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标题 2023内容规范的出国留学申请书


2023内容规范的出国留学申请书 篇1

  dear professor,

  i am greatly grateful that you can spare some time to read my letter. i ama chinese undergraduate from _, which is one of the top 10 universities inchina, and i will graduate in 20_. after that, i want to continue my educationby pursuing a master degree in france. i am now in the department of _.

  my primary interest is in international commerce, and i notice that essecis on top of that field, so i decide to exert myself to get in. your research in“cross-cultural relationship marketing”, especially your publications onbusiness of china as well as southeast asia, are of particular interest to me.and i would like to deal with business between europe and china in my career.that's why i seek entry to your theme.

  during my university years, i am used to working in a team environment. forexample, i was administrative vice minister in student union, and organized andschemed activities along with competitions in university. for my excellent job,i gained the scholarship for entertainment and physical education activities.after passing college english tests 4&6, i turned to learn french last yearand i got a score of 463 in tcf. i am preparing for ielts currently, and if gmatis necessary for applying master degree in essec, i shall take the test afterthe ielts test.

  with so much admiration and enthusiasm, i hope i would have the opportunityto work under your supervision. if admitted, i am able to continue working alongthe lines of your present research. thanks for your kindness andconsideration.

  yours sincerely , _-

2023内容规范的出国留学申请书 篇2

  Letters of recommendation are a very important part of the applicationprocess. As colleges become more and more sought out from the increasing numberof applicants each year, the need to stand out from the competition is alsoincreasing. Below we will provide helpful information on how to write a collegerecommendation as well as advice for tailoring each letter.

  A high school transcript can help tell an admissions office a lot about acandidate, but a college recommendation letter provides an opportunity for themto see the whole person. While recommendation letters are never a bad idea toinclude in the application, even if the college does not require one, manycolleges do necessitate the inclusion of one. Here is some advice to keep inmind when writing a college recommendation letter:

  Know the candidate - it may sound obvious, but it is important that youknow the candidate well. After all, how can you write a college recommendationletter for a someone you know little about? Recommendations written forcandidates with a vague familiarity are often identifiable and can do more harmthan good.

  How you know the candidate - when you write a college recommendationletter, make sure to include how you know the candidate as well as the length oftime you have known that person.

  Provide relevant information - be sure to find out the purpose of therecommendation so as to provide relevant information about the candidate and hisor her specific qualifications. If the recommendation is to supplement anapplication, discuss how that person is an appropriate candidate for the collegehe or she is applying to. Despite its purpose, however, the overall goal of acollege recommendation letter is to attest to the capabilities and character ofthe candidate.

  Obtain a rsum - another tip on how to write a collage recommendation letteris to first obtain the student's rsum with a listing of his or her GPA,activities, awards, leadership roles, community service, employment experienceand special skills. The more information you have about a particular candidate,the more constructive your recommendation can be.

  Personalize the letter - to help make the letter more personal, beforewriting a college recommendation letter, it is important to determine the personto whom the letter should be addressed. If the student is unaware of the name,the letter may begin "Dear Selection Committee."

  Proofread the letter - one of the most important tips on how to write acollege recommendation letter is making sure to proofread it when finished. Aletter containing grammatical errors will appear unprofessional and may leave anegative impression.

  Mailing the letter - establish with the student whether the recommendationletter must be mailed in an official envelope from your institution, or if itcan be included with the application. If it is to accompany the application,return the letter to the candidate in a sealed envelope.

  Determine the deadline - double-check with the student as to the deadlineof the college recommendation letter. Ideally, you will be given an adequateamount of time to complete a positive, detailed letter, however, the mostimportant detail is that it is received before the application deadline.

  Save the letter - when you have finished writing a recommendation, be sureto save it in order to help make writing the next college recommendation lettereasier. The student will likely be applying to more than one school and may askthat you write a separate recommendation for each one. Although it is importantthat each letter is tailored to the application at hand, select information canbe recycled for multiple letters. It is more convenient to tailor the originalpassage than to repetitively recollect the advice on how to write a collegerecommendation.

