标题 | 七份银行保函样本 |
范文 | 七份银行保函样本 欢迎来到第一范文网,下面是小编给大家整理的七份银行保函样本,仅供参考。 开立(投标)保函申请书 (中英文)APPLICATION FOR GUARANTEE (BID BOND) Undertaking to fulfil the terms and conditions of the' AGREEMENT submitted to you, we hereby request you to issue a Letter of Guarantee as bid bond in accordance with the column marked (X) shown below. 我们在保证执行所递交协议的条款和条件时,特此要求你们按照下面所选项目出具一份保函作为投标保证。 ( ) Please issue and advise the beneficiary of your issuing the following Letter of Guarantee reading: ( )请出具下述内容的保函并通知受益人: 保 函 (投标保证书) (中英文)Letter of Guarantee (Bid Bond) At the request of and for account of. .. We hereby issue this irrevocable Letter of Guarantee amounting to USD...in favor of XYZ Company as Bid Bond for the tender opening on (date) called by the beneficiary under the tender No 应(申请人名称)的要求并作为其代理,我们特此出具以( )为受益人、金额为( )不可撤销的本保函,作为受益人根据( )开标的第( )标书所要求的投标保证书。 We, ABC Bank, hereby guarantee to pay the above-mentioned amount under this Letter of Guarantee subject to the following conditions: 我们( )银行特此保证支付本保函项下的上述金额,只要符合以下条件: The above-mentioned amount be paid to the beneficiary through your fine bank in case the accountee does not enter into contract with the beneficiary for the reasons to be solely attributed to the accountee despite his /her success in the aforesaid bid and consequently corresponding bid bond should be confiscated by the beneficiary. 申请人(即投标人)尽管中标,但完全出于其自身的多种原因不与受益人签定合同,结果相应的投标保证书只好被受益人收回,在这种情况下,上述金额应当通过你们的银行支付给受益人。 This Guarantee remains in force until (date), after which this Guarantee becomes null and void automatically and should be returned to us. 本保函的有效期继续到( )为止,过了这一天本保函便自动失去效力并应当退还给我们。 This Guarantee shall be released in full immediately when the accountee fails the bid. 申请人放弃投标时本保函应立即完全解除。 ( ) Please issue a Letter of Guarantee as per form attached hereto, terms and conditions of which remain unchanged as per our written agreement dated... ( )请按照本申请书所附格式出具一份保函,因为根据我们于( )日所定的书面协议内的条款和条件没有改变。 ( ) Please have anyone of your correspondent banks issue its own guarantee in accordance with the terms and conditions of the attached form. ( )请委托你们的任何一家代理银行按照所附格式内的条款和条件出具其自己的保函。 注释: 1.BID BOND投标保证金,押标保证,押标保证金。本文指投标契约,即投标保证书。 2.In favor of,(f/o)以某某为受益人。金融业务中使用频繁,f/o可译作“受益人”。类似的缩写如c/o由某人转交,AD,a/d (after date)出票日后,发票后,期后,AS,a/s(after sight)见票后。 3.Subject to,这里Subject是副词,须和to连用,意为“在……条件下”,或者译为“条件是”等,本文译作“只要符合……条件”,比较恰当。 4.Accountee原意指开证(信用证)申请人,被记帐人(汇兑)。这里指前面的申请人(applicant)。 5.Be attributed to把……归因于,把……归咎于。根据上下文,这里译作“出于……原因”。比较:Be attributable to,可以归因于……前者语气肯定,后者不肯定,使用时,应注意二者的区别。Fail不及物、及物动词。本文为及物动词,指舍弃,放弃。 偿还贷款保函 (中英文)致:To: 不可撤消保函 号码 Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee No. 鉴于你方向借款人提供了一笔贷款,我行特此为借款人出具本保函并保证如下: In consideration of your making a loan available to the Borrower _____ we hereby issue this guarantee for the account of the Borrower and agree as follows: 1.我行在此无条件地不可撤消地保证,借款人在贷款到期或发生加速还款或其他情况下,按时偿还贷款协议(包括经我行书面同意的对该协议的修改和补充)项下现时或将来的到期款项。保证金额最高不超过_____ 美元(即贷款本金加利息的110%)。如果借款人到期不能归还该等款项,我行将凭你方书面索赔立即偿还。除非有明显的错误,由你方授权官员签发的载明该等应还款细节及到期日的任何声明应是终局的并对我行具有约束力。 