标题 | 英文晚会开场白 |
范文 | 英文晚会开场白十篇 英文晚会开场白 篇1a : good evening , boys and girls , welcome to our dumpling party . b : 晚上好,朋友们,欢迎来到我们的`“饺流天下”晚会。 a : dumpling is a traditional chinese food , full of delicious taste and ancient intelligence . b : 饺子是中国一大传统美食,深深蕴藏着鲜香美味与古人的智慧。 a : tonight , it's our honour to gather together and enjoy the entertainment of making dumplings and sharing cultures . b : 今晚,让我们欢聚一堂,共同分享包饺子的乐趣,共同体验多文化的魅力! a : nothing more to say , just let's start our fantastic journey of dumplings ! b :别的也不再多说,就让我们现在开始我们的“饺子之旅”! 英文晚会开场白 篇2合:good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! welcome to our christmas party! boy: with the snow flakes falling from the sky, girl: with the christmas carols resounding around our ears boy: with the christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves girl: with the kindest santa christ in red walking towards us 合: let's shout,"christmas is coming! merry christmas!!! girl: jimmy(男主持人姓名),at this special moment, i can't be more excited. how about you? boy: of course, monica(女主持人姓名), me too. and i dare say that i've never been so happy in my life. i bet you do, yeah? girl: sure, you are right. so why are we still waiting? i guess our audience can't wait to enjoy our exciting performance. do you think so? boy: it's just the truth. so now, let's enjoy!!! 英文晚会开场白 篇3A:Ladies and Gentlemen:We are very happy to gather here to hold an English evening party. ----! I'm FROM B:I'm FROM We are very glad to be the host of this evening party. A:Learning English can broaden your minds,enhance your knowledge.By doing this , you will know the customs and cultures of other countries.And enjoy the holl time. B:Yeah, English shows up everywhere,they can be a beautiful song if you sing them with melody. A:They can be a soul poem if u read them with u heart. B:They can be a effective tool when you communicate with foreigners. A:Today, a colorful performance which acted by (class or school) will be held here. The performance shows us what happiness and colorful life it is in .and the fun of learning english. B:Now it's time for us to have performance. For this evening party all the (classes or classmates) have made careful preparations. So I'm sure we'll be able to enjoy many excellent performances tonight. 英文晚会开场白 篇4开始: 合:good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! welcome to our christmas party! boy: with the snow flakes falling from the sky, girl: with the christmas carols resounding around our ears boy: with the christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves girl: with the kindest santa christ in red walking towards us 合: let's shout,"christmas is coming! merry christmas!!! girl: jimmy(男主持人姓名),at this special moment, i can't be more excited. how about you? boy: of course, monica(女主持人姓名), me too. and i dare say that i've never been so happy in my life. i bet you do, yeah? girl: sure, you are right. so why are we still waiting? i guess our audience can't wait to enjoy our exciting performance. do you think so? boy: it's just the truth. so now, let's enjoy!!! 英文晚会开场白 篇5a : good evening , boys and girls , welcome to our dumpling party . b : 晚上好,朋友们,欢迎来到我们的“饺流天下”晚会。 