标题 | 关于沟通交流的作文 |
范文 | 关于沟通交流的作文(通用18篇) 关于沟通交流的作文 篇1“把你的作业让我参考一下!"我真是兴奋,一大清早就从monitor那里获得了"战利品"。 “喂,班主任有请! "正当我享受"战利品"的时候,一只"死猴子"跑过来,真是大煞风景。 这下完了,难道我参考monitor的作业被哪个"程咬金"去揭发了,真是没良心。我的座位到班主任的办公桌前差不多15米,我的心忐忑不安,这么一段路比平常不知多用了多少时间。 "老师,您找我有事吗?"我声音小得像蚊子叫。 "现在离中考仅4天时间了,但从这几次的模拟考试来看,你考成初三以来最差成绩。老师家长对你抱多大的希望啊,你不想如何努力学习回报他们竟然大清早来抄作业。我要你的虚假作业有什么用?这样你能上重高吗?"我垂头丧气地走出了办公室,头脑里一片空白。 晚上我思绪万千。老师的话回荡在耳边,这两天身体确实不舒服,父母成天唠唠叨叨什么重点啊,什么加油啊,压得我喘不过气来,精力无法集中,明天我得好好的与老师谈一谈。 6月11日星期三多云转晴 "哎,今天怎么太阳从西边出来了,作业都做好了?"monitor放下书包就来挖苦我。 "什么呀,monitor,记住,现在离中考还有三天时间,真是没有时间概念,我得抓紧时间弥补我的薄弱环节。"我一边说着,又走向办公室。 "老师,您有空吗?我想和您聊一聊。""坐下说吧。"我不知从哪里来的勇气:"这几天我总觉得很累,与父母无法沟通,再加身体不好,压力又大……"我信赖的望着老师。老师想了想和我说:"我也知道你的压力很大,但是老师不希望你把这种压力当成是包袱,如果能把它化成动力才能达到成功的彼岸。""明白了不怕输给别人,就怕输给自己! "我恍然大悟点着头走出了办公室。 6月14日星期六晴 中考终于来了。我害怕它,可又期盼着它的到来。 "同学们准备得怎么样了?考前心态要调整好,要吃得好,睡得好!你们都做到了吗?"想不到班主任也开起了玩笑。 "做到了!"同学们异口同声的回答。"成功属于每一个有准备的大脑!相信你们自己,胜利女神会对你微笑的! "老师对我打气。 看着老师那充满信任的眼神,我使劲的点了点头,满怀信心的走进了考场。 沟通是酿造信心的源泉,是走向成功的捷径! 关于沟通交流的作文 篇2“站住!”老妈喊住了刚放下酱油瓶的我。我疑惑中夹杂着恐惧的眼神迅速从老妈身上移开,难道…… “妈,酱、酱油、买回来了,还有事吗?”我用着试探的语气问到。 “出门前怎么跟你说的,去黄阿姨那买酱油要快点回来,现在你看看,你看看,都几点了!”火药味从厨房迅速蔓延开来。 “我,我……”“你什么都别说了,晚饭别吃了,给我面壁思过去!这种状况都发生过多少遍了,你还让我骂你几遍你才改!” “不吃就不吃,面壁就面壁!不吃我还省了以后要减肥呢!”我强忍泪水,略带哭腔吼回去,不就是买酱油回来晚了吗?至于这么凶吗? 我转过头,把老妈难看的脸甩在后面,跑回房间。随之而来就是“砰”的关门声。门隔开的是两处空间,心隔开的是两道鸿沟。窗外的天空像在迎接一场久违的大雨,阴沉阴沉。乌云把原本晴朗的天空遮得密不透风,是暴风雨的前兆吗?看着窗外的我,眼泪像泛滥的洪水,越过堤坝汹涌而出。委屈堵在喉咙,想说,说不出。 “丫头!”唉,老妈肯定是问我经过一个晚上的思考悟出什么了。又是这招,您不烦我都厌了。刚想说:“妈,我没错。”老妈说了一句,什么?是“对不起”?我、我没听错吧。我瞟了老妈一眼,天呐,什么世道!强悍的老妈也会说“对不起”了! “昨天你怎么不告诉我是黄阿姨多找了钱你去还钱呀!如果今天不是她告诉我,你还真想我继续误会你呀,昨天是我不对,火气大了些,别生气呀。你总是一声不吭我怎么知道你的想法呢?下次别这样了,有什么说出来大家一起解决,知道吗?” “嗯,我知道了,妈,昨天对你吼,对不起,不会有下次了。”我说完不好意思地往房间溜。 “昨晚那面好吃吗?我还特意煎了两个蛋呢!”我惊讶地回过头,老妈得意地笑着。 “什么?您煮的?我还以为是老爸呢!” 其实,生活就需要沟通,那是一座跨在鸿沟上的桥梁。只要我们能换位思考,很多时候都可以化解不必要的误会。在被怒气溢满大脑时,为什么不静下心来仔细想想呢。请记住,母亲对子女的爱是最无私的。等到我们把所有愚味都淘尽,就会看到沉在最底下的智慧。 关于沟通交流的作文 篇3Children are their parents' most prized resource,particularly nowadays parents have only one child.Therefore,parents give everything to their kids,sometimes they are spoiling kids. However,things are not always like this."You never listen to me" is a complaint heard as often from children as parents.Good communication helps children and parents to develop confidence,feelings of self-worth,and good relationships with others.Try these tips: Teach children to listen...gently touch a child before you talk...say their name. Speak in a quiet voice...whisper sometimes so children have to listen...they like this. Look a child in the eyes so you can tell when they understand...bend or sit down...become the child's size. Practice listening and talking:Talk with your children about school and their friends. Respect children and use a courteous tone of voice.If we talk to our children as we are good friends,our youngsters may be more likely take us as confidants. Use door openers that invite children to say more about an incident or their feelings."I see," "Oh," "tell me more," "No kidding," "Really," "Mmmmhmmmmm," "Say that again,I want to be sure I understand you." Praise builds a child's confidence and reinforces communication.Unkind words tear children down and teach them that they just aren't good enough. Children are never too old to be told they are loved.Saying "I love you" is important.Writing it in a note provides the child with a reminder that he can hold on to. Give your undivided attention when your children want to talk to you.Don't read,watch TV,fall asleep or make yourself busy with other tasks when talking with kids. All in all,as parents,we should respect our kids and listen to them,talk to them as friends.We should alwasys be there to share with kids their joys and sorrows. 