标题 | 意大利签证收入证明 |
范文 | 意大利签证收入证明(精选8篇) 意大利签证收入证明 篇1I hereby certify that Mr. / ms (married unmarried) is a part-time employee of my unit, who is now in the position of my unit and the title; I have been working in my unit for years. Its total monthly income is RMB million (lower case). Id number is:. I am legally responsible for the authenticity of the information provided above. Hereby certify. Address: Personnel and labor department contact: Contact number: Chapter cover: Date: 意大利签证收入证明 篇2Certificate of Employment and Income May 17, 20xx This is to certify that , male, born on March 29 1956, has been working in China Pingmei(转 载于: 书业网) Shenma (Group) for 24 years. His current position is political assistant. Mr. Liu’s annual income (after tax) of the last three is as follows: In 20xx, his annual income (after tax) is RMB 103,800.00. In 20xx, his annual income (after tax) is RMB 87,700.00. From January 20xx to May 20xx, his income (after tax) is RMB 30,500.00. His annual income includes salary, rewards, and year-end bonus. (His personal income tax is deducted by the company) Chapter cover: 意大利签证收入证明 篇3My company ( company) employee , id number: , in our company years, in department manager (position), annual income is RMB yuan. Hereby certify! Chapter cover: Date: 意大利签证收入证明 篇4This is to certify that... is my company employees, in the department of _____ _____ position, visa sample proof of earnings. So far, the total income of the year is about __________ yuan. Hereby certify. This certificate is only used to prove the work of our employees and the salary of our company, not as a guarantee document for any situation of the employee in our company. Chapter cover: Date: 意大利签证收入证明 篇5兹证明_________为本单位职工,已连续在我单位工作____年,学历为__________毕业,目前在我单位担任________职务。近一年内该职工在我单位平均年/月收入为(税后) _______元,(大写:_______万______仟______佰______拾______元整)。 特此证明 单位名称_______ _______年_______月_______日 个人收入证明的内涵 : 包括工资(一般指年收入总额)、养老保险缴费复印件、自有房产证明、私家车辆证明、大额定期存折复印件、外汇、债券、黄金有价证券帐户、大额人寿养老分红保单等。 注意事项 第一:开收入证明要注意必须的格式。 第二:开收入证明必须要盖“鲜章”,也就是收入证明复印是无效的。 第三:盖的章必须是单位的财务章或则是单位的公章。而且必须是圆章。 意大利签证收入证明 篇6兹证明有 为我单位员工,性别 ,生于 年 月 日,自 年 月迄今在我单位工作,职务 ,月收入 ,我单位同意该同志持因私护照前往韩国旅游。在韩期间依从韩国法律、不脱团活动、旅游结束后按期回国,在其赴韩期间为其保留职。如有滞留不归现象,本公司愿意承担由此产生的法律和经济责任。 单位电话: 家庭电话: 个人手机: 单位名称:(盖章) 领导签字:(职务) 年 月 日 意大利签证收入证明 篇7兹证明 (先生/女士)证件名称及号码 系本单位 (1.正式工、2.合约工、3.临时工),已连续在本单位工作 年,目前在本单位担任 职务。目前该职工的最高学历为 ,近一年内该职工的平均月收入(税后)为 元人民币。 本单位承诺提供的以上情况真实,如因上述情况与事实不符而导致贵行经济损失,愿承担相应责任。 单位地址: 联系人: 联系电话: 年 X 月 X 日 意大利签证收入证明 篇8__________驻上海总领事馆签证处: __________先生/女士/小姐在我公司_________部门任________职务,自_______年起就在我公司任职,至今已有_____年。现______先生/女士/小姐决定_______年______月前往________旅游,他/她将在_________停留___天。在________先生/女士/小姐团队旅行期间一切费用包括全程机票,住宿,一日三餐,健康保险等由其自行承担。我公司保留其职务到回国后。 __________先生/女士/小姐的月薪为RMB__________ /月。 申请人单位: 领导签字,公司公章: 联系电话: |
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