标题 | 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 |
范文 | 精选英文感谢信范文汇总(精选33篇) 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇1Dear Miss Wang, Im writing this letter to appreciate your help in my english. My english is not very good and I lose my interest in learning it. However, since you taught us, my english has been better and better. In your class, we can tell stories,sing songs, play games and do many funny things. I like your class very much and I am interested in english again now. Thanks for your help. Best wishes. Faithfullyyours 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇2当我生病的时候非常感谢你来看望我并照顾我,让我感觉好温暖,在你的关心陪伴下,我的病也好了很多。 因为生病,我落下了很多功课,因此,每个周末你都会来我家帮我补习,因为你的帮忙,我落下的功课很快就补回来了,真的非常感谢你! Dear Lily, Thank you so much for coming to visit me and taking care of me while I was sick. It made me feel so warm inside. My health has improved a lot with your care and comfort. I had also fallen behind on my sutdies because of the sickness, that's why you came over every weekend to help me catch up. Hence I had quickly made up all that has fallen behind. For that I am also very grateful. 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇3亲爱的英语老师: 你好,我们之间已经有六年的时间没有相见了。回想起来当初刚进入初中校园的我还是那么的年轻充满朝气,现在我也已经即将从大学的校园走向社会了。我一直以来都想要向您表达我的感谢之情,感谢你培养了我对学习英语的兴趣。可是初中毕业之后就听到其他的朋友说你已经转到另外一所学校教学了,之后更是失去了与你有关的消息。但是前不久和一位儿时的伙伴闲聊时说起了你,他告诉我你现在所在学校的地址。这一刻我无法忍受自己的感谢之情,终于提起笔为你写下了这一份感谢信。其实我一开始学习英语的时候是比较努力认真的,但是和当时小学的一位英语老师有很大的关系。 因为那个英语老师在课上的时候比较严厉,那个时候我的脾气比较温顺甚至可以说是胆小,经过被他几次说教之后,我对英语的学习热情远远比不上其他的几门功课。一段时间之后,我的英语成绩已经提不上来了,而且似乎对英语产生了厌恶感。自那以后,我的英语成绩始终都在及格线上下徘徊,没有取得过优秀的成绩。这种情况一直到你成为我的英语老师为止,但是你刚成为我们的英语老师就在课堂上随机检查了几位同学的英语水平。我很不幸地成为了第一批的其中一名,而且因为我奇差的`英语成绩也让你记忆犹新。自打那以后你似乎对我格外上心,不仅考试的时候在我的身边看我的试卷,而且在课堂的时候也总是时不时提起我问问题。我甚至在你任教的这一段时间内都不敢在你的课堂上走神,生怕你突然提问我一些问题。 后来我的英语成绩在你的培养下逐渐提高了起来,而且你也经常把我叫到办公室里面帮我辅助英语。你注意到我的英语并没有兴趣,所以一开始你就培养我的英语的兴趣。也正因为培养了浓厚的学习兴趣,我的英语成绩才突飞猛涨起来。我现在非常感谢您当年对我的培育,最后祝你身体健康,万事如意。 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇4敬爱的红星中学校领导和各位老师: 我们向贵校在我组实习期间给予的关怀与支持表示衷心的感谢。 自从踏入红星中学的第一天起,这所花园式的示范高中便给我们留下了深刻的印象,校领导的提携和呵护,指导老师的关怀和帮助,这一切都让我们忘记了第一次登上讲台的紧张和不安,而是激动和兴奋。 学校的各项优秀的软硬件设施,人文化的教学环境.总之,红星中学为我们本届实习生带来了最便利的条件,给了我们最大的实习支持。 红星中学优秀老师的高素质的教学水平和严谨的教学态度给我们很大的影响,尤其我们是第一届大三便实习的学生,所以在教学方面可能存在着很多的不足,而我们的指导老师及班主任在我们每堂课结束以后,都会和我们一起分析课堂教学过程中的得与失,帮助我们发现自己的'长处与缺点,以便我们积累经验,为日后的教学做下了最有力的铺垫,打好了最坚实的基础。 在班级管理方面,班主任给予我们极大的支持,让我们很快的融入班级,并支持我们开展主题班会等一系列活动,让我们受益匪浅。 最后,本组全体实习生除向贵校致以诚挚的感谢之外,也祝红星中学越办越好,我们由衷祝愿这样一个高素质的、积极向上、热情勃发的学校会有更为辉煌的明天。 安徽师范 大学17中文实习小组 20xx年6月13日 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇5尊敬的某教育局和实习学校各位领导、老师及全体同学们: 你们好! 首先请接受我们深深的敬意和诚挚的谢意! 我们是河北师范大学第六期顶岗实习支教工程某实习分队的58名师生,当某到处还是银装素裹,天地间一片冰清玉洁,瑞雪为远道而来的我们奉上一片圣洁的时候,我们从滹沱河畔的河北师大来到了漳河岸边的邺城某。“入乎其内,故有生气;出乎其外,故有高致”,初来时,我们就呼吸到了美丽邺城之清香,感受到了邺都名校之灵气、之深沉、之韵味。 自从20xx年2月24日来到某担任实习教师以来,短短的四个月里,我们参与了顶岗支教的各项工作,局领导关心我们的生活、校领导大力支持我们的实习工作,老师们热情指导我们的教学工作,我们深深地感受到了各级部门领导和指导老师温暖和教诲。 感谢教育局领导为我们提供了优越的后勤保障条件,你们为了丰富我们的业余生活、特地为我们购买了一台29寸彩电,并安装了有线电视。 为了使我们能够很好的锻炼身体,有更加充沛的精力为某的教育工作做贡献,特地为学生购买了崭新的双鱼牌乒乓球台。为了大家能随时喝到热水保重身体,特地给我们买了一个大保温桶。夏天还没到,电扇早已安好,门帘已装上,教育局还给每位同学发了生活补助等等,李局长的深夜慰问、刘局长和闫股长的“座谈家访”及各位校长的嘘寒问暖等等 领导的厚爱,第六期的顶岗师生不会忘记。 感谢实习学校领导为我们提供了优越的实习条件。校领导大力支持我们的实习工作,老师们热情指导我们的教学工作,并为我们提供了发展自我、展示自我的平台。我们一到学校便根据所学专业分配到了各教研组,并指定了指导教师,分配了任教班级,为我们日后实习工作的顺利进行提供了可靠保障。这些工作使大家深受鼓舞,并感到了自食其力的成就感和体现自身价值的满足感。 感谢指导教师对我们悉心关怀和精心指导,在实习的这段时间里,我们真切地感受到了某校园里的无限活力和蓬勃朝气。你们先进的教学理念和管理方式无疑给我们这些即将步入教师工作岗位的实习生以思想上的洗礼。最让我们敬佩的,是教师刻苦的工作作风,严谨的治学态度,精湛的教学技艺,崇高的敬业精神和博大的爱生心怀。在老师们的身上,我们学到了许多宝贵的经验和书本上没有的知识,这些都让我们实习生受益匪浅。 大学生暑期实习报告&调查报告专题 实习证明 金融专业 法律专业 土木工程专业 机电专业 一天中,在与可爱的孩子们相处的每一天中,我们巩固了所学的基础理论、专业知识和基本技能,获得了有关中学教育、教学工作的知识,培养了教育和教学上独立工作及与人合作的能力,认识了人民教师的光荣职责,树立了忠诚人民教育事业的思想。 “阳光普照,园丁心坎春意浓;甘雨滋润,桃李枝头蓓蕾红。”尊敬的各位领导、亲爱的老师,是你们的平易近人消释了我们初来乍到的窘迫;是你们的言传身教揭开了我们迷惘的浓雾;是你们的.身体力行树立起我们前行的灯塔!你们的悉心指导让我们明白了“师者,教之以事而喻诸德也”的道理;体会到“走上三尺讲台,教书育人;走下三尺讲台,为人师表”的师道理念;深悟到“愿将心血化春雨,随风潜入育桃李”的教育精魂。 