

词汇 react
🔑reactre·act AW /riˈækt /


  1. react (to sth) (by doing sth) to do or say something because of something that has happened or been said(对…)做出反应,回应I haven't told her about the problem yet I don't know how she'll react.我还没有告诉她那个问题,我不知道她会有何反应。He reacted to the news by jumping up and down and shouting.他听到这个消息后又蹦又跳,又喊又叫。The players reacted angrily to the decision.队员们对这个决定感到很愤怒。
  1. react (to sth) (health医疗保健) to become sick after eating, breathing, etc. a particular substance(对某种物质)有不良反应,过敏
  1. react (with sth / together) (chemistry化学) (used about a chemical substance) to change after coming into contact with another substance(化学物质)产生化学反应
react against sb / sthto behave or talk in a way that shows that you do not like the influence of someone or something (for example authority, your family, etc.)反抗;反对She reacted against the strict way she had been brought up.她对自己成长过程中所受到的严厉管教非常抵触。




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