标题 | 给父母道歉信英文 |
范文 | 给父母道歉信英文(通用3篇) 给父母道歉信英文 篇1Dear Mr. Li It has been brought to my attention that upon checking in at China World Hotel on Jun 2, 1999 Your experience was one of difficulty. I would like to express my sincere apologies for the poor attitude of our receptionist when she advised you of the error in your reservation. there is simply no excuse in her behavior as I assure you that the necessary action gas been taken to rectify the lack of service you should have receive. Unfortunately there was an error in your reservation regarding your arrival date. I am unable to identify where the oversight originated through my investigation however I regret that you were inconvenienced. Mr. Li, I do hope that I can assure you that your negative experience was an isolated incident, I look forward to welcoming you back in very near future so that we can restore your confidence in the product and service of Shangri-La China World Hotel. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly in business or pleasure bring you back to Beijing. Sincerely, Alfred Zhugan 给父母道歉信英文 篇2Dad and Mom: I'm sorry. I'm sorry to contradict you again for such trifles as soup Please forgive my daughter's recent irritability and willfulness. I'm really tired and tired in senior three. I can only take my home as a place to vent. And you, as my close relatives, are naturally taken as the object of vent by me. Because I'm too clear and determined, no matter what, you won't leave me... So, my attitude is getting worse and worse Sorry, because I really can't control my emotions. My friend is right, I am an emotional person Mom and Dad, I'm really sorry. Please put up with me for 49 days As soon as the college entrance examination is over, I'll give back the good daughter to you Mom and dad. I'm really sorry! Sincerely
给父母道歉信英文 篇3亲爱的宝贝: 这是我母亲写给你的第一封信。虽然写信在今天看来是一件很遥远的事,但我妈觉得,笔和纸是最有表现力的东西。宝贝,你知道吗?在你出生的那一刻,第一次见到你的时候,我妈觉得自己是世界上最幸福的母亲,下定决心要做一个好妈妈,让你成为最好的孩子。 但是,三年前,因为爸爸妈妈太年轻,没有经验,甚至没有做好做父母的心理准备,粗心的妈妈在和你合群的时候错过了很多甜蜜的时光。我现在真的很对不起你,但是你现在很安全很健康。但是,现在我妈怀了弟弟或者妹妹,她更想补偿你,更愧疚...这也促使我妈决定写这封信给你,尽管你可能看不懂。 宝贝,对不起。当你为人所知时,你的心和你的心就应该和你联系在一起。 宝贝,对不起。我应该多想想你。担心自己挤,不要穿紧身的衣服来夸;担心你想我,多花点时间和你耳语;担心自己颠簸,放慢疾走的步伐;担心自己怕噪音,远离嘈杂的娱乐场所。 宝贝,对不起。我应该享受我们结合的甜蜜时光,计划我母亲的出生之旅。选择环境好的医院做产检,不用排队,不用担心有床,陪着公司等分娩,行动自如,换个姿势,自然温柔的迎接你的出生。 宝贝,对不起。如果我妈能成熟一点,多了解一些生育知识,我希望你出生的时候,以后让医生给你剪断脐带,多给你送点血。现在我妈知道了,这部分血液会充分灌注到你的肺、肝、肾里面,心肺之间过渡顺畅,有利于储铁。你出生的时候,脐带断得那么快那么简单。我妈担心马上剪断你的脐带会影响你以后的生长发育。你知道,胎儿血液中干细胞的浓度比生命中任何时候都高。但立即切断脐带会增加缺铁性贫血的风险。妈妈,我真的很抱歉。以后我会更细心的照顾你的饮食和日常生活,保证你能健康成长。 宝贝,对不起。如果我妈能学到更多,我希望你出生的时候,我是第一个把你抱在怀里的人。给你温暖,给你安全感,增加你的免疫力,为你伟大的身体打下基础。 宝贝,对不起。妈妈不应该这么早剥夺你母乳的权利。我妈是个爱美的`人。为了保持身材好,我妈早早给你准备了进口奶粉。现在想想,我妈觉得愧疚。而你瘦瘦的样子,挑事的习惯,很可能就是这个原因造成的。 妈妈有太多的话要对你说,有太多的愧疚要弥补,但好在你是个懂事的小心肝,还爱粘着我。 现在,你会成为一个懂事的大哥。我想说,你的妹妹或者弟弟比你幸运,因为TA会出生在圣玛丽亚,弥补妈妈和你所有的遗憾,把妈妈所有的希望变成现实,妈妈所有的担心都会变成一种“多余”。我相信你也会很开心的。我们一起等待,敬礼TA加入我们的大家庭! 宝贝,爱你! 此致 敬礼!
20xx年x月x日 |
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