这是我们踏入社会的第一个脚印,在这条充满挑战的道路上,是老师们手把手带我们走过。当我们即将离开他们的扶持,独自面对人生时,少了一份稚气,多了几许沉稳。深情回望,送上我们最诚挚的感谢与祝福。这里是一个大舞台,给我们创造了一个充分展现自己的空间,也让我们在这个舞台上认识到了自己的优点和不足,无论将来我们从事何种职业,这段宝贵的经历都值得我们一生珍藏。 几个月的顶岗工作,忙碌而充实、艰苦而快乐,这段时光丰富了我们的人生历程,是我们人生的一笔宝贵财富。在这里顶岗支教,虽然苦过、累过,但是我们无悔;在这里顶岗支教,我们已经深深地爱上这一方美丽校园,多少心血和汗水在这里播洒,多少能力和情感在这里成熟。顶岗实习生活将是我们大学生活中最真实,最难忘,最有意义的生活。这里,我们真正地展现自我,释放自我,顶岗支教的舞台上挥洒了我们的火一样青春。最年轻的岁月里,我们用青春的热情去跨越 群鸿飞四海,爱心留某。如今,我们满载而归,寥寥数语,难以表达我们临行前的离别之情和感激之心。春华秋实,落叶不会忘记根的情怀;万涓成水,小溪终将汇流成河。我们会永远铭记某给予我们的园丁情怀和教育薪火。再次感谢各位领导和全体师生给予我们的关怀和支持,也衷心祝愿某各个中学桃李满天下,硕果结华章! 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇6尊敬的校领导、老师们: 在这秋风送爽,硕果累累的十一月,我们的实习生活即将结束,在此我们谨向惠阳区秋长中学的领导及老师们表示衷心的感谢和崇高的敬意! 八周的实习生活短暂而难忘,领导的丝丝关怀、老师的一言一行,都已深深地刻在我们的脑海中。 实习期间,各位指导老师更是给予了我们全方位的指导和无私的帮助,并深入到我们的教学活动之中,从备课到讲评各个环节、各个步骤都渗透着他们的辛勤汗水;在班主任工作实习中,各位指导老师给我们提出许多宝贵的意见,这些都将使我们终身受用。 贵校领导及各位指导老师刻苦的工作作风,严谨的教学风格,精湛的教学技艺,崇高的敬业精神和博大的爱生心怀更是为我们展现了作为一名合格、称职的人民教师所必须具备的素质与精神,这也是我们今后努力的方向。 最后,让我们真诚地道一声谢谢,感谢贵校给予我们的支持与指导。 在此诚挚的祝福贵校的教育事业蒸蒸日上! 祝愿贵校领导、老师们身体健康、工作顺利 此致 敬礼! 20xx年华南师范大学赴惠州市惠阳秋长中学实习队 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇7Dear Mr.Peter, I often think of you.How have you been recently? I'm Li Hua.I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for the money and books you sent me.I could not have returned to school without your help.Thank you so much. I have been working hard since I went back to school and great progress has been made in my studies with the help of my teachers who often encourage me. But for your help,I might have left school and couldn't have got such a cation.I have made up my mind to study harder and make greater progress so as to be a great person as you. I would like to meet you in person,but I haven't got an opportunity.Grateful for your generous help,I am looking forward to seeing you.Hope you getting on with your life and work. Yours Sincerely, Li Hua 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇8Dear Kelly, Ive been back home safely from England. Thank you for the warmly help during my stay in England. Last week, I participated on the Cultural Exchange Week. I enjoyed yourself in your country. We pay a visit to the city museum and some places of interest, which made me have a better understanding of the English society, culture or history. Of course, I also made many new friend. Whats more, I was lucky enough stay at your home. And Ill never forget the days we spent together. Here I especially thank you for the dictionary you offer me as a gift, that is of great help for me to learn English well. I will treasure and make the full use of it. Welcome to China when its convenience for you ! Yours, Li Hua 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇9dear dde, i would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude toyou for your very active participation in our recent conference in montreal onthe “future of aviation”. the chairman and board members have also asked me topass on their sincere appreciation for your efforts in supporting the institutein this important undertaking. your skill in chairing the controversial panel on “the role of developingcountries in the future of aviation management” was highly appreciated by thoserepresenting all sides of that extremely sensitive topic. as well, we havereceived numerous post-conference requests for the paper you delivered on “thecritical issue of cooperation between airlines and airports”. it appears thatyou my have penned a best-seller with that one! on both a professional and a personal level, i really appreciated the timethat the two of us were able to spend together for fun and reflection duringconference down times. i certainly learned a lot about the unique aspects ofaviation operation in your part of the world (not to mention the things youtaught me about the backhand