标题 | 学术会议英文邀请函 |
范文 | 学术会议英文邀请函十二篇 学术会议英文邀请函 篇1Mr Lu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Luoyu Road Hubei March 21, 20xx Wilson Wang School of Public Administration Peking University 102 Boai Road Beijing 100080 Dear Wilson Wang: I have received your letter dated March 20, 20xx,inviting me to attend the Academic Contbrence on Land institution Reform and Innovation during Urbanization to be held in Peking University in Beijing April 1-3, 20xx.Thankyou for your invitation. I am pleased to accept your invitation and attend the Contbrence on time. Yours sincerely,
学术会议英文邀请函 篇2April 10,20xx DearProf.He Yu, The Academic Conference on Bfifsh a nd American Literature sponsored by Beijing University will be held in Beijing on 2nd july 20xx.We take great Pleasure in inviting you to attend the conference.We will Pay your hotel accommodation a nd meMs,but youwill be responsable fOryourairfare. If you have any paper o r topies on which you would like to give talks,please inform us as soon as possible for the program is being finalized soon. PLease confirm your participation at you earliest convenience. With kind regards. Yours Sincerely, Zhao Yan Convener & Secretary [译文] 亲爱的何雨教授: 您好!我们定于20xx年7月2日在北京大学举行英美文学学术会议,想邀请您届时参加。 会议免费安排食宿,往返机票自理。 如果您有要宣读的论文或要发言的论题,请尽早来函告知,以便会议安排。 希望您届时光临。请尽快来函确认。 祝一切顺利! 会议召集人:赵研秘书长 20xx年4月10日 学术会议英文邀请函 篇3Mr Lu Huazhong University of Science and Technology Luoyu Road Hubei March 21, 20xx Wilson Wang School of Public Administration Peking University 102 Boai Road Beijing 100080 Dear Wilson Wang: I have received your letter dated March 20, 20xx,inviting me to attend the Academic Contbrence on Land institution Reform and Innovation during Urbanization to be held in Peking University in Beijing April 1-3, 20xx.Thankyou for your invitation. I am pleased to accept your invitation and attend the Contbrence on time. Yours sincerely, 学术会议英文邀请函 篇4Dear , On behalf of the , I would be very pleased to invite you to attend a conference of the forthcoming 1st Opportunity and Challenge to be held in University, China, from December 19 to December 30, 20xx. As we all know, Google is one of the top corporations around the world in Computer Science, and the biggest Internet search service provider. At the same time, Google’s products are also famous and popular in Music, Society Network, and Smartphone Operating System et al. You are an internationally acclaimed scholar and businessman assuredly. Your research on distributed software service and parallel computation is widely used in Computer Science. Your participation will be among the highlights of the conference. We sincerely hope that you could accept our invitation. As you know, this is the 1st held of OCCSG and we plan to make it a truly international meeting. We have accepted many papers from several disciplines. If you can come, please let us know as soon as possible, since wehave to prepare the final program soon. We are looking forward to your acceptance. Sincerely yours,
学术会议英文邀请函 篇5Dear Ms Wang: I have the great pleasure, on behalf of the International Conference on Medical Biometrics organization, of inviting you to contribute to the symposium on Medical device technologies, Medical data processing and management, Medical Pattern Recognition, Medical biometric systems and applications to be held in Shenzhen, between 30th May and 1th June 20xx. We would like to invite you to submit a manuscript to the International Conference on Medical imaging devices, Medical information retrieval, Biometric technologies, Feature matching and classification, Computer-aided diagnosis and Other applications. The idea is to present originally contributed research, review, and short communication articles in the field of Medical Biometrics. Deadline for submissions would be April 3, 20xx. Kindly submit your manuscripts as an E-mail attachment at .