关于沟通交流的作文 篇4Sometimes, this can lead to breakups or divorce, or simply just a uncomfortable relationships. Suddenly we realize something is wrong in the way things are going. My Best friend Andrew just went through a very sad breakup and has not been the same man any more. This sad experience lead me to realize the most important thing in life is your relationships. 关于沟通交流的作文 篇5人与人的交往需要沟通,而人们之间的交往需要用心去沟通,这样,才可以增进彼此之间的感情!但是,现在的人们之间都缺少了沟通,而这无疑是人际交往中最可悲的现象。 沟通首先就是要敞开心扉!如果不能敞开心扉的话,那么就会被孤立起来,而自己的心结也将无法打开。拥有自闭症的人都是极少与人沟通的,因为不敢,而没有敞开心扉!自闭症的人长期将自己封锁在内心世界中,凡事不予别人沟通交流,而是一味凭主观认识事物,理解事物。所以说,只要敞开心扉与人沟通,那么交往中的快乐就会降临在你身上! 有些人觉得,沟通是不好的,因为许多人不相信友谊,害怕平日里惺惺相惜的伙伴会在利益的驱使下翻脸不认人,背叛自己;害怕所谓的友好相处只是伙伴在利用自己;害怕伙伴心口不一。所以,他们认为关闭心扉是保护心灵不受伤的“好办法”。而我,便是最好的一个例子!我只相信动画片中的友谊,然而,这是要付出巨大的代价的。其实,我不是一个擅长于沟通的人,反而有时候会有点自闭:在家里,我几乎不说话!所以,与父母沟通是我奢望的一件事。 不过,还好世界上的人都不是我这样的!否则,这世界将彻底瓦解、互帮互助将不存在,不利于社会的和谐和进步。所以,我们必须敞开心扉,学会沟通! 敞开心扉,学会沟通,便会融入集体中,拥有更多真诚的彭玉,每天都是开心,快乐的;敞开心扉,学会沟通,必须接触到心底最纯洁的那片净土上。此时的人们,将没有距离,能见到的,只有头上那一片广阔的蔚蓝天空! 关于沟通交流的作文 篇6Directions:You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic How to Communicate Effectively.You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline below. 1.The importance of effective communication. 2.How to communicate effectively. 3.How do you communicate with people? How to Communicate Effectively Communication plays a significant role in our daily life,especially in modern society.Since we get along with other people in every field,we must learn how to communicate with people effectively. Effective communication should be planned carefully.First,speak slowly and briefly in order to make ourselves understood completely.Second,express ourselves in all sincerity and with warmth.Third,concentrate on what the speaker says and appreciate his point of view.Moreover,we should give positive feedback by nodding or smiling while listening.Fourth,place ourselves in the place of others. As far as I'm concerned,I communicate with other people in a positive way whether I'm in a merry mood or not.And I often express my own opinion genuinely and sincerely. 关于沟通交流的作文 篇7Communication is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thought, messages, or information. There are many communicating methods, such as speech, visuals, signals, writing or body languages. It plays an important role in social lives of human beings, which some people consider that it’s the basic of human existence. On the one hand, it’s the communication that spreads information, making us know the news although it’s far from us. By communicating with others, people send and get information that helps us know about our surroundings. We all know that information is extremely important in our lives. On the other hand, communication builds personal relationship, which connects different people together. We live in the same society which makes personal relationship essential in lives. Only with communication can we build and keep good personal relationships with others. In addition, communication can eliminate misunderstandings and promote emotions. When we have misunderstandings with others, timely communicating is the only effective way to solve it. In short, communication is essential to all people that everyone should realize that. Therefore, we should learn how to communicate with other effectively. 