别人的快乐,而教师所做的就是提供这样一个交流的机会,同时进行适当的引导。在接下来的甜甜话接龙游戏中,可以说是教师对幼儿刚才情感表达得回应,当一开始教师神神秘秘地要在一名幼儿耳边说一句悄悄话时,他很严肃有些紧张,当我对他说出“我爱你”时,我发现幼儿的脸上立刻绽出了笑容,当他把这一句简单的话传给其他幼儿时,我发现他们每个人都很开心,原来他们无形当中通过这个活动也是在传递着笑容。可以说这一部分的三个活动是层层递进又是环环相扣的,通过这一部分的开展,幼儿既了解了教师的工作意义又学习了表达自己情感的多种方式,同时又得到了教师的回应,感受到了情感的是可以传递的。 第二部分,主要是让幼儿了解教师工作以外的一些事情,进一步拉近幼儿与教师的距离,满足幼儿的好奇心。在这一环节中教师准备了一些自己家人的照片,自家周围环境的照片,以及自己回家后做些什么的照片,当幼儿看到老师抱着自己的小孩时,他们都叫起来:“李老师家的小娃娃,李老师家的小娃娃”仿佛发现了好东西,他们不但互相说着,还将看到的照片内容高兴地说给自己的爸爸妈妈听,可见他们也渴望了解老师,其实以前的他们对老师下班以后的事情是一点都不知道的,但是他们充满着好奇,这个活动恰恰迎合孩子们的好奇心,同时也让幼儿知道下了班后的老师和她们的爸爸妈妈一样,也要烧饭,看电视,管小孩。这就在拉近老师和孩子们的距离。 第三部分,亲亲老师。这也是一个让幼儿感受爱的环节。老师因为爱他们所以把神秘的“口红”送给他们,他们因为爱老师还可以亲亲老师。当孩子们在老师的画像上留下自己的唇印时,他们总要驻足一会儿,不愿立刻离开,其实这正是他们在表达自己对教师情感的同时也体验着快乐。因为是中班的海子选择这种亲在画像上的方式,幼儿会更大胆地接受,如果是小托班的孩子,直接鼓励他们亲在老师脸上会更能激发幼儿对教师的情感。 通过这次活动,幼儿不仅展示了自己各方面的学习成果,增强了自信心,更主要的是体验到了热爱、尊敬等社会情感,从而促进其社会化的进程。 |
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