标题 | 大学英语4级祝贺信范文 |
范文 | 大学英语4级祝贺信范文(精选3篇) 大学英语4级祝贺信范文 篇1DearPeter, I have received your e-mail. I am veryexcited and inspired by the good news that you have been admitted into Harvard.First I’d like to offer my congratulations to you on your great success and Ialso hope to enter a famous university just like you. Now I want to tell you something aboutmyself. As you know, I’m busy preparing for the College Entrance Examination.Day after day I work very hard and have to stay up late doing piles of papers.However, I’m always feeling stressed out because my efforts don’t seem to payoff, which makes me frustrated and exhausted. Will you be kind enough to giveme some advice? Iwould appreciate it if you could write back to me as soon as possible. Yours, Li Hua 大学英语4级祝贺信范文 篇2Dear_____________, Good news travels fast! It was delightfulfor me to hear that ______________ . Please accept my sincere congratulationsto your ___________. I have been watching your progresswith admiration all the years, and I know more than anyone else how much effortyou have put in. Now you prove to me a matured and well-rounded________in everyrespect. Judging from your current success / achievement, I am confident thatin the future ___________ . May allthe years ahead fulfill your dreams! Yours sincerely, Li Ming 大学英语4级祝贺信范文 篇3亲爱的表姐: 你好! 最近我听说你取得了全国华人小学生作文比赛的三等奖,你一定知道了这个喜讯吧!你肯定会格外高兴的。同时,我也为你而感到由衷的高兴。 你能够得三等奖一定非常不容易,这主要靠你平时的作文水平和丰富的语言积累,再加上你付出的汗水,才能得到这么大的硕果呀!我在此深深地祝贺你的成功。 我以后一定要把你作为我学习的好榜样,好"模范",努力学习,发奋苦读,读万卷书,写万篇文呀!多读多写乐自然吗!对吧,姐姐?相信有一天,我也会和你一样得到一个大大的"果实",拥有了成功的喜悦和学习的快乐,只要肯努力,我一定会取得成功。你也一定会在我身后默默支持我的,我相信。姐姐你呢? 姐姐有了这么大的成功,可别骄傲了,不然会后退的,在这里,妹妹送姐姐一句忠告:"谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后。"姐姐可千万不要骄傲,要继续努力呀!让我们俩在"跑线"上一起奋力奔跑吧!"终点线"快到了,加油!努力就是胜利!到时,我们会取得更大的胜利。妹妹永远支持姐姐。也愿姐姐早日收到我的妹妹的祝贺! 好了,不说了,就到这吧!姐姐再见! 祝姐姐: 天天快乐 万事如意 健健康康 学习更上一层楼!
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