标题 | 礼仪致辞怎么写 |
范文 | 礼仪致辞怎么写(通用3篇) 礼仪致辞怎么写 篇1Task 1 今晚,我们很高兴在这里接待我们新的商业伙伴约翰·格林先生及其同事。我代表我公司全体同仁向格林先生及其代表团表示热烈的欢迎。// 我相信格林先生此次来访,必将加强我们两家公司的相互了解,进一步推动我们之间业已建立的合作关系。// 我知道各位都是第一次来到中国,希望大家今晚能够品尝一下中国的美酒佳肴。// 最后我提议,为我们两家公司永久的友谊和合作,干杯! We are very pleased to play host tonight to our new business partners, Mr. John Green and his colleagues. On behalf of all my colleagues, I wish to extend our warm welcome to Mr. Green and his mission. // I am convinced that Mr. Green’s current visit will surely promote our mutual understanding and further strengthen the newly-established cooperative partnership between our two companies. // I know, for all our guests, this is your first visit to China. I hope you will have a good time enjoying the finest Chinese cuisine and wine. // In closing, let me propose a toast, to the lasting friendship and cooperation between our two companies. Cheers! Task 2 Dear Mr. Zhang, my Chinese friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, I feel honored to come here on my first visit to your beautiful city. // On behalf of all the members of my mission, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation and gracious hospitality we have received since we set foot on this charming land. // I am looking forward to visiting your factory, learning more about your production process and exchanging ideas with your manager. I believe this visit will be a great success. // I would also like to thank those who prepared the magnificent dinner. I love Chinese food. And I just can’t wait to taste it. Thank you all again. 尊敬的张经理,中国朋友们,女士们,先生们: 这是我首次访问你们这座美丽的城市,我为此感到十分荣幸。// 我愿借此机会,代表我们代表团的全体成员,对我们东道主的诚挚邀请,对我们一踏上这块充满魅力的土地便受到的友好款待,向东道主表示真诚的感谢。// 我盼望着参观你们的工厂,更多地了解你们的生产流程并与你们的经理交换意见。我相信我的此次访问将获得巨大的成功。// 我还想感谢那些准备了今晚这些丰盛的晚宴的人。我喜欢中国食物,我已经等不及想要品尝了。再次感谢各位! Task 3 尊敬的主席先生,女士们,先生们: 大家好! 热烈欢迎大家在这春光明媚的日子里,来到我们美丽的学校,参加“中小企业创新发展国际论坛”。 我谨代表此次论坛的主办方之一——本校的2万名师生员工,向各位来宾的到来表示最热烈的欢迎!我相信此次大会的召开,一定会进一步推动我校中小企业管理研究的开展,也会促进我校在为中小企业服务方面更上一个新台阶。 最后,再次预祝大会圆满成功!祝大家在会议期间身体健康,心情愉快,工作顺利。谢谢! Distinguished chairman, ladies and gentlemen, I am very honored to welcome you to our beautiful university, in these beautiful and sunny days, to attend the “International Forum on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Innovation and Development”. On behalf of 20,000 of the faculty, students and staff of our university, one of the hosts of this forum, I would like to extend our warm welcome to all the distinguished guests! I believe this forum will certainly boost the development of research on small and medium-sized enterprise management in our university, and promote us to step onto a new stage in serving