关于沟通交流的作文 篇8Sometimes, this can lead to breakups or divorce, or simply just a uncomfortable relationships. Suddenly we realize something is wrong in the way things are going. My Best friend Andrew just went through a very sad breakup and has not been the same man any more. This sad experience lead me to realize the most important thing in life is your relationships. 关于沟通交流的作文 篇9这个世界的人孤独得不得了,许多人蓄意保持距离,却希望别人先行靠近;许多人预计是否能够收获,再酌量付出;许多人渴望被人理解,却又将沟通束之高阁;许多人想要被爱却又不肯主动去爱,仿佛爱已经成了不合时代的事…… 你呢?是不是已经很久没有同朋友联系了?反正我是,而且还总是习惯去罗列一些似是而非的借口为自己的疏忽开脱。逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜,其结果自然是“风萧萧兮易水寒,‘朋友’一去兮不复还”了。我曾寄希望于自己的人际关系永远保持“牛势”,如今看来,可能只能算是觊觎了。 我曾做过无数的梦,我梦见过层峦叠嶂中袅袅腾腾的烽火狼烟,我梦见过古城栈道外馨香醉眼的驿路梨花,我梦见过一个身影,借着昏暗的烛光,小心翼翼地展开一封飘洋而来的瓶中信。当然,我也梦到过现实生活中的自己,在虚与委蛇的应酬下,在纸醉金迷的漩涡里,在口水与广告纸的杂糅中,在灯红酒绿的觥筹交错间…… 也许是我落伍,跟不上时代,才感觉生活中网上冲浪的人越来越多,他们自由进出各种国际互联网的速度远要比中国加人世贸组织(WTO)的速度“奔腾”多了,据说其中不少人还成了线上的“猎情高手”。然而问网上情为何物?真叫我浑身麻木。因为想要在那里赚取一句真实性超过 70 %的话可能比减肥更让人痛苦。于是面对尔虞我诈的网络天空,我也只好抱持一种“只可远观,不可亵玩”的态度了。 长期以来,我一直迷恋作水粉画,究其原因,竟是因为涮笔,因为每每看到几种单调的颜色在杯中与水调和幻化成另一种颜色,我都感到欣喜。同时这又让我想到了我们人本身,其实也只是代表一种颜色罢了,然而通过沟通与交融又可以创造出许多奇妙的组合,丰富我们生活中的色彩。 我读过一篇名为《沙漠里的爱情》的小说,讲的是一个置身沙漠孤立无援的法国士兵,几乎奄奄一息,昏倒在岩洞里,待他醒来时却发现一只野兽躺在他的身边,原来是一头嘴上还沾着血迹的豹子。所幸花豹吃饱了,对他并无恶意。士兵原想用匕首杀死它,随后又改变了主意,用温柔多情的动作抚摸雌豹,他不仅同它友好相处,而且建立了感情,一同游戏玩耍。然而,士兵还是害怕,趁豹子睡熟之际逃跑了,但走不多远,豹子赶了上来,这时他已陷入流沙中,豹子咬住他的衣领,把他救了出来。文中最后,士兵杀死豹子也纯粹出于偶然,豹子轻轻咬他的大腿,他以为是要吃他,使用匕首刺进了野兽的脖子,花豹挣扎时居然毫无恼怒地望着他。文中主人公在讲到这段经历时讲到“我看哪里都比不上沙漠”,“那里没有人,只有上帝”。的确是这样,他在人类社会感受不到的东西,在沙漠里感受到了。 多年来,我一直被这个故事感动着,它向人们转述了沟通的无限可能性,即使在人与兽之间,并且让我们对于我们人类自身的交流更有信心。同时,它又影射了人类社会中一个公式化的现象——因为沟通走到一起,再因猜忌彼此分离,又习惯将事件本身固于一种僵持的回忆状态。 社会是一张网,个人只是网上的点,其实不管你做什么,你都在以某种方式与别人发生关系。松下幸之助曾经说过:一个人的成功也是他人际关系的成功,与人协作也就是认识别人的价值,借用别人的价值,哪怕是在最纯粹的理论研究领域,这一点也是很重要的。 因此,我觉得人生更像拼图,从生下来就在找寻所需要的那些部分,拼成家庭、邻里、同事、朋友……每一片单独的拼图或许都是残缺的,而它的每一次结合又都是令人欢愉的。并且,在这一次又一次的拼合过程中,人们变得深刻,变得理智,变得成熟;同时,在这里,人们心灵中的四季也永远是绿色! 关于沟通交流的作文 篇10The world today is a very competitive place. Therefore, it is necessary to develop some skills to increase one’s chances of success. Many skills, for example, leadership, a second language, and technical skills such as computer programming, are very useful today. However, I believe that the most useful skill is the ability to communicatewell with others. It is impossible to overstate the importance of good communication skills. In today’s society we have to work cooperatively with others. A good communicator finds it easier to put forth his ideas clearly. In this way there will be fewer misunderstandings, which can lead to bad feelings as well as lost time and effort. In addition, a person with good communication skills is a good mediator and negotiator. He or she can play a valuable role in resolving disputes and enhancing cooperation. This means that a good communicator is often a natural leader. Finally, with good communication skills, it is easier to persuade others to accept your point of view. Having your views and plans approved of by others is a vital step on the way to success. For all the above reasons, it is my belief that strong communication skills are the most important to have. Good communication is important in all situations, so a skillful communicator will always be in high demand. From . 