标题 | 英文致辞 |
范文 | 英文致辞十篇 英文致辞 篇1Answering speech Dear professors and dear friends of China Jiliang University, I’m honored to address you on behalf of all the graduations this year. I would like to thank my parents, classmates, and friends who helped us ,and encouraged and supported us as we worked towards to our graduate degrees. I also want to thank Jiliang’s faculty members who served as our instructors,mentor, and friends, relatives, like Prof.Yu, Prof.Gao, Mrs. Liang. Through their commitments, they have inspired us to achieve and guided us to our dream. On this stage, at my graduation ceremony, when I look back my four years at Jiliang, my mind is filled with memories. May be you will ask me: do you have special to share? Yes, I want to share few simple but critical suggestions with you and with for the coming juniors: First, be work hard and think smart. Secondly, believe things happened for a reason. Thirdly, just as Jobs said at the graduation ceremony in Stanford University, stay hungry, stay foolish. Today, we will graduate from China Jiliang University, but we will be with Jiliang forever. Let us think forward and work together to make the new history of China Jiliang University. Thank you. 英文致辞 篇2Number One: Fall in love with the process and the results will follow. Number Two: Do your work. Number Three: Once youre prepared, throw your preparation in the trash. Number Four: You are capable of more than you think. Number Five: Listen. Number Six: Take action. You have a choice. You can either be a passive victim of circumstance or you can be the active hero of your own life. Action is the antidote to apathy and cynicism and despair. 第一,爱上过程,结果自然会来。 第二,做你的事。 第三,一旦准备好,就付诸行动。 第四,你能做的,超出了你的想象。 第五,聆听。 第六,采取行动。 你有一个选择。要么你成为环境的被动受害者,要么你主动成为自己生活的英雄。行动可以消除冷漠、玩世不恭与绝望。 英文致辞 篇3Hello ,class of 20__.I’m so honored to be here today. Dean Khurana,faculty, parents, and most especially graduating students, thank you so much for inviting me. The Senior Class Committee, it’s genuinely one of the most exciting things I’ve ever been asked to do. I have to admit primarily because I can’t deny it. As it was leaked in the WikiLeaks release of the Sony hack that when I was invited I replied and I directly quote my own email. “Wow! This is so nice! I’m gonna need some funny ghost writers.Any idea?” This initial response now blessedly public was from the knowledge that at my class day we were lucky enough to have Will Ferrel as class day speaker. And that many of us were hung-over, or even freshly high, mainly wanted to laugh. So I have to admit that today, even 12 years after graduation, I’m still insecure about my own worthiness. I have to remind myself today you’re here for a reason. Today I feel much like I did when I came to Harvard Yard as a freshman in 1999. When you guys were, to my continued shock and horror, still in kindergarten.I feel like there had been some mistake, that I wasn’t smart enough to be in this company. And that every time I opened my mouth, I would have to prove that I wasn’t just a dumb actress. So I start with an apology. This won’t be very funny. I’m not a comedian. And I didn’t get a ghost writer. But I’m here to tell you today, Harvard is giving you all diplomas tomorrow. You are here for a reason. Sometimes your insecurities and your inexperience may lead you, too, to embrace other people’s expectations. Standards, or values. But you can harness that inexperience to carve out your own path, one that is free of the burden of knowing how things are supposed to be, a path that is defined by its own particular set of reasons. The other day I went to an amusement park with my soon-to-be 4-year-old son. And I watched him play arcade games. He was incredibly focused, throwing his ball at the target. Jewish mother that I am, I skipped 20 steps, and was already imagining him as a major league player, with what is his aim and his arm and his concentration. But then I realized what he want. He was playing to trade in his tickets for the crappy plastic toys. The prize was much more exciting than the game to get it. I of course wanted to urge him to take joy and the challenge of the game, the improvement upon practice, the satisfaction of doing something well, and even feeling the accomplishment when achieving the game’s goals. But all of these aspects were shade by the little 10 cent plastic men with sticky stretchy blue arms that adhere to the walls. That was the prize. In a child’s nature, we see many of our own innate tendencies. I saw myself in him and perhaps you do too. Prizes serve as false idols everywhere. Prestige, wealth, fame, power. You’ll be exposed to many of these, if not all. Of course, part of why I was invited to come to speak today, beyond my being a proud alumna, is that I’ve recruited some very coveted toys in my life, including a not so plastic, not so crappy one, an Oscar. So we bump up against the common troll I think of the commencement address people who have achieved a lot telling you that the fruits of the achievement are not always to be trusted. But I think that contradiction can be reconciled and is in fact instructive.Achievement is wonderful when you know why you’re doing it. And when you don’t know, it can be a terrible trap. I went to a public high school on Long Island, Syosset High School. Ooh, hello, Syosset! The girls I went to school with had Prada bags and flat-ironed hair.And they spoke with an accent, I who had moved there at age 9 from Connecticut mimicked to fit in. Florida, Oranges, Chocolate, Cherries. Since I’m ancient and the Internet was just starting when I was in high school. People didn’t really pay that much of attention to the fact that