  What Colleges Really Want

  Colleges place a large emphasis on a student's academic ability becausewhat is accomplished in high school is the strongest predictor of their academicsuccess in college. What colleges really want, however, is a win-win situation.They want to admit students who will thrive at their institution, not only forthe student's benefit, but for their own as well. As more and more studentsbecome college-bound, colleges and universities will become increasinglyselective, placing more emphasis on the ability to know how to write a collegerecommendation letter.

  As a teacher, counselor, employer or personal acquaintance of acollege-bound teen, you may at some point receive a request for help in writinga college recommendation letter. These students are not only placing their trustin you, they are putting you in the unique position to make an impact on whetheror not they are admitted to their college of choice. Following this advice onhow to write a college recommendation will help to ensure a professional letterand give your candidate a greater likelihood of being accepted into his or hercollege of choice.

  College-Bound Student Information

  CollegeView offers an extensive amount of valuable information andresources for the college-bound student. Please follow these links to discoverhow our publishings can help you in your choice for an educational pathway

2023内容规范的出国留学申请书 篇3

  I am writing to express my full support for xiao xiao, who is applying tograduate school at [name of school]. though i am currently a visiting scholar atthe university of california, san diego, i was xiao's supervisor at the vvvuniversity school of architecture and civil engineering. in my [number] years inacademia, xiao stands out as one of the best students i've encountered.

  as the professor in charge of vvv's student union, i spent several yearssupervising and working closely with pan, who served as the union's chairpersonand monitor. pan's work included managing the routine affairs of his class of 76students and planning many student activities. consequently, through our closecontact, i gained a thorough understanding of and respect for pan's character,his strong organizational skills, and his leadership ability. for example, infall 1997, xiao organized an evening party for incoming freshmen. i stillvividly remember the party's resounding success, as well as pan's unswervingattention to details.

  dedication and passion are hallmarks of pan's character. although the workhe did as a student leader was time-consuming and tiring, he never complained.he simply embraced his responsibilities, and enjoyed the tasks at hand. studentsacknowledged his devotion to his classmates repeatedly: for four years in a row,the student body elected him monitor and chairperson. xiao felt great warmth notonly for his classmates, but also for society at large.


  professor name

  department of electrical engineering,

  abc university

2023内容规范的出国留学申请书 篇4




  休学的一年里,我会找一份与日语相关的工作,继续学习日语。我对所能找到的工作抱的期望值并不高,也并不认为出社会工作会有多顺利。在休学的一年中,我希望能和在校的同学们一起考N2 或是N1,实现自我独立,并且能为家里尽自己的力量。回学校之后,也能更加有目的的学习,或者还能做些翻译兼职。未曾想过考研的我,竟然也萌生了跨专业考心理学研究生的念头,虽然只是一刹那的想法,也让我自己惊讶不已。我也明白了,活着要不断的学习,学校就是一片很好的土壤,能为我们营造最好的环境。



  家长联系电话: 家长签名:

  学生联系电话: 学生签名:

2023内容规范的出国留学申请书 篇5
















2023内容规范的出国留学申请书 篇6

  I take great pleasure in recommending Wang Yong, one of my favoritestudents, for admission into your distinguished graduate program.

  Mr. Wang was admitted in 1986 at 14 years of age into the SPECIAL CLASS forthe GIFTED YOUTHS, my university's unique program that caters to theintellectual needs of unusually talented Chinese youngsters. It was a rareprivilege he earned with his nearly impeccable academic performance through theyears of his elementary and secondary school.

  He impressed me almost as he entered into my university, a major cradle ofchina's scientific and technological talents. At the time, members of the GiftedClass all had to spend half a month studying by themselves the principles ofcalculus and then take an exam so that we could evaluate their self-studycapability. Mr. Wang scored the highest grade in that exam. He also exhibited akeenly whetted mind during class discussions. To my regret at the time, hisEnglish was not as good as his mathematics or physics. But I noticed he made apoint of working especially hard in improving his English during his fiveundergraduate years with us. By now, he seems to be at least as proficient inEnglish as most of his former classmates in the Gifted Class.

  In my experience with Mr. Wang, I was impressed with not only hisextraordinary intelligence but also his ambitions and persistence. I am surethat Mr. Wang will be an outstanding student in any doctoral program that he maycare to enroll in. So I would like to support him firmly in his questrecommendation into account when considering his application. I would greatlyappreciate it you decide to accept him as he wishes.

