标题 | 毕业晚会邀请函英语 |
范文 | 毕业晚会邀请函英语(精选3篇) 毕业晚会邀请函英语 篇1Dear Teachers: We want to invite you to take part in our The Graduation Party tonight. We‘ll do some food for you.Such like ... and so on. We‘ll communicate with each others,and will leave out ours current information. We’ll hold this party in //xWhere// at //xWhen//.We hope you can join in us. Finally send our love to you.Looking forward to your visiting. Sincerely Your students 毕业晚会邀请函英语 篇2dear friend: in order to honor our friendship, i want to hold a graduate part at my house after our graduation ceremony on sunday june 27 at about 4:00p.m , please be in time . i"m looking forward to seeing you ! I am writing an invitation to you to join the banquet we host for you.All of my classmates feel it a great honor to have been yours tudents in the past three years. Thanks to your patience and devotion, we benefited a lot from your class. Time flies. Now, it's time to say goodbye. Despite the near departing, we would like to invite you to have dinner with us in Jinyuan at 6 o’clock on July 18th in order to express our gratitude to you. All of us are looking forward to this banquet with your presence. Please do come. Best regards. 毕业晚会邀请函英语 篇3尊敬的家长朋友们: 7月2日(星期六)下午两点,我校将在广州岗顶总统大酒店举行20--届学前班毕业典礼。我校师生诚意邀请您及家人参加这个快乐的聚会,共同见证这一光辉、难忘的时刻,为孩子们送上诚挚的祝福!您的到来,会让这个典礼更加快乐!感谢您一直来对我们的信任和关注! 温馨提示:请家长朋友们提前半个小时到场!谢谢!毕业晚会邀请函3 尊敬的家长朋友: 您好!幼儿园是孩子们在人生中的第一个毕业季,也是孩子成长中最重要的一个转折点。为了给孩子童年留下一份珍贵美好的回忆。我园定于20--年7月23日上午9:00举行以我们毕业了为主题的学前班毕业典礼。敬请全园家长来参加学前班的毕业典礼,一同见证孩子们的成长与快乐。现将有关事项通知如下: 一、活动地点:小学球场 二、活动时间:20--年7月23日(星期三)上午9:00 三、活动内容:观看幼儿表演 ---幼儿园 |
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