I was an actress. I was known mainly at school for having a back pack bigger than I was, and always having white-out on my hands.Because I hated seeing anything crossed out in my note looks. I was voted for my senior yearbook I most likely to be an contestant on Jeopardy, or code for nerdiest. When I got to Harvard just after the release of Star Wars: Episode 1. I knew I would be starting over in terms of how people viewed me. I feared people would have assumed I’d gotten in just for being famous, and that they would think that I was not worthy of the intellectual rigor here. And it would not have been far from the truth. When I came here I had never written a 10-page paper before. I’m not even sure I’ve written a 5-page paper. I was alarmed and intimidated by the calm eyes of a fellow student, who came here from Dalton or Exeter who thought that compared to high school the workload here was easy. I was completely overwhelmed, and thought that reading 1000 pages a week was unimaginable, that writing a 50-page thesis is just something I could never do. I had no idea how to declare my intentions. Icouldn’t even articulate them to myself. I’ve been acting since I was 11. But I thought acting was too frivolous and certainly not meaningful. I came from a family of academics, and was very concerned of being taken seriously. In contrast to my inability to declare myself, on my first day of orientation freshman year, five separate students introduced themselves to me, by saying, I’m going to be president. Remember I told you that. Their names, for the record, were Bernie Sanders, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Barack Obama, and Hilary Clinton. In all seriousness, I believed every one of them, their bearing and self-confidence alone seemed proof of their prophecy where I couldn’t shake my self-doubt. I got in only because I was famous. This was how others saw me and it was how I saw myself. Driven by these insecurities, I decided I was going to find something to do in Harvard that was serious and meaningful that would change the world and make it a better place. At the age of 18,I’d already been acting for 7 years, and assumed I find a more serious and profound path in college. So freshman fall I decided to take neurobiology, and advanced modern Hebrew literature, because I was serious and intellectual. Needless to say, I should have failed both. I got Bs,for you information, and to this day, every Sunday I burn a small effigy to the pagan Gods of grade inflation. But as I was fighting my way through Aleph Bet Yod Y’d shua in Hebrew, and the different mechanisms of neuro-response, I saw friends around me writing papers on sailing, and pop culture magazines, and professors teaching classes on fairly tales and The Matrix. I realized that seriousness for seriousness’s sake was its own kind of trophy, and a dubious one, a pose I sought to counter some half-imagined argument about who I was. There was a reason that I was an actor. I love what I do. And I saw from my peers and my mentors that it was not only an acceptable reason, it was the best reason. When I got to my graduation, sitting where you sit today after 4 years of trying to get excited about something else. I admitted to myself that I couldn’t wait to go back and make more films. I wanted to tell stories, to imagine the lives of others. I have found or perhaps reclaimed my reason. You have prize now, or at least you will tomorrow. The prize is a Harvard degree in your hand. But what is your reason behind it? My Harvard degree represents for me, the curiosity and invention that were encouraged here, the friendships I’ve sustained, the way Professor Graham told me not to describe the way light hit a flower, but rather the shadow the flower cast, the way Professor Scarry talked about theatre is a transformative religious force, how Professor Coslin showed how much our visual cortex is activated just by imagining. Now granted these things don’t necessarity help me answer the most common question I’m asked: What designer are you wearing? What’s your fitness regime? Any make up tips? But I have never since been embarrassed to myself as what I might previously have thought was stupid question. My Harvard degree and other awards are emblems of the experiences which led me to them. The wood paneled lecture halls, the colorful fall leaves, the hot vanilla Toscaninis, reading great novels in overstuffed library chairs, running through dining halls screaming: Ooh! Ah! City steps!City steps!City steps!City steps! It’s easy now to romanticize my time here. But I had some very difficult times here to. Some combination of being 19, dealing with my first heartbreak, taking birth control pills that have since been taken off the market for their depressive side effects, and spending too much time missing day light during winter months, led me to some pretty dark moments. Particularly during sophomore year, there were several occasions where I started crying in meetings with professors. Overwhelmed with what I was supposed to pull off. When I could barely get myself out of bed in the morning.Moment when I took on the motto for my school work. Done. Not good.If only I could finish my work, even if it took eating a jumbo pack of sour Patch Kids to get me through a single 10-page paper. I felt that I’ve accomplished a great feat. I repeat to myself. Done.Not good. A couple of years ago, I went to Tokyo with my husband, and I ate at the most remarkable sushi restaurant. I don’t even eat fish. I’m vegan. So that tells you how good it was. Even with just vegetables, this sushi was the stuff you dreamed about. The restaurant has six seats. My husband and