

词汇 protest
🔑protestpro·test1 /ˈproʊtɛst /


[countable, uncountable]
a statement or action that shows that you do not like or approve of something抗议书;抗议;反对The union organized a protest against the layoffs.工会组织了一次抗议裁员的活动。The planned site for the prison was moved after protests from local residents.在当地居民抗议之后,原来计划的监狱地址改变了。He resigned in protest against the decision.他以辞职表示对这一决定的抗议。a protest march抗议游行under protestnot happily or willingly不甘心地;不情愿地;无奈地Carol finally agreed to pay, but only under protest.卡萝尔最终同意付钱,但还是很不情愿。

🔑protestpro·test2 /ˈproʊtɛst ; prəˈtɛst /


  1. [intransitive, transitive] protest (about / against / at sth) | protest sth to say or show that you do not like or approve of something抗议;反对Thousands gathered to protest against the new tax.成千上万的人聚集起来反对新税。The kids protested loudly at being taken home early.孩子们大声抗议这么早就被带回家。Several customers protested about the poor service in the restaurant.好几个顾客抗议该餐馆的服务太差。They protested the government's handling of the situation.他们抗议政府对该事件的处理方式。
  1. [transitive] to say something firmly, especially when others do not believe you坚称;申辩He protested a total lack of knowledge of the affair.他坚决表示对这事一无所知。He protested that he hadn't been in the area when the robbery took place.他申辩说抢劫发生时他不在现场。“That's just not true, she protested.“根本就不是那么一回事。”她争辩说。


[countable] Protesters were blocking the road.抗议者正封堵道路。
➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Protest or complain? * protest 还是 complain?Protest is stronger and usually used about more serious things than complain.与 complain 相比,protest 语气较强,用于更为严重的事。You protest about something that you feel is not right or fair; you complain about the quality of something or about a less serious action.抗议不对或不公平的事用 protest,对质量问题或不太严重的事情表示不满用 complainto protest about the tax increase抗议加税to complain about the weather抱怨天气不好




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