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词汇 hand
🔑handhand1 /hænd /


part of body身体部位
  1. [countable] the part of your body at the end of your arm, including your fingers and thumbRaise your hand if you know the answer.如果知道答案就举手。He took his daughter by the hand.他牵着女儿的手。He held the bird gently in the palm of his hand.他把鸟儿轻轻地托在掌心上。
  1. a hand [singular] some help帮助;帮一把I'll give you a hand with the dishes.我来搭把手,帮你收拾盘子。Do you need a hand?你需要帮忙吗?
on clock / watch钟表
  1. [countable] the part of a clock or watch that points to the numbers指针the hour / minute / second hand时针;分针;秒针
  1. [countable] a person who does physical work on a farm, in a factory, etc.(农场、工厂等的)体力劳动者,工人He works as a hired hand on a dairy farm.他在一家乳牛场当雇工。a farmhand农场工人
in card games纸牌游戏
  1. [countable] the set of playing cards that someone has been given in a game of cards(分给游戏者的)一手牌
  1. (in adjectives构成形容词) having, using, or made for the type of hand(s) mentioned有…手的;用…手的;适合…手用的I'm right-handed.我习惯用右手。left-handed scissors左撇子用的剪刀
at hand
  1. near in space or time(空间或时间上)接近;在附近;在手边Help is close at hand.随时随地都能得到帮助。
  1. being dealt with at this time正在处理We need to focus on the task at hand.我们得集中精力处理手头的任务。
be an old hand (at sth)to be good at something because you have done it often before是(做某事的)老手;经验丰富;在行by hand
  1. done by a person and not by machine手工的;手工制作的I had to do all the sewing by hand.所有的针线活我都得手工完成。
  1. not by mail亲手(或由专人)投递The letter was delivered by hand.信是由专人递送的。
change handsto pass from one owner to another易手;转手get / lay your hands on sb / sthto find or obtain someone or something找到;获得Where can I get my hands on a new computer?我从哪里能弄来一台新电脑?gain / get / have the upper handto get into a stronger position than another person; to gain or have control over someone占上风;处于有利地位;有优势;有控制权give sb a handto hit your hands together to show approval, enthusiasm, etc.为某人鼓掌喝彩The audience gave the little girl a big hand when she finished her song.小女孩唱完歌后,观众为她热烈鼓掌。hand in hand
  1. holding each other's hands手拉手;手挽手to walk along hand in hand手拉着手散步
  1. usually happening together; closely connected通常同时发生;密切相关Drought and famine usually go hand in hand.旱灾和饥荒往往相伴而生。
hands off (sb / sth) (informal) used for ordering someone not to touch something or to leave something alone(表示命令)不要摸,不许碰hands up
  1. used in a classroom, etc. for asking people to raise one hand and give an answer(…的)请举手(用来询问谁愿意回答问题或参加活动等)Hands up, who wants to go on the trip this afternoon?谁想参加今天下午的行程?请举手。
  1. used by a person with a gun to tell other people to put their hands in the air(持枪者命令他人)举起手来
have a hand in sthto take part in or share something参加;分担have your hands fullto be very busy so that you cannot do anything else忙得不可开交;应接不暇a helping handsome help帮助;援助My neighbor is always ready to give me a helping hand.我的邻居总是乐于给我帮忙。hold sb's handto give someone support in a difficult situation(困难时)给某人支持,帮某人一把hold hands (with sb)(used about two people) to hold each other's hands(两个人)手拉手,牵手in handunder control, or being dealt with now处于控制中;正在处理The situation is in hand.形势在掌控之中。 OPP out of handin your / sb's handsin your / someone's possession, control, or care在某人手中;由某人拥有(或控制、照料)The document is no longer in my hands.文件已不在我手中了。The matter is in the hands of an attorney.这件事已交律师处理。on handavailable to help or to be used现有;现成可用Several artists will be on hand to discuss their work.几位艺术家会来研讨他们的工作。on your handsbeing your responsibility由某人负责We seem to have a problem on our hands.我们似乎有个问题需要解决。on the one hand…on the other (hand)used for showing opposite points of view(引出对立的观点)一方面…另一方面…On the one hand, of course, cars are very useful. On the other, they cause a huge amount of pollution.一方面,汽车当然很有用;但另一方面,也会导致大量污染。➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库Comparison and Contrasthighlighting differences突出不同之处One of the main differences between the girls and the boys who took part in the research was the way they use the Internet.参与这项调查的女孩和男孩之间的一个重大区别就是他们使用互联网的方式不同。Unlike the girls, who use the Internet mainly to keep in touch with friends, the boys questioned in this survey tend to use the Internet for playing games.女孩子使用互联网主要为和朋友保持联系。和她们不同,这次调查中被问到的男孩子往往用互联网玩网络游戏。Compared with the boys, the girls spend much more time chatting with friends on the telephone.和男孩子比起来,女孩子花在和朋友打电话聊天的时间要多得多。On average, the girls reported spending four hours a week chatting with friends on the phone. In contrast / On the other hand, very few of the boys reported spending more than five minutes a day talking to their friends in this way.女孩子平均每周花四个小时和朋友打电话聊天。相比之下,极少有男孩子平均每天给朋友打电话聊天超过五分钟。The boys expressed a preference for competitive sports and computer games, whereas / while the girls enjoyed more cooperative activities, such as shopping with friends.男孩子更喜欢竞技性的体育活动和网络游戏,女孩子则更热衷于合作性的活动,如和朋友一起逛商店。out of handnot under control失控;无法控制This whole situation has gotten totally out of hand.整个局势完全失控了。 OPP in handout of your handsnot in your control; not your responsibility不受某人控制;不归某人负责I can't help you the matter is out of my hands.我帮不了你,这事不归我管。shake sb's hand / shake hands (with sb)to take someone's hand and move it up and down (when you meet, to show that you have agreed on something, etc.)与某人握手take sth off sb's handsto help someone by taking a responsibility away from him / her帮某人承担(责任)I was so glad when Connie offered to take that project off my hands!我很高兴康妮主动提出帮我把那个项目承担下来!wash your hands of sb / sthto refuse to be responsible for someone or something any longer与…脱离关系;拒绝对…负责任

