标题 | 升学宴邀请函格式模板 |
范文 | 升学宴邀请函格式模板(精选3篇) 升学宴邀请函格式模板 篇1亲爱的老班: 感谢您三年来的支持与陪伴~您对我们的支持力大大于我们的重力使我们以极大的加速度天天向上!!现在我们诚意邀请您今天中午到 骏莱鱼港 吃大餐,为了让您更充分地感受我们cssyq的感恩之情,请在此餐前别吃太饱!! 升学宴邀请函格式模板 篇2亲爱的爸爸妈妈: 你是如何做的这些天终于我们都定在我们的新家园。这是在一个非常好的区域,安静,有更多的空间。塞莱纳喜欢她的新学校。她已经交上了朋友那里。我们很高兴能有我们自己的地方,毕竟这是在我们的生活中的一件大事,我们希望您与我们分享的快乐,所以我们决定邀请您前来参观洽谈,今年秋天。在此期间,你可以采取加拿大的神色。 我们生活在现在的城市米西索加大约是一个半小时距离尼亚加拉大瀑布是世界上著名的地方。你会被美景还有留下深刻的印象。除了美丽的风景,你也将在这里享受美味的食物,特别是对爸爸。我知道,作为一个厨师几十年来,父亲一直有兴趣测试不同的美食,所以这将是一个很好的机会给他。我知道,在温暖潮湿的天气在上海进行比较,你一定不要感到舒适与寒冷干燥的冬季在这里,所以你可以回上海十一月左右结束时,真正的冬天到来之前。这是否听起来不错的计划,你呢?我准备你将需要在我身边申请签证的文件,并邮寄给您。我们期待着您的光临。 祝好运! 升学宴邀请函格式模板 篇3july 1st (date) consulate general of country(大使馆), to whom it may concern: this is to confirm that: mr. , director(position) , the member of board(date of birth:assport no.-- ) a nd --(some else persons) are fromco.,ltd., who is one of our clients in country.we wish who mr., msn could stay in our country for 10days during sep to negotiate our business a nd visit our cities for marketing survey. pls noted that co.,ltd, will be fully responsible for all the traveling expenses a nd medical insurance incurred during they stay inour country. itinerary in our country: schedule there. we would appreciate it very much if u could grant their the requisite travel document a nd visa at your earliest convenience. yours faithfully 篇三:官方正式外贸邀请函范本(invitation letter)--外商来华 Company Ltd. Add: District, Town, City , Province, China Tel: / Fax : The Consulate General of the P.R. China Visa Section Dear Sir or Madam, We’re pleased to invite Mr./Mrs (Passport Number: Expiry Date: xday xmonth xyear to visit supplier in China from xday xmonth xyear to xday xmonth xyear for business cooperation. Mr./Mrs ’s personal information is as follow: Name as in Passport: Job title: Passport #: Date of issue: Date of expire: We herewith kindly request the China Embassy and the Government officials to support this application by granting the requir ed one-entry visa. We look forward to welcoming Mr./Mrs in China. Thank you very much! Very truly yours, Name Job title Company name (then signature and chop) |
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