  Yours sincerely

  Fan Pu

  Professor and Deputy Head

2023内容规范的出国留学申请书 篇7

  A wise man once said “how dreadful knowledge of the truth can be, when there’s no help in truth.” I think, out of all thoughtful things one can think about, this quotes is unique description of what the depth of Drama and the Performing Arts can do for people. By studying Drama, we can become a variety of people, trapped within one single mind, all trying to be freed and each with their own personality and poison. Humanity has helped Drama so much to produce narrative of such calibre, and characters of such depth and poise – characters, which can be as sweet and innocent, or can take the more disgusting side of what being a human is, being as evil as what thought possible

  Performance Art explores the whole range of human emotion and can produce tremendous performances and visual experiences and with Drama, in particular, we can go further than flesh and blood and express ourselves as somebody else and take on this ‘mask’. The most profound thing I have found when studying Drama is that we can become any person in the entire world, and still be us

  I have always had a love for the performing arts since I can remember; for there has never really been anything else I have ever wanted to do apart from act. But acting is not just a subject to study people, narratives or social issues – we can discover so many things about ourselves, why we perform a character this way: is it because this person is so much like us? There have been numerous qualities I have discovered about myself while participating in drama. In teaching, I have learn how to really connect with people and help them to explorer what their feelings produce and more notably, how we learn about others, about a single person just by the way they say a monologue

  Teaching has been a great experience for me because it has given me the time to evaluate my own performance and teaching skill, learning to become that character just a little but more. This has also been enhanced by the performances I have taken part in, learning to work together in teams to realise the dream of the narration and the vision of the director (for nothing really exists without the vision or image)

  While experiencing other aspects of the Performing Arts, I have found that is has increased my performance skill on whole and expended my knowledge on the performance world greatly, Dance, Art and English all focusing on similar issues such as the Commedia dell’arte, Henrik Ibsen, Physical Theatre and Movements and philosophies. These subjects have greatly complemented my time in Drama, and increased my confidence and ability in being a performer. Being involved in 5 consecutive school productions, 2 amateur productions, teaching experience and a student has really influence me concerning the determination I will put into a career in Drama and Acting, and just working with these people and directors have really bettered me in the way I act, see myself and carry on with my life. The Performing Arts is such a brilliant profession to work in, because there is so much opportunity to explore the world

  I know that I can offer the performing arts the time, the expense and the spark that it deserves. There is nothing else in world that I would devote more time to than being on the stage or acting in the street, and with the passion and determination to succeed behind me, I will give that spark and flavour that acting and the performing arts is all about. I know I can offer so much, because it is the only profession where, maybe just for one night, I can become someone else and do a damn good job of being that person – and I can easily say that I can offer the world, because performance and acting is my whole world. As well as enjoying Drama, I have also taken a shine to Philosophy and finding the reason for irrationality, and I feel particularly moved in amazement by the work of Bob Fosse and George Orwell for their use of horror, sorrow and murder. And a great interest to the History of Art, because so much of the story of us is portrayed in Art and more so these days it is so unique how Art and Drama work together to produce movement, beauty and conception.





2023内容规范的出国留学申请书 篇8


  I'm Yang, a master candidate from Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin,P. R. China, supervised by Prof. Tang. And I ever contacted you for the passwordof your papers in the last time. I'm supported by a Chinese National Fund, whichwill support those PhD candidates in China to go abroad to some world classUniversities of their fields. This programme will cover all living cost I needin USA. After I read a lot of papers of my research area, I understand that youare working on MAX phases and have published quite a lot of high levelscientific papers. As such, you are the leading researcher in _ in the world. Ifind your area fits me well, so I write to you to see if you can give me achance to study in your school. My CV and published papers have beenattached.

  My research area is mainly about MAX phases. I have published 5 papers inthe journals including J. Mater. Res. and Solid State Commun. In addition,papers were submitted. And now I'm doing _. I am not applying a full time PhDprogramme, and this programme is a short time (12-24 months) co-educationexperiences more like a visit scholar programme. This programme is a new type ofco-educate PhD programme supported by China Scholarship Council. The studyperiod abroad varies from 12 months at least to 24 months at most. I have toaccomplish my doctor degree back to my school (Harbin Institute of Technology),so I'm not supposed to acquire my doctor degree at Drexel University.

