标题 | 医院专家聘书格式范文 |
范文 | 医院专家聘书格式范文(通用3篇) 医院专家聘书格式范文 篇1执业医师聘书 姓名: 性别: 出生年月: 医师资格级别: 医师执业类别: 医师聘用科目: 专业技术职务: 根据中华人民共和国执业医师法规定,兹聘用该同志为医师。聘期自 年 月 日 至 年 月 日 法定代表人: 单位印章 年月日 医院专家聘书格式范文 篇2聘书 同志已于 年 月取得《医师资格证书》(编号: )。经考核合格,我单位拟聘用该同志在 科(室)从事 专业工作。 特此证明 科室主要负责人签字: 医务科主要负责人签字: 人事科主要负责人签字: 单位主要负责人签字: (单位行政公章) 年 月 日 医院专家聘书格式范文 篇3Letter of appointment The actual process of appointing a new director or trustee is likely to be set out in the constitution or trust deed. Once a new director/trustee is appointed or elected, the chair should send a formal letter of appointment setting out what is expected. Key points to include are: The term of appointment The obligations of directors/trustees Times of board meetings and the time commitment required in preparation and attendance Fees, if any are to be paid to the director/trustee Criteria and process for reimbursement of expenses The evaluation process for directors/trustees Ask to be informed of potential conflicts of interest in other activities or directorships The induction process The process for getting independent advice Liability insurance — if this is relevant Confidentiality Acknowledgement of receipt of the letter |
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