标题 | 寻物启事英语 |
范文 | 寻物启事英语(精选17篇) 寻物启事英语 篇1Mr. Perkin carelessly lost his suitcase at 9: 30 a.m. this Saturday when he took a bus from Yingze Street to Jin Ancestral Temple. 内容来自 英语之家 It is an orange square leather suitcase with a metal handle on it. A label with Perkin's name is tied to the handle. Inside the suitcase is a camera made in Japan, several rolls of film and two woolen jackets. There is a Chinese-English dictionary and two letters from America in the packet on the front cover and in the back packet is a wallet with 1,000 dollars and a train ticket from Taiyuan to Beijing inside. Will the finder get in touch with Mr. Perkin, please? His telephone number is 7075441. Mr. Perkin will appreciate the finder very much. 寻物启事英语 篇2Directions: You have just spent a weekend staying at the Lilo Hotel in Adelaide. When you get home you find that you have left a bag at the hotel. Write to the manager of the hotel: 内容来自 1) giving any relevant information about the bag and its contents 2) asking the manager to contact you immediately if the bag is found and 3) telling him/her how the bag can be sent to you. You should write with no less than 100 words on Answer Sheet 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points) Dear Mr. Simpson, I stayed in your hotel on 23rd and 24th of October, in Room 603. When I arrived home, I discovered that I had left one of my bags at the hotel. Could you please check to see if my bag has been found? The bag is a small black leather case. Inside the bag, you will find several business cards, a small address book, and three copies of a business proposal. These things are not very valuable in monetary terms, but they have a lot of personal value. I would appreciate it if you could contact me as soon as possible, particularly since I need the proposal for a presentation. If you could send the bag to me by courier service, I would be most grateful. I will arrange to pay for the service. Thank you for your help. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 寻物启事英语 篇3I lost my wallet on my way to school this morning. There is some money, a monthly ticket and something else in it. I wish the finder would return it to me soon. Will the finder please come to No. 11 Middle School or call me? I'll pay him or her for it. Thank you! Name: Wang Li Telephone: 669745 今天早晨在上学的路上,丢失钱包一个。里面有一些钱,一张月票和其它物品。希望拾到钱包者能尽早归还。请您到十一中学来或打电话给我好吗?我将对此给予酬谢。多谢! 姓名:王力 电话:669745 寻物启事英语 篇4At 9:30 a.m. this Saturday, Mr. Perkin carelessly lost his suitcase when he went to Jin Ancestral Temple from Yingze Street by bus. The suitcase is square, orange color and made of leather. On it there is a metal handle to which a label is tied. And Perkin's name is written on the label. Inside the suitcase is a camera made in Japan, several rolls of film and two woolen jackets. In the packet on the front cover puts a Chinese-English dictionary and two letters from U. S. A. In the back packet is a wallet with 1,000 dollars and a train ticket from Taiyuan to Beijing inside. Will the finder contact with Mr. Perkin, please? His telephone number is 7075441. Many thanks to the finder from Mr. Perkin. 