on the squash court!) we are currently hard at work producing the “compendium of conferenceproceedings” document, and we expect to be sending it out to all participantsearly in the new year. again, thanks so much for your enthusiastic participation in ourconference. i have no doubt that it would not have been the success that it waswithout your presence. please keep in touch ,and drop in and visit us whenever you are in thispart of the world. yours sincerely peter 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇10Dear Doctor Liu, It is a great pleasure to ext my sincere thanks to you for your careful treatment and attance when I was in hospital this March. On that night, I got acute appicitis and was sent to your hospital by my roommates. Yet I was very lucky to have you, an experienced and skillful doctor, on duty. You immediately diagnosed my disease, hospitalized me and arranged a timely operation for me. In the following days you took good care of me and talked to me time to time to release my pain. It was all because of your attance and perfect professional skills that I could recover so soon. Therefore, thank you again and I wish I would have the chance to pay you back for all your kindness. Yours faithfully, 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇11Dear David, I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude toyou for your very active participation in our recent conference in Montreal onthe “future of aviation”. The chairman and board members have also asked me topass on their sincere appreciation for your efforts in supporting the institutein this important undertaking. Your skill in chairing the controversial panel on “the role of developingcountries in the future of aviation management” was highly appreciated by thoserepresenting all sides of that extremely sensitive topic. As well, we havereceived numerous post-conference requests for the paper you delivered on “thecritical issue of cooperation between airlines and airports”. It appears thatyou my have penned a best-seller with that one! On both a professional and a personal level, I really appreciated the timethat the two of us were able to spend together for fun and reflection duringconference down times. I certainly learned a lot about the unique aspects ofaviation operation in your part of the world (not to mention the things youtaught me about the backhand on the squash court!) We are currently hard at work producing the “compendium of conferenceproceedings” document, and we expect to be sending it out to all participantsearly in the new year. Again, thanks so much for your enthusiastic participation in ourconference. I have no doubt that it would not have been the success that it waswithout your presence. Please keep in touch ,and drop in and visit us whenever you are in thispart of the world. Very sincerely Peter Smithfield 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇12Dear , i will be very grateful if you can take several minutes to finish reading this email. i have been working in for over year since . i feel very thankful to you and hr of offering me this job. at the very beginning, i haven’t graduated. because my major is not related to the job, i am lack of the basic knowledge of . as a result, i bought a book which can help me have some basic understanding of my job. furthermore, i also finished reading the two books which lent me. they are very helpful to me and i can deal much more things recently on my own due to all the efforts i put into my study. the charm of this job is that it is full of challenges; nevertheless, i can always find some good solutions to solve the problems on my own or with the help of some more experienced colleagues. nowadays, the price in is higher than other cities in china. the high rent