标题 | 出国留学书面申请书的范文 |
范文 | 出国留学书面申请书的范文(精选3篇) 出国留学书面申请书的范文 篇1尊敬的某某学校领导: 本人某某原是贵校高一一名学生,现因随亲转学到某某学校就读于高二。由于本人的学习成绩分数达不到某某学校学分标准,学籍档案无法转出贵校,在此请贵校领导允许我在某某学校寄读,同意我在贵校补办报名注册手续,以确保我的.学籍档案在贵校生效。 在此特向贵校领导申请,请给予批准! 此致 敬礼!
20xx年xx月xx日 出国留学书面申请书的范文 篇2尊敬的_领导: 您好! 我是一个天资聪颖,活泼可爱,知书达礼,善解人意,爱好广泛,才华横溢的有教养的女孩。步入成年的我即将告别我难忘骄傲的母校——辽宁省台安县高级中学(省级示范性高中),奔赴我心仪已久的_大学。此时此刻,我的心情异常激动。面对梦想学校的领导们,我郑重地向您介绍一下我的个人情况: 我自幼成长在一个书香门第。在这个大家庭中,我受到了良好的教育启蒙,养成了高度的自立自强,奋发向上的生活习惯。从祖辈到父辈,书香之气,一代胜于一代,在台安地区小有名气。父辈哥们成为_网的“董氏三杰”。继承父辈的基因,我也成为了小有名气的文坛高手。有数十篇文章发表于《_》《_》《_》《_》《_》等网络刊物上,常常受到文联作家协会的作家们的好评。 由于家父是辽宁省特级教师,所以,相对而言,我的启蒙大学转学手续教育就比其他同龄人优越得多。从上小学开始,爸爸就对我实施了科学训练。我曾是班级的班长,中队的中队长,少先大队的大队长,环保协会的会长,小记者站站长。虽说身兼数职,但丝毫没有影响我的学业,相反却极大地促进了我的学业。我的各科成绩均名列前茅,而且爱好广泛,体音美全面发展,萨克斯、葫芦丝都曾是我的拿手绝活,电子报刊获省级一等奖。多次获得国家、省、市级书画作品一、二等奖。值得称道的是,在小学毕业生升学考试中,我以全县第一名的好成绩升入县重点中学。在中学期间,历任班级团书记兼班长,主管班级全面工作,成为班主任的得力助手。升入高中后,三年来一直担任班级想去国外上大学的团书记,全面领导学生开展工作,出版报,给同学授课,学生家长会议,和国际交流学生联谊等诸多事宜我都成为其中的主角。用老师和同学的话说:“董婷婷,你真是当年的穆桂英,阵阵少不下呀!”在学生及其家长心目中都占有瞩目的地位,一举一动具有广泛的影响力。可以说是一位不可多得的才女能人。 在我心中,一直有着这样的梦想——那就是有一天能成为爸爸的学生,聆听他的教诲,像他的学生那样,步入理想的高校,走出国门,为台安争光。那些师哥师姐们常常在国外为爸爸发来问候,也常常过问我的情况。这对于我来说,是巨大的鞭策和鼓励。我一定会尽百倍千倍的努力,实现我的理想。_大学就是我目前最近的理想。 一流的心态造就一流的人生,理想的大学铸就祖国的未来。我坚信,选择我是您的明智。我会让_大学以我为荣,我会让祖国母亲露出欣慰的笑脸。因为未来会有一个出色的科学家董婷婷在_诞生。那时,尊敬的各位领导,您就是伯乐,您就是共和国的功臣!你的选择不会错,我的未来不是梦! 有着深厚的文学底蕴的我,会利用我的速读速记的本领,轻松地驾驭键盘,用我超常的智慧谱写我辉煌的青春序曲。科学在发展,人才靠竞争。我愿以我的充足的个人实力挺进我心仪的_大学,让我们地区的更多的拨尖人才涌入_大学,成为_大学的后续力量,把延安精神发扬光大,让_理大大学成为共和国的脊梁支撑。 哪里有追求,哪里就有我;哪里有发展,哪里就有董婷婷! 综上所述,我郑重地向_大学的各位英明决策的领导推荐自己,一个卓越的具有非凡潜能的董婷婷在向您招手。她会让您看到_大学美好的未来,她会让_大学校园焕发青春的风采,更会让_大学展示自强不息,奋发有为的新一代。 鸿志万里投理工, 谋求发展抒豪情。 巾帼莫让须眉志, 振兴中华扬美名。 此致 敬礼! 出国留学书面申请书的范文 篇3Dear x, When I was doing internship at the renowned x Cosmetics Co. Ltd,I wasdeeply impressed by the motto x,the founder of the company-"Believe inMiracle and Miracle will Indeed Happen." At one point during my undergraduateeducation I was very frustrated because I found that,due to the lack ofeffective methodology of numerical analysis,the teaching and the research ofeconomics in China lags far behind the international standard as represented bythe developed countries of the West. As a result,even though I am one of thetop students the x University of Finance and Economics,I find it difficultfor me to really enter the true realm of economics study. Instead of dealing aheavy blow on me,this discovery motivated me to maximize my efforts in thestudy of mathematics and to apply for an advanced degree program in statisticsat your well-respected university after having completed my undergraduateprogram. It is my conviction that,as long as I have sufficient confidencemyself and make sufficient efforts,I am bound to accomplish some form ofachievements in the field of statistics and make due contributions to thedevelopment of quantitative research in economics in the Chinese academia.Miracle will indeed happen. I specialized in accounting at the Accounting College of x University ofFinance and Economics. An undergraduate education in the specialty of accountingcovers knowledge in a wide range of fields-economics,management science,mathematics,statistics,and even sociology. While providing me with a solidacademic foundation,this education has enabled me to ferret out the areas thatcan really capture my interest. I have cherished a strong interest inmathematics since the primary school and developed my talents all the waythrough my middle and high school. But it is only through my undergraduate studythat I have come to realize the vital importance of mathematical approaches tothe study of economics. This very realization has further reinforced mydetermination to choose the career of an applied statistician in the future.Toward such an objective,I have devoted special efforts to the study ofmathematics and statistics. Apart intensive work in such compulsory coursesas Calculus,Linear Algebra,Theory of Probability,Statistics,and MathematicalStatistics,I have also atted a series of important optional coursesincluding Operational Research,Game Theory of Economics,Sampling Investigationand made full use of my spare time to learn the knowledge of statistics as muchas possible. My undergraduate education should be described as very rewarding andfruitful. For the past three consecutive years,I have maintained top ranking inmy class and for two consecutive years I was given the "Outstanding Student"Award,winning Level-A scholarships. I have demonstrated special aptitudes inmathematics and in English. My natural talents