寻物启事英语 篇5At 9:30 a.m. this Saturday, Mr. Perkin carelessly lost his suitcase when he went to Jin Ancestral Temple from Yingze Street by bus. The suitcase is square, orange color and made of leather. On it there is a metal handle to which a label is tied. And Perkin's name is written on the label. Inside the suitcase is a camera made in Japan, several rolls of film and two woolen jackets. In the packet on the front cover puts a Chinese-English dictionary and two letters from U. S. A. In the back packet is a wallet with 1,000 dollars and a train ticket from Taiyuan to Beijing inside. Will the finder contact with Mr. Perkin, please? His telephone number is 7075441. Many thanks to the finder from Mr. Perkin. 本星期六上午九点半,Perkin先生从迎泽乘公共汽车去晋祠时,不慎将手提箱丢失。 手提箱为方形、桔色、皮制。提箱上有一个系着标签的金属提手。标签上写着Perkin的名字。箱内有一日本相机,几卷胶卷和两件毛料上衣。 箱前的口袋里放着一本汉英词典和两封美国来信。箱后有一装有1000美元的钱包和一张从太原到北京的火车票。 请拾到者与Perkin先生联系,他的电话号码是7075441。Perkin先生将不胜感激。 寻物启事英语 篇6I lost my notebook in the library this afternoon. Its cover is blue and white. I wrote my name on the first paper. There are about two hundred papers. Many important notes and information are written on it. They are important to me. Will the finder please call me? My name is Xiang Yun and my telephone number is 5320xx7. Here are my sincere thanks. 今天下午,我在图书馆弄丢了我的笔记本,封面时蓝白色的。第一页上写了我的名字。笔记本大概有200页,上面记有许多重要的笔记和信息,那些对我很重要。请拾到者与我联系。我的名字叫向云,电话号码是5320xx7。特在此感谢! 寻物启事英语 篇7今日咱们地球村丢失了“安全”钥匙一把,此钥匙是唯一能解出克服“危险”的方法,保证地球居民不受死亡威胁。 自从我村丢失了“安全”钥匙之后,至少每天有100人死于交通事故。安全对于我们来讲实在是太重要,因为每天死神都会降临到一个个幸福美满的家庭,让他们因此变得支离破碎,我们不得不引起重视,特此公告! 我村的安全分局交通部报道中,有这样一个鲜活的例子。一个成绩优异的孩子,每天当他的爸爸下班时都会去学校接他,他妈妈做些丰盛的晚餐等着老公和孩子。每天他们家都过得和乐融融,让街坊邻里羡慕极了。可一切却被一场突如其来的交通事故而打破。 那件事发生在星期三的下午,天下着倾盆大雨,他爸爸一如既往的去学校接他,在过人行道的时候,他却在接电话,一辆汽车像一支离弦的箭向前开去,突然司机看见了一个人影在前面,可就因为本来开车的速度较快,竟一时停不了车。汽车毫不留情地向他开去,他躺在满地的雨水上,呻吟着,鲜血源源不断的流出。这冰冷的案件确实事实,不注意安全的下场令本来和乐融融的家而变得死气沉沉,孩子的妈妈一时间接受不了这个事实,导致患上心脏病。活泼可爱的他变得也孤僻沉默。习惯不了没有爸爸的生活,成绩也一落千丈。 因为危险时时埋伏在我们不经意不注意的事情中,当危险来临,你是否会慌张错乱。也许你根本来不及后悔和闪躲,与其这样,不如找到自己丢失的“安全”钥匙。 人的生命只有一条,当你不好好爱惜它时,它自然不会留你几分颜面。不要觉得死亡不可怕,当你真正面对死亡,你会觉得生命的重要性。安全第一,是我们时常看见的标语,只是为了提醒你常常铭记心中,并不是摆设。 现在大多村民已经丢失了这把“安全”钥匙,不把它当回事,到头来害的是自己,害苦的是爱自己的是家人,如若有好心人捡到安全钥匙,请与我的球村民广播站联系,让更多的人重新重视这问题,谢谢大家的配合。 寻物启事英语 篇8为什么我会写一张这样的寻物启事呢?事情的原因是这样的 在快要毕业的那几天,发生了太多太多的事了。我和云是好朋友,我的坏毛病太多了,可她却依然跟我玩。有一次,她请我一起去人民公园玩,费用她全出了,我那时说道,过几我请你。到了快毕业了,我不经意间记起了那句话,可我就只有50元,怎么办?云来找我商量去人民公园时,我说我最多只有50元。过了几天,月说一起去人民公园,我想人多就便宜,就想一起去人民公园玩,但月说要每人带100元。我没有那么多钱,就想问一下妈妈肯不肯给我一些钱。云来找我玩,我就在云面前说我们和月一起去人民公园,无心加了一句带好100元。云问我有没有那么多钱,我随口说道:应该有吧。云听后默默地离开了我。 第二天,我依旧兴高采烈地来到学校上课。以前,一下课,云就有好多好多说不完的话,可今天,她一句话也没说,看我的眼神也变的陌生了。我正觉得奇怪,就在这时,刘跑过来对我说:你,你真是太过分了……我感到十分不解,怎么回事?突然间我想起了前几天我对云说的话,才恍然大悟。可现在,刘的眼睛像枪口一样对着我,无情的话像一把把尖刀刺向我。我深深地低下了头,眼泪不禁夺眶而出。我成了云眼里的“罪人”。是啊,我的的确确是太过分了,但我真的不是故意的。我遗失了什么,你知道吗? 我知道了,我遗失了理解和友爱。