关于沟通交流的作文 篇11Children are their parents' most prized resource,particularly nowadays parents have only one child.Therefore,parents give everything to their kids,sometimes they are spoiling kids. However,things are not always like this."You never listen to me" is a complaint heard as often from children as parents.Good communication helps children and parents to develop confidence,feelings of self-worth,and good relationships with others.Try these tips: Teach children to listen...gently touch a child before you talk...say their name. Speak in a quiet voice...whisper sometimes so children have to listen...they like this. Look a child in the eyes so you can tell when they understand...bend or sit down...become the child's size. Practice listening and talking:Talk with your children about school and their friends. Respect children and use a courteous tone of voice.If we talk to our children as we are good friends,our youngsters may be more likely take us as confidants. Use door openers that invite children to say more about an incident or their feelings."I see," "Oh," "tell me more," "No kidding," "Really," "Mmmmhmmmmm," "Say that again,I want to be sure I understand you." Praise builds a child's confidence and reinforces communication.Unkind words tear children down and teach them that they just aren't good enough. Children are never too old to be told they are loved.Saying "I love you" is important.Writing it in a note provides the child with a reminder that he can hold on to. Give your undivided attention when your children want to talk to you.Don't read,watch TV,fall asleep or make yourself busy with other tasks when talking with kids. All in all,as parents,we should respect our kids and listen to them,talk to them as friends.We should alwasys be there to share with kids their joys and sorrows. 关于沟通交流的作文 篇12Children are their parents' most prized resource,particularly nowadays parents have only one child.Therefore,parents give everything to their kids,sometimes they are spoiling kids. However,things are not always like this."You never listen to me" is a complaint heard as often from children as parents.Good communication helps children and parents to develop confidence,feelings of self-worth,and good relationships with others.Try these tips: Teach children to listen...gently touch a child before you talk...say their name. Speak in a quiet voice...whisper sometimes so children have to listen...they like this. Look a child in the eyes so you can tell when they understand...bend or sit down...become the child's size. Practice listening and talking:Talk with your children about school and their friends. Respect children and use a courteous tone of voice.If we talk to our children as we are good friends,our youngsters may be more likely take us as confidants. Use door openers that invite children to say more about an incident or their feelings."I see," "Oh," "tell me more," "No kidding," "Really," "Mmmmhmmmmm," "Say that again,I want to be sure I understand you." Praise builds a child's confidence and reinforces communication.Unkind words tear children down and teach them that they just aren't good enough. Children are never too old to be told they are loved.Saying "I love you" is important.Writing it in a note provides the child with a reminder that he can hold on to. Give your undivided attention when your children want to talk to you.Don't read,watch TV,fall asleep or make yourself busy with other tasks when talking with kids. All in all,as parents,we should respect our kids and listen to them,talk to them as friends.We should alwasys be there to share with kids their joys and sorrows. 