  And this programme runs like this, students meet the applicationrequirements can apply this programme, and my University and research area isamong the main supporting Universities and areas. Students must acquire anofficial invitation letter from the prospective tutor/University. Therefore, allI need is an official invitation letter from you (or your University). The dateof enrollment I'm considering is September/October 20__. In order to make sure Ican catch up with the next year's programme, I have to prepare all theapplication stuff (including your official invitation letter) before January,20__. And because it will cost about 1 month to mail your invitation letter fromUSA to China, so I really hope you can respond me as soon as possible to makesure I can receive your letter before the winter vacation this year. And if youcan't make this decision or you have a better recommendation whose researchareas fit me well, please inform me. Really hope to hear from you as soon aspossible!

  Yours sincerely,

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2023内容规范的出国留学申请书 篇10

  Dear _,

  On November 9, 20__, I took my GRE Subject (BIOLOGY) test. Although I it isbeyond me to report the exact number of the participants in this specific testthe world over, the score I achieved indicated to me that I was above 98%, andaccording to the analysis by my classmates, this might be the highest score thatChinese students have ever achieved. While I was aware that the importance ofany test score as an indicator of one’s scholastic aptitudes should never beover-exaggerated, the result still gave me a tremendous sense of self-pride andself-achievement. I believe that I achieved such a high score not through merecoincidence. Instead, it is the result of my long-time love for and dedicatedefforts at biology. With an implicit faith in my knowledge of biology and in mypotential to continue to excel others, I here solemnly file this document in anattempt to apply for admission into your esteemed university for a Master’sprogram in pharmacology.

  I am confident in my qualifications as a competitive applicant for yourhighly respected program, partially because of my unusual interest inpharmacology. As a bridge across medical science and pharmacy, pharmacologyplays a vital role in the research on the ways to resist diseases. Theexploration and the subsequent elaboration on the mechanism of therapeuticfunctioning of drugs is a necessary step in the development and application ofdrugs to overcome diseases. Faced with this academic discipline that isinextricably connected with human life and human welfare, I have always beenfascinated by this subject, bent on making my own contributions to theimprovement of the quality of human life. Every time I learn about new theories,approaches and developments in biology and pharmacology, I cannot help feelingexcited. Each setback I encounter or each success I achieve in my experimentswould motivate me to persist and continue. It is this fascination with biologyand pharmacology that stands behind my dedicated studies and research in thosesubjects.

  The 4-year comprehensive and systematic study and training in the specialtyof pharmacy guaranteed my successful completion of my undergraduate program atthe College of Medicine of _ University, the best medical institute in China.In an academic environmental famous for its rigorousness, I established a solidfoundation in such diverse fields as biology, chemistry, biochemistry,pharmacology, pathology, physiology, and cell biology. As I approached mystudies primarily from a problem-oriented manner, devoting much more energy tolabwork than to coursework in order to satisfy my curiosity for solvingpractical problems, my overall GPA is somehow affected, slightly lower than whatI would have desired. In my case, GPA, which is purely based on exam scores,does not account much. In retrospect, I have been more concerned with developingmy hands-on abilities and on developing an extensive knowledge rather than onintensive test-oriented knowledge. Nevertheless, compared with other students, Iam sure that I excel them in terms of experimental skills and the ken ofknowledge and, for an undergraduate, a good foundation supported bycomprehensive specialized knowledge and strong hands-on abilities are mostimportant for more intensive studies in the future.