small and medium-sized enterprises. Finally, wish the forum a huge success and all of you good health, good mood and good work. Thank you! Task 4 Distinguished participants, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am privileged to greet you and express FAO’s gratitude for this International Seminar, which is now coming to a close. I have been informed of the high quality and interest of the presentations, and the lively discussions. // I would like to thank the Vice-Minister, who graced the opening of the seminar, and the representatives of the National Bureau of Statistics, as well as the universities and research institutes in China for making very valuable contributions to the seminar. // I would also like to thank the interpreters and all the support staff for their assistance. We are grateful for the excellent hospitality extended to all of us during this seminar. // FAO is indeed privileged to have had this opportunity to participate in such great international cooperation. Thank you. // 尊敬的来宾,女士们,先生们: 我很荣幸在此向本次国际研讨会表达联合国粮农组织的诚挚谢意。此次会议即将结束。据我所知,会议期间与会代表陈述精彩,兴趣盎然,讨论得非常热烈。// 我要感谢副部长先生,他的光临为本次研讨会的开幕增辉不少。同时我还要感谢国家统计局以及来自中国的大学和研究机构的代表,你们都为本次研讨会做出了巨大的贡献。 此外,我还要感谢口译员以及所有工作人员提供的帮助。在研讨会期间,我们受到了盛情款待,谢谢大家。 // 联合国粮农组织很荣幸能有机会参加如此盛大的国际合作活动。谢谢! 补充练习 Passage 1 各位嘉宾: 今天,我们在美丽的春城昆明,迎来了“中国——东盟贸易、投资和发展合作国际研讨会”的隆重召开。我代表云南省人民政府,向莅临会议的各位嘉宾表示热烈的欢迎!// 在经济全球化加速演进的背景下,积极推进区域经济一体化,加强区域内各经济体之间的交流与合作,更加有效地参与全球多边自由贸易,已成为当今许多国家和地区拓展经济发展空间的重要选择。// 中国和东盟现有17亿人口,具有旺盛的发展活力。第5次东盟与中国领导人会议提出,在10年内建成中国——东盟自由贸易区,这是一个极为重大的决策,必将开创本区域经济合作与发展的新纪元。// 这次国际研讨会在云南召开,各位专家、企业家、政府官员和其他方面的代表会聚一堂,共商扩展中国——东盟贸易、投资和发展合作的大计,将带给我们许多真知灼见,带来宝贵的启迪,对云南扩大开放、增进与东盟国家的经贸往来,是一个积极的促进。// 相信通过深入的沟通和交流,我们能够取得更加广泛的共识,开拓更加广阔的合作空间。// 预祝本次研讨会取得圆满成功!并祝各位嘉宾在云南期间工作顺利、生活愉快、身体健康! 谢谢大家! Honored Guests, Today, we gather here in Kunming, the beautiful City of Eternal Spring, to celebrate the opening of the International Seminar on China-ASEAN Trade, Investment and Development Cooperation. On behalf of Yunnan Provincial People’s Government, I’d like to extend my warm welcome to you all. // Against the background of accelerated evolution of economic globalization, it has become the vitally important choice for most countries and regions that want to expand the horizon of economic development to actively push forward the regional economic integration, to strengthen exchanges and cooperation among respective economic entities in the region, and more effectively participate in the global multi-lateral free trade. // China and the ASEAN countries, with their combined population totaling 1.7 billion, are showing their great momentum of development. It is beyond doubt