

词汇 nail
🔑nailnail1 /neɪl /


  1. a small thin piece of metal with a point at one end. It is used for holding pieces of wood together, hanging pictures on, etc.钉;钉子to hammer a nail into a wall用锤子把钉子敲进墙里
  1. the thin hard layer that covers the ends of your fingers and toes指甲;趾甲fingernails指甲toenails趾甲I still bite my nails sometimes when I'm nervous.有时我感觉紧张时依然会咬指甲。
hit the nail on the headto say something that is exactly right一语中的;说到点子上

nailnail2 /neɪl /


to fasten something with a nail or nails用钉子钉牢;钉住Do you think we should nail these pieces together or use glue?你觉得我们应该把这些散页钉起来还是用胶水粘? nail sb down (to sth)to make a person say clearly what he / she wants or intends to do使明确表态;使表明意图She says she'll visit us in the summer, but I can't nail her down to a definite date.她说夏天会来看我们,但我没法让她给出一个确定的日期。




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