

词汇 guess
🔑guessguess1 /ɡɛs /


  1. [intransitive, transitive] to give an answer or opinion about something without being sure of all the facts猜测;猜想Can you guess how much this cost?你能猜猜这个花了多少钱吗?to guess at an answer猜一猜答案I'd guess that he's about 45.我猜想他大概 45 岁。
  1. [transitive] to give the correct answer when you are not sure about it; to guess correctly猜到;猜对;猜出He guessed the weight of the package exactly.他准确地猜出了包裹的重量。“You passed the test! “How did you guess?“你通过了考试!”“你是怎么猜到的?”
I guess (informal) (used when you think that something is probably true, or when you are not sure about something) I suppose我猜;我想;我以为No one else is here yet I guess we'll just have to wait.其他的人还没来,我想我们只能等一等了。“Are you ready to go? “Yeah, I guess so.“你准备好出发了吗?”“是的,我想可以了。”

🔑guessguess2 /ɡɛs /


an attempt to give the right answer when you are not sure what it is猜测;猜想If you don't know the answer, then take a guess!如果你不知道答案,那就猜一猜!My guess is that they're stuck in traffic.我猜他们是路上堵车了。Your guess is as good as mine (= I don't know).我和你一样心里没数。




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