

词汇 point
🔑pointpoint1 /pɔɪnt /


[countable, singular]
opinion / fact观点;事实
  1. [countable] a particular fact, idea, or opinion that someone expresses论点;见解;想法During the meeting, she made some interesting points.在会议期间,她提出了一些有趣的观点。I see your point, but I don't agree with you.我明白你的意思,但我不同意你所说的。“How are we going to pay for everything? “That's a good point.“我们怎么来为这一切东西付账呢?”“说的是。”
main idea要点
  1. the point [singular] the most important part of what is being said; the main piece of information要点;重点;核心问题 The point is that we can't go on vacation until the car is fixed.关键是车子没修好前我们不能去度假。She always talks and talks and takes forever to get to the point.她总是一个劲儿地说,老半天才说到正题。You're still missing (= not understanding) the point here.你还是不明白问题所在。
  1. [singular] the purpose or aim of something目的;意图;意义 What's the point of calling her again?再给她打电话有什么用? There's no point in telling my parents all my problems.把我的问题全告诉我父母一点意义也没有。➨ THESAURUS 同义词辨析purposeaim ◇ intention ◇ plan ◇ point ◇ ideaThese are all words for talking about what someone intends to do or achieve.以上词均表示意图、目的、目标。purposethe reason for doing something; what something is used for or is supposed to achieve目的;目标;意图The purpose of the visit was to see the campus in person.这次来访的目的是想亲眼看一看校园。The purpose of this meeting is to decide what we should do next.这次会议的目的是决定我们下一步该做什么。The building is used for religious purposes.这栋建筑用于宗教目的。aimwhat someone is trying to achieve目标;目的Our main aim is to increase sales in the Northwest.我们的主要目标是提高西北地区的销售额。He was willing to do almost anything to achieve his aim of winning first prize.为了达到获一等奖的目标,他几乎愿意做任何事情。intentionwhat you intend to do, especially in the near future打算;计划;意图I have no intention of going to the wedding.我不打算去参加婚礼。Our intention was to leave early in the morning.我们的打算是一大早就离开。She's full of good intentions but things rarely work out for her.她虽然处处出于善意,但几乎总是事与愿违。planwhat you have decided or arranged to do计划;安排;打算Do you have any plans for the weekend?你周末有什么安排?There are no plans to build new offices.现在没有建新办公楼的计划。point(somewhat informal) the purpose or aim of something意图;目的What's the point of all this violence?这些暴行的目的是什么?The point of the lesson is to compare the two countries.本课的目的是比较这两个国家。Point can be a negative word, used to talk about things you feel annoyed or unhappy about. * point 有时含贬义,用于描述让人生气或不快的事情。idea(somewhat informal) the purpose of something; someone's aim目的;意图The whole idea of going was so that we could meet her new boyfriend.我们去的唯一目的就是要见见她的新男友。What's the idea behind this assignment?这次任务背后的用意是什么?PATTERNS 句型with the aim / intention / idea of doing sthsb's intention / plan to do sthto have a(n) purpose / aim / intention / plan / pointto achieve a(n) purpose / aim
detail / quality细节;特质
  1. [countable] a particular detail, single item, or quality of someone or something细节;特征;特点What would you say are your strong and weak points (= good and bad qualities)?说说你的长处和短处是什么?
time / place时间;地方
  1. [countable] a particular time, stage of development, or place时刻;阶段;位置;地方At one point I thought I was going to laugh.有那么一刹那我以为自己快要笑出声来了。He has reached the high point of his career.他已经达到了事业的巅峰。the boiling / freezing point of water水的沸点/冰点We should be reaching the point where the road joins the freeway.我们应该快到高速公路的入口了。The library is a good starting point for that sort of information.查找那一类信息,图书馆是很好的起点。➨ THESAURUS 同义词辨析placesite ◇ position ◇ point ◇ location ◇ scene ◇ spotThese are all words for a particular area or part of an area, especially one used for a particular purpose or where something is situated or happens.以上词均表示地点、场所、位置。placea particular point, area, city, town, building, etc., especially one used for a particular purpose or where a particular thing happens(尤指为特定用途或发生某事的)地点,地方This would be a good place for a picnic.这可是个野餐的好地方。I can't remember all the places we visited.我记不住所有我们参观过的地方。Let's get out of this place!我们离开这个地方!sitethe place where something, especially a building, is or will be situated; a place where something happened or that is used for a particular purpose(尤指建筑等的)位置,地点;(发生某事或作某用途的)地方They chose a site for the new school.他们为新学校选了个校址。the site of a famous battle一场著名战役的旧址positionthe place where a person or thing is situated, or the place where someone or something should be(人或事物的)位置,地点From his position at the top of the hill, he could see the harbor.他在山头的那个位置可以俯瞰海港。Is everyone in position (= in the right place)?每个人都各就各位了吗?ⓘ The position of someone or something is often temporary. * position 指人或物所处的位置常是暂时性的。pointa particular place within an area, where something happens or is supposed to happen(某事发生或被认为应该发生的)地点the point at which the river divides河流分岔点No parking beyond this point.请勿越界停车。locationa place where something happens or exists, especially a place that is not named or not known(尤指未提及或未知的)地点,位置,地方The company is moving to a new location.公司准备迁移至新址。scenea place where something happens, especially something unpleasant(尤指不快之事发生的)地点,现场the scene of the accident事故现场spota particular point or area, especially one that has a particular character or where something particular happens(尤指具有某种特点或某类事件发生的)地点,场所I proposed to your mother on this very spot 50 years ago.我 50 年前就是在这里向你母亲求婚的。PATTERNS 句型at a / the place / site / position / point / location / scene / spotin a place / position / locationthe place / position / location / spot where…the right place / site / position / location / spota central site / position / locationthe / sb's / sth's exact / precise place / site / position / point / location / spot
in competition竞赛
  1. [countable] (sport体育) a single unit in some games, sports, etc. that you add to others to get the score分;分数to score a point获得一分Kari won the game by one point over Mark.卡里以一分的优势战胜马克,赢了比赛。
  1. [countable] a unit of measurement for certain things点;点数;标度The stock market gained 27 points today.股市今天上涨了 27 点。
in numbers数字
  1. [countable] (mathematics数学) a small round dot used when writing parts of numbers点;小数点two point six (= 2.6) 二点六a decimal point小数点
sharp end尖端
  1. [countable] the thin, sharp end of something尖;尖头the point of a pin / needle / pencil大头针尖;针尖;铅笔尖
size of letters字符大小
  1. [uncountable] a unit of measurement for the size of letters in printing or on a computer screen, etc.点,磅值(印刷物或计算机屏幕上字体大小的单位)Change the text to 10 point.把文本字体大小改为 10 点。
beside the pointnot connected with the subject you are discussing离题;不相关;不在点子上make a point of doing sthto be especially careful to do something着重做;特别留意做I'll make a point of inviting them to our next party.我会特地邀请他们来参加我们下一次的聚会。point of viewa way of looking at a situation; an opinion视角;视点;观点You should try to understand other people's points of view.你应该尽力理解他人的观点。From my point of view it would be better to wait a little longer.依我看,最好再稍等一会儿。a sore pointa subject that is likely to make someone upset or angry when mentioned痛处;伤心事;使人恼怒的话题to the pointconnected with what is being discussed切题;中肯His speech was short and to the point.他的演讲简短切题。up to a pointpartly在一定程度上;部分地I agree with you up to a point.我部分同意你的观点。

