

词汇 read
🔑readread /rid /


(past tense, past participle read /rɛd /)
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to look at words and understand them识字;阅读In their first years in school, children learn to read and write.孩子们在上学的头几年学习读写。Don't bother me I'm reading.不要打搅我,我在看书。Have you read any good books lately?你最近有没有读什么好书?I read an interesting article about Japan recently.我最近读了一篇有关日本的有趣文章。I read in the paper that they found a cure for migraines.我从报上看到他们找到了一种治疗偏头痛的方法。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] read (sb) (sth) | read sth (to sb) to say written words to someone朗读;诵读My father used to read me stories when I was little.我小的时候,父亲总是给我读故事。Read that sentence to me again I didn't understand it.给我再读一下那个句子,我没听懂。I hate reading out loud.我不喜欢大声朗读。
  1. [transitive] to be able to see and understand something懂得;理解Can you read music?你识谱吗? (figurative) She doesn't know what you're thinking. She can't read your mind.她不知道你在想什么,她猜不透你的心思。
  1. [transitive] to show something; to have something written on it读作;显示为The sign read “Keep Right.标示牌上写着“靠右行驶”。What does the thermometer read?温度计的读数是多少?
read between the linesto look for or discover a meaning in something that is not directly stated领悟隐含的意义;看出言外之意Reading between the lines, I think he needs money.斟酌一下他的言外之意,我觉得他需要钱。 read sth into sthto think that there is meaning in something that it may not really have过度解读;把本没有的意思加进去Don't read too much into the letter. They're only asking you for an interview, not offering you the job.别过度解读这封信,他们只是让你去面试,并不是要给你这份工作。read sth outto read something to other people(向别人)朗读,大声读,宣读




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