I marveled at how anyone can make rice so superior to all other rice. We wondered why they didn’t make a bigger restaurant and be the most popular place in town. Our local friends explains to us that all the best restaurants in Tokyo are that small, and do only one type of dish: sushi or tempura or teriyaki. Because they want to do that thing well and beautifully. And it’s not about quantity. It’s about taking pleasure in the perfection and beauty of the particular. I’m still learning now that it’s about good and maybe never done. And the joy and work ethic and virtuosity we bring to the particular can impart a singular type of enjoyment to those we give to, and of course,to ourselves. In my professional life, it also took me time to find my own reasons for doing my work. The first film I was in came out in 1994. Again, appallingly, the year most of you were born. I was 13 years old upon the film’s release and I came still quote what the New York Time said about me verbatim.Ms Portman poses better than she acts. The film had a universally tepid eristic response and went on to bomb commercially. That film was called The Professional, or Leon in Europe. And today, 20 years and 35 films later, it is still the film people approach me about the most to tell me how much they loved it, how much it moved them, how it’s their favourite movie. I feel lucky that my first experience of releasing a film was initially such a disaster by all standards and measures. I learned early that my meaning had to be from the experience of making the film and the possibility of connecting with individuals rather than the foremost trophies in my industry: financial and critical success. And also these initial reactions could be false predictors of your works ultimate legacy. I started choosing only jobs that I’m passionate about and from which I knew I could glean meaningful experiences. This thoroughly confused everyone around me: agents, producers, and audiences alike. I made Goya’s Ghost, a foreign independent film and studied act history visiting the produce everyday for 4 months as I read about Goya and the Spanish Inquisition. I made V for Vendetta, studio action movie for which I learned everything I could about freedom fighters, whom otherwise may be called terrorists from Menachem Begin to Weather Underground. I made Your Highness, a pothead comedy with Danny McBride and laugh for 3 months straight. I was able to own my meaning and not have it be determined by box office receipts or prestige. By the time I got to making Black Swan, the experience was entirely my own. I felt immune to the worst things anyone could say or write about me, and to whether the audience felt like to see my movie or not. It was instructive for me to see for ballet dancers once your technique gets to a certain level, the only thing that separates you from others is your quirks or even flaws. One ballerina was famous for how she turned slightly off balanced. You can never be the best, technically. Some with always have a higher jump or a more beautiful line. The only thing you can be the best at is developing your own self. Authoring your own experience was very much what Black Swan itself was about. I worked with Darren Aronofsky the director who changed my last line in the movie to It was perfect. Because my character Nina is only artistically successful when she finds perfection and pleasure for herself, not when she was trying to be perfect in the eyes of others. So when Black Swan was successful financially and I began receiving accolades I felt honored and grateful to have connected with people. But the true core of my meaning I had already established. And I needed it to be independent of people’s reactions to me. People told me that Black Swan was an artistic risk. A scary challenge to try to portray a professional ballet dancer. But it didn’t feel like courage or daring that drove me do it. I was so oblivious to my own limits that I did things I was woefully unprepared to do. And so the very inexperience that in college had made me insecure, made me want to play by others’ rules. Now is making me actually take risks, I didn’t even realize were risks. When Darren asked me if I could ballet, I told him I was basically a ballerina which by the way I wholeheartedly believed. When it quickly became clear that preparing for the film that I was 15 years away from being a ballerina. It made me work a million times harder and of course the magic of cinema and body doubles helped the final effect. But the point is, if I had known my own limitations, I never would have taken the risk. And the risk led to one of my greatest artistic personal experiences. And that I not only felt completely free. I also met my husband during the filming. Similarly, I just directed my first film, A Tale of Love in Darkness. I was quite blind to the challenges ahead of me. The film is a period film, completely in Hebrew in which I also act with an eight-year-old child as a costar. All of these are challenges I should have been terrified of, as I was completely unprepared for them, but my complete ignorance to my own limitations looked like confidence and got me into the director’s chair. Once there, I had to figure it all out, and my belief that I could handle these things, contrary to all evidence of my ability to do so was only half the battle. The other half was very hard work. The experience was the deepest and most meaningful one of my career. Now clearly I’m not urging you to go and perform heart surgery without the knowledge to do so! Making movies admittedly has less drastic consequences than most professions and allows for a lot of effects that make up for