标题 | 青春让梦想飞扬演讲稿初中 |
范文 | 青春让梦想飞扬演讲稿初中(精选8篇) 青春让梦想飞扬演讲稿初中 篇1燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候。但是,亲爱的朋友们,青春去了,却是再也不复返的了。 青春是什么?青春是一团火,燃烧最炽烈的热情,将温度传遍你我他;青春是一首歌,奏唱最激昂的旋律,让音乐溢满世界;青春是一场雨,释放爽朗的个性,把舒适撒入心间。 青春,作为人一生中最美好的时光,承载着太多太多的希冀与梦想。青春就是用力的奔跑,华丽的摔倒后勇敢的站起来,继续奔跑。我们用热血在青春的舞台上肆意的表演,尖叫,挥洒汗水,凭着勇气做着只有我们这个年龄才敢做的事。即使摔倒,也要以最美的姿势摔倒!是的,正因有着激扬的青春,所以五月天从当初一个地下乐团发展到现在的亚洲第一天团,在乐坛上闯出一片天地;正因有着激扬的青春,所以李阳从失败自卑中走向阳光,走向大众,说出令美国人都自叹不如的流利英语。我敬佩这样的人,因为他们让青春飞扬,他们去奋斗,去努力,去创造出属于自己的美丽明天。 但是并非每个人都能像五月天,像李阳一样能把握好这么宝贵易逝的青春的。有的人,甘愿在平庸中碌碌无为,得过且过,不曾思考活着是为了什么;有的人,想要干出一番事业,却始终不能鼓起勇气去做,踏不出走向成功的第一步,也导致最后的悔恨。岳飞曾说过:“莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。”亲爱的朋友们,难道你们真的愿意在逃避中,在平庸中度过你们的青春,失去追求梦想过程中的快乐,让青春折翼吗? 我欣赏这么一句话——即使你们不成功,你们也不能成为空白。所以我努力,我奋斗,我希望在大学四年里,张扬青春,活出自我,活出精彩,活出价值。所以,亲爱的朋友们,让我们一起,拿出我们尝试的勇气,拿出我们青春的热情去追求自己的梦想吧。让我们能在将来大学毕业之际再回首时,能毫无遗憾的对自己说:“我没有平淡,遗憾的青春。” 朋友们,让我们的青春梦想在阳光下飞扬吧! 青春让梦想飞扬演讲稿初中 篇2尊敬的各位领导,亲爱的各位同事: 大家下午好! 我是来自饮食部的。今天我为大家演讲的主题是:“青春让梦想飞扬—热血青春追梦人。” 青春,我们因青春而多姿多彩;梦想,我们因梦想而激情飞扬。 很小的时候,我就有个梦想,励志成为像比尔盖茨一样的世界首富。有人说:“你想太多了”。也许,是想太多。可梦想就是从简单可笑的想法而开始,只因不被嘲笑的梦想根本不值得被追求。当时记得有篇文章这样讲道,“我赤裸裸的来,也将赤裸裸的去。”感触很深,当时就想,梦想,我与生俱来,我是带着成为世界首富的梦想和为共产主义而奋斗终身的使命而来,所以对于青春梦想,很小的时候我就有了一个属于自己的诠释。理解。 青春就是这么的矛盾,渴望长大,却总是哀叹我们过早的失去童年的快乐。小时候,我们有了梦想,现在我们长大了,该是为梦想而奋斗,努力拼搏的时候了。但这时候,各种阻力就来了,父母的各种不允许和自己的各种不给力,让我们奋斗的历程更加艰辛,更加充满变数。喜欢自由却又害怕孤独。喜欢放纵却又害怕堕落。可热血青春让我们变得遇强则强,明知山有虎偏向虎山行。 青春就像是骑摩托车,大人们说不要骑很危险,可我们还是会骑,还骑得飞快。青春亦是如此,是想做就做,不让做也要做。如果超速会错过风景,盲目前进会经历挫折。如同现在的我,但我却未曾后悔过。因为我相信自己是对的,想继续充危险的走下去,不要害怕失败,不要害怕挫折。 陈安之老师说过:一个人起码要在感情上失恋一次,事业上失败一次,选择上失误一次,才能真正的长大,不要说什么失败是成功之母这样的老话,失败来的越早越好。要是等到四五十岁之后再经历失败有些事就来不及了。 追梦的道路上有些阻力和挫折很正常,但我们往往还在徘徊中便遗失了梦想。梦想是需要追逐的,不是跟随更不是顺其自然,不要等到梦想被人偷走了才后悔莫及。而对于我所追求的那些可笑的梦想。有人劝我放手一搏,更多的人劝我放弃挣扎放弃抵抗,不要做无味的牺牲。但,狭路相逢勇者胜。受得起多久的赞美就经得起多少的诋毁,当你苦苦追求的梦想被一个各方面都不如你的人提前实现的话,那该是多么尴尬多么的无地自容啊。失败并不可怕。害怕失败才是真正的可怕,不为失败找理由,只为成功找方法。就算是失败了,但我并不气馁。因为我已经迈出了梦想的第一步,不仅想到了,也做到了。虽然没有得到。但即使是失败了,牺牲了。但我也是牺牲在前进的道路上,牺牲在冲锋的道路上,即使再苦再累我也能起帆远航,没有人可以阻挡我前进的步伐。 宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。虽然我现在还是一无所有,但我梦想尚存,激情还在,生命不息,我便永不止步,我会为了我的梦想革命到底。 感谢热血青春,感谢一路有你。我爱你,我的小伙伴们。 青春让梦想飞扬演讲稿初中 篇3Dear classmates: Accidentally, found that we have stepped into the way old people envy, middle-aged people want to stay, the young man yearned for youth. Those with the blood of youth, is permeated with the passion of youth. However, friend you ever seek to think what is youth? Youth is bright flowers in March, the fiery red sun youth is July, October is youth beautiful charming red leaves, quietly elegant quiet snow in January is youth, youth is a spray of the rising sun, is with hundred Ge, fight the sky is the eagle, youth is happy note, is the symbol of our new. In modern times is an electrical fire limits to invite in the age of the universe, in today's world is a rapidly changing world of dazzling! Knowledge update with each passing day, science and technology advance by leaps and bounds. Delays are dangerous, laziness will fail! Has become an irresistible. In order to the take-off of the Chinese nation, each of us should do our best to go to work. Only fight for our country modern paint a perfect