

词汇 single
🔑singlesin·gle1 /ˈsɪŋɡl /


  1. (only before a noun只用于名词前) only one仅有一个的;单个的He gave her a single red rose.他给了她一枝红玫瑰。I managed to finish the whole job in a single afternoon.我用一个下午总算完成了全部工作。
  1. (only before a noun只用于名词前) used for emphasis when you are thinking about an individual thing, especially when it forms part of a group(强调个体)You answered every single question right. Good job!每一个问题你都答对了,真棒!the single most important issue facing the country today国家如今所面临的一个最为重要的问题
  1. not married未婚的;单身的Are you married, single, or divorced?你是已婚、单身还是离异?a single mother单亲母亲
  1. (only before a noun只用于名词前) for the use of only one person单人的;供一个人用的a single bed单人床  look at double1 (3)
(in) single filein a line, one behind the other一路纵队;单行You'll have to walk (in) single file the path is very narrow.路非常窄,你们得一个跟一个地走。

singlesin·gle2 /ˈsɪŋɡl /


  1. [countable] (music音乐) a piece of recorded music, usually popular music, that consists of one song; a tape, CD, etc. that a single is recorded on单曲(常为流行音乐);单曲唱片(或磁带等)The band releases its new single next week.乐队下星期发行新的单曲唱片。  look at album
  1. [countable] a bill that is worth one dollar一美元纸币
  1. singles [plural] people who are not married(统称)单身者,未婚者They organize parties for singles.他们为单身人士举办聚会。
  1. singles [plural] (sport体育) a game of tennis, etc. in which one player plays against one other player(网球等)单打比赛the final of the women's singles女子单打决赛  look at double3 (3)
  1. [countable] (sport体育) (in baseball) a hit that only allows the player to run to first base(棒球)一垒打

singlesin·gle3 /ˈsɪŋɡl /


single sb / sth out (for sth)to give special attention or treatment to one person or thing from a group单独挑出He singled Sue Taylor out for praise.他把休 · 泰勒单独挑出来表扬。




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