初中请假条事例(通用3篇) 初中请假条事例 篇1 王老师: 今天因奶奶病重,我随爸妈一起去探望,要求请假一天。 此致 敬礼! 学生:李彬彬 年月日 初中请假条事例 篇2 李老师: 我因病请假两天,但仍未痊愈,还不能上学,需要继续治疗,只好再续假两天,望能批准。 此致 敬礼! 学生:杨帆 年月日 初中请假条事例 篇3 Ask for Leave my dear teacher, I don't feel well.i think i must be ill.so i want to ask a day off.even though i come to school,i can't pay attention to the books,because i am really uncomfutable.so please allow my apply.it will be better for me.thank you