1. We hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee to make repayment on time (the due and punctual payment—1) up to the amount of USD_____ (110% of the principal plus accrued interest) which is or may become repayable ( payable —2 ) by the Borrower under the Loan Agreement between the Lender and the Borrower which shall include all subsequent amendments and supplements made to the Loan Agreement (the Loan Agreement as amended or supplemented from time to time —3) with our consent in writing, whether at maturity or upon acceleration or otherwise. If the Borrower fails to repay (pay —4) any such sum when due, we shall pay you the amount on the date of our receipt of your claim in writing. Any statement signed by your duly authorized officer that gives (setting out —5) details and the due date of any such claim shall be conclusive and binding on us except in the case of manifest error. 2.本保函自开立之日起生效,直至_____ (贷款协议到期后6个月)失效。随着贷款协议项下本金的每一期偿还,我行的担保责任亦应相应递减。我行在本保函项下的担保责任将不受下列事件的影响:对借款人给予延期还款等优惠;或贷款人不行使对借款人享有的权利;或由于本款规定可能影响我行在本保函项下责任的其他原因或情况,但前提是对该贷款协议的任何修改或补充须经我行事前书面确认,我行亦保证不会不合理地耽搁或拖延此种确认。对本保函项下的索赔可随时进行,贷款人在向我行索赔前,无须采取任何措施以实现其对借款人或其继承人的权利。 2. This Guarantee shall become ( be —6 ) effective on the date hereof and shall expire on_____ (six months after the expiry due—7) date of the Loan Agreement. Following each repayment of principal under the Loan Agreement, our liability hereunder shall be reduced accordingly. Our liability hereunder shall not be affected by the granting of any indulgence to the Borrower, or by any defect in the rights of the Lender against the Borrower, or by any other matter or circumstance which, due to this provision, may affect our liability hereunder, provided that any amendments or supplements to (of—8 ) the Loan Agreement are subject to our prior written approval which we undertake we will not (undertake not to—9 )unreasonably withhold (withhold —10) or delay(delay —10 ). The Lender may hereupon lodge demands upon us from time to time and would not be required to take any step to exercise his rights against the Borrower before claiming upon us. 3.本保函项下索赔款的支付不得包括任何抵消、反索赔、限制以及豁免于任何现有或将来的税收或其他扣减或任何性质的预留。如果在索赔款的支付中必须包含任何扣减或预留,我行除索赔款金额外,还将支付该等必要的附加费用,从而确保贷款人得到应收回的足额还款。 3.A1l payments under this Guarantee shall be made without any setoff or counterclaim or(any—11) restriction or exempt from(condition and free of —12 any present or future taxes or other deductions or withholdings of any nature. If any deduction or withholding must be included in the payment of the claim(is required to be made from any such payment—13) we shall (together with payment—14) of the claim)pay such additional amount together with payment of the claim(such payment—15)as is necessary to ensure the Lender's receipt of(the Lender receive—16)the full amount due to him(them—17). 4.我行在此确认已获得对本保函或与本保函有关的所有法人同意,认可以及相应政府部门或其他有关当局的批准,该等批准是充分有效的。本保函的条款构成我行合法、有效并具有约束力的责任,我行在本保函项下的责任将在任何时刻至少与我行其他未担保以及非从属债务处于同等地位,我行保证为此目的的全部必要授权一直是充分的、有效的。 4.We hereby represent and undertake that all corporate consents and approval, and approval from the governmental or any other authorities involved in this Guarantee have been obtained and are in full force and effect.This Guarantee constitutes our legal.valid and binding obligations enforceable in accordance with its terms,and our obligations hereunder will at all times rank at least pari-passu with all of our other unsecured and insubordinate(unsubordinated—18)obligations.We confirm(will ensure—19)that all authorizations necessary for this purpose remain in full force and effect. 5.贷款人在本保函项下疏于或怠于行使任何权利或补救措施等,均不应视为对该等权利的放弃;任何单项或部分行使上述权利也不能排除贷款人进一步采取行动或行使其他权利或补救措施的权利。如果在任何时候本保函的任何条款已是或变为非法、无效或在任何方面不可执行,本保函其他条款的合法性、有效性及可执行性均不应受到影响或相应降低。 5.No failure or delay by the Lender in exercising any right。