标题 | 经典节日贺信范文 |
范文 | 经典节日贺信范文 每到节日都会祝贺一番,那么怎么写节日贺信呢?以下为大家分享的是经典节日贺信范文,希望对大家有所帮助。如果想了解更多内容,敬请关注CN公文站! 经典节日贺信范文(一)广大女同胞们: 你们好! 在20xx年国际“三八”妇女节即将到来之际,中心党委向全体女员工致以节日的祝贺和亲切的慰问。 过去的一年里,中心广大女员工在女工委的充分组织带动下,立足本职、爱岗敬业、奋发有为,涌现出公司20xx年度巾帼文明岗、三八红旗手等先进集体和个人,用辛勤劳动和聪明才智为中心的创先发展大局贡献力量,充分发挥了妇女的“半边天”作用。 展望未来,女同胞们要以更加昂扬的斗志、开阔的视野,主动的姿态去应对挑战、开拓创新,共同创造属于修试中心的美好明天。 在这个特殊的日子里,中心党委衷心祝愿大家拥有幸福的家庭、美好的人生,快乐工作,再续新的辉煌! 经典节日贺信范文(二)各位会员朋友: 佳节好! 诗探索中国新诗会所感谢各位会员对我们各项工作的支持与帮助。在中秋和国庆两节来临之际,向各位诗友致以诚挚的节日问候。 今年会所各项工作开展顺利,已完成了“20xx年度华文青年诗人奖”“20xx诗探索年度诗人”的评审,正准备开始“第二届红高粱诗歌奖”的终审工作和筹备两个奖项的颁奖及“年度诗人”和“华文青年诗人奖十周年”的庆典活动。 今年已出版《诗探索》作品卷和理论卷一、二辑(第三辑正在印刷中,节后发出),《诗探索中国新诗会所会刊3期(第三期节后一同发出)。第四辑在编辑中。 正在出版和将要出版《20xx年度华文青年诗人奖获奖作品》 《20xx诗探索中国年度诗人》《华文青年诗人奖十周年纪念诗集》(暂定名)《一本杂志和一个时代的情感——新世纪优秀诗人诗选》(暂定名)及同步运行的《诗人手稿集》以及《20xx年度诗歌》《20xx诗探索年度诗歌》等七部。 请会员朋友将您今年在刊物上发表的原创诗歌作品2-3首短诗,发到下面指定的邮箱中,作为两本年选的备选稿件。诗稿后面请注明作者姓名、原载刊物名称、时间期号。您的地址、邮编、电话、邮箱等也请一并注明,以便联系和寄送诗集。 请会员朋友相互转告,再祝节日愉快。 诗探索中国新诗会所 20xx年9月28日 经典节日贺信范文(三)Dear Friends, Family, and People We Sort-Of Know (But Not Really), We hope that all of you are healthy and happy during this holiday season. Don’t worry, we also wish you well during other times of the year, but this is just the only time of the year where we have time to put these thoughts in written form. Yes, you read that right! We! For the first time since...that one time when my sister was a co-author and I mostly deleted everything she wrote because she was too kind, this letter will have contributions from everyone! Mom, Dad, the cats, the numerous dust bunnies around the house, and special guest author E. L. James!* I just got off the phone with her agent. She has declined our generous offer to contribute to this letter because she is hard at work at her next novel: another brave exposé of the controversial and frightening world of the paint swatches section of Home Depot. Also, I was just kidding. No one else is actually going to contribute text to this letter. They’re all citing perfectly good excuses, such as, “I’m busy,” or “I don’t want to,” or (gesturing to a button-down shirt) “Why do you need a shirt like this? This looks like a man’s shirt. Do women really wear shirts like this? I’m going upstairs now.” Traditionally, this is the point in the letter where I write little blurbs about everyone in the family. And because I lack imagination, that’s exactly what’s going to happen next. Dad is doing wonderfully. One of my fondest memories this past year was driving him to some random hill in Berkeley so he could learn how to make mead. Yes, mead. A drink that I thought only existed in Harry Potter books. Mom took a Diagnosis by Image quiz today and got an astounding 10% correct. Then she went back and guessed on the others and ended up with 40% correct. She would like to point out that there are 10 questions total, and she is currently on her fourth attempt to get all of the questions correct. So she’s doing great. She does not enjoy reading books on her Nook because she believes that paper books reigns supreme, but she does enjoy playing recordings of TV shows about cats to see how our cats react to them. Siu-Wei is busy working two jobs, so there have been complaints that she hasn’t been seen around the house very much. We are all very proud of her and are eager to see where she’ll be in the next year. Seriously. We really want to know. Siu-Yuan is back home for the holidays and hates what this weather is doing to her hair. She is enjoying spending time with her cats and feels only mildly awkward referring to herself in the third person. Waigong is staying active physically and mentally, and is the idealized version of the wise old man who guides a protagonist to victory in any fantasy novel or movie. When asked, he said his favorite element used to be fluorine, but, “it’s retired now.” He reads Time, Newsweek, Smithsonian, New York Times, National Geographic, as well as many smart-person books that would make him a delightful guest at dinner parties. Unfortunately we’re not that good at those so this muscle has gone unexercised. I’m assuming that by now you’re pretty bored. I’m the first to admit we’re not that interesting of a family. Mom is the second, having uttered earlier, “Wow. None of us are very interesting.” What terrific insight, Mom. Luckily, this letter is about to come to a close. But first, I want to talk about my cats. The cats are too cute! They are ridiculously soft and fluffy. Waigong is best friends with Chopin, but when he wants her to go away, he brandishes a cane that he keeps in his room (for fun, obviously) and Chopin runs away! Poor cat. Sable remains chubby, but has become much nicer. She likes to give massages but uses too much claw. She’s learning. That’s all folks. See you next year. Unless there is no next year (I’m writing this on the 20th). But I’m certain there will be. *Mom: What?! E. L. James? We don’t have E. L. James! Isn’t that the Fifty Shades of Grey author? I don’t want her writing our letter! This used to read, “She enjoys reading...” but then Mom said, “I DO NOT like reading on the Nook! I only do it as a last resort!” |
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