关于沟通交流的作文 篇13Children are their parents' most prized resource,particularly nowadays parents have only one child.Therefore,parents give everything to their kids,sometimes they are spoiling kids. However,things are not always like this."You never listen to me" is a complaint heard as often from children as parents.Good communication helps children and parents to develop confidence,feelings of self-worth,and good relationships with others.Try these tips: Teach children to listen...gently touch a child before you talk...say their name. Speak in a quiet voice...whisper sometimes so children have to listen...they like this. Look a child in the eyes so you can tell when they understand...bend or sit down...become the child's size. Practice listening and talking:Talk with your children about school and their friends. Respect children and use a courteous tone of voice.If we talk to our children as we are good friends,our youngsters may be more likely take us as confidants. Use door openers that invite children to say more about an incident or their feelings."I see," "Oh," "tell me more," "No kidding," "Really," "Mmmmhmmmmm," "Say that again,I want to be sure I understand you." Praise builds a child's confidence and reinforces communication.Unkind words tear children down and teach them that they just aren't good enough. Children are never too old to be told they are loved.Saying "I love you" is important.Writing it in a note provides the child with a reminder that he can hold on to. Give your undivided attention when your children want to talk to you.Don't read,watch TV,fall asleep or make yourself busy with other tasks when talking with kids. All in all,as parents,we should respect our kids and listen to them,talk to them as friends.We should alwasys be there to share with kids their joys and sorrows. 关于沟通交流的作文 篇14The modern technology has greatly altered the mode ofcommunication among people. With the help of the Internet, people can easily contact each other anytime anywhere. However, the side effect is that many people have become over-dependent on the Internet and neglected face-to-face communication.As far as I'm concerned, electronic communication cannot fully replace the direct contact among people. Although it seems to bring everyone together, it actually estranges people and decreases the effectiveness of communication. A typical example is that, traditionally, people working in the same office simply walk to others and talk. Today, however, co-workers tend to send e-mails or instant messages through the Internet even when they are sitting next to each other. As words can never convey the full message, it usually takes much more time and rounds of conversation than face-to-face communication, in which people can discuss more directly with less loss of information.To conclude, the Internet enables more effective communication in some situations, but over-dependence on it actually pulls people apart. 关于沟通交流的作文 篇15交流如雨丝般细微但不乏晶莹闪亮,它奔向大地,汇成细流,义无返顾地流入心灵交汇的江河。 交流如雨滴般无声胜有声,一滴一滴默默地流坠,碾着时光的足迹,最终滴穿了人与人之间如磐石般坚硬的隔阂。 古人有训:君子之交淡如水,小人之交甘如醴。君子之交是心与心的交流,是一种与天共存的默契,如丝如缕般交织在一起。 当俞伯牙将瑟瑟琴声幽绕山谷的时候,钟子期听得如痴如醉。那么深奥而又玄要的琴声,竟被钟子期如此巧妙地领悟。 依山临江的感受让钟子期感叹世间竟有如此一位能与之交流的知己。所以当钟子期去世后,俞伯牙断琴而誓,不再弹琴。