  I have every reason to believe that my excellent experimental skills andresearch experience will qualify me to be a helpful research assistant to myfuture supervisor and to make important research achievements. Even when I was afreshman, I started to work as a research assistant in the laboratory. Over thepast four years, I have commanded most of the basic skills necessary forundertaking lab research, such as operations on animals, cell culture,electrophoresis experiments, etc. By far, my most important research experiencecame from undertaking my graduation project, which exemplified an overall testof experimental techniques. I chose to focus on the Effect of Ye3 on the CellApoptosis. The reason for choosing this subject of research is that the study ofcell apoptosis has a crucial importance in the treatment of cancer and inmaintaining the immunity of those suffering from AIDS. On the premise that rareearth ions are considered capable of entering cells, I decided that my projectwould concentrate on rare earth ions and their effects on cell nucleus. Withextensive experiments, I discovered that, under different circumstances, rareearth ions would produce totally different behavior toward cell apoptosis. Whenthe concentration of rare earth ions is below a certain ultimate limit, thefunction of the ions changes from that of facilitating cell apoptosis to that ofsuppressing cell apoptosis. As an initial and tentative study, my research haswon very positive comments from my advisor. In undertaking a large quantity ofexperiments, I not only applied basic operation skills with much dexterity butalso acquired many new techniques such as making post-coloring observation ofthe morphology of cell nucleus through the confocal fluorescence microscope, andperforming qualitative testing of cell apoptosis with the help of flow cytometrymethod (FCM).

  Having completed my undergraduate education and acquired necessaryqualifications, I would like to pursue a more advanced degree program at TheDepartment of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine at TheUniversity of _. The department, founded in the 1950’s, has been greatlystrengthened by the joining of dozens of renowned scholars and specialists overeach of the past decade. Its mission, “to educate, create and sustain knowledgeconcerning the actions and mechanisms of drugs in biology and medicine,"reflects the Department’s consistent dedication to academic excellence. YourDepartment fosters research collaborations within the Department as well as withother _ Faculties & Departments, national and international universitiesand related industries, and is committed to the development of new researchareas. I am especially interested in Clinical Pharmacology Research Organization(CPRO) under the leadership of Dr. _.

  Your research-oriented program adheres to an “apprenticeship” model ofgraduate training in which in which graduate students work in closecollaboration with a particular Faculty member, their supervisor. Since thematching of research and professional interests between the student and aFaculty member within the Department is paramount, I would like to identify Dr._ and Dr. X_as either instructor or supervisor with whom I would like to workwith. Dr. X_may enlighten me on central nervous system physiology andpharmacology while Dr. X_may instruct me concerning the mechanisms of actionand resistance and intracellular pharmacokinetics of antiviral agents. Myinitial study of their papers and research reveals that their fields of researchperfectly parallel my study and research interests. I expect that my Master’sprogram can ultimately lead to a Ph. D. program.

  This Personal Statement is presented by a highly self-motivated Chineseyoung man who cherishes high academic ambitions, possesses outstanding biologyknowledge, and is determined to work harder to make even more proudachievements. For this reason, I hope that my application can be given mostserious consideration.

  Yours sincerely,

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2023内容规范的出国留学申请书 篇13

  Growing up in a modest village in China, I hardly ever had the chance tosee many examples of modern technology; people who dig wells by hand to obtaindrinking wateruse ox-driven plows to cultivate their fields don’t have much usefor televisiopersonal computers. But when my father gave me an old radio to playwith, I wanted nothing more than to take apart the contraptionsee what i idemade such interesting sounds. Sitting on the floor with a confused grin,surrounded by wiresmetal, I looked up at my fatheraskedthe noises were...

  I first read this paragraphMadame Curie as a 14-year-old child,I stillremember how wonderful I felt. I remember thinking, "What esteemed men theywere! How hard they worked!" As I grew older, this paragraph became a source ofencouragement in the face of adversity. I begin to feel a magical blue lighttwinkling in my heart, kindling a love of science,encouraging me to chargebravely into the unknown world.

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  年 月 日

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2023内容规范的出国留学申请书 篇17

  Growing up in a modest village in China, I hardly ever had the chance to see many examples of modern technology; people who dig wells by hand to obtain drinking wateruse ox-driven plows to cultivate their fields don’t have much use for televisiopersonal computers. But when my father gave me an old radio to play with, I wanted nothing more than to take apart the contraptionsee what i ide made such interesting sounds. Sitting on the floor with a confused grin, surrounded by wiresmetal, I looked up at my fatheraskedthe noises were…(有删节)



  ……I first read this paragraphMadame Curie as a 14-year-old child,I still remember how wonderful I felt. I remember thinking, “What esteemed men they were! How hard they worked!” As I grew older, this paragraph became a source of encouragement in the face of adversity. I begin to feel a magical blue light twinkling in my heart, kindling a love of science,encouraging me to charge bravely into the unknown world.