power or remedy under this Guarantee shall operate as waiver thereof,nor shall any single or partial exercise of the same preclude any further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right,power or remedy.If at any time any provision in this guarantee (hereof—20)is or becomes illegal,invalid or unenforceable in any respect, neither the legality,validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions herein shall in any way be affected or impaired thereby. 6.我行将偿付贷款人因行使其在本保函项下权利而发生的全部合理费用(包括律师费用)。 6.We shall reimburse the Lender for all reasonable(fees and—21) expenses (including lawyer's fee)incurred in connection with the enforcement of his rights hereunder. 7.我行将对本保函项下的任何迟付金额按借款人应用的利率水平支付利息,该付息期间的计算从你方索偿之日起,直至实际付款日止(在判决前或判决后)。 7.We shall pay interest on any amount due hereunder from the date of demand to the date of actual payment (before and after judgement)at the rate 0r rates which should be applied(would be payable—23)by the Borrower. 8.未经我行事前书面同意,本保函项下的权益不可以转让,我行亦确认不会不合理地拖延该等同意。 8.The benefit of this Guarantee may not be assigned without our prior written consent,such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. 9.本保函应确保贷款人和其相应后继者的权益。不论我行或我行相应后继者的组织和机构有任何变化,在保函项下的义务对我行及我行后继者持续具有约束力。在不违反上述第8条的情况下,贷款人可以将其在本保函项下或由于本保函、贷款协议及其他担保契约(根据贷款协议的定义)而派生的权利或权益全部或部分地转让给任何他人。 9.This Guarantee shall assure(ensure to the benefit of—24)the Lender and his(their—25)successor/S of his/their rights and interests(its—26).Our obligations hereunder shall be binding on us and our successor/s notwithstanding any change in our constitution or status or that of Our successor/S.Subject t0 Article 8 above, the Lender may assign to any other person all or any part of his (its—27 ) rights and benefits under or arising from this Guarantee, the Loan Agreement and any other security documents (as defined in the Loan Agreement) ( subject to Article 8above—28 ). 10.我行在此确认本保函的签定和执行是一种商业行为,并同意放弃采取与本保函有关的任何法律行为或程序的豁免权。 10. We confirm that the signing and execution (and performance—29) of this Guarantee are a commercial act and agree not to claim any immunity from any legal action or proceeding in connection herewith. 11.本保函受中华人民共和国法律管辖并按其法律解释,我行将不可撤消地接受中华人民共和国法院的司法管辖。 11. This Guarantee shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China, and we hereby irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of the courts in the country. 日期:Issued in (city) on (date) 以______ 的名义并代表其签字 (授权签字) For and on behalf of (authorized signature ) 供货保函 (中英文)Guarantee for Supply of a Vessel 致:受益人To: The beneficiary 保函编号: Our Ref. No._____ 出具日期: Date:_____ 敬启者:Dear Sirs, 供货保函 第 号 Guarantee for Supply of a Vessel 鉴于根据ABC(卖方)和XYZ(买方)于年月日签订的第号造船合同及其年月日合同修改(附件)卖方同意为买方建造一艘吨位的单桨柴油发动机集装箱轮船,该船名称为号,地点广州造船厂,其条款和条件见合同, WHEREAS by Shipping Contract No._____dated_____ (as subsequently amended by Addendum dated _____) (the Shipping Contract) concluded between ABC (the Seller) and XYZ (the Buyer), the Seller agreed to construct for the Buyer one _____ mt. dw, single screw, diesel driven, container vessel named ______ at Guangzhou Shipyard upon the terms and conditions therein appearing; and, 鉴于根据造船合同第条第1段规定,卖方同意获取一份银行按照造船合同上的条款和条件向买方出具的担保函, WHEREAS by Paragraph 1 of Article______ of the Shipping Contract the Seller has agreed to procure a Letter of Guarantee to be given by the Bank to the Buyer upon the terms and conditions appearing therein, 为此现在,我们,下面签署人银行,凭相应的对价并应卖方的要求,特此不可撤消地保证: NOW THEREFORE, we, the undersigned ______ Bank, for good and valuable consideration and at the request of the Seller, do hereby irrevocably guarantee that: 1.