future, only can we realize the value of our youth. In a classmates if there is no struggle, and how to get out of the ideal university. Let us use wisdom and courage raised the ideal sail, with the era of youth and life played aspiration. Let we abandoned the confusion, mastered the course. Let us work together to unremitting scull, go and play the jiyang movement of youth! The classmates! We harness the ship of life, tried to sail to the youth's value to the other shore, let's move ahead strutting towards our bright future! Finally, I wish all my classmates in the coming mid-term examination, achieved satisfactory results, to realize the value of youth. 青春让梦想飞扬演讲稿初中 篇4青春是什么,有人曾说青春是一匹奔腾的骏马;青春是一曲优美的乐章;青春是岁月浓缩的年华,青春是我们放飞的梦想,青春是我们期待已久的未来。青春是我们走向成熟的标志,青春如花。芬芳而美丽,使人陶醉,青春似火,热情而奔放,使人激情四射,青春如诗,丰富而智慧,使人痴迷而留恋。 “青春须早为,岂能长少年”当然,正在步入青春的我们要好好珍惜现在如花似火的时光,青春一去不复返,“一寸光阴一寸金。寸金难买寸光阴”金钱能买到许多东西,但它却不能留住青春。现在的我们充满活力,充满对未来世界的好奇,对梦想的期盼。青春期的我们虽然还不成熟,但是我们都怀着一颗少年懵懂的心,我们要善待青春,做到青春无悔。相信会有那么一天,我们的青春会随梦想而飞扬! 青春让梦想飞扬演讲稿初中 篇5青春,流露着浓浓的诗情画意,梦想,散发出淡淡的幽香,青春的梦想绽放出太阳一样的光彩。 青春的梦想飞扬在十八岁的天空。青春的梦想,如同一条刚出生的小鱼,在知识的海洋里寻找着食物,寻求精神的享受,用勤奋和刻苦锻造着自己,尽善尽着的雕刻着自己,勇敢的向人生的高地迸发。 青春的梦想,是烈日炎炎下的一座凉亭,是浩浩大漠中的一片绿洲。它是一个过程,一个感悟生命,走向成熟的过程,一个在理性上获得质的飞跃的过程。 青春的梦想,充满力量,充满着期待和志愿,充满着希望和信心。“我相信我就是我,我相信希望,我相信青春没有地平线”一首《我相信》唱出了十八岁的心声。 青春的梦想飞扬在十八岁的天空。 十八岁,在痛苦面前,我们选择相信自己。走过风雨,走过阴霾,前面总有阳光;走过荆棘,走过坎坷,前面总有坦荡;走过惆怅,走过迷惘,前面总有希望。 十八岁,在生活面前,我们选择快慰自己。没有蓝天的深邃,可以有白云的飘逸;没有大海的壮阔,可以有小溪的悠然;没有太阳的光辉,可以有月亮的澄澈。 十八岁,在困难面前,我们选择微笑。困难是石,给我们警告;困难是灯,给我们指路;困难是火,让我们学会燃烧,将自己的生命之火燃烧的更旺。 在痛苦面前,在生活面前,在困难面前,微笑吧!笑出洒脱,笑出自信,笑出活力,笑出你我精彩的人生。 青春的梦想飞扬在十八岁的天空! 青春让梦想飞扬演讲稿初中 篇6尊敬的各位领导、各位同事: 大家好!我今天演讲的题目是《青春让梦想飞扬》。 我是来自基层的一名普通的护士。在最初走上岗位时,我是以无限的热情投入、无悔的青春付出,希望将自己的一生都奉献给这光荣而又崇高的医疗事业。然而现实并不像想象的那样完美,尤其是当面对患者不理解的冷眼或谩骂时,尤其是要独自面对半夜空旷阴森的走廊时,尤其是当劳累了一整天的双腿,仍要不停穿梭于各个病床之间时,我都会想,为什么?为什么我会选择医院?而医务工作又究竟带给了我什么? 最终,我的迷惘在一件件平凡却不普通的事情中找到了答案。 去年冬天,我们科收治了一位年近八十、患有老年痴呆的老太太。老人上肢严重骨折,身边也没有家人的看护。是护士长牺牲自己的休息时间,坚持陪在老人身边,给老人翻身、按摩、吸痰、换尿袋,没有一刻停歇。可谁曾想一天夜里,护士长查房时,竟发现老人不见了踪影!在焦急和担心中,护士长并没有乱了阵脚,她叫上我和科里另外两名医生,我们两人一组,兵分两路外出寻找。那时,我们并不知道老人到底会去哪里,我们只能依靠监控录像里一个大致的方向,漫无目的在凌晨寒冷的街道上地毯式的搜寻。经过了一个多小时焦急、失望、无奈的奔走,终于,我们在香溪路附近找到了老人。凛冽的寒风中,老人衣着单薄瑟瑟发抖几近昏倒,可嘴里还是不断的呢喃:“我要找我女儿,我要找我女儿···”看到这一幕,护士长的眼泪夺眶而出,她立马脱下了自己的羽绒服,紧紧地裹住老人,在老人耳边轻轻的说:“奶奶,我就是您的女儿,跟女儿回家吧!” 那一刻,我明白了作为一名医务工作者真正的含义,那就是在无私无悔的奉献中完成对一个医者完美人格的塑造! 我们的护士长不过是千千万万个无私奉献的人中,最最普通的一个。在我们的医院里,有太多太多的医生、护士在自己的岗位上默默耕耘,时光没有磨平他们的热心与耐心,反而让他们的那颗医者仁心变得更加博爱、更加宽广!还记得在汶川地震的时候,医院人手紧缺,但为了工作,更为了自己的患者,许多医生和护士自愿选择放下了自己的家人、自身的安危,不分昼夜的坚守在医院里。那段日子里,我们见过了太多生命的远去、痛苦的分离,但我们的职业性质不允许我们过度伤悲,因为还有更多的生命需要我们去挽救,去珍惜。 这一个个我们身边鲜活的人们,让我们为之感慨动容。而在我们实现梦想的漫漫征程中,也正是因为这群造梦者,才让我们能够共同编织起属于这个社会,这个时代五彩缤纷的中国梦! 这世界上注定要有一群人,他们心甘情愿的付出并不是为了得到那对等的回报,他们百折不挠的忍耐并不是期盼所有人的理解,他们怀抱信念,坚定的前行,仅仅是为了对得起作为一名医者的良心!为了身披那一身洁白望向窗外时,能够仰不愧天,俯不愧地! 也许是因为病魔太过凶残、也许是因为生命太值得珍惜,所以上帝洒下一片片洁白,让他们飘落在最接近死亡的人身边,让他们用一颗颗仁爱的心去抚慰一个个受伤的心灵,让他们用一双双上帝之手去挽救一个个美丽的生命!医者,不再仅仅是一份职业,更是一份责任,让我们用一颗认真的心去对待我们的患者,自然而然的,我们也会得到夜夜好梦的回报。而作为一名合格而优秀的医务工作者,我们不仅需要娴熟过硬的专业技术,更需要的,是怀抱一个无私奉献的信念,是追寻一个引领光明的梦想! 未来的路,一定是崎岖艰险的,但我们不怕,因为再难得路也不过是一步步去走,也因为拥有梦想和信念的人,分外强大!只要我们顽强不息、百折不挠,用一颗父母心,与患者同呼吸共命运,就一定能够到达光明的彼岸!就一定能迎来医患关系崭新的春天! 谢谢大家。 