🔑handhand2 /hænd /


to give or pass something to someone交;给;递Please hand me the scissors.请递给我那把剪刀。Please hand the scissors to me.请把剪刀递给我。Let's hand the picture around the class so everyone can see it.咱们把相片在班里传看,这样每个人都能看到。have to hand it to sb (informal) used to say that someone deserves praise for something(某人因某事)值得赞扬I don't agree with her methods but I have to hand it to her, they're effective.我不同意她的方法,但我还是很佩服她,这些方法很有效。 hand sth down (to sb)
  1. to pass customs, traditions, etc. from older people to younger ones把(习俗、传统等)传下去;把…传给后代These stories have been handed down from generation to generation.这些故事代代相传。
  1. to pass clothes, toys, etc. from older children to younger ones in the family将(衣服、玩具等)传给(年纪较小的家庭成员)  look at hand-me-down
  1. (used about a judge, etc.) to give an official decision in a court of law(法官等)正式宣布(裁决)The Supreme Court handed down its ruling on the case yesterday.最高法院昨天宣布了对这个案件的裁决。
hand sth in (to sb)to give something to someone in authority提交;呈交;上交Time's up. Hand in your tests now.时间到,现在把试卷交上来。Your papers must be handed in by Friday.论文必须在周五之前呈交。hand sth out (to sb)to give something to many people in a group分发;散发Food was handed out to the starving people.向饥民分发了食品。hand sb / sth over (to sb)to give someone or something (to someone)将…交给(某人)People were tricked into handing over large sums of money.人们被骗交出了大笔的钱。




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