🔑pointpoint2 /pɔɪnt /


  1. [intransitive] point (at / to sb / sth) to show where something is or to draw attention to something using your finger, a stick, etc.(用手指、木棍等)指,指向“I'll take that one, she said, pointing to a chocolate cake.“我要那个。”她指着一个巧克力蛋糕说道。
  1. [transitive] point sth (at / toward sb / sth) to aim something in the direction of someone or something瞄准;对准He pointed his gun at the target and fired.他把枪瞄准目标,然后开了火。
  1. [intransitive] to face in a particular direction or to show that something is in a particular direction朝向,对着,指向(某个方向)Go down this road and you'll see the sign pointing toward the highway.顺着这条路走,你会看到指向公路的路标。
  1. [intransitive] point to sth to show that something is likely to exist, happen, be true, etc.表明;说明Research points to a connection between diet and cancer.研究显示饮食和癌症之间有关联。
point a / the finger at sb / sthto blame someone or something for something; to accuse someone or something指责;责怪It's too easy to point the finger at someone else when things go wrong.出现问题时指责别人是很容易的。 point sth out (to sb)to direct attention to something; to make something clear to someone(向某人)指出,指明The guide pointed out all the places of interest to us on the way.一路上,导游把所有的景点都指给我们看。I'd like to point out that we don't have much time left to make a decision.我想指出我们没剩多少时间做决定了。➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库argueverbs for reporting an opinion陈述观点的动词Some people claim that after-school jobs teach students responsibility.有些人宣称课后打工可培养学生的责任感。Others argue / maintain that students should spend their free time on homework.另一些人则辩称/坚称,学生应当将闲暇时间用在家庭作业上。As McDowell points out, students who work at least 20 hours a week often have lower GPAs than their non-working classmates.正如麦克道尔所指出的,一周工作至少 20 小时的学生往往比不工作的同学学业成绩要低。It has been suggested that after-school jobs may teach real-world skills that can help students succeed later in life.有论者提出,课后打工可以让学生学到现实社会必需的技能,从而帮助学生在今后的人生中取得成功。




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