写作模板 I will be looking forward to your favorable reply. Sincerely yours, Guangming Lu 学术会议英文邀请函 篇6xx同学: 您好! 我是x年世界园艺博览会“(世园),让我们走在一起”两岸学生使者交流活动组委会的工作人员,周为老师推荐说贵校学生才华横溢,积极优秀,因此组委会衷心邀请您和贵校学生参与此次两岸学生使者交流活动,让贵校的学生们能够代表贵校及贵地区同来自全国和世界各地的.青年学子们进行交流,传播两岸情谊。 本活动是x年西安世界园艺博览会(简称世园会)为传递世园会“天人长安,创意自然”、“城市与自然和谐共生”等核心理念,将“绿色引领时尚”精神推广至青年学子,将“绿色、低碳、环保”理念进一步推广给学生们而组织开展的。 参与形式非常简单,同学们只要登录活动官网上传作品,即有机会成为两岸交流使者,世园会将提供交流的全额经费支持,让大学生能利用此平台去中国台湾、访西安,与全国及国际留学生们交流。活动不限制参与学生背景,并鼓励所有学生能通过网站参与活动。 网站针对学生,分为时尚好玩个性化的三个板块:花语祝福,花与生活,花于潮流,任选一种参与即可。参与方式活动快速简单,三分钟内便能完成。这是一个发挥创意,展示当代大学生才华的平台。参加活动不仅有机会获得两岸交流,其作品还有机会收录入科学松鼠会与头脑风暴主持人袁岳先生明年将出版的《身边的植物》一书,优秀T-shirt作品更将成为两岸交流使者的统一服装。 非常希望您能参与到我们的活动中来,同时也希望能帮忙在贵社团及学校对本次活动给予支持,在学生中对“是缘(世园)让我们走到一起”两岸学生使者交流活动进行宣传,鼓励更多学生参与。本次活动介绍请见附件,如需要宣传海报或纪念品,欢迎随时联系活动组委会。 博览会 x年11月 学术会议英文邀请函 篇7dear ms wang: i have the great pleasure, on behalf of the international conference onmedical biometrics orga nization, of inviting you to contribute to the symposiumon medical device technologies, medical data processing and management, medicalpattern recognition, medical biometric systems and applications to be held inshenzhen, between 30th may and 1th june 20xx. we would like to invite you to submit a manuscript to the internationalconference on medical imaging devices, medical information retrieval, biometrictechnologies, feature matching and classification, computer-aided diagnosis andother applications. the idea is to present originally contributed research,review, and short communication articles in the field of medical biometrics.deadline for submissions would be april 3, 20xx. kindly submit your manuscriptsas an e-mail attachment at . i will be looking forward to your favorable reply. sincerely yours, guangming lu 20xx-01-02 学术会议英文邀请函 篇8尊敬的各位专家和老师: 第一届“岩土多场耦合理论及应用国际学术会议”由刘建军教授发起,于20xx年在石油大学承办,第二届由东北石油大学于20xx年承办,第三届由三峡大学于20xx年承办,三届盛会为研究“岩土多场耦合理论及相关应用领域”的国内外专家提供了一个自由交流的平台,起到了很好的效果。 在各位同仁的共同努力下第四届“岩土多场耦合理论及应用国际学术会议”将于20xx年4月XX日—15日在美丽的舟山群岛举办,将由浙江海洋学院承办。舟山群岛新区是我国第四个国家级新区,著名的佛教圣地普陀山就位于此地,每年的四、五月份是气候最适宜的季节,海天佛国期待着贵客的光临! 作为承办会议的执行主席,我真诚的邀请各位专家和老师,希望明年4月相聚舟山,共同交流和探讨两年来“岩土多场耦合理论及相关应用”领域的新进展和新发现,为力学学科的发展,为国家的能源开发、岩土工程与安全等经济建设问题做出我们的贡献。 20xx——相聚舟山! 邀请人: 学术会议英文邀请函 篇9“首届乡村振兴与土地制度深化改革学术研讨会”邀请函 各位律师: “首届乡村振兴与土地制度深化改革学术研讨会”定于20xx年5月25日在西安财经大学翠华西校区召开,现将相关事项通知如下: 会议名称 首届乡村振兴与土地制度深化改革学术研讨会 举办单位 主办:西安财经大学法学院、陕西省律协三农法律事务专业委员会 协办:西北大学法学院、陕西至正律师事务所 时间地点 时间:20xx年5月25日,会期一天。 地点:西安财经大学法学院模拟法庭(翠华南路44号图书馆5楼) 研讨主题 乡村振兴与土地制度深化改革,设以下议题: 1.乡村振兴与土地制度深化改革的基本理论; 2.乡村振兴与土地制度深化改革的实践考察; 3.乡村振兴、土地制度改革与集体经济有效实现; 4.乡村振兴、土地制度改革与农民财产权利保障; 5.土地承包经营权“三权分置”改革法律问题; 6.宅基地“三权分置”改革法律问题; 7.集体建设用地流转改革法律问题; 8.乡村振兴与土地制度深化改革其他问题。 论文征集 学术会议英文邀请函 篇10尊敬的x医生: 在这春暖花开的美好季节,xx医院xx科教育项目将在xx年xx月xx日隆重开课。届时将有国内一流的专家亲临授课,同时也有中医届xx科专家分享xx科疑难病的`中西医结合治疗的丰富经验及病例分享环节。此次学术会议内容丰富,届时欢迎各位xx科同仁光临xx科学院xx科医院会议中心,分享课程盛宴。 手术在xx学院xx科医院落户,意味着手术的中西医完美结合将在这里开始,实是xx科界的一大喜事。 时间:xx年xx月xx日(星期) 地点:xx学院xx科医院,
20xx年xx月xx日 学术会议英文邀请函 篇11亲爱的何雨教授: 您好! 我们定于20xx年12月2日在北京大学举行英美文学学术会议,想邀请您届时参加。会议免费安排食宿,往返机票自理。如果您有要宣读的论文或要发言的论题,请尽早来函告知,以便会议安排。 希望您届时光临。请尽快来函确认。 祝一切顺利! 会议召集人:赵研秘书长 20xx年X月X日 学术会议英文邀请函 篇12亲爱的____ 您好! 所致有声有痰之症。引起咳嗽的疾病有上呼吸道感染、肺炎、支气管炎等等,往往久治不能痊愈。 对于儿科常见引起咳嗽咳痰的疾病,中医在临床又是如何进行中西医的结合治疗呢?现特邀请您来参加,期盼您的参与! 邀请人: 日期: |
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