青春让梦想飞扬演讲稿初中 篇7The swallow, will come back again. The willow will be green again; Peach blossom thanks, have open again. But, dear friends, the youth, is never to return. What is youth? Youth is a fire, burning the most fiery passion, I he temperature around you; Youth is a song, sing most passionate melody, let the music world. Youth is a rain, release the hearty personality, the comfortable and into the heart. Youth, as people the best time of life, carrying the hope and the dream that too much. Youth is running hard, gorgeous fall after the brave stand up, continue to run. We use blood in the stage of youth is wanton act, screaming, sweat, with the courage to do the only we didn't dare to do at this age. Even if fall, also want to fall in the most beautiful posture! Yes, because of have, exciting youth, so mayday from had an underground development to the present Asian group, on the first day on the music rushes out a slice of heaven and earth; Because of have, exciting youth, so towards the sunshine, with li Yang from the failure of inferiority to the public, give the American people since the with fluent English. I admire such people, because they make the youth float in the sky, they to strive, to strive, to create their own beautiful tomorrow. But not everyone can like mayday, like li Yang can grasp so precious the perishable youth. In some people, willing to mediocrity, muddle along, never thought about what live to; Some people want to dry out a career, but cannot pluck up the courage to do, step out the first step on the road to success, also led to the final. YueFeiCeng said: "the mo, white young head, in vain." Dear friends, do you really want to in the escape, spend your youth in mediocrity, losing in the process of pursuing dream happy, let youth folding wing? I appreciate such a word - even if you don't succeed, you also can't be blank. So I try to, I struggle, I hope in the university four years, make public youth, be yourself, live a good, live out the value. So, dear friends, let us together, with new confidence, we tried to come up with enthusiasm to pursue their dreams of our youth. Can let us in the future when university graduate looking back again, can have no regret to myself: "I don't have a dull, regret the youth." My friends, let our youth fly in the sun. 青春让梦想飞扬演讲稿初中 篇8Often listen to other people singing, and she is often the first hummed jiang yuheng look back again, but the "once in the faint after repeatedly to pursue, just know plain takes is the most true" It would not agree. Prince "lonely" sings too detached - repeatedly to pursue all his life, just the plain is true conclusions. Plain is the most true, at the end of the day is not unwilling to mediocrity, since GanWuWei? Once upon a time, we have these in with the secondary color dream university students who are Shouting: plain is the most true. And some people think that as long as "otherwise, serene life" can be free to live, have to zhuang zi's "inaction" thoughts to carry on the general trend. What makes us rich campus life fade color? What makes us real magma solidification, not blood