

词汇 rap
raprap1 /ræp /


  1. [countable] a knock, on a door or window, etc., which is quick and fairly loud快速的敲击;拍打;叩击
  1. [countable, uncountable] (music音乐) a style or piece of music with a strong beat, in which the words of a song are spoken, not sung说唱乐;说唱歌曲a rap artist说唱音乐人  look at hip-hop
  1. [singular] an unfair judgment on something or someone不公正的判决;苛评Sharks get a bad rap, say scientists.科学家说鲨鱼无辜担了恶名。
take the rap for sb / sth (informal) to be blamed or punished, especially for something you did not do(尤指无辜)受责,受罚;背黑锅She was prepared to take the rap for the shoplifting, though it had been her sister's idea.尽管到商场行窃是她妹妹的主意,但她甘愿为此接受惩罚。

raprap2 /ræp /


(rap·ping, rapped)
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to hit something quickly and lightly, making a noise轻敲;叩击
  1. [intransitive] (music音乐) to speak the words of a song that has music with a very strong beat说唱




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