标题 | 英语教师求职自荐信范文 |
范文 | 英语教师求职自荐信范文(精选8篇) 英语教师求职自荐信范文 篇1尊敬的领导: 您好! 我是XX大学外语学院英语系的一名学生,经过几年的学习和锻炼,我将于明年完成大学学业,真正步入社会,开始人生路上的新一段征程。 大学学习期间,在校领导和老师的引导下,我努力学好专业知识,训练专业技能,专业水平每一年都有明显提高,大二时以良好的成绩通过了英语专业四级考试,并将于明年年初参加专业八级考试。在基本能够运用英语自如地进行听、说、读、写的基础上,我涉猎了语言学、英美文学和英美概况,调整知识结构的同时,扩充了视野。 深知21世纪对教师提出了更严峻的挑战,我在学习国内外有影响力的教育理论的同时,特别注重实践能力的培养。除了积极参加系、院校的活动外,我积极热情地投入到社会实践中去,通过做家教和作*教师工作,得以把理论应用于实践,并根据学生特点,总结和发展适宜的教学方法,积累了初步的教学经验。这一切使我能在今年的教育实习中发挥特长,出色地完成实习任务,获得优异成绩。 大学生活教我学会了冷静、坚忍不拔,使我能在人生的坐标上找寻适合自己的位置并不断修整自我,更让我深刻认识到人要用心地去做每一件事,认真、踏实地面对人生的每一步。所以我诚挚地希望加入你们这支优秀的、富有生命力的群体,在大家的指导和帮助下,共同携手,在人生的道路上不断进取! 祝贵校事业蒸蒸日上! 此致 敬礼! 自荐人: 20xx年xx月xx日 英语教师求职自荐信范文 篇2尊敬的领导: 您好!我欲申请贵校招聘的英语教师职位。首先真诚感谢您在百忙之中浏览者份自荐信。这里有一颗热情而赤诚的心渴望得到您的了解与帮助。 今年6月,我毕业于师范大学商务日语专业,在校期间参加了全国自学考试,考取师范大学英语教育专业(本科)且顺利通过了考试,虽说在校期间学的是商务日语专业,但这并不影响我在英语方面的努力。在英语学习方面,现已通过英语能力六级。为适应时代人才要求,同时我自学并掌握同时自学掌握了现代办公自动化,能自如运用多煤体演示课件。 在学习之余,我还做了多份家教,通过交流,使我更加了解学生的心理活动。也与学生进行了不见面的坦诚的网上交流,对以后加强对学生有针对性的教育创造了条件、奠定了基础。鉴于毕业于xx省历史最悠久的师范类大学——师范大学的良好教育和我教学实践经历,我相信自己能够从事好英语教学和班主任工作。如果您给我一个发展的机会,我会以饱满的工作热情、勤奋务实的工作作风、快速高效的工作效率回报贵校。 手捧菲薄求职之书,心怀自信诚挚之念,我期待着能成为贵校的一名英语教员! 若蒙赏识,请拨打电话151。如有机会与您面谈我将十分感谢。 最后,衷心祝愿贵校事业发达,蒸蒸日上! 此致 敬礼! 自荐人: x年xx月xx日 英语教师求职自荐信范文 篇3Dear leaders: Hello! Was pleased to participate in your company's human resources recruitment. As the car is about to graduate professional students, are convinced that your company would like to search for jobs. At the same time, the company also hopes to read my resume and attached to the report card. Wish to express my gratitude. University, I first of all to their own position in the technology, followed by taking into account the management of the economy; but also focus on training their own ability to learn, and strive to improve the framework of their own knowledge. Technical aspects, I have done in three preparations. 1) Basic: may be due to the characteristics of the automotive industry, it is holding up the works of convincing, so I focused on the school's required course on the open. Received five scholarships and the best students, learning the title role models. My first three years of the weighted score of 82 points, basically the post-graduate qualification exam. 2) computers and networks: the development of computers and networks are a great trend. For its characteristics, I customized study plan accordingly. To participate in CAD / CAM / CAE (CATIA) training and obtain a certificate IBM. 3) Foreign Language: the importance of English self-evident. I would like to make foreign language learning is a self-confidence. If necessary, even if this is not a problem spoken. In addition, learning German. Other aspects, mainly referring to the human sciences: knowledge for improving their own interest in the structure and consideration, I take part and self-study courses. For management, economic, legal, etc. With some basic knowledge. In addition I would also like to mention is that I am not a party member, but the thought of not less than the quality of party members; As regards