如果发生这样的情况,即:卖方变得有义务支付该轮船、其船体、机械和部件、设备维修和/或更换任何劣质部件(担保项目)的有关费用,而这些项目正是卖方根据造船合同第条规定所保证的项目, 1. in the event that the Seller shall become liable to pay the cost of the repair and/or replacements in respect of any defects of the Vessel, her Hull, her machinery and all parts and equipment thereof (the Guarantee Items) which are the subject of guarantee by the Seller under the provisions of Article______ of the Shipping Contract; and, 2.如果发生卖方未能按照本保函的条款支付上述费用的情况,则我们应在收到你方书面索赔后工作日之内向你方支付这样的一笔或数笔等额款项,但该书面索赔应附带下列材料: A.(1)买方致卖方信件的副本,该信件通知了卖方买方已经索赔的劣质项目,同时说明其性质以及由此造成的损害程度,并附带: 2. in the event that the Seller fails to pay such costs in accordance with the terms of the Guarantee provisions, then we shall pay you such sum or sums equivalent to such costs within __business days after our receipt from you of a demand in writing, which shall be accompanied by:A. (1) copy letter from the Buyer to the Seller whereby the Seller has been notified of the defect for which the Buyer has made a claim, describing the nature of the defect and the extent of the damage caused thereby, with: a.卖方确认根据保函规定对劣质项目应加以补救的信件; (a) letter of the Seller's acceptance of the said defect as justifying remedy under the Guarantee provisions, or b.买方出具的证明,申明在上述通知后日内没有得到卖方的回应;和 (b) a certificate from the Buyer stating that no response was received from the Seller within ______ days of the said notification, and (2)买方致卖方信件的副本,该信件告诉卖方将要修理或已经修理某一项或数项的时间和地点;和 (2) copy letter from the Buyer to the Seller notifying the Seller of the time and place where repairs of the item or items will take place or have taken place, and (3)下列二者之一 (3) either a.有关造船厂、制造商或供货人出具的一张或数张原始发票(一式两份)并经船厂质量保证工程师签署(按造船合同规定)或 (a) an original invoice or invoices (in duplicate) from the relevant Shipyard, manufacturer or supplier, which shall be countersigned by the Shipyard's guarantee engineer (as defined in the Shipping Contract), or b.有关造船厂、制造商或供货人出具的一张或数张原始发票(一式两份),连同经信誉良好的损坏评级机构鉴定员签署的证明书。 (b) an original invoice or invoices (in duplicate) from the relevant Shipyard, manufacturer or supplier, together with a certificate signed by a reputable classification society surveyor; B.根据造船合同第条和保函规定所指定的仲裁或仲裁委员会出具的以买方为受益人的仲裁书公证副本。 B. notary-certified copy of an arbitration award in favor of the Buyer rendered by an arbitrator or arbitration board appointed pursuant to Article_____ of the Shipping Contract and the Guarantee provisions. 3.本保函项下我们承担的义务总值无论如何不应超过美元(大写),并且该金额应随着卖方和/或我们按照本保函的条款和条件不时支付给买方的金额自动递减。 3. The maximum aggregate amount of our liability under this Guarantee shall in no event exceed the sum of USD_____ (say _____ ) Furthermore, this sum shall be automatically reduced by any sum or sums paid by the Seller and/or by us to the Buyer from time to time in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Guarantee. 4.就本保函而言,根据本保函第2项提出的索赔并附带所规定的单据,对于卖方向买方支付上述第1项所指的费用的义务应当是最后的(结论性的),只要不是在索赔函附带有按上述第2项B点要求的仲裁裁决书或上述A(1)点要求的卖方的信函的情况下,我们在收到该索赔后工作日之内并未得到卖方关于此种义务存在争议的信函或电传通知。 4. For the purpose of this Guarantee a demand presented to us in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 2 hereinabove and accompanied by the documents therein specified shall be conclusive as to the liability of the Seller to the Buyer to pay the costs referred to in Paragraph 1 hereinabove, provided that in any case other than a demand accompanied by an arbitration award per Paragraph 2B hereinabove or a letter of the Seller's acceptance per Paragraph 2A (1) hereinabove we have not, before or within _____ business days after receipt of such demand, received notice in writing or by telex from the Seller that such liability is disputed. 