that the decision of paramount significance to set up a China-ASEAN free trade area within the next decade, which was advocated at the fifth China-ASEAN summit, will usher in a new era for economic cooperation and development in the region. // The present international seminar in Yunnan has offered a rare chance to bring together experts, entrepreneurs, government officials and delegates from other sectors, so as to discuss the matters of vital importance concerning the expansion of the cooperation in trade, investment and development between China and the ASEAN countries. The seminar is expected to bring us a lot of real knowledge and deep insights as well as precious inspiration, which would give a positive impetus to Yunnan’s opening-up and its economic and trade exchanges with the ASEAN countries.// I believe that we would, through more communications and exchanges, reach a wider consensus and expand the future cooperation in more fields.// Wish the seminar a huge success! May all our honored guests have a good luck in their work, and enjoy a pleasant life and good health during your stay in Yunnan! Thank you all. 礼仪致辞怎么写 篇2尊敬的各位领导、来宾、各位家长、亲爱的老师、同学们: 大家好! 在这鲜花烂漫,绿草如茵的初夏时节,我们即将迎来大家共同的节日——"六一"国际儿童节!在此,我谨代表学校向一直关心和支持我校发展的各级领导表示衷心的感谢!向光临今天文艺汇演现场的各位来宾,各位家长表示热烈的欢迎;向辛勤耕耘、无私奉献的全体教职员工致以最崇高的敬意;向今天即将受到表彰的先进个人表示热烈的祝贺!向热爱黄小、勤奋好学、勇于创新的同学们表示节日的问候!孩子们,节日快乐! 忆往昔,春华秋实未蹉跎。我们心中有许多感慨,我们心中有许多感动:从同学们匆忙的脚步中,我听出了什么叫勤奋;从老师们起早贪黑的身影中,我看出了什么是责任;从家长们殷切的目光中,我明白了什么叫信任;从整洁幽雅,团结和谐的校园中,我懂得了什么是奉献。 展未来,创业豪情满胸怀。我们有着乐于奉献,无怨无悔的教师队伍,我们有着热情活泼,敢于拼搏的莘莘学子。今天我们相约在这里载歌载舞,是为了庆祝我们所取得的成绩,也是为了迎接我们未来的梦想。让我们收藏记忆,刷新记录,与理想握手,与未来签约。让我们继续凝心聚力、只争朝夕、锐意创新、坚定前行,用我们的勤奋、努力、担当、务实,不断描绘黄龙县中心小学美好的明天。 最后,祝愿各位领导、各位来宾、家长们、老师们身体健康,工作顺利!祝愿同学们健康成长,学业有成! 谢谢大家! 礼仪致辞怎么写 篇3“月是故乡圆,人是故乡亲”。虽然我们来自五湖四海,但我们为了一个共同的目标和理想聚集在中国石油旗帜下,团聚在春城盘龙江畔,与公司同成长、共发展。在这个让人滋生思乡之情的唯美夜晚,大家会有许多身处异乡、远离亲人的思念,但我们更有融入公司这样一个团结、奋进、温暖、和谐大家庭的欣慰与自豪!今天,让我们举杯邀月,把酒同欢,向远方的亲人传达我们的思念,并通过你们向支持和关心公司事业的亲人们表示衷心的感谢!回首昨天,大家都曾为公司的强大和发展付出了辛勤的汗水和心血。公司领导身体力行、以身作则,为公司事业的发展指引着正确的方向;机关业务部门兢兢业业、一丝不苟,将繁琐事务梳理得有条不紊;党群部门吃苦耐劳、默默奉献,为公司的建设与发展提供了有力的保障;机关全体员工团结一心,肝胆相照,为公司的建设与发展贡献着青春和热血,形成了一支团结进取、实干高效的队伍,有力地推动了公司科学发展、和谐发展。 皓月当空洒银泄玉,中秋正至喜事悦人。昨天的成绩造就今天的辉煌,今天的辉煌又是明天新的起点。当前,公司正处在发展的关键时刻,等项目的快速推进,为公司带来了千载难逢的机遇,形势逼人,时不我待。机关是公司实施有效管理的“中枢神经”,起着上情下达、下情上报、内外沟通的枢纽作用,其工作作风、工作效率和作风形象直接关系到公司的对内对外形象和发展。让我们齐心协力,同舟共济,以更加勤恳敬业的态度、严谨扎实的作风和热情充沛的劲头,不断推进公司各项工作再上台阶,再创佳绩。 最后,再一次向大家致以最美好的节日祝愿,并通过你们,向你们的家人致以亲切的问候,我提议:为了公司全体员工的幸福生活,为了我们日渐深厚的情谊,为了员工们的健康快乐,也为了公司辉煌灿烂的明天,干杯! “人逢喜事精神爽,月到中秋分外明”,金秋送爽,佳节将近,值此中秋佳节即将到来之际,我谨代表汇通公司全体员工向社会各界朋友及所有支持汇通公司的广大经销商致以最诚挚的问候和祝福!同时,向长期以来关心和支持汇通公司事业发展的各级领导、社会各界及客户、供应商朋友们表示诚挚的祝 |
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