health status, not aerobics, but health is definitely a first-class. Their immune systems strong. University during the last one hospital, it took about three drugs. Represents past performance, in addition to the technical aspects needs to be added in the outside. Especially in the practice should step up their study. While in school there is the practice of setting up classes, but it is certainly not enough, but there is a certain distance and the actual. Therefore, I would like to participate in the work of training their own hands the ability to combine theory and practice to gain insight and understanding to help better use of the future. I would like your company to take greater account of the material. Been looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks! Sincerely, Salute 英语教师求职自荐信范文 篇4Dear Sir/Madam: Hello! I am a student of preschool education major of x teachers college. I am about to graduate. Thank you for your busy schedule to read my letter of application. University for four years, in the teacher's strict guidance and personal efforts, I have a solid foundation of professional knowledge, master of system of the relevant theory of the psychology of children, the preschool education management, the scientific education of pre school children "," logic ", the interest hobby is widespread, in basketball, musical instruments, writing has certain expertise; can skilled operate computer applications and office software. At the same time, I used the spare time to learn certain electrical technology, electrical repair foundation. In addition, I also actively participate in various social activities, to seize every opportunity to improve their own. University for four years, I deeply feel, the strength of the team is great, is also a must, I love your company's work, like the atmosphere here, the earnest hope that under your leadership, under a cooperative efforts of staff, for the glorious cause of building blocks. I am optimistic, confident, self-motivated, broad loving, able to handle interpersonal relationships, have the expertise in coordination and communication, and have a strong sense of responsibility and mission. Now, I am about to graduate, in the face of new life choices and challenges, I am full of confidence. During the school, I actively participated in various activities organized by the school, the school was rated as outstanding members and other awards. In the study aspect, I am earnest, the result is excellent. And make full use of spare time, broaden the horizon of knowledge, improve the knowledge structure. And in the increasingly fierce competition today, I firmly believe that only the multi-level, all-round development, and skilled talents who master professional knowledge, to meet the needs of social development and the demand, so that it can be invincible. Internship period, to see their hard work and sweat in exchange for patients' recovery and smile, which is the best reward for me. Among the