我多么希望我能得到云的原谅,解开误会,把友爱和理解找回来…… 寻物启事英语 篇9At 9:30 a.m. this Saturday, Mr. Perkin carelessly lost his suitcase when he went to Jin Ancestral Temple from Yingze Street by bus. The suitcase is square, orange color and made of leather. On it there is a metal handle to which a label is tied. And Perkin's name is written on the label. Inside the suitcase is a camera made in Japan, several rolls of film and two woolen jackets. In the packet on the front cover puts a Chinese-English dictionary and two letters from U. S. A. In the back packet is a wallet with 1,000 dollars and a train ticket from Taiyuan to Beijing inside. Will the finder contact with Mr. Perkin, please? His telephone number is 7075441. Many thanks to the finder from Mr. Perkin. 寻物启事英语 篇10Lost May15th I left a green school bag in the reading-room on the evening of May14th. There are two English books,a pencil-box , an MP3 player and the key to the bike in it. Now I’m very worried about it . Will the finder return it to Li Xia of Class 1, Grade 3? Thanks a lot! Li Lei Found June 26th I found a cell phone on the playground on June 25th. Anyone who lost it, please come to Class3, Grade 3 of No. 2 Middle School or call on 139. Zhou Hong 寻物启事英语 篇11寻伞: 同桌的你,在那个下着细雨的晚上,在图书馆阅读书后不小心拿错了我的伞。我现在仍撑着你对你的期望,盼你速到某幢某号。 寻物启事英语 篇12十二月二十六日(星期日)上午十一点半钟,我在省图书馆阅览室查阅科技资料。由于走时过慌,不慎将上海产的黑色小提包丢失,内装钱包一个,工作证一个,新书三本。经多方寻找,仍未找到。哪位同志看到或代为保存,请在此启事上留下地址,姓名,我亲自前往认领。假设感到不便,也能够写信告诉我,我持信登门领取,并当面表示感谢。 ××市自动化研究所 文自成 20xx年XX月XX日。 寻物启事英语 篇13寻物启事:本人张于昨晚不慎丢失钱包一个,里面没有现金,有多张银行卡,身份证,合作医疗卡,如有拾到的朋友请与我联系,万分感谢!联系电话。 寻物启事英语 篇14本人在今天11月17号下午1点30分过民航路与学院路路口往蒲鞋市方向的路上,丢失黑色钱包一个,内有身份证,公交卡,银行卡,维修单,现金9百元。 非常希望有拾到的朋友能与我联系定重谢! 联系电话 小王 寻物启事英语 篇15本人的两位好朋友于20xx年*月*日在学校不慎将两件重要的随身物品——友谊和宽容遗失。如有拾到者,请尽快与本人联系,本人将感激不尽。谢谢! 电话:7647(她们失去了友谊) 联系人: 20xx年*月*日 大家看了这个寻物启事,一定会觉得很奇怪吧!我为什么要贴一张这样的寻物启事呢?别急,请听我慢慢道来—— “你知道吗?今天下课的时候,芬不小心把请的鞋子踩坏了,清就要芬赔一双鞋子的钱,还说鞋子是刚买不久的。那时候她真的很无理,还很霸道,这种人,唉!”这天放学后,菁对我说。 “不会吧!清她不会那样的!”我听了,大吃一惊,怎么会? 菁说:“真的真的!不骗你,清还要芬在两星期内把钱赔给她,芬不知道怎么办,刚才还找我借钱呢!” 我的心为之一震,清怎么会这样,她......“我刚才去找清评理,那时候清的样子让人看了就讨厌,她还对我说,如果是像我们这样的优生踩了她的鞋,她不会让我们赔,但是芬就不同了。我听了气就不打一处来,她自己不也是差生吗?不仅如此,她说芬是我的表姐,是芬让我来替她求情的,真是的!怎么会有这种人?亏我们俩和她还是好朋友呢,我们怎么会交上她这种朋友?气死我啦......” 听到这,我又想入非非起来:清不会这样吧,但是菁不会骗我的,这,这到底是怎么一回事?该不会清变了,变得......不可理喻了? 又过了一段时间,一天放学,我和菁从卫生间里出来,迎面碰上了清,清斜了菁一眼,还故意撞过来,菁气起来,出手打了她一下,清翻翻白眼,也还了一击,就这样,你打我,我打你。这时,清说话了:“你干嘛啊,干嘛打我?我又没打你!脑子有问题!”“你的脑子才有问题!是你先撞我,我才打你的!”菁不甘示弱地回了一句。清丢下一句:“懒得理你,无聊!”就走了。若不是我亲眼所见,我真不敢相信清会这样! 光阴似箭,日月如梭。这几个月来,菁和清之间互不说一句话。当我和菁在一起时,清离我们远远的;当清和我在一起时,菁就躲得远远的。我看了,总感到心在流泪、流血。 唉,就因为这么一件小事吗?多不值得啊!她们怎么都学不会宽容呢?忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空。我曾多次劝她们两个和好,可是回答我的都是一句冷冷的“不要!” 寻物启事英语 篇16XX月XX日(星期日)上午十一点半钟,我在省图书馆阅览室查阅科技资料.由于走时过慌,不慎将上海产的黑色小提包丢失,内装钱包一个,工作证一个,新书三本。经多方寻找,仍未找到.哪位同志看到或代为保存,请在此启事上留下地址,姓名,我亲自前往认领。假若感到不便,也可以写信告诉我,我持信登门领取,并当面表示感谢。 市自动化研究所 XX年XX月XX日 寻物启事英语 篇17本人刘,长相非凡,之前未有女票半枚,直到来到南工便于南工一卡通私下定为恋人关系,如今她已消失在人海之中,请大家帮帮忙把她带回我的身边,谢谢你们!
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