标题 | 英语诗歌朗诵开场白范文 |
范文 | 英语诗歌朗诵开场白范文(精选3篇) 英语诗歌朗诵开场白范文 篇1T: together M: male host F: female host T: Good evening, my dear teachers and friends. M: Youth is beautiful. Youth is full of dreams, enthusiasm and romantic. F: As the young generation of the new century, we are full of pride and enthusiasm; we are full of vigor and spirit--- the spirit that has been passed on from our older generation. M: On May 4th ,1919, a loud broke through the silent sky, people of the world saw a brilliant sunrise in the east of the globe. F: Up to now, eighty- five years has passed, but the spirit of May 4th Movement stays with us. M: Democracy and science well get rise in this new era, an era of the knowledge economy. F: Let’s go on the cause of the May 4th. On this 85th anniversary of the May 4th, let us carry forward the spirit of the May 4th Movement, work willingly hard, and devote ourselves whole-heartedly. M: To share the unforgettable memories of our great pioneers in history, let’s celebrate the festival of our youth in our own way- the way marked with singing, dancing and acting. T: Let’s celebrate the May 4th spirit with poems, plays and speeches. …… ........ F: In the new times, when we look back upon the history, we remember more than what’s been written on our textbook. M: History is just history. There is no need to call back the sorrow of history. F: With the spirit passing on from generation to generation, we’ll go on the march until we succeed. M: When looking back on the 85 years of history and staring at the flag of the May 4th, we think a lot. Let us go on our way. T: Let us carry forward the spirit of May 4th Movement, work sincerely hard and devote ourselves whole-heartedly. 英语诗歌朗诵开场白范文 篇2合:尊敬的各位老师,各位同学,大家好! 乙:伴随着冬日温暖的阳光,我们迎来了这一次诗歌朗诵会 甲:今天,我们相聚在这里,享受诗歌带给我们的欢乐,享受这段美好时光 乙:今天,我们相聚在这里,一起走进诗情画意之中 甲:今天,我们相聚在这里,敞开你的心扉,释放你的激情 乙:今天,我们相聚在这里,这里将成为诗歌的海洋,让快乐响彻云霄 甲:下面由*同学为大家带来 今天,我们在这里欢聚一堂,举办沈泽宜老师的诗歌朗诵会,首先,感谢大家的光临,感谢所有的朋友和来宾,感谢在场的历届远方诗社的社员,感谢为组织这次朗诵会付出了心血的各位热心朋友。 沈老师,在座的都是你的晚辈,很多是你的学生,我们这些晚辈和学生借此机会,向你表示真诚的敬意和祝贺。 今年,20xx年,对沈老师来说是有特殊纪念意义的一年。沈老师的诗歌创作生涯至今已有六十年;沈老师右派改正以后进入湖州师院教书,是整整三十周年;最近二十年来,沈老师激发出旺盛的创造精神,一本又一本高质量的著作相继问世:有诗论集《诗的真实世界》《梦洲诗论》,有学术专著《诗经新解》,有诗集《西塞娜十四行》,《沈泽宜诗选》。几十万字的回忆录三部曲也已有部分章节在大陆和香港发表。 让我们以热烈的掌声,再次对沈老师表示我们诚挚的敬意和衷心的祝贺! 下面,沈泽宜诗歌朗诵会正式开始! 英语诗歌朗诵开场白范文 篇3男主持:这里是,我是主持人____。 女主持:这里是欢迎各位朋友的光临。我是主持人_____。 男主持:假如没有您,土地依然沉睡;假如没有您,山野依然荒*,假如没有您,河流也会枯萎,假如没有您,人类依然愚昧。 您是朋友,传递温暖;您是父母,孕育智慧;您是园丁,辛勤耕耘;您是老师,赋予我们理想和智慧。我们想念您,想念您的抚慰,我们感谢您,感谢您的栽培,我们崇敬您,崇敬您无私的奉献,我们依恋您,依恋您的教诲 各位朋友,各位来宾:大家好!这里是;山之回响朗诵苑,我代表本室室主和晚会全体策划人员向大家表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的感谢!下面,教师节特别节目红烛颂,绿叶情专场晚会正式开始! 女主持:追逐着光阴的翅膀,今夜,我们走近温暖的烛光 拥抱着花与果的芳香,今夜,我们来倾听绿叶的吟唱; 是谁,彻夜燃烧自己,迎来黎明的曙光? 是谁,谱写出满园绿色,托起枝头的辉煌? 男:是老师,用心血铺就一条条大路,让我们奔赴理想! |
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