many job applicants, I'm not necessarily the best. But I still have confidence. Sincere pending the main, to be held by the monarch". I do not beg for trust, prefer action to seek trust. May your company give me a chance to work, to display their potential of space, I will do my best, to do my best, so that your satisfaction with the unit, so that customer satisfaction. Attached resume to the next page, regardless of whether you choose me, Respect leadership, I hope you can accept my sincere gratitude! 英语教师求职自荐信范文 篇5尊敬的领导: 您好!我欲申请贵校招聘的英语教师职位。首先真诚感谢您在百忙之中浏览者份自荐信。这里有一颗热情而赤诚的心渴望得到您的了解与帮助。 今年6月,我毕业于江西师范大学商务日语专业,在校期间参加了全国自学考试,考取江西师范大学英语教育专业(本科)且顺利通过了考试,虽说在校期间学的是商务日语专业,但这并不影响我在英语方面的努力。在英语学习方面,现已通过英语能力六级。为适应时代人才要求,同时我自学并掌握同时自学掌握了现代办公自动化,能自如运用多煤体演示课件。 在学习之余,我还做了多份家教,通过交流,使我更加了解学生的心理活动。也与学生进行了不见面的坦诚的网上交流,对以后加强对学生有针对性的教育创造了条件、奠定了基础。鉴于毕业于江西省历史最悠久的师范类大学——江西师范大学的良好教育和我教学实践经历,我相信自己能够从事好英语教学和班主任工作。如果您给我一个发展的机会,我会以饱满的工作热情、勤奋务实的工作作风、快速高效的.工作效率回报贵校。 手捧菲薄求职之书,心怀自信诚挚之念,我期待着能成为贵校的一名英语教员! 如有机会与您面谈我将十分感谢。 最后,衷心祝愿贵校事业发达,蒸蒸日上! 此致 敬礼! 自荐人: 20xx年xx月xx日 英语教师求职自荐信范文 篇6尊敬的领导: 您好!感谢您能在百忙之中垂阅我的求职材料! 我叫,女,生于1981年,是河南大学外国语学院20xx级研究生,专业是外国语言学及应用语言学,研究方向是外语应用学。20xx-20xx年我在湖北理工大学完成本科学业,然后考上河南大学外国语学院研究生,继续学习深造至今。漫长的学习过程不仅使我积累了丰富的专业知识,更使我对英语产生了浓厚的兴趣。毕业以后,当一名英语教师从而能够更好地与别人分享和交流我的所学所获,并发展自己的兴趣,一直是我的追求。因此我对贵单位提供的英语教师职位非常感兴趣。 大学阶段,精英云集。不甘落后的我从来不敢放松对自己的要求,并在专业知识上追求至善至美。这些努力使我在大二顺利通过专业四级和大学英语六级,在大四顺利通过专业八级,并在毕业当年以优异的成绩考上河南大学英语专业的研究生,而且获得了国家公费培养的资格。此外还通过国家计算机等级考试(三级)。在本科阶段,我多次获得奖学金,并获得“三好学生”的荣誉称号。 做自己喜欢做的事,喜欢自己所做的事一直是我的座右铭。研究生三年,在专业上我又有了很大提高,不仅完善了自己的专业知识,同时,也从老师那里获得了做学术研究的方法。大学一结束,我就开始了研究生的学习,使得我没有足够的时间来实践自己的知识。但我深知实践的重要性,从上研究生开始,我就在黄河水利职业技术学院担任兼职老师。长时间的兼职使我从中获得了很多乐趣并且积累了很多教学经验。 “长风破浪终有时,只挂云帆济沧海。”久闻贵单位贤才,唯才是举,我真诚地希望能够加入贵单位。真诚希望给我一次机会,我会以勤奋热情的工作实现自己的价值,为贵单位的发展做出自己的绵薄之功! 伫候佳音!祝贵单位事业蒸蒸日上! 此致 敬礼! 自荐人: 英语教师求职自荐信范文 篇7尊敬的领导: 您好! 我是师范大学外语学院英语系xx级的一名学生,经过四年的学习和锻炼,我将于明年7月完成大学学业,真正步入社会,开始人生路上的新一段征程。 三年多来,在校领导和老师的引导下,我努力学好专业知识,训练专业技能,专业水平每一年都有明显提高,大二时以良好的成绩通过了英语专业四级考试,并将于明年年初参加专业八级考试。在基本能够运用英语自如地进行听、说、读、写的基础上,我涉猎了语言学、英美文学和英美概况,调整知识结构的同时,扩充了视野。 深知21世纪对人民教师提出了更严峻的挑战,我在学习国内外有影响力的教育理论的同时,特别注重实践能力的培养,除了积极参加系、院和校的活动外,我热情地投入到社会实践中去,通过做家教和作兼职教师工作,得以把理论应用于实践,并根据学生特点,总结和发展适宜的教学方法,积累了初步的教学经验,这一切使我能在今年的教育实习中发挥特长,出色地完成实习任务,获得优异成绩。 四年的大学生活教我学会了冷静、坚忍不拔,使我能在人生的坐标上找寻适合自己的位置并不断修整自我,更让我深刻认识到人要用心地去做每一件事,认真、踏实地面对人生的每一步。所以我诚挚地希望加入你们这支优秀的、富有生命力的群体,在大家的指导和帮助下,共同携手,在人生的道路上不断进取! 祝贵校事业蒸蒸日上! 此致 敬礼 英语教师求职自荐信范文 篇8尊敬的领导: 您好! 我是师范大学外语学院英语系xx级的一名学生,经过四年的学习和锻炼,我将于明年7月完成大学学业,真正步入社会,开始人生路上的新一段征程。 三年多来,在校领导和老师的引导下,我努力学好专业知识,训练专业技能,专业水平每一年都有明显提高,大二时以良好的成绩通过了英语专业四级考试,并将于明年年初参加专业八级考试。在基本能够运用英语自如地进行听、说、读、写的基础上,我涉猎了语言学、英美文学和英美概况,调整知识结构的同时,扩充了视野。 深知21世纪对人民教师提出了更严峻的挑战,我在学习国内外有影响力的教育理论的同时,特别注重实践能力的培养,除了积极参加系、院和校的活动外,我热情地投入到社会实践中去,通过做家教和作兼职教师工作,得以把理论应用于实践,并根据学生特点,总结和发展适宜的教学方法,积累了初步的教学经验,这一切使我能在今年的教育实习中发挥特长,出色地完成实习任务,获得优异成绩。 四年的大学生活教我学会了冷静、坚忍不拔,使我能在人生的坐标上找寻适合自己的位置并不断修整自我,更让我深刻认识到人要用心地去做每一件事,认真、踏实地面对人生的每一步。所以我诚挚地希望加入你们这支优秀的、富有生命力的群体,在大家的指导和帮助下,共同携手,在人生的道路上不断进取! 祝贵校事业蒸蒸日上! 此致 敬礼! 自荐人: x年xx月xx日 |
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