from heart? Because we don't have entered the dream of the ivory tower? Because we did not get out of the confused myself strip? Or because our hearts are really not young, is to see everything in the flat? No! All is not! Dominate the world Is you, give up the world is still you. The best life, not life expectancy of the people, but most can feel the life of the people. In addition to you no into the ideal university, You haven't noticed in addition to an almost successful love, in addition to the vanity in the air, in your heart you feel how much right to life? Life on earth gave you how many real burden on uneven? No! Because only in contemporary China, in our country where illiteracy and semiliterate hundreds of millions of, college students had been high social expectation, also looking forward to the society too much, just because we cannot properly estimate oneself, also can't correctly understand society. The flat state of mind, that is still a bad excuse. Then, you ever also want to do something, but don't know where to start, follow, in front of the temptation away from the natural state, is the era of mud and sand flow together tide carrying floating around. When you are tired to walk three hundred and sixty miles, you only to find that behind in addition to the flat, what also have no. No longer look back, not just the old operation, not just those of the stars at night and the moon, and in the passage of our youth. Four years, we are lucky enough to have the four years, but how many people had gone four years; How many people are still more to have these four years and in a stream and all kinds of simulation test, when we came out from their this kind of condition, Walk into many people dream of university, is in pursuit of "plain is the true"? In our day every four years, pour into the care of relatives and warm, their hard sweat, flowing silently support the choice to the children, their only hope is that we could go the way of your own life. Do we pay our golden years, writing with the blood of parents is only in exchange for the plain? Everything is just in exchange for a 60 points of graduation card? Small to pay for each family, big to for the time that's gone, like how we can easily identify with "plain" is true? Don't be saddened leaves, as the spring rain tears; Don't careless swing back the sun of summer, make till winter snow to decorate their veil; Years may wrinkle the skin, and lose enthusiasm wrinkle the soul. With new confidence, we try to take out our youth enthusiasm, graduated from university four years, looking back, we don't have flat, regret the youth. Let our youth float in the sky! Often listen to other people singing, and she is often the first hummed jiang yuheng look back again, but the "once in the faint after repeatedly to pursue, just know plain takes is the most true" It would not agree. Prince "lonely" sings too detached - repeatedly to pursue all his life, just the plain is true conclusions. Plain is the most true, at the end of the day is not unwilling to mediocrity, since GanWuWei? Once