5.本保函从买方接受并提走轮船之日起生效,并(在下列附带条件下)期满失效: 5. This Guarantee shall be effective from the date on which the Buyer accepts and takes delivery of the Vessel and (subject to the proviso set below) shall expire and cease to have effect: (a)于年月日根据柴油发动机配20L_UT质量保证的有关规定提出任何索赔,或 (a) in respect of any claim under the Guarantee provisions relating to the diesel engine T220L-UT_____ on______ , or (b)于提货月后的某日根据该质量保证规定提出任何其他索赔。 (b) in respect of all other claims under the Guarantee provisions on a date _____ months after the date of delivery of the Vessel. 6.本保函受英国法律制约并按英格兰法律解释。我们特此同意,就与本保函相关的任何法律诉讼或程序而言,服从英格兰法庭的非专属管辖权。 6. This Letter of Guarantee shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Laws of England. We hereby agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for the purpose of any legal action or proceedings in connection herewith. 我行派遣充分授权的代表作为证人于前述日期签署本保函。 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Bank has caused this Guarantee to be executed by its duly authorized representative on the date first above written. : 担保人:_____ 银行借款保函致:受益人To: The beneficiary 保函编号 Our Ref. No. 出具日期 Date: 经——通知 ADVISED THROUGH_____ 敬启者Dear Sirs, 我行第号 Our Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee No. 根据贵方于年月日与(以下简称甲方)在地签署的第号贷款协议,应甲方的要求,我们特此开立以贵方为受益人的第号,金额不超过的不可撤消担保函。 With reference to the Loan Agreement No. _____ signed between your good selves and______ (hereinafter referred to as Party A) in place on date and at the request of Party A, we hereby establish in your favor an Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee No.______ for an amount not exceeding______ (in words). 我们保证,在贵方向甲方提供了协议所规定的贷款后,甲方将在协议规定的期限内偿还贵方上述贷款及其按年利率百分之计算的利息。如果甲方未能在协议规定的时间内全部地或部分地偿还有关贷款的本息,我们保证在本保函有效期内收到本保函的通知银行转来的经甲方证实了的书面索赔通知后,将甲方未偿还之贷款本息偿还给贵方。 We guarantee that, after you provide Party A with the loan as stipulated in the Agreement, they will repay you the principal as well as the interest accrued thereon at______ % p.a. within the time in accordance. with the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Should Party A fail to repay you the loaned amount plus interest wholly or partially within the time limit, we undertake to effect the aforesaid repayment plus interest on their behalf, after we have received from the advising bank within the validity of this L/G your written demand to be verified by Party A. 本保函的担保金额将随甲方或我方已向贵方偿还的本息金额而同比例递减。 The ensured amount under this L/G will reduce in proportion to the amount(s) plus interest already repaid by Party A and/or by us. 本保函自甲方收到贵方的贷款之日起生效,于年月日失效。到期后,请将本保函退还我行注销。 This L/G is valid from the date when Party A receives the said Loan from you until __ and should be returned to us for cancellation upon its expiry. Guarantor:______ 担保人(签字、盖章) 履约保函PERFORMANCE BOND 致:受益人 To: The beneficiary 保函编号 Our Ref. No. 出具日期:Date: 敬启者Dear Sirs, 履约保函 PERFORMANCE BOND 本保函是为(申请人名称)(以下简称供货人)根据(合同编号及签署日期)向(受益人)提供(货物名称)而出具的。 This bond is hereby issued to serve as a performance bond of name of the applicant for the supply of name of goods for name of the sales contract and its number. (担保人名称)特此不可撤消地保证自己、其继承人和受让人在下列情况下,无追索地用美元向你方支付合同金额的%,即(担保金额): The name of the guarantor hereby irrevocably guarantees and binds itself, its successors and assignees to pay you, without recourse, up to the total amount of currency and figures representing X percent (X%) of the contract price in US dollar and accordingly covenants and agrees as follows: (1)如果供货人未能按合同及其后可能作出的合同变更、合同修改、合同补充和合同变动,包括对不合格商品的更换或修补条款履行责任(以下简称违约),则我们在收到你方指出供货人违约的书面通知时,向你方支付索赔书上所要求的一笔或数笔款项,但不超过本保函担保的总金额(担保金额)。 