  I never forgot my adolescent idol, Maria Curie. As I re-read the book, another pa age leaped out: “She was now 24-an age when some of her great contemporaries were to be on the brink of major discoveries… Maria took the trainWarsaw to Paris, the intellectual Mecca.”

2023内容规范的出国留学申请书 篇18

  1. 参观和考察学校


  2. 网上提交申请材料


  3. 等待面试通知





  4. 面试结果


  5. 交建校费和学费并保留收费单


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2023内容规范的出国留学申请书 篇20

  Dear sir / madam:

  Hello, my name is _ _, _ _ _ University teacher. I am also very pleased torecommend to you my students _ _ _, and believe that it can be a good completionof your master's courses in your school.

  Ever since he entered the University, he has often shown maturity andstability. Since most of the students in the class are from other provinces andcities, the experience of leaving home for the first time makes it necessary forthem to take a long time to adapt to the new environment. But I have noticedthat, by contrast, _ _ _ _ adjusted quickly and actively involved in the newenvironment.

  There is a big difference between the curriculum of the University and themiddle school, and the emphasis is on the ability of self-study. Therefore, infreshman, sophomore, a lot of students have shown varying degrees of adaptation,do not know how to learn the University curriculum. However, _ _ students have astrong ability to adapt, quickly find out the key business management courses,in a very short time to master the learning methods, and other teachers said heis very strong ability to accept new knowledge, new knowledge that he'll be ableto digest, can be understood.

  It can be said that some of the students in the class is holding a verygood college entrance examination scores into our school, and _ _ _ by virtue ofhis strong self-learning ability and good learning methods. This, in eachsemester final exam has been well reflected, especially excellent achievementsin professional English in the final exam, the class is a smooth through the 46English exam students. His passion and determination to learn English is to moveme most.

  In addition to the study of students in the school _ _ football players,actively participate in the activities of the school organization, strongorganization and leadership. He often comes to my office or give me a call, hemet together to discuss the problems in study and life, hope to get bettergrades in the. _ _ said the students is a good student.

  I hope your school can give him a chance, let him in your school rigorousstudy style and good learning environment to continue to develop his expertise,further improve professional knowledge, broaden their horizons. Look at yourschool to consider its application.

2023内容规范的出国留学申请书 篇21

  pplied Program:Organizational Behavior

  I am interested in the field of study of Organizational Behavior. In thepast, I have had the experience of working in settings where the people and thecorporate cultures of the companies were all different. I have found that thereis a great difference in the both the behaviors of people and of theirorganizations, depending on whether they are state-owned enterprises (SOEs),large multinational firms, or small to medium sized foreign enterprises. Onesimple example is that of the ability of an employee to act independentlywithout direct instructions from his or her boss. In many Chinese organizations,acting without direct instructions is considered a form of disrespect towardsthe supervisor, who is generally offended by such behavior. In my experience andresearch, such organizations tend to have low operating efficiency with theemployees losing their innate ability to take the initiative.

  In contrast, foreign enterprises tend to welcome employees who have theability to make decisions on their own, though the extent to which this is truedepends on whether the supervisor is a local Chinese or an expatriate. Theseorganizat Applied Program:Organizational Behavior

  The purpose behind this personal statement is to not only gain admission toyour well-established and highly respected Ph.D. program, but to impress uponyou my passion for learning and my tremendous desire to succeed in bothscholastic research and in teaching on the professional level. I have based mydecision to pursue an academic career not on purely practical reasons, butrather on my own natural interests and aptitude. My personal philosophy is thatmoney and social status should not be pursued as life-consuming objectives andthat in actuality they are the by-products of goals originating from one's innerneeds. I understand that my intellectual capacity is a gift, and I intend to usethis gift to the very best of my substantial capabilities.