a : dumpling is a traditional chinese food , full of delicious taste and ancient intelligence . b : 饺子是中国一大传统美食,深深蕴藏着鲜香美味与古人的智慧。 a : tonight , it's our honour to gather together and enjoy the entertainment of making dumplings and sharing cultures . b : 今晚,让我们欢聚一堂,共同分享包饺子的乐趣,共同体验多文化的魅力! a : nothing more to say , just let's start our fantastic journey of dumplings ! b :别的也不再多说,就让我们现在开始我们的“饺子之旅”! a : ready ? go ! show time演出阶段 a:after such a busy and happy time , let's just be relaxed and enjoy excellent performance. now , it's the show time ! b : 结束了忙碌充实的动手时光,现在让我们都来放松心情,一起欣赏来自中外的精彩表演! a : first , let's enjoy an amazing kongfu show from the association of taijiquan . b :下面让我们来欣赏来自太极拳协会的武术和太极表演。 a : terrific ! chinses kongfu is full of magic , have you been excited by that ? ok. now, let's enjoy a classical music , a er hu recital from zhang yi . b : 中华武术博大精深,是不是已经震惊在座了呢?那好,现在我们来欣赏一曲中国传统艺术,来自张怡的二胡独奏,大家欢迎。 a : beatiful ! that's the first word appears in my mind . what do you expect next ? all right , still from the music association , let's welcome zhao lingxiao and his gusuxing ! b :行云流水!这是不是第一个出现在你脑海里的词呢?那么我们不妨在欣赏一曲管弦独奏,有请音乐协会赵凌霄和他带来的《姑苏行》 ! a :enjoyed so much traditional shows , do you think it's time to change a pace . now , let's waiting for our foreign friends and their songs ! b :欣赏了那么多传统节目是不是也想换换口味了呢?那么现在就请要求我们的外国朋友为我们带来他们的精彩演出! a : there is always no boundary among songs , having finished those exotic culture , do you want to get back to something native ? well , just hands for tan shiqi and her fabulous song ! b : 音乐总是没有国界的',听完了异域风情的旋律,是不是也想回归一下本土呢?现在就让我们掌声迎来谭诗琪和她动人的歌! food time 美食时间 a : so much for those colorful performances , everyone must be waiting for one thing ----yeah ! dumplings ! look they are coming ! b :今晚可谓是星光闪耀、异彩纷呈。欣赏的够了,热闹的久了,大家现在最期待的是什么呢?没错,就是大家自己动手做出来的饺子啦!!!当当当当,看,它们来了! a : just enjoy yourself ! b : 尽情享用吧! 英文晚会开场白 篇6男:尊敬的来宾朋友们,圣诞快乐! 女:亲爱的弟兄姊妹们,主内平安! 男:(台下回应平安!)在这寒冷的冬夜里,我们终于迎来了期盼已久的青年圣诞晚会。 女:两千多年前,在以色列的伯利恒小城里,有一位婴孩为你我降生。 男:他,就是主耶稣。 女:他的降生,开启了人类历史的新纪元; 男:他的降生,冲破了辖制人类的黑暗权势。 女:今晚, 合:让我们一同来告诉你耶稣的事。 英文晚会开场白 篇7男:尊敬的各位来宾,各位。 女:亲爱的朋友们。 男:大家晚上好! 女:灿烂的五月,散发着热情,朝气蓬勃的祖国,沐浴在“十八大”的春风中,斗志昂扬,一路高歌向天涯。 男:火红的五月,迸发着激情,伴着春天的旋律,全国人民喜迎一年一度的劳动节,以歌舞传情,与岁月同乐。 女:今夜星光绚烂,在这个放飞梦想的夜晚,我们相聚在一起,让我们燃烧所有的热情,去创造更加美好的未来。 男:下面我介绍出席今天出席晚会的嘉宾和。他们是…… 女:让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。 男:今天我们张院长也来到了晚会现场,下面有请张院长为我们晚会献词! 女:非常感谢张院长的。秧歌舞是人们非常喜爱的一项喜庆活动,它纯朴而豪放,服装色彩丰富艳丽,五彩斑斓,带给人们以快活和欢乐,请欣赏秧歌舞“大”。 英文晚会开场白 篇8主持人:现场的,电视机前的观众朋友,大家晚上好!春天是播种的季节,22年前的'春天,我们种下了一粒呼唤诚信的种子,今天我们看到它已经成为了一颗维护消费者权益的大树。这里是中央电视台,中国网络电视台,为您现场直播的20xx年“3.15”晚会的现场,欢迎各位。 英文晚会开场白 篇9男:尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾 女:女士们、先生们 合:大家好! 女:新元复始,万象更新,我们迎来了新的一年。 男:在这欢乐吉祥的日子里,新一任领导走马上任;迎来了周岁的生日! 女:今天,我们相约这里,共同欢庆新春佳节的到来; 男:今天,我们相约这里,享受缘分带给我们的欢乐; 女:今天,我们相约这里,一起用心来感受真诚; 男:今天,我们相约这里,敞开你的心扉,释放你的激情! 节目开始 英文晚会开场白 篇10A:尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾 B:敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家 合:晚上好 A:带着憧憬,怀揣梦想,我们即将迎来新的考验 B:载着希望,面向彩虹,我们期待新的美好 C:青春的旋律是春风里最深情的涌动 D:青春的热情是生命中最动人的记忆 A:曾几何时我们为昨夜的星空璀璨而不愿合眼 B:曾几何时我们为明天的梦想光环而乐此不疲 C:落叶送走了昨天的辉煌,我们铭记生命中的灿烂,秋风带来了全新的力量,我们满怀对新生的期盼 A:我们为生命描画了绚丽的色彩,一笔笔都是青春的诠释 B:我们为生命谱写了动听的旋律,一曲曲都那么委婉真挚 C:我们将从这里出发,开始人生中最美妙的旅程 D:我们将从这里起飞,追随心中永不放弃的美梦 A:下面我宣布,迎新晚会 合:现在开始! |
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