mistakes. The thing I’m saying is, make use of the fact that you don’t doubt yourself too much right now. As we get order,we get more realistic, and that includes about our own abilities or lack thereof. And that realism does us no favors. People always talk about diving into things you’re afraid of. That never worked for me. If I’m afraid, I run away. And I would probably urge my child to do the same. Fear protects us in many ways. What has served me in diving into my own obliviousness. Being more confident than I should be which everyone tends to decry American kids and those of us who have been grade inflated and ego inflated. Well, it can be a good thing if it makes you try things you never might have tried. Your inexperience is an asset, and will allow you to think in original and unconventional ways. Accept your lack of knowledge and use it as your asset. I know a famous violinist who told me that he can’t compose because he knows too many pieces. So when he starts thinking of the note, an existing piece immediately comes to mind. Just starting out one of your biggest strengths is not knowing how things are supposed to be. You can compose freely because your mind isn’t cluttered with too many pieces. And you don’t take for granted the way how things are. The only way you know how to do things is your own way. You have will all go on to achieve great things. There is no doubt almost that. Each time you set out to do something new, your inexperience can either lead you down a path where you will conform to someone else’s values, even though you don’t realize that’s what you’re doing. If your reasons are you own, your path, even if it’s a strange and clumsy path, will be wholly yours. And you will control the rewards of that you do by making your internal life fulfilling. At the risk of sounding like a Miss America contestant, the most fulfilling things I’ve experienced have truly been the human interactions: spending time with women in village banks in Mexico with FINCA microfinance organization, meeting young women who were the first and the only in their communities to attend secondary schools in rural Kenya with Free the Children group that built sustainable schools in developing countries tracking with gorilla conservationists in Rwanda. It’s a cliche, because it’s true, that helping others ends up helping your more than anyone. Getting out of your own concerns and caring about some else’s life for a while, reminds you that you are not the center of the universe. And that in the ways we’re generous or not, we can change the course of someone’s life. Even at work, the small feat of kindness crew member, directors, fellow actors have shown me have had the most lasting impact. And of course, first and foremost, the center of my world is the love that I share my family and friends. I wish for you that your friends will be with you through it all as my friends from Harvard have been together since we graduated. My friends from school are still very close. We have nursed each other through heartaches and danced at each others’ weddings. We’ve held each other at funerals and rocked each other’s new babies. We worked together on projects helped each other get jobs and thrown parties for when we’ve quit bad ones. And now our children are creating a second generation of friendship as we look at them toddling together. Haggard and disheveled working parents that we are.Grab the good people around you and don’t let them go. The biggest asset this school offers you is a group of peers that will both be your family and your school for life. I remember always being pissed at the spring here in Cambridge.Tricking us into remembering a sunny yard full of laughing frisbee throwers. After 8 months of dark freezing library dwelling. It was like the school has managed to turn on the good weather as a last memory we should keep in mind that would make us want to come back. But as I get farther away from my years here I know that the power of this school is much deeper than weather control. It changed the very question that I was asking to quote one of my favourite thinkers Abraham Joshua Heschel: To be or not to be is not the question, the vital question is how to be and how not to be. Thank you. I can’t wait to see how you do all the beautiful things you will do. 英文致辞 篇4Ben: Hello, everyone. It’s my honor to talk about dream and responsibility. My dream is to work in the field of AI, artificial intelligence. AI has been widely used in many walks of life nowadays. Have you ever heard the news that the world champion of go, Kejie, was defeated by arobot, Alpha Go. It is proved that AI is highly intelligent and efficient. Ifwe used it well, the world would be a better place for every mankind. “we have the most dedicated teachers, the mostsupportive parents, and the best school in my mind ---but none of them will matter unless we fulfill our responsibilities, unless we do the hard work ittakes to succeed.” That’s what I want to say today: we should be responsiblefor our own education. Ben: 大家好,今天我非常荣幸和大家分享我们对梦想和责任的看法。我的梦想是成为一名人工智能工程师。人工智能现在已经在各行各业中得到了广泛的应用。你们听说过机器人AlphaGo击败世界围棋冠军柯洁的新闻吗?人工智能高效专业,如果运用的好,世界将变得更加美好。 我们有最敬业的老师,最尽力的家长和我心中最好的学校——但如果我们不履行自己的责任,不为成功付出努力。那么这一切都毫无意义。我今天想说的是,我们每个人要对自己的教育负责。 Ben: Hi, I heard you would be a scientist in the future, Annie? Annie: Yes, my dream is to be a scientist. I hope that one day Ican make a spaceship for my country although the way won’t be easy I know. So it’s not only my dream and my future, but also the dream and future of our country. We have the responsibility to make our country better and stronger to meet the great challenges in the future. It’s also Chinese Dream to everyone. Annie:是的,我的梦想是成为一名科学家,我希望能够为国家制造航天飞机。