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  Respectful Sir or Madam,

  I‘m writing to you to apply for a scholarship of your school. I’m very gladto hear you can provide scholarship for exchange students. That‘s really goodnews for me. And I am very appreciating that you can give me a chance to explainway I want to apply for a scholarship. My name is Haoyu Liu. I’m 17 years oldand I‘m a fresh man in Taiyuan No.2 Foreign Language High School. I’m very proudof as one of my school. I‘m diligent and I know I must be a useful person. So Ialways tell myself that I have to learn more and more. I’m also very outgoingand I like to help people as possible as I can. That‘s way I got many friends. Iwas born in Jixian, a small county with poor land and terrible weather. Myparents were farming at home. Even life doesn’t easy, I still hopeful enough. Istill love my hometown and I want to do something for my country. So I want tolearn more knowledge as possible as I can. I know how hard people‘s life. So Iwant to change it by myself. That’s way I‘m diligent and I like to help people.But when I went to high school, our life got worst. My parents can’t afford mytuition. So my father went to Taiyuan to find a job. And we have to rent alittle house near by my school because my school is far from my hometown. But Istill keep my faith, because I know that my family will support me to let mydream come true forever. When I got the information that I can be an exchangestudent, I was exciting but confusing. I really want to go to German to studybut I don‘t want my parents worry about my tuition. So I’m writing this letterto you to apply for a scholarship of your school. I wish I can do better justbecause I have a dream that I can change my family, my hometown even my country.I hope I can share responsibility for my parents from this thing. At school, I‘ma good student. I’m interested about sports, arts and science. I also like tostudy foreign language. That‘s way I chose to study German and English atschool. I noticed that language can let me communicate with others easily. But Ican’t only study language. I have to know about the Germanic culture clearly.That‘s way I need to be an exchange student this time. But I need your trust. Ineed a scholarship of your school, because I’m a good student. I have a dream.In that dream, I can see my parents are smiling because I became a usefulperson. I can see my teachers are smiling when I came back from German. My willis strong. And I know I can do better when I go to German. So I‘m writing to youto apply a scholarship. And I’m waiting for your return. Thank you for your kindheart and reading my letter.

  Best wishes.

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2023内容规范的出国留学申请书 篇24


  我很高兴以书面形式推荐的医生的信。 __支持他申请在实验室的博士后位置。







2023内容规范的出国留学申请书 篇25

  Dear _,

  “Life is Like a Box of Chocolates. You Never Know What You are Going toGet”. Such words come from a famous movie “Forrest Gump”. I don’t know what kindof chocolate life will give me, but I believe I can achieve my target if I workhard with my unwavering belief and persevering efforts like Forrest Gump. As astudent of Mechanical Engineering, I have just finished my undergraduate studysince July. Next what I have to face is to choose the new chocolate which I haveyearned for all long. With four-year study of M.E. in China, I would like toscale higher intellectual heights by undertaking advanced studies in __University, as I believe its rich learning environment and free academicatmosphere will open my eyes to new realities and influence me to confront thesituation back home.

  My strong interest in research was born during the undergraduate years at_University. Upon entering the university in 20__, I began to embark on myjourney of industrious study in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Myexceptionally solid foundation in mathematics and physics provided me with astepping stone with which I proceeded onto the exploration of othersophisticated and erudite subjects. My performance in all the specialty-relatedcoursework not only enabled me to secure good GPA ranking me about top 17 in mygrade among 169 students but also furnished me with a powerful instrumentwhereby to materialize my dreams in the research. I constantly congratulated myluck to obtain a lot of scholarships and awards, due to my academic achievement,from the university, especially the scholarship of “_University – AmericanUnited Technological Corporation”, awarded only for the best students who areboth good at academic and social capacity. Not contented with doing a good jobin mere coursework, I endeavored to keep abreast with the latest theories andtechnologies by reading extensively technical literature in recent journals andattending the lecture some famous professors made. During my undergraduatecareer, I have grasped every chance to do some researching work. I used toparticipate in at least six projects including the intern work in the factory,mechanical designs and graduate design.