a) On the supplier's failure of the faithful performance of all the contract documents and modifications, amendments, additions and alterations thereof that may hereafter be made, including replacement and/or making good of defective goods (hereinafter called the failure of performance) as determined by you and notwithstanding any objection by the Supplier, the Bank shall, on your demand in a written notification stating the effect of the failure of performance by the Supplier, pay you such amount or amounts as required by you not exceeding in aggregate amount of guarantee in the manner specified in the said statement. (2)本保函项下的付款将不减去任何现在的或将来的税款、费用扣留等。 b) Any payment hereunder shall be made free and clear of and without deduction for or on account of any present or future taxes, duties, charges, fees, deductions or withholding of any nature whatsoever imposed. (3)本保函内所含的各项约定构成了担保银行不可撤消的直接责任。上述合同中的任何条款变更,你方所允许的时限或作出的任何行为或发生的疏漏,尽管可能免责或解脱银行,都不能解除银行的此项责任。 c) The covenants contained herein constitute irrevocable direct obligations of the Bank. No alteration in the terms of the contract to be performed there under and no allowance of time by you or any other act or omission by you which for this provision might exonerate or discharge the Bank shall in any way release the Bank from any liability hereunder. (4)本保函自上述合同签署之日起生效直至(合同失效日)为止。本保函到期后,请将其退回我方注销。 d) This guarantee shall become effective from that date of the signing of the said contract and shall remain valid until the date of its expiry. Upon expiry, please return this guarantee to us for cancellation. 担保人:(签字、盖章) Guarantor:______ 预付货款保函致:受益人To:The beneficiary 保函编号:Our Ref.No 出具日期:Date: 敬启者:Dear Sirs, 我行第号预付货款保函 Our Advance Payment Guarantee No.... 鉴于贵方根据与(申请人名称)(以下简称合同方)于年月日签署的第号合同的有关条款的规定,在收到合同方提供的有关预付货款保函后,将向合同方预付(预付金额)作为合同项下的预付款。 WHEREAS according t0 the terms and conditions of the sales contract No…signed between you and name of the Applicant (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor) ,you shall.on receipt from the Contractor of a bank guarantee for such advance payment to you· make an advance payment of—amount in figures and in words to the Contractor as an advance payment thereunder. 我们(担保人名称)应合同方的要求,特此开立本保函并向你方不可撤消地保证,在收到你方书面索赔通知声明合同方未能履行上述合同有关条款时,支付给你方不超过担保金额的款项。 NOW THEREFORE,we(name of guarantor)at the request of the Contractor hereby irrevocably issue this Advance Payment Guarantee and undertake to pay you, upon receipt of your written demand stating that the Contractor has failed to perform his obligations as stipulated in the Contract, the sum or sums not exceeding the above-mentioned amount. 我们在本保函项下的担保责任仅限于(保函金额)。 Our liability hereunder shall be limited to (the amount of guarantee). 本保函从合同方收到你方支付的上述预付款之日起生效,到(保函失效日)失效。 我们的担保责任将随合同方已经支付给你方的金额而自动同比递减。 保函到期后,请退回我们注销。 This guarantee shall become effective on the date the Contractor receives the aforesaid advance payment from you and shall remain valid until (the expiry date of this guarantee). The guaranteed amount shall be automatically and proportionally reduced by the amount which the Contractor has already repaid to you. Upon its expiry, please return this guarantee to us for cancellation. 担保人:(签字、盖章) Guarantor: (signature, seal) |
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