in mathematics and my dedicatedefforts to mathematics coursework have led my GPA in all the mathematics coursesto reach 3.9,far exceeding the level of average students. In terms of Englishlanguage,I have also been well above average. In the first semester in 1999 Iwon the first prize at the "Freshmen Cup" English Listen Comprehension Contestand in I won the first prize in the English Contest for College Students inChina,the third prize at the Oral English Contest in x Province. Even though Ihave assumed various responsibilities for extracurricular activities of severalstudent organizations,I have still managed to perform well academically,a factthat should be attributed to my extra diligence,productive study methods,andeffective allocation of my time and energy. From the very outset of myundergraduate career,I made up my mind to fully exploit all the availableresources of my university to achieve comprehensive self-development and what Ihave achieved adequately testifies to the rewarding undergraduate life I havebeen living. As a science that tries to discover inherent quantitative relationshipsamong different data and make rational statistical inferences by applyingrelevant theories and methodologies,statistics has been widely applied in themodern society,its impact penetrating into almost all fields of physical andsocial sciences. With China's reform toward the market economy and its accessioninto the WTO,statistics is becoming increasingly important in China's economiclife. The fact that the subject I am interested in will enjoy a broad prospectof application in China makes me very excited and confident concerning my futurestudy and career. In my proposed program,I will first try to consolidate myfoundation in statistics and then narrow down my interests to focus on TimeSeries Analysis and Statistic Inference. I believe that to make rational inferences is one of the major functions ofstatistics. In many cases,pure statistical models or time series models canmake more precise inferences and predictions than theoretical models ofeconomics. The dilemma faced by modern economics in making predictions is one ofthe important reasons for me to choose statistics over economics as the area ofmy concentration. As an important aspect of statistical study and research,Iwill try to master one or two advanced statistical software such as Gauss andTSP. In addition,if possible,I wish to be a member of the research group of myfuture advisor under whose direction I can work on a full-length researchproject. It is equally desirable for me to do extensive internship at a specificgovernment organization or a local enterprise so that I can apply my knowledgeof statistics and test its efficacy. Apart the sound undergraduate education that I have received,togetherwith my special achievements in mathematics and English,my creativity,perseverance,and my good logical thinking are three major factors of myimplicit confidence in my future performance,just as they have contributed tomy distinguished performance in the past over most of my peers. Meanwhile,I amalso very proud of my past extracurricular performance,which has considerablyimproved my practical abilities beyond the mere coursework,like teamwork,organization and interpersonal communication. I served as student leader in theStudents Union,editor of the university student newspaper,member of AccountingStudy Group and Youth Volunteer Association. In ,I worked part-time asbeauty consultant at the renowned American x Cosmetics Company. An importantexperience directly related to my specialty is the internship I did in atthe Statistical Bureau of x City during which I worked on a city-wide populationsampling investigation,collecting and analyzing data and accumulating muchpractical statistical experience. I prioritize on x University as the school for my Master's program instatistics because a careful study of your esteemed university shows me that itis a world famous university with a long academic tradition. In terms of theteaching and research of statistics,it plays a leading role not only inAmerican but also in international academia. Naturally it becomes my idealchoice. As a student of accounting I have built up a sufficient foundation instatistics and mathematics requisite for a graduate program in statistics.Therefore,I sincerely wish that my application could be seriouslyconsidered. Yours sincerely,
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