and transportation fees really give me a lot of pressure. to tell the truth, the current salary is not enough for my daily life. sometimes i have to ask my parents for some extra money. thanks and best regards sincerely 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇13dear professor liang, i am writing to extend my gratitude to you because with your help i am now astudent of chemistry department of sydney university. me to professor wells who works in the sydney university and also gave me carefuland patient instructions on how to fill the application forms and write the application letters. it is your ueserved help that enables me to obtain this splendid opportunity offurther education. for the following two years i will study hard to reciprocate your sincere help and expectations with excellent grades. yours truly, zhang ying 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇14亲爱的石老师: 您好! 提笔,满腹的话像潮水般涌上心头,不知道从何下笔。您给我们的印象最深,您的言行留下了我们最美好的回忆。 时光荏苒,不知不觉,老师您已陪我们度过了将近一年的时间,这这一年里,我们有对您说不出的感激。 来到大学的第一节课,便是您的英语课。在我们眼里,您和蔼可亲,没有严词厉行。上您的课,感觉没有任何压力和紧张。不仅学习课堂上,在课后,您对我们也是非常关心。每当我们遇到困难时,您总是想方设法来帮助我们,开导我们;当我们情绪低迷时,您会主动开解我们的纠结,您对我们的未来充满信心。 虽然老师您经常在上课时提到自己的孩子,在我们心里,您不仅是我们的英语老师,更像是一位伟大的'母亲。 上您的课,我挑不出任何毛病,您用您独特的教学方式给我们上每一节课,既幽默又生动。 在今后的日子里,我们一定会更加努力学习,用最优异的成绩来回报您的汗水,回报学校和社会。 “春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干“,您那春蚕般的精神然我们肃然起敬,谢谢您,老师。 千言万语,道不尽对您的感谢。 最后祝福老师: 身体健康,家庭幸福, 开心每一天。 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇15Dear John, I am writing to thank you for looking after me after that unfortunate accident the other day, when I was knocked off my bike by a taxi. If it had not been for your assistance in giving me first aid and taking me to a nearby hospital, I fear that the consequences might have been much more serious 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇16尊敬的曾校长: 您好! 泉州师院外国语学院20xx级英语教育专业在贵校的教育实习活动,如今离别的脚步越来越近,其实从握手相逢到挥手告别,仅仅短暂的五十六天。五十六天,在时间的长河中只是一瞬,但是对于我们,它是千金难买的宝贵光阴。“伯劳东去燕西飞”,此时此刻,深深的离情在激烈地冲击着我们的心扉。我们无法表达内心的激动,只能一千遍一万遍地向您表示衷心的.感谢。 时光荏苒,岁月如梭, 在实习期间,您对我们处处关怀,无微不至;您统筹兼顾,运筹帷幄,使我们实习顺利。您用汗水浇灌了贵校的辉煌,您用智慧设计了贵校的未来。班主任对我们也是无话不说,倾注了满腔的热情;情真意切传经验,一言一语值千金。指导老师们如坐春风的教学,他们循循善诱的教风,都离不开贵校教学理念的先进,管理模式的创新,教学活动的丰富。 在您的精心照料下,在您的安排下,我们实习队队员分别担任了贵校一至六年级的实习英语教师和实习班主任。“纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事须躬行”,实习之初,我们都对能否胜任实习工作感到不安,但在我们的班主任指导老师和科任指导老师认真负责的指导下,我们对实习信心十足,同时,我们从老师们身上学习到许多丰富的教学经验,我们所带的班级也积极配合我们的实习工作,表现了良好的精神面貌。这一切使我们的实习工作开展得很顺利。 为期三天的示范课观摩更是让我们受益颇丰。当我们协助英语教研组开展“英语合唱比赛”、“英语说故事比赛”、“英语贺卡比赛”与“英语创意手抄报比赛赛”等英语节活动时,您给予了我们全力的支持和帮助,让我们井然有序,使各项活动能够取得圆满成功。全体实习生再次向您与指导老师说一声:老师,谢谢您,您们辛苦了! 在实习结束之际,我们再一次感谢贵校领导和老师们为我们在学习、工作、生活中所提供的一切帮助和指导! 祝您身体健康、家庭幸福,我们衷心祝愿贵校的教育事业百尺竿头,更进一步! 此致 敬礼! 泉州师范学院外国语学院 20xx级英语专业泉州实验小学实习队 20xx年12月6日 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇17Dear my fri, It is great to have you in my life for helping me both in my study and in my personal affairs. I have to say thank you the bottom of my mind. You were so nice to me and so helpful that I could not even overcome any of the difficulties that I have encountered without the assistance you. Please accept my sincere appreciation for what you have done and I will definitely cherish the friship we have. Wish you all the best. Regards,
精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇18dear susan, i am writing this letter to express our sincere appreciation for your continued is thanks to regular customers like you that pany is enjoying one of its best years in recent history,despite the economic slowdown in order to show our thanks to you in a more concrete way,please allow us to ext to you an offer for a special vip card will entitle you to a 10 percent discount on all future purchases during the next ly stop by our office and pick up your is our little way of showing gratitude to a loyal customer like you. once again,thank you for your unwavering has been our pleasure to serve you in the past,and we look forward to meeting all of your needs in the future. sincerely,
