

词汇 right
🔑rightright1 /raɪt /


not left右面
  1. on or of the side of the body that faces east when a person is facing north右边的;右侧的;右面的Do you write with your right hand or your left?你写字用右手还是左手?Your seats are on the right side of the plane.你们的座位在飞机的右面。
OPP left
correct / true正确;真实
  1. correct; true正确的;真实的Sorry, that's not the right answer.很遗憾,这个答案不对。Do you have the right time?你知道现在的准确时间吗?You're absolutely right the movie does start at 7 o'clock.你完全正确,电影就是在 7 点开始。You were right about the weather it did rain.你说的天气没错,果真下雨了。
  1. best; most suitable最好的;最合适的I don't think this is the right color for the walls.我觉得这种颜色不适合这些墙面。I hope I made the right decision.但愿我的决定是对的。We wouldn't have missed the flight if we'd left at the right time.要是我们及时出发,也不至于误了航班。You have to know the right people if you want to join that golf club.如果你想加入那家高尔夫球俱乐部,得认识有关系的人。
  1. in a normal or good enough condition正常的;良好的Her voice didn't sound quite right on the phone.她的声音在电话里听起来不太对劲。
morally good正当
  1. (used about behavior / actions) good; fair or what the law allows(行为、举止)正当的,合法的,公正的It's not right to pay people so little.付给人这么点钱是不公正的。It was right of her to give you the news at once.她马上把这个消息告诉你是对的。It's never right to steal.偷窃无论如何都是不对的。
used as question表示提问
  1. (informal) used as a question at the end of a sentence to check whether someone agrees with you or whether what you said is correct(用在句末表示提问)对不对,是不是,对吧We want to be the best company in the business, right?我们想成为这个行业里最好的公司,对吧?Let's see you ordered a cheeseburger and fries, right?我们来看一下,你点了干酪汉堡包和炸薯条,对吧?
showing understanding表示理解
  1. (informal) used to tell someone that you agree with or understand what he / she has just said, or that you will do what he / she has asked you to do(表示认同或愿意照办)是的,好吧“…And then we went to that new restaurant on Sunset Drive. “Right.“…然后我们去了那家在日落大道的新饭馆。”“是的。”“Take this package down to the post office. “Right.“把这个包裹拿到下面的邮局去。”“好的。”
all right  look at all rightright side upwith the top part turned to the top; in the correct, normal position正面朝上;位置正确;在正常位置Fortunately my toast landed right side up when I dropped it on the floor.我把吐司掉到地上了,幸好它正面朝上。 OPP upside downon the right / wrong trackhaving the right / wrong kind of ideas about something思路正确/不正确That's not the answer, but you're on the right track.答案不对,但你的思路是对的。



🔑rightright2 /raɪt /


not left右边
  1. to the right side; not left靠右;往右Turn right at the traffic light.在红绿灯那里向右拐。
  1. correctly; in a good enough way正确地;令人满意地Did I spell your name right?我把你的名字拼对了吗?Nothing seems to be going right for me these days.这些日子我好像什么都不顺。These shoes don't fit right.这双鞋不合脚。 OPP wrong
  1. exactly正好;恰好The bus was right on time.那趟公共汽车很准时。The accident happened right here.事故就发生在这儿。
  1. all the way一直;完全;径直He kicked his foot right through the door!他一脚把门踹穿了!
  1. immediately立即;马上He left right after dinner.饭后他立刻就走了。Wait here a minute I'll be right back.在这儿等一会儿,我马上回来。
right awayimmediately; without any delay立即;马上;毫不耽搁I'll take care of that right away.我会马上处理那件事。I understood right away what she wanted me to do.我立刻就明白了她想让我做什么。right now
  1. at this moment; exactly now现在;此刻We can't discuss this right now.我们现在不能讨论这事。
  1. at the present time (when compared with the past or the future)现在(相对于过去和将来)Interest rates are relatively low right now.利率现在相对较低。
right off the bat (informal) without delay; at the beginning毫不耽搁;从一开始We both liked each other right off the bat.我们俩一见如故。serve sb right(used when something bad happens to someone and you have no sympathy) to be deserved by someone活该;罪有应得;咎由自取“I feel sick. “It serves you right for eating so much.“我想吐。”“活该,谁叫你吃那么多。”

🔑rightright3 /raɪt /


not left side右面
  1. [uncountable] the right side or direction右;右边;右面We live in the first house on the right.我们住在右边的第一座房子里。If you look slightly to your right, you will see the Rocky Mountains in the distance.如果你稍稍向右看,会看到远处的落基山脉。 OPP left
  1. [countable] a turn to the right, or a street or road on the right右拐;右转弯;右侧街道(或路)Make a right at the next intersection.在下一个十字路口向右转。Take the first right after the gas station.过了加油站走右侧第一条路。
something morally good正当的事
  1. [uncountable] what is morally good and fair正当;公正;正义Children learn about right and wrong from a very early age.孩子很小就在学习辨别是非。 OPP wrong
moral / legal claim正当/合法要求
  1. [countable] a thing that you are allowed to do according to the law正当的要求;权利In the U.S., citizens have the right to vote at 18.在美国,公民 18 岁就有选举权。Freedom of speech is one of the basic human rights.言论自由是一项基本人权。civil rights (= the rights each person has to political and religious freedom, etc.) 公民权
  1. [uncountable] right to sth / to do sth a moral authority to do something正当的权利You have no right to tell me what to do.你无权命令我做事。
  1. the right ( the Right) [singular] (politics政治) the people or political parties who support low taxes, very little government control over businesses and strict, traditional moral behavior右派,右翼政党(主张低税率、尽可能少的政府对经济的干预以及严格传统的道德准则) OPP left
in your own rightbecause of what you are yourself and not because of other people凭自己;自身She's a very wealthy woman in her own right (= not only because she married someone who is rich).她本身就是一个很富有的人。within your rights (to do sth)acting in a reasonable or legal way在自己的权限内;有权(做某事)You are perfectly within your rights to demand to see your lawyer.你完全有权要求见你的律师。

rightright4 /raɪt /


to return to a normal position使回到正常位置The boat tipped over and then righted itself again.船翻了,随后又自己正了回来。right a wrongto do something to correct an unfair situation, or something bad that you have done改正错误;平反昭雪




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