  Especially during the period from September to November of 20__, I readmany books and journals in the field of mechanical engineering such as “Handbookof Practical Gear Design” (Written by __). In these books, I did intensivereading on the theory of the speed reducer. I investigated and discussed with myteacher on how to apply the theory into the practice. Then according to myteacher’s advice, I tried to organize a team consisting of five members to makea harmonic gear reducer. As a team leader, I should not only take charge of thewhole arrangement of project but also make every member of the team cooperatewith each other harmoniously. Before starting the program, I, together with myteam, made a detailed plan covering the schedule, materials, and equipment. Thefirst step of our work is the design of the reducer. The design plan is asfollows: (1) Set down the blue print. (2) Complete 3-D solid model with Pro/Esoftware. (3) Finite-element analysis with ANSYS software. (4) Assemblingsimulation by using Pro/E. (5) Complete the 2-D draft of part and assembly.After two-week design work, we stepped to the next work, manufacture of theproduct. With the aid of the technique of computer, we plan the manufacturingprocess of every part. And then, all parts were made with various machine toolssuch as CNC lathe, wire electrical discharge machine, vertical machining center,and so on. Finally, we had toassembly all parts to the harmonic gear reducer,and test-drove it for many times. With five-week unremitting efforts, wesucceeded in the project of harmonic gear reducer and obtained the highestpraise. This special experience makes it very helpful for my further study.Firstly, I find the connection between theory and practice. Textbooks couldhardly cover everything, therefore, if we want to learn more, we should pursueevery opportunity to have practices. Meanwhile, I experienced the importance andmightiness of cooperation. In the project, we divided ourselves into severalparts, not only doing one’s own work well, but also cooperating with each otherharmoniously.

  Another case worthy mentioning is my design project for graduation,“Manufacturing and Performance of Electroplated CBN Tools”. The main objectiveof this project is the manufacturing of the electroplated CBN (Cubic BoronNitride) wheels and the research of its performance when grinding theheat-resisted steel. I had completed three steps of task. Firstly, I took chargeof the manufacturing of electroplated CBN wheels, covering the following work:selecting electroplating solution, computing various electroplating parameterssuch as electrical current and temperature, adhering CBN to the tool base byelectroplating a nickel layer. After these basic preparations, I had to do thesecond part of the research work to compare grinding abilities of electroplatedCBN wheels with those of other wheels such as SiC wheels, Al2O3 wheels etc. Thispart of the work needs the researcher’s highly particularity and staidness. Idid the detailed work as follows: (1) Grind heat-resisted steel with variouswheels in the same grinding conditions. (2) Record data and compute the grindingratio of various wheels. (3) Measure the surface roughness of the heat-resistedsteel ground by various wheels. (4) Observe dulling and pullout of abrasivegrains of various wheels by using optical microscope. In this part, we canconclude that electroplated wheels have far better grinding abilities than otherwheels, by comparing parameters, such as grinding ratio, surface roughness etc.The final assignment of the project is to find out the most suitable parametersof grinding heat-resisted steel with electroplated CBN wheels, through comparingthe grinding ratio and surface roughness of heat-resisted steel ground indifferent grinding parameters. By investigating the attributes of electroplatedCBN wheels and concluding their practical grinding parameters, this project isvery important in promoting the application of them.

  China’s unique advantage of labor force predicts the resplendent future ofits Mechanical Engineering, especially the manufacture, and it is our beliefthat this day will come soon. On the other hand, there are so many experiencedtechnicians in China, however, with the absence of advanced experts manyadvanced producing method cannot be used in practical yield. When I worked asintern in some factories, I found that most of them were still using facilitieswhich were used in America about thirty years ago. Therefore I want to use theadvanced knowledge earned in United States, combined with my acquaintance withChina, to improve the present situation and apply best the advanced scientifictechnology to practical social wealth as soon as possible. I hope to become asuccessful researcher in Mechanical Engineering, the arduous but exhilarativefield. The significant progress achieved in M.E, with the extraordinary culturaland intellectual sources in your university, has attracted me greatly. Based onthe study and the research experience in _ University, I am sure that I amqualified and would be an outstanding Ph.D. student. With the advanced courses,balanced program and distinguished faculty of your department, I would get asolid background for my future academic career.

  Yours sincerely,

2023内容规范的出国留学申请书 篇26









2023内容规范的出国留学申请书 篇27



  自从他进入大学以来, 常常表现出与年纪不相符的成熟和稳重。由于班上的大部分同学都来自其他省市,这第一次的出门离家的经历使得他们需要一个相当长的过程适应这个完全陌生的新环境。但我注意到,相比之下,__同学很快的调整好了心态,积极主动地融入到这个新环境之中。





2023内容规范的出国留学申请书 篇28






2023内容规范的出国留学申请书 篇29














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