精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇19March 20, 20xx Dear Margaret, Thank you so much for the perfectly beautiful little clock you and Bill sent us! It’s one of the very nicest wedding gifts we have received. David sends thanks too; we hope you’ll e soon and see how lovely the clock looks on our dresser. You just couldn’t have made a better choice! With love from both of us. Yours, Helen 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇20Dear Jack and Jane, I hope this letter finds you well. I’m just writing to thank you both for the holiday and for the photos you sent. The photos arrived this morning in the post. They reminded me what a great time I had during my stay with you last month. You really were fantastic hosts, and I couldn’t have asked for better guides to show me around. Sorry I didn’t write to you earlier, but I’ve been working flat out since the moment I arrived home. Do you remember I told you I had an assignment to finish? Well, the deadline was two weeks earlier than I thought it was! Anyway, I’m back to normal now and I’ve handed in all of my assignments. In fact, now that I’m free, why don’t you both come and stay? There’s a spare room here, so you’re welcome to use it whenever you like. Hope to see you soon, Devin 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇21Dear Dafna, Considering my poor English foundation and weak communication skills, I had never thought that I could finish this project! I had always struggled in writing a proper report even in 500 words before I had a tutor like Mr. Minggui Qu. But now I can finish a project and I can't believe this could be true! Mr. Qu, my tutor, words could never express my thanks to him. From grammar, writing style, format and research skills to marketing theories, he has taught me everything and he has been always so patient to me whenever he revises my reports including my massive grammar mistakes. He has been encouraging me all the time. Though my report still contains lots of problem, I have already learned a lot this project just because of his help. I am really grateful to him. Meanwhile, I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents and staff member of Yong Fei Machinery company for their kind co-operation and encouragement which help me in completion of this project. I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to industry workers for giving me such attention and time. My thanks and appreciations also go to my class teacher Mr Hong for looking after me in many ways and people who have willingly helped me out with their abilities. Sincerely yours,
精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇22dear mr and mrs johnson, i am wu gang.i have been backhome inchina.iam too eager to write a letter to you and your family the moment my feet hitthe land of china. in the past four years,you have treated me like yourown child,caring about my study and life. whenever i was in trouble,you were always giving me ahand.whenever i made progress,you were always sharing with me my joy.i am so grateful.thank youvery much. over the four years,i have been well aware of thedifferences of family education between the two countries.for example,in china,our parents tend to doeverything for their children.in the usa,children are encouraged to develop working attitude andindependenceliving ability. now i am making every effort to apply for ajob.welcome to china.if you come,i can act as a guide and you will enjoy yourselves. best wishes! yours, wu gang 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇23thank you for interview dear , i appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about theposition of with . i really enjoyed meeting with members of the office and learning aboutthe job. the entire team certainly seem to be highly skilled and motivatedand the work itself seems as rewarding as it is challenging. from ourdiscussion, i gained a strong sense of 's commitment to their clients and their employees. i also enjoyed our discussion of my opportunities and future within the firm. i feel strongly that i possess the qualities required as a . i believe my education and experiences have prepared me well for a futurewith you. i eagerly anticipate our next meeting. thank you for considering mefor this opportunity. sincerely, 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇24Dear my friend, It is great to have you in my life for helping me both in my study and in my personal affairs. I have to say thank you from the bottom of my mind. You were so nice to me and so helpful that I could not even overcome any of the difficulties that I have encountered without the assistance from you. Please accept my sincere appreciation for what you have done and I will definitely cherish the friendship we have. Wish you all the best. Regards,
精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇25Sep.6, Dear Mr. John, I am writing to show my thanks to you. You tutored me in my spoken English before you went to Beijing.With your help I made such rapid progress that I won thefirst place in the Spoken English Competition of the city.My achievement is owed to your help. Thank you very mueh. How are things going with you in Beijing? I haveheard that you and your wife will pay a visit to my schoolwhen you are back. I am very glad at the news. In thatcase we can see each other again. I am looking forward toyour coming. I am sending you a telehcope as a small gift. I hope you will like it. All the best! Yours,Li Yuan 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇26i am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for...i am writing to express my thanks for... i am writing to show my sincere appreciation for...i would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for... i feel deeply indebted to you and i really dont know how to thank you enough for your help. 感谢信结尾段常用句式和套话 i must thank you again for your generous help.i am most grateful for your selfless donation. my true gratitude is beyond the words description.i feel most obliged to thank you once more.please accept my gratitude, now and always.★例: directions: after being involved in an accident, you were looked after by another person. write a letter: 1) mentioning what happened in the accident, 2) telling the person about your recovery, and 3) expressing your thanks. you should write with no less than 100 words on answer sheet 2. do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use li ming instead. you do not need to write the address. 范文: dear john, i am writing to thank you for looking after me after that unfortunate accident the other day, when i was knocked off my bike by a taxi. if it had not been for your assistance in giving me first aid and taking me to a nearby hospital, i fear that the consequences might have been much more serious dear staff, abundant thanks to each one of you for your patience, expertise and genuine concern. it was you who helped me believe in myself and gave me assurance that i could walk again. i would never forget each word you said to me and the things you have done to me. forgive me for the times i lashed out at you in frustration and thank you for understanding and remaining firm with me. never stop your beautiful way of working with people. your help really means a lot to me and anyone who in trouble as well. affectionately, wang fang 译文 亲爱的全体工作人员: 我写这封信是为了表达我对你们的真诚感谢。