标题 | 中学生三分钟演讲稿 |
范文 | 中学生三分钟演讲稿(精选7篇) 中学生三分钟演讲稿 篇1尊敬的教师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好。 每个人都想找一条更省力气的路到达山顶。所以人们常常追问已经登顶的人,哪一条是直通山顶的捷径。那些从山顶下来的人却说:“山上那有什么捷径,所有的路都是弯弯曲曲的。先要到达顶峰,还必须要不断的征服那些根本就看不到的悬崖峭壁。” 成功之路,绝非坦途。没有品尝过失败的味道,又怎样能够告诫自我如何不失败;没有体会过等待的苦楚,又怎样能够感悟成功的魅力。 如果你心中存在了这样的捷径想法,当稍微碰到一点困难,需要坚持一下时,心中就会打起退堂鼓:这不是捷径,我应当走另一条路。转来转去,总在山腰里打转。 中国有句古话叫“欲速则不达”。许多像抄近路、走捷径、快些到达目的地的人却往往“不达”,还是做好思想准备,踏踏实实的走下去吧。 我的演讲完了,多谢。 中学生三分钟演讲稿 篇2敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 在威斯敏斯特教堂地下室里,英国圣公会主教的墓碑上写着这样一段话:当我年轻自由的时候,我的想象力没有任何局限,我梦想改变这个世界。当我渐渐成熟明智的时候,我发现这个世界是不可改变的,于是我将眼光放得短浅了一些,那就只改变我的国家吧!但是我的国家似乎也是我无法改变的。当我到了迟暮之年,抱着最后一丝努力的。希望,我决定只改变我的家庭、我最亲近的人——但是,唉!他们根本不接受改变。现在我在临终之际,我才突然意识到:如果起初我只改变自己,接着我就可以依次改变我的家人。然后,在他们的激发和鼓励下,我也许能改变我的国家。再接下来,谁又知道呢,也许我连整个世界都可以改变。 人生如水,人只能去适应环境。如果不能改变环境,就改变自己,只有这样,才能克服更多的困难,战胜更多的挫折,实现自我。如果不能看到自己的缺点和不足,只是一味地埋怨环境不利,从而把改变境遇的希望寄托在改变环境上,这实在是徒劳无益。 虽然我们不能改变世界,但我们可以改变自己,让我们用爱心和智慧来面对一切环境。 我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家! 中学生三分钟演讲稿 篇3尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 大家都知道,环保就是环境保护。但是地球这颗美丽富饶的蓝色星球,在人类的破坏下,已经遍体鳞伤,保护环境,已迫在眉睫。 那么,造成气候剧变的原因是什么呢?是因为人们肆意砍伐森林、使土地荒芜,人们肆意捕杀使动物灭绝。人们建起一座座化工厂,化工厂的废气可以“钻”开臭氧层,使阳光中的紫外线直接照到地球的表面,能造成人中暑、患上皮肤癌、加速冰融化等严重的后果。 对于环境保护,我们能做些什么?下面,我来告诉大家几点我们能做到的措施: 第一、尽量不要使用一次性筷子,使用一次性筷子过多,会导致人们更加努力的砍伐树木。 第二、节约水电,水龙头用过后要关紧,因为一个滴水的水龙头半个小时就可浪费1。8升的水。电灯用后及时关闭,这样既可防止电能浪费,又能避免发生火灾。 第三、不要乱丢废电池、塑料瓶等物品。一节电池中的化学废料就可使一平方米的土地失去利用价值。 最后,我呼吁,作为未来的接班人,我们应当团结起来,保护地球,爱我家园! 谢谢大家! 中学生三分钟演讲稿 篇4老师们,同学们: 你们好!今天我演讲的题目是《勤俭节约,从我做起》 “如果任意浪费水资源,那么地球上的最后一滴水,将是我们的眼泪,”同学们,你们还记得这则发人深省的公益广告吗? 水、空气与阳光是生命之源,是人类赖以生存的物质资源。生活中,衣、食、住、行哪样离得开水?从前,人们普遍认为水是“取之不尽,用之不竭”的,不知道去爱惜,而浪费挥霍,但同学们是否知道我国水资源人均占有量并不丰富,只有2300立方米左右,约为世界人均占有量的四分之一,随着我国社会和经济的发展,水的缺口越来越大,现在全国有400多个城市缺水,缺水较严重的城市有110多个。今天的我们要保护水资源,养成节约用水的习惯。因为失去了水,就失去了绿色、生命和希望。 在我国西南地区出现了历史罕见的特大干旱,给当地人民群众生产生活带来了很大的影响,前几周,在我们学校也开展了“一人一瓶水,爱心送旱区”活动,要求全体少先队员每人捐赠一元钱来支援灾区人民,在次此活动中,涌现出了很多风格高尚的同学,他们有的捐赠了5元、有的捐赠了十元钱,有的同学甚至捐献了20元,50元!这不仅仅是几十块的捐款,分明是对灾区人民奉献出几十倍的爱心! 鱼儿跳跃,鸭鹅嬉闹,蛙声不断,流水潺潺……同学们,为了还世界一份恬淡与自然,让我们从自身做起,同时告诉身边的亲人朋友:请随手关紧水龙头,节约用水、合理用水、保护水资源,让我们的家园永远有碧水蓝天! 演讲完毕,谢谢大家! 中学生三分钟演讲稿 篇5尊敬的各位老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家上午好! 我有一个梦想,或者说我是一个拥有着梦想的人,这一点也不值得夸耀,因为许许多多的人都有着梦想,而我们有一个梦想的意义,却在于我们有没有付出行动去实现我们的梦想。简单的说就是,梦想谁都有,你去实现了吗? 我有一个梦想,如果你有在努力,你有在付出,那你的梦想就是真的梦想,而如果没有努力和付出,那你的梦想,不过是一个空想而已。我有一个梦想,一个当科学家的梦想,这值得我大声告诉别人的是我在努力,我在付出,我在朝着自己的这个梦想奔跑着! 我有一个梦想,你们应该也有一个梦想。我们拥有梦想并不值得骄傲,我们值得骄傲的是我们正在朝着我们的梦想努力着奔跑着!同学们,如果你也有一个梦想的话,要加油啊!要不断朝着这个方向前进,要阻止我们的梦想因为没有付出而变成一个空想,变成一个永远不可能实现的梦幻泡影啊!我们要做真正有一个梦想的人,也就是要做不断为着自己的梦想而努力的人!这才是我们的骄傲! 谢谢。 