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词汇 introduction
🔑introductionin·tro·duc·tion /ˌɪntrəˈdʌkʃn /


bringing into use采用
  1. [uncountable] bringing in or using something for the first time引进;采用;实施;推出the introduction of computers into the classroom开始在课堂上使用电脑
first experience初次经历
  1. [singular] introduction to sth first experience of something初次经历;首次体验My first job in a factory was not a pleasant introduction to work.我的第一份工作是在一家工厂,算不上步入工作的愉快经历。
of book / talk书;讲话
  1. [countable] the first part of a book or a talk which gives an explanation of the rest of it序言;导论;开场白
to subject学科
  1. [countable] a book for people who are beginning to study a subject初级教程;初级读物;入门An Introduction to English Grammar《英语语法入门》
of people
  1. [countable] the act of telling two or more people each others' names for the first time介绍;引见I think I'll get my husband to make the introductions he's better at remembering names!我觉得还是让我丈夫来做介绍吧,他更会记人名!You don't need an introduction, do you? (= you already know each other) 你们之间不需要介绍了,对吧?




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