现在我又可以一个人在家了,我真的非常高兴。我在康复中心接受你们的关照时,就已经决心只要一有时间就给你们写感谢信了。对于你们每个人的耐心、专业精神和关心我表示深深地感谢。是你们使我相信自己能够站着走路。你们说的每一句话、做过的每一件事我都不会忘记。请原谅我在受挫时对你们大发脾气,谢谢你们的理解和对我的严格要求。 继续你们美丽的事业吧。你们的帮助对于我和其他需要帮助的人来说有着非常重要的'意义。 你们的朋友: 王芳 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇27Dear customs office: company is a wholly invested by Chinese Taiwan businessmen established a research and development of science and technology enterprise, the company registered capital of 1 million dollars, the specialty is engaged in computer peripheral hardware and software, 3 d TV, integrated circuits, game software and hardware, research and development and application of intelligent platform. Companies pay attention to independent research and development and technological innovation, after years of development, has accumulated a number of international patents and advanced technology, and the application of the advanced achievements in time of research and development to production, with a number of independent intellectual property rights of the product. Since the establishment of our company in September, we have just started our business, especially the customs service in the export processing zone. But, snap of the expensive unit, has long been place the needs of the enterprises in the first, and all staff work earnestly, careful rigorous, pragmatic and efficient, make our business could be carried out smoothly. At the beginning of the open in our company, the expensive unit X director with the business had a line of people come to visit our company guidance, and hold people on our enterprise registration made a positive and patient guidance, let us in the smooth completion of the customs for the record, to reduce the unnecessary trouble and time. Our company feels warm with such efficient and effective guidance. Finally, heartfelt thanks to again the customs work in high office of our company import and export customs clearance of help and guidance, we in the later work will be more strict with himself, abide by the customs of the laws and regulations, strengthen enterprise management, and I wish you greater development in the New Year. company 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇28Dear Mr. Henry Miller Thank you very much for staying in BHI Hotel, and for your support and love for our BHI hotel. We are very honored to have you here. On behalf of all the staff and the management of the hotel, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you. In the operation of the hotel, our staff are committed to keep you comfortable and happy. First class hardware facilities and considerate service are the essential elements of any star hotel. Therefore, we will provide you with high-quality facilities and convenient services, such as free high-speed wireless network to ensure your smooth use of the network, all day laundry service to provide you with convenience, while our hotel also has a restaurant, which can provide you with Chinese food and Western delicious food, and we have a delivery service that can send you food into the room free of charge, so as to bring you better Check in experience, there are bars in the hotel to provide you with all kinds of fine wines and drinks, etc. If you need, you can also be equipped with a personal butler to better serve you. The hotel room has a very good sound insulation effect to ensure your sleep quality. If you need to morning call service, you can call the front desk, and also can provide all kinds of car services for you. If you have any comments or suggestions during your stay, please contact us. We will send someone to understand for you at the first time Decision and record. Any respectable guest is our most precious wealth, and always take the needs of guests as our goal. Thank you again for choosing to stay in BHI Hotel, and I believe that BHI hotel will give you a perfect experience. I wish you and your family happiness, good health, good luck and success in your career! 