upon a time, we have these in with the secondary color dream university students who are Shouting: plain is the most true. And some people think that as long as "otherwise, serene life" can be free to live, have to zhuang zi's "inaction" thoughts to carry on the general trend. What makes us rich campus life fade color? What makes us real magma solidification, not blood from heart? Because we don't have entered the dream of the ivory tower? Because we did not get out of the confused myself strip? Or because our hearts are really not young, is to see everything in the flat? No! All is not! Dominate the world Is you, give up the world is still you. The best life, not life expectancy of the people, but most can feel the life of the people. In addition to you no into the ideal university, You haven't noticed in addition to an almost successful love, in addition to the vanity in the air, in your heart you feel how much right to life? Life on earth gave you how many real burden on uneven? No! Because only in contemporary China, in our country where illiteracy and semiliterate hundreds of millions of, college students had been high social expectation, also looking forward to the society too much, just because we cannot properly estimate oneself, also can't correctly understand society. The flat state of mind, that is still a bad excuse. Then, you ever also want to do something, but don't know where to start, follow, in front of the temptation away from the natural state, is the era of mud and sand flow together tide carrying floating around. When you are tired to walk three hundred and sixty miles, you only to find that behind in addition to the flat, what also have no. No longer look back, not just the old operation, not just those of the stars at night and the moon, and in the passage of our youth. Four years, we are lucky enough to have the four years, but how many people had gone four years; How many people are still more to have these four years and in a stream and all kinds of simulation test, when we came out from their this kind of condition,Walk into many people dream of university, is in pursuit of "plain is the true"? In our day every four years, pour into the care of relatives and warm, their hard sweat, flowing silently support the choice to the children, their only hope is that we could go the way of your own life. Do we pay our golden years, writing with the blood of parents is only in exchange for the plain? Everything is just in exchange for a 60 points of graduation card? Small to pay for each family, big to for the time that's gone, like how we can easily identify with "plain" is true? Don't be saddened leaves, as the spring rain tears; Don't careless swing back the sun of summer, make till winter snow to decorate their veil; Years may wrinkle the skin, and lose enthusiasm wrinkle the soul. With new confidence, we try to take out our youth enthusiasm, graduated from university four years, looking back, we don't have flat, regret the youth. Let our youth float in the sky! |
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