

词汇 schedule
🔑schedulesched·ule AW 1 /ˈskɛdʒəl ; ˈskɛdʒul /


  1. [countable, uncountable] a plan of things that will happen or of work that must be done日程安排;工作计划Max has a busy schedule for the next few days.马克斯接下来的几天日程安排得满满当当。to be ahead of / behind schedule (= to have done more / less than was planned) 进度提前/落后to be on schedule (= to have done the amount that was planned) 按计划进行
  1. a list that shows when planes, buses, etc. arrive at and leave a particular place(飞机、公共汽车等的)时刻表

🔑schedulesched·ule AW 2 /ˈskɛdʒəl ; ˈskɛdʒul /


[transitive] schedule sth (for sth / to do sth)
(often passive常用被动语态) to arrange for something to happen or be done at a particular time为…安排时间;预定The hearing has been scheduled for Monday morning.听证会定于星期一上午举行。The train was scheduled to arrive at 10:07.火车预计 10:07 到达。This concludes our special news bulletin we now return to our regularly scheduled program.特别新闻简报播送完了,现在我们回到原定节目。




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