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇29Dear Saar, I would like to thank you for interviewing me for the position of Communications Manager in STE Bank. I would specially like to express thanks for taking out the time to explain the job profile and the organizational structure in such detail. After interacting with you, I am confident that my previous experience in Public Relations will enable me to execute the job responsibilities successfully. During the interview, I neglected to mention that I also have experience of handling crisis management, something that will be an asset to the organization in the current scenario. I would love to have an opportunity to work in a reputed organization like STE Bank. A first class Masters degree in Public Relations, with over 6 years experience in this industry, will help me execute the job responsibilities successfully. I will also be able to leverage my wide network of contacts to get more publicity for the organization. I once again wish to thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing you regarding the interview. Sincerely , KevDie 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇30Dear Mr. Santos, I'm Luo Li. At this moment, I'm honored to express our sincere thanks to you on behalf of my classmates. We do appreciate everything that you've done for us. We've been very lucky to have you as our English teacher in the past years. With your help, everybody has made progress both in English learning and school life. We've enjoyed your teaching and guidance a lot. Your humorous stories, big smiles and encouraging words have already rooted in our memories. Since you will leave soon. we wish you a pleasant journey back home and a happy life there. We'll miss you. Thanks again, sincerely,
精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇31Dear n, I am writing the letter for the purpose of extending my sinceregratitude to you for your kindness. When I was being interviewed yesterday, I felt so nervous as to be at aloss for words. But your timely encouragement calmed me down and filled me withenough confidence. Then I was acclaimed by all interviewers for my wonderfulanswers and things ended up smoothly. But for your help, however, I might havebeen eliminated in the first round. Again,please accept my heartfelt gratitude. I’m eagerly expecting our next meeting. Yours truly, Zhang Wei 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇32Dear (Bosss Name), I appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about the position of (job title) with (Company Name). I really enjoyed meeting with members of the office and learning about the job. The entire team certainly seem to be highly skilled and motivated and the work itself seems as rewarding as it is challenging. From our discussion,I gained a strong sense of (Company Names commitment to their clients and their employees. I also enjoyed our 精选英文感谢信范文汇总 篇33Dear ms. grasso: thank you for interviewing me at credit technologies. i was impressed with the company and the type of banking services the corporation provides. your comments gave me a good understanding of the business and your expectations for the attorney you are seeking. i am confident that my background and experience in banking law and my ability to analyzestatutes and regulations in detail could be useful to credit technologies. if you were to offer me this position, i believe that i could provide services that would meet the high standards of your corporation. i look forward to talking again with you soon. sincerely,
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