中学生三分钟演讲稿 篇6hello, ladies and gentlemen. i’m angela zhang from class 4 grade 8. today, my topic is, “the shanghai world expo”. first, i’ll say something about world expo history. as we know, the very first world expo, the great exhibition of 1851, took place in the crystal palace in london. uk. ever since then, the goals of world expos have been both high-minded as well as commercial. visitors are able to explore the world outside of their everyday experience—outside cultures, new scientific advancements, and new inventions. world expos have excited and inspired more and more people in the world. on december3, , the bureau of international expositions (or call it bie) announced that shanghai will host expo20xx. the bie had received bids from five cities to host expo20xx. among the 5 nice cities, the bie chose shanghai at last! it’s really an exciting news for not only shanghainese, but also all of chinese people. here are some details about it. look at this profile carefully. the title is “the 20xx world exposition ,shanghai, china ”. this is the logo. and the theme is “better city., better life”.ok, let’s guess who is the image representative? yeah, you’re right, yao ming! shanghai expo is the first comprehensive world expo held in a developing country. and it is also the first one that takes “the city” as its theme, hoping that it can push forward the city development and help bring about a better urban living environment, just like the theme: better city, better life. i think, as a student in shanghai, we should learn to be a gentle person and keep good manners from now on. and try to practice english more in order to communicate with foreigners fluently in the near future. because, we’re a part of shanghai! 中学生三分钟演讲稿 篇7first, i’ll say something about world expo history. as we know, the very first world expo, the great exhibition of 1851, took place in the crystal palace in london. uk. ever since then, the goals of world expos have been both high-minded as well as commercial. visitors are able to explore the world outside of their everyday experience—outside cultures, new scientific advancements, and new inventions. world expos have excited and inspired more and more people in the world. on december3, , the bureau of international expositions (or call it bie) announced that shanghai will host expo20xx. the bie had received bids from five cities to host expo20xx. among the 5 nice cities, the bie chose shanghai at last! it’s really an exciting news for not only shanghainese, but also all of chinese people. here are some details about it. loot at this profile carefully. the title is “the 20xx world exposition ,shanghai, china ”. this is the logo. and the theme is “better city., better life”.ok, let’s guess who is the image representative? yeah, you’re right, yao ming! shanghai expo is the first comprehensive world expo held in a developing country. and it is also the first one that takes “the city” as its theme, hoping that it can push forward the city development and help bring about a better urban living environment, just like the theme: better city, better life. i think, as a student in shanghai, we should learn to be a gentle person and keep good manners from now on. and try to practice english more in order to communicate with foreigners fluently in the near future. because, we’re a part of shanghai! |
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