标题 | 英文聘书格式 |
范文 | 英文聘书格式(精选5篇) 英文聘书格式 篇1Employer/Company Details: Date: ______________________ Applicant's Details: Dear Mr. Jones We have pleasure in confirming your appointment as _______________________ subject to the terms and conditions of your Contract of Employment as well as the Company's Policies and Procedures. We urge you to familiarize yourself with all the relevant documents and to keep these in a safe place for future reference. Any changes will be communicated to you in writing. Please indicate your acceptance of this appointment and the terms thereof by signing below and by returning this letter to us by close of business on ________________________20____. We look forward to a mutually rewarding association with you. Yours faithfully ____________________________ Name and Title of Employer ____________________________ Name of Applicant 英文聘书格式 篇2Letter of appointment The actual process of appointing a new director or trustee is likely to be set out in the constitution or trust deed. Once a new director/trustee is appointed or elected, the chair should send a formal letter of appointment setting out what is expected. Key points to include are: The term of appointment The obligations of directors/trustees Times of board meetings and the time commitment required in preparation and attendance Fees, if any are to be paid to the director/trustee Criteria and process for reimbursement of expenses The evaluation process for directors/trustees Ask to be informed of potential conflicts of interest in other activities or directorships The induction process The process for getting independent advice Liability insurance — if this is relevant Confidentiality Acknowledgement of receipt of the letter 英文聘书格式 篇3聘书 同志已于 年 月取得《医师资格证书》(编号: )。经考核合格,我单位拟聘用该同志在 科(室)从事 专业工作。 特此证明 科室主要负责人签字: 医务科主要负责人签字: 人事科主要负责人签字: 单位主要负责人签字: (单位行政公章) 年 月 日 英文聘书格式 篇4为适应新形势下公司经营发展需要,经公司管理层会议决议,决定对以下同志进行新的人事任命,现予以公布: 任命_______同志为事业部总经理,主持事业部的日常工作; 任命_______同志为事业部副总经理,负债协助总经理完整任务。 任命_______同志为人事部总经理,主持人事部的日常工作; 任命_______同志为人力资源部经理,主持该部门的日常工作; 以上任命决定自发布之日起即开始执行。 总经理: (印章) 年 月 日 英文聘书格式 篇5企业名称______________ 联系人_______ _ __年__月__日 报到时间___年__月__日 上 下午__时__分 报到地_________________ 企业名称_____ 负责人____ 贵公司于_____年__月__日所发录用通知已经收到。本人肯定按贵公司所要求时间报以,保证如约到贵公司就职,上述保证由本人亲属提供担保。 姓名______(签字或印鉴) 现住址_________________ 亲属担保人______(签字或印鉴) 现住址___________ _____年___月___日 聘字第___号 |
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