是啊,缺了知己,缺了可与心交流的人,存在的意义何在?正是心与心之间的交流才使他们成为旷世的知音。 这个故事曾在千百万华夏子孙的内心泛起波澜,它让人懂得人与人之间需要的正是心灵与心灵的交流。 人与人之间交流难,但人与物之间的交流又谈何容易。 “我本楚狂人,凤歌笑孔丘”的李白面对仕途的坦淡,毅然选择了与山川秀水为伴。“安能催眉折腰事权贵”的烦恼抛之脑后,与大自然交流,才是他人生乐趣所在。与月邀相怀而后卧水而终的死去,更让人觉得李白对万物的依赖。 还有,“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的陶渊明在与自然的交流中找到了恬静;“明月松间照,清泉石上流”的王维在与山的交流中体味了另一番人生的境界;“落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”的王勃在与滕王阁的交流中领略了一种超脱自然的感叹;“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”的范仲淹在与洞庭湖的交流中找到了人生的奋斗目标。 交流如水,亘古至今,奔流不息; 交流如茶,淡而清香,愈渐愈浓。 交流如斧,劈开的是两种世界。 交流如针,缝上的是不同人生。 关于沟通交流的作文 篇16The modern technology has greatly altered the mode ofcommunication among people. With the help of the Internet, people can easily contact each other anytime anywhere. However, the side effect is that many people have become over-dependent on the Internet and neglected face-to-face communication.As far as I'm concerned, electronic communication cannot fully replace the direct contact among people. Although it seems to bring everyone together, it actually estranges people and decreases the effectiveness of communication. A typical example is that, traditionally, people working in the same office simply walk to others and talk. Today, however, co-workers tend to send e-mails or instant messages through the Internet even when they are sitting next to each other. As words can never convey the full message, it usually takes much more time and rounds of conversation than face-to-face communication, in which people can discuss more directly with less loss of information.To conclude, the Internet enables more effective communication in some situations, but over-dependence on it actually pulls people apart. 关于沟通交流的作文 篇17Directions:You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the to How to Communicate Effectively.You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline below. 1.The importance of effective communication. 2.How to communicate effectively. 3.How do you communicate with people? How to Communicate Effectively Communication plays a significant role in our daily life,especially in modern society.Since we get along with other people in every field,we must learn how to communicate with people effectively. Effective communication should be planned carefully.First,speak slowly and briefly in order to make ourselves understood completely.Second,express ourselves in all sincerity and with warmth.Third,concentrate on what the speaker says and appreciate his point of view.Moreover,we should give positive feedback by nodding or smiling while listening.Fourth,place ourselves in the place of others. As far as I'm concerned,I communicate with other people in a positive way whether I'm in a merry mood or not.And I often express my own opinion genuinely and sincerely. 关于沟通交流的作文 篇18我有一双明亮的大眼睛,一个小小的鼻子,一个粉红色的小嘴巴,一头乌黑亮泽的头发,其中我最喜欢的就是我的头发了。人人看到我的头发,都会说;“哇,你的头发又长又细又嫩”。我每次听到这句话都很开心!虽然我对自己的外表有点自信,可我却偏偏不善于和别人沟通。 记得有一次,一个几年没见的朋友来我们家,我却一直在里面和弟弟一起画画,一边画画,一边商量事情。我虽然想着和朋友打招呼,却一直不知道如何开口。朋友也一直看着我们姐弟俩,好像在等待着我们去和她一起玩似的。就这样,这位客人朋友一直在客厅内坐着,等着我去关照她,我却迟迟动不了嘴,终于,朋友失去了信心,对她爸说:“爸爸我们回家!”那一刻起,我知道,我可能被朋友误解了。 我不但有这么一个特点,而且也有另外一个特点。人们都说:“女儿是妈妈的小棉袄。”当然,我也一样。 有一次妈妈发了高烧,一烧就是烧到40多度,我急忙去邻居医生那儿,叫医生赶快去我家看病人。医生急忙叫我带路去。到了家里,医生负责看病,我负责照顾妈妈,医生看好了之后,我连忙叫爸爸去付钱,然后又端来一盆冷水,又拿来了一条毛巾…。一个星期过去了,妈妈的病终于好了。妈妈直夸我是个懂事的好女儿呢!我开心得不得了。 你们愿意和我这样的女孩交朋友吗?一个只会用行动做事,却不会开口接待别人的女孩。 |
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