

词汇 hand sth down (to sb)
hand sth down (to sb)
  1. to pass customs, traditions, etc. from older people to younger ones把(习俗、传统等)传下去;把…传给后代These stories have been handed down from generation to generation.这些故事代代相传。
  1. to pass clothes, toys, etc. from older children to younger ones in the family将(衣服、玩具等)传给(年纪较小的家庭成员)  look at hand-me-down
  1. (used about a judge, etc.) to give an official decision in a court of law(法官等)正式宣布(裁决)The Supreme Court handed down its ruling on the case yesterday.最高法院昨天宣布了对这个案件的裁决。




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