尽管我知道道路是曲折的,但我明白这不仅仅是我个人的梦想和未来,更是国家的梦想和未来。我们有责任让中国更加强大,去迎接未来的挑战。我的梦也是中国梦。 Alex:My dream is not so concrete like yours. My dream is to make gender notas a barrier for everyone, that is, men and women should be equal. In China, there are still hundreds and thousands of girls who cannot receive education. I hope they can go into schools and sit in the classrooms like us today. We should cherish our opportunity being educated in such a wonderful environment.We should take the responsibility to learn and work hard, dear fellow students! Alex:我的梦想不像你们的那么具体。我的梦想是不让性别成为障碍,即:要实现男女平等。在中国现在仍然有许多女童因为性别原因不能接受教育。我希望她们可以走进学校,坐在窗明几亮的教室里和我们一样学习。我们应该珍惜如此优质的`学习环境,我们有责任去努力,去奋发图强, 亲爱的同学们! Rain: I totally agree with you, Alex. In our daily life, we should be compassionate and careful enough to help our friends, just like Confucius said “Don’t fail to do good even if it is small.” we also need the knowledge and problem-solving skills we learn to cure diseases like cancer and Ebola. It’s our responsibility. Rain: 对,我完全赞同。在平时的生活中,我们需要有爱心和耐心去帮助周围的朋友,正如孔子所言“勿以善小而不为”。我们需要努力学习,找到途径去治疗癌症,埃博拉等等现在人类还无法攻克的顽疾。这是我们的责任。 Jason: we will get strength and power through learning. The greater power means the greater responsibilities. We should help people who are struggling in poverty and homelessness. It’s our responsibility. Jason: 我们将会从学习中汲取力量。力量越大责任也越大。我们要帮助那些还挣扎在贫困线上的人们,那些无家可归的人们。这是我们的责任。 Vanesa: right! We learn not only for ourselves or our families, but for others and for ourcountry. We have the responsibility to be creative and initiative to boost our economy and protect our environment. We have the responsibility to be altruists and say no to “egoism”. It’s our responsibility. Vanesa: 对,我们不仅仅为了自己和家人而学习,我们还为了帮助别人,为了国家而学习。我们有责任发挥聪明才智、进取精神发展经济,保护环境。我们有责任对“精致的利己主义”说不,选择利他。这是我们的使命。 Lisa: Let us be courageous to take our responsibilities. “There is no excuse that says: “that’s just how things are done there.” We should be the last people to accept it, and the first to change it.” Yes, we can change the world through knowledge-learning, through hard-working and through our great efforts. Lisa: 让我们勇于承担肩负的责任。不要说“现状无法改变”,我们应该是那个最后接受而最早行动起来的人。是的,我们能够改变世界,我们能够通过知识、勤奋和努力改变世界。 Stephanie: I know it won’t be easy, but the best education we’ve received now and we will receive in the future gives us opportunities that we are the uniquely qualified and responsible, to build a better world for everyone. Stephanie: 我知道这并不容易,但是我们现在和将来所要接受的教育会让我们变成合格的,有责任感的最佳人选。我们会努力的!会让这个世界变得更加美好! Stephanie: Dear fellow graduates,congratulates and best wishes for all of you! 亲爱的学哥学姐们,在今天的毕业典礼上,我们英文演讲班的同学为你们送上最诚挚美好的祝福: Rain: to hold on your dreams! Annie: to meet the challenge! Alex: to work hard ! Rain: to take the responsibility! Jason: to help others! Vanesa: to be creative! Lisa: to have courage! All: 祝你们前程似锦,永怀梦想,向前奔跑! 英文致辞 篇5This is the first day of the new semester. Its my honor to stand here and speak as a member of the class. I am so happy, and excited too. Firstly, I want to express my hapiness to see all of you again after a long vacation. Secondly, a new term has begun, I have a lot of expectations. I expect that we will all achieve excellent scores in this term for every program. We will do better and better in every aspect. We will take more physical exercise and keep a healthy body and a keen mind. We will take part in more social activities and learn more living ability and accumulate more experiences. About love, well, I hope we get more chances in this term...(people will laugh and clap). Ok, I think thats all for my speech. Thank you all. 英文致辞 篇6Members of the Parent Council, Parents, teachers and students: Everybody is good! Today is the graduation ceremony day of our school, this years graduates, thanks to all the superiors and distinguished guests, in their busy schedule to come to guide, and give a lot of precious prizes to encourage students, on behalf of the teachers and students to the highest respect and gratitude. Dear graduates, graduation is only theendof one stage of learning, but also the beginning of another.After three years of hard study in Sacred Heart, the students finally finished their study with perseverance, patience and perseverance.All the officers, distinguished guests, parents and teachers present here are happy and congratulating you. In the past three years, every teacher of Sacred Heart has not only taught you knowledge, but also guided many people and things.As you are leaving school today, the headmaster would like to remind and encourage you.I think in todays society, there are a lot of people at the time of frustration, or work not smooth, will think of going to fortune tellers, we are not against fortune tellers, but more importantly, each one should carry his own life, go your own way and the master of himself is the fate, want to change your fate, create a new bureau, only by knowing yourself, settled themselves, their own have a real possibility,So how do you create yourself? I think you should have four things;Thats faith, concept, connection, ability. The first faith: the purpose of faith is to let us cultivate the mind and mind full of faith.What letter of the word mother source ethics, self-restraint all the good faith can cultivate good roots, can help us to bother brain, beautify life, the future is expected, life have to rely on, when everyone enjoying the material life, more need to have a soul of nutrients to nourish, soft, especially young people need through religion to balance the body and mind more, Ann lives of body and mind. The second idea: each of us should have the right idea, especially in this era of rapid competition, our idea should change with the change of external environment at any time;The so-called mountain does not turn the road, the road does not turn people, people do not turn the heart, everyone should be timely, appropriate, appropriate situation, appropriate situation to adjust the correct outlook on life, so that they can be full of confidence to accept every challenge. The third affinity: as the saying goes, people are prosperous, wealth is prosperous, and good affinity is to maintain high quality interpersonal relationship with others. Whether a persons connections are abundant or weak is an important key to success.A smile, a greeting can become attached to others, please do not be stingy. The fourth ability: People often complain: Why do I always fail to achieve the goal and desire to succeed, but do we have enough ability to open the door to success? A product has good quality and marketing plan, but if there is no good execution ability, no matter how good the product is, it will not sell well.Therefore, it is very important to develop your own professional field and executive skills. Dear students: as the saying goes: fortune makes life, the opportunity is infinite, do you want to create the spring of your life please do not forget, you must have a firm belief, correct concept, good contacts, advantage ability, with the above conditions, I believe your future will be full of spring flowers, brilliant. Finally, wish: graduates, bright prospects, bright future! Blessing: school students, academic progress, happy body and mind! I wish: distinguished guests, good health and all the best! 英文致辞 篇7Dear teachers and students: Everybody is good! Today, we are here to hold the graduation ceremony of the class of20xx.First of all, on behalf of the school, I would like to extendmy warmest congratulations to the students who have successfully completed their studies in junior high school after three years of hard work, and pay high tribute to the teachers who have cultivated the healthy growth of the students. At this moment, I have a lot of feelings.Three years ago, you entered the depression door with confidence and hope, three years later, you harvest success and dreams are about to embark on a new journey in life. Look back on more than a thousand days when you "dreamed and struggled, gave and enjoyed, achieved and exceeded". The process of learning is lonely and hard, but the result is always exciting and surprising. In this past years, I as your president, moved you moved, harvest your harvest, success in your success! Some people say that youth is too hasty a book.Yes, three years, more than a thousand pages so quickly turned over, but the Alma mater and teachers, forget you in the classroom assiduous figure, forget you stay in the Alma mater all the beautiful little drops! Over the past three years, you have learned to be curious and more positive.You learned to be a man, to be tolerant and kind;You learned to live together, know humility and comity;You have learned to do things and are thriving. In the past three years, you have developed a strong teacher-student relationship with your teachers.Teachers in giving you knowledge and ability, teach you philosophy of life, but also their selfless love for you, give you meticulous care.In this regard, let us use warm applause to all the students hard work, dedicated teachers to express our heartfelt thanks again! Junior high school graduation, for you this is just an important stage of life journey, you become the road, but also a long journey.We cannot make cheap predictions about your future, nor can we make easy predictions about your future."Difficulties and hardships, yu Yu cheng", success only by their own efforts, success only by their own hard work. Students, you are about to embark on a new journey of learning, I want to give you three words: The first sentence: the sea is wide by diving, the sky is high as the birds fly, I hope you will study in any school in the future, can be diligent, meticulous, and achieve good results. The second sentence is "cultivate morality, aim high", I hope that no matter what kind of career you are engaged in in the future, you can work steadily in your own post, and strive to become the backbone, the mainstay of society, become the pillar of the society. The third sentence is firmly believe that "mountains and rivers doubt there is no way, a bright future and a village", no matter what difficulties encountered in study and work in the future, never be discouraged, to use a healthy and optimistic psychological and normal positive attitude to face, believe that love to fight will win!Believe that "sunshine always after the wind and rain"! Dear students, bid farewell to the familiar campus, bid farewell to the teachers and students who get along with each other day and night, bid farewell to this nostalgic life station, infinite broad and beautiful prospects are unfolding in front of you.I hope you will cherish the unforgettable years in your Alma mater forever and never forget the ardent expectations of your teachers. Our Alma mater will sincerely wish you continuous progress in your study and work in the future. I believe that you will have new changes every day just like our Alma mater!New development!Our Alma mater will be proud of you!At the same time, welcome students to come back to our Alma mater often!Have a look at the continuous development and change of the beautiful campus, looking for pure junior high school time, appreciate the thick feelings of teachers and students. Finally, I wish the students: calmly meet the mid-term exam!Play your best!Enter the ideal high school!With your excellent results to create a new depression in the middle school examination brilliant! 英文致辞 篇8Dear teachers, dear students, parents and friends: Good afternoon, everyone! How time flies, it is three years.Today, we are here grand assembly, in order to celebrate the20xxsession of 1588 students successfully completed junior high school, in order to review our past three years of growth, but also to meet the20xxhigh school entrance examination. First of all, ON behalf of the school, I would like to congratulate the students on successfully completing the three-year learning task of junior high school, congratulations on you are going to start a new journey of life!At this moment, I also want to express my deep respect to the teachers who have devoted countless efforts to your growth.It is their words and deeds, selfless dedication, so that we ushered in this harvest season full of joy.I propose: please stretch out your hands, the warmest applause and the most sincere thanks to our amiable and respectable teachers and parents!Thank them! Three years is like water.Quietly slip through the nib, is youth, years, but also memory, memories.So, May 30,20xx, such an ordinary day, but because of graduation, it is worth remembering forever.Because for you, it announces and witnesses your growth.For us teachers and parents, it is gratifying to see you grow up.Growth, is an eternal theme in our life, who can not refuse, also can not refuse.Although the process of growing up is full of twists and turns, I hope you can enjoy the process of growing up with happiness, sunshine and confidence.At the same time, growth is a responsibility, which means responsibility to oneself, family and future, and more importantly, responsibility to the country, nation and society.I hope you will keep in mind the sonorous oath in nanyas school song "Work hard in time to take on the responsibilities of the universe". With great ambition, great wisdom and great responsibility, you will achieve the grand pattern of your own life development and create your own wonderful life. At the moment, the distancefrom20xxexamination, only 15 days!The time of accumulation is coming!Once, you with the enthusiasm of youth to drive away the 39 cold, with a good vision to sendaway the sun as fire.Now, I want you to approach this very ordinary exam with peace of mind.The achievements of the grand pattern of life need atmosphere. We need to improve our mind and temper our mind through continuous experience and training, so as to cultivate calm, magnanimous and steady, and not be surprised by changes.This is growth. I know that when you graduatefromjunior high school, it is inevitable that you will be separatedfromthe land of Phoenix Mountain.Whether you will continue to study in Nanya or in a new environment, the Alma mater will always care about your growth and progress, and the teachers will always look forward to your continuous success.Alma mater will always be your spiritual home, you will always be the pride of Alma mater.So, I also hope you more grateful and cherish, whether the junior high school the last 10 days, or in the future a long life journey, no matter you are in one area is steep, still live a simple happiness of marriage, please dont forget the teachers teach regrets and Alma mater, cultivation, dont forget to ever dream of this namhyar.This is also growth. The wind swept through the trees, leaving leaves in the air.The sun changes the strength, deducing the cycle of the four seasons.This life, at this time, I wish you sunshine, happy, confident growth! Finally, I sincerely wish the students success in the high school entrance examination and happiness in life! Thank you! 英文致辞 篇9Dear teachers and students: How do you do! Today, we are gathered here to hold the graduation ceremony of20xxstudents in our school.First of all, ON behalf of all the teachers and students of the school, I would like to express my warm congratulations to the sixth grade students who have successfully completed their studies and are about to graduate.More for the healthy growth of students, dedicated teachers to pay high tribute! History and reality confirm each of our dreams, tears and smiles witness the harvest of each of us. Back in the six years, you in school leadership, under the loving care in the teachers of hard work, diligence you happy, positive enterprising, the university has conducted a diversity of activities, increase your talent, classic reading with your wonderful performance at the meeting, with your beautiful beautiful performance in celebration of childrens activity, theme will have your individual character make public,Especially in the class reading exchange, we were moved by your seriousness. It can be said that every activity recorded your diligence and efforts, and every tree and grass in the school witnessed your growth and happiness. Students, your achievement, cannot leave the teachers cultivation, cannot leave the support of parents, of course, also cannot leave your own efforts, the teacher is always worried about you, let us sincerely wish: the teacher is healthy, smooth work, all the best!Let us extendour warmest applause to them to express our high respect and heartfelt thanks! Lovely children, you are about to leave the Alma mater, like eagles fly high, to fly ideal, fly hope.The school expects you to write a full and meaningful life with your own efforts.Here, I urge you to make the following points: In the future life, I hope you do well in the "five have".They are: lofty ideals, noble moral character, learning spirit, innovation consciousness, indomitable perseverance. Think big.As an old saying goes, "Anticipation makes sense, unpredictability makes waste."As long as you have ideals, goals, will have the power to move forward.Also good at breaking down the big goals into small goals, so startfromsmall things, one by one, layer by layer decomposition, will eventually come naturally, to achieve the big goals. Have high moral character.Virtue is the first thing.Noble character is the first condition of success, noble character includes gratitude, caring for others, civilized integrity, down-to-earth life and other good qualities, in our daily study and life, we practice these good qualities. Have the spirit of learning."Never too old to learn" is what Mr. Xu Teli said.We learnfrombooks,fromother people,fromall things, so that you will haveendless wisdomfrombooks,fromother people,fromall things;In extensive learning at the same time to do, to learn things, master, so you can progress quickly. Have a sense of innovation.Innovation is the soul of a nation. Tao Xingzhi, a great educator, said in his Declaration of Creation that everyone is a creator, and it is always the time and everywhere the place of creation.Hope you have this kind of innovative consciousness and spirit in your study and life, you will go further. Students, teachers also set off on a new journey and happy for you, the second primary school children, you are all industrial north road industrial north road second primary school is always your house, the teacher will always be the dearest person in the world to you, the schools doors will remain open for you, today you can be proud of the school, more than tomorrow school can be proud of you. Finally, I wish the students have a happy and fulfilling summer vacation, I wish you happy, healthy growth! 英文致辞 篇10Dear students, distinguished teachers, parents and friends comingfromafar: After years of hard study, students have successfully realized their college dreams and are about to embark on a new journey of life.First of all, ON behalf of the school to all undergraduate graduates to express warm congratulations and heartfelt blessing! Todays commencement is destined to be an unforgettable moment for all of us. It brings me back to my own graduationfromcollege more than 30 years ago.I just listened to the speech of sha Ying, the graduate representative, and I believe she represents the sincerity of all the graduates of .Students of the school, parents, teachers have such heartfelt expression of emotion, Alma mater feel happy for you, I am proud of you! Dear students, this year, the university has reformed the criteria for awarding bachelors degree. The degree awarding has been separatedfromthe Score of Cet-4, enabling more students to successfully complete their university studies.The reason why we do this is not to think that English is not important. The fundamental starting point is to adhere to the people-oriented concept and adhere to the way of education of the university, so that every student can enjoy free and harmonious development. The future of life should not be affected by the SCORE of CET-4.In fact,fromanother level, when we learn English well, we should also pay due attention to our mother tongue, establish the confidence and consciousness of national culture, which is also the obligatory responsibility and responsibility of university education. College graduation ceremony is a vivid embodiment of the spirit and culture of the university, which will remain in our hearts forever after many years.This year, the university has provided a gown for each of you to feel and enjoy the occasion.Due to the large number of graduates, I cannot personally award degrees to each student. Please understand that I will authorize each school to award bachelors degrees to each student. University is the palace of human science and knowledge, is the highland of thought and spirit.The Confucian classic, The Book of Rites, opens with the words: "The way of a university lies in being clear and virtuous, being close to the people, and being perfect.Knowledge leads to stillness, and stillness leads to stillness, and stillness leads to security, and security leads to contemplation, and contemplation leads to acquisition."Such ideas are still guiding the running practice of modern universities in China."Stop at perfection" undoubtedly represents the highest pursuit of human moral ideal, which is the power of faith. We say that the fundamental mission of a university is to foster morality and cultivate people.What is the basis of virtue? It is ideal, it is faith, it is faith.People are good and evil, people are good and evil, the key lies in the difference between ideals, beliefs and beliefs.An ideal is a vision of what is possible in connection with a goal.Faith is the spiritual will established on the basis of certain knowledge, to believe in a certain idea or ideal and to act on it.Faith is the highest level of ideas, is a certain doctrine, advocates of extreme confidence, trust and respect.In my mind, faith is a sacred word, faith is a power of thought.To be strong, a nation must have firm and upward faith.To prosper, a society must have a firm and upward faith;To live a meaningful and valuable happy life, one needs a great faith to guide and support. Fellow students, faith is the foundation of morality, faith is the source of strength, faith is the rule of behavior, faith is the mark of action, faith is the road to happiness.In this era of pluralism and openness, we still need firm faith.In the course of life in the future, I hope you will let the lighthouse of faith illuminate